Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 718 Immortal Realm Here I Come

It was only at the last moment that he saw the other person's appearance clearly, a smiling face, a huge and exaggerated smiling face, what is this?

No, the last consciousness, Yu Xiao suddenly realized one thing, how the speed and light that this person pierced himself erupted in the end was very similar to the scene where his subordinates took it back to record and absorbed the entire Jiuyang restricted area, and the first Hurt yourself, and the power to block the airborne airborne around you is as hot as the core of the sun...

It wasn't until this moment that Yu Xiao seemed to understand something, but it was a pity that everything was over. And at the moment when his body was pierced and the immortal soul collapsed, he couldn't stop the Tiantian seal, the array, and the power of the sun. There was a bang explosion, and his body shattered instantly.

The moment his body was completely shattered and destroyed, Ren Jie raised his hand and grabbed his storage ring in the air. Ren Jie, who had lost his owner and lost his glory, was not polite, raised his hand and put it away, and without any delay, he urged the main flag of Jiujiu Yinyang Town God Banner to put it on in an instant, but he also didn't respond. What's going on, the thief Daoist and Niu Erer continued on their way, saying something on the way.

This is a battle full of Ren Jie's strong personal style. He leaps over the ranks and crosses the gap that ordinary immortals think is difficult to bridge.

Of course, all of this is based on Ren Jie's instant control of the situation, his powerful outburst, countless hole cards, and strong control ability.

But anyway, the result has come out.

And for the first time seeing such a strong Ren Jie's personal style of fighting, Daoist Daoist and Niu Er Er were completely stunned, they felt that even their thoughts had stopped and they were numb.

I'll go, the second master has gained a lot of experience, this kid can always scare the second master, no wonder the eldest brother cooperates with him... Niu Er Er stroked the horn, not knowing how to express his inner shock.

There are also thieves, who seldom appear, and keep rubbing their hands when they are not robbing or stealing.

No way, it's incredible, how did he do it, it's already amazing that a celestial being can fight against a golden celestial being, this must have a secret hole card, and it can only be done with a special powerful magic weapon or a genius.

If you want to cross the chasm and kill the golden immortal, the thieves can accept it. After all, monsters will always appear. If they don’t appear in a thousand years, they will appear in ten thousand years.

But that's not the case, why does it seem to be the other way around, a one-hit lore, this one-hit kill is too gorgeous.

That strong personal fighting style and a series of methods are constantly echoing in Daoist Bandit's mind at this moment. Looking back at this moment, Daoist Bandit is shocked more and more, and Taoist Bandit's face becomes more serious.

Terrible, terrible.

Suddenly knowing that the news turned back, the power released in an instant turned out to be the power of the sun, which surpassed the high temperature at the core of the Jiuyang forbidden area. And what happened to that imprisoning force?

Then the momentum directly overwhelmed the opponent, the endless changes in the formation, the coordinated use of the weapon spirit, and even the final seal technique...

All of this suppressed the opponent's strength and aura to the lowest state, making the opponent stand as if holding the sky with his hands, there was no way to avoid it, there was no way to hide from it, and when his strength was the weakest, he then unleashed such a terrifying blow.

Powerful, too powerful, a terrifying blow that can't be traced, as if the sky and the earth are integrated into one.

It's not wronged, it's not wronged at all, the death is really not wronged... The more he thinks about the thief, the more excited he becomes. Except when he robs others and steals other people's good things, he is rarely so happy and excited.

What's wrong? Although Niu Erer was also shocked and his heart was shocked, he was better than the thief, after all, he had more contact with Ren Jie.

The Daoist said that Yu Xiao's death was not wronged. As long as it is an early stage golden immortal, it is absolutely impossible to escape this kind of attack. And his death will allow us to see this wonderful blow. He died It's worth it. The thief Taoist said with emotion.

After hearing this, Niu Er Er turned his head and thought for a while, and nodded in agreement with the Taoist thief's words.

If Yu Xiao was still alive at this moment, if he heard these words, he would probably be pissed to death, but it is a pity that he will never hear these words again.

On the other hand, Ren Jie unceremoniously found out his token in the fast rush, and then checked with the Taoist Taoist before sorting out the other things of this guy. This guy has a lot of good things in his storage ring. As for his flashy middle-grade fairy sword, Ren Jie directly smelted it into the most primitive things, smelting those flashy things into the most basic materials, and blending them into Nine-Nine Yin-Yang Zhenshen in the flag.

Ren Jie also quickly sorted out the others that were useful, and then continued on his way. During such a long journey, constantly correcting and modifying the formation changes, tempering the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner, improving his speed, and improving his cultivation are all part of Ren Jie's fast flight.

This is a rush, and at the same time, for Ren Jie, it is also a different and special journey of cultivation.

The thief soon discovered that what he had seen before was only part of it, and the more surprised ones were still waiting, but nothing could stop Ren Jie who was rushing at full speed to save his father and return home.

In the Great World of Burying Immortals, all kinds of destruction, fighting, and battles are happening every day, and all kinds of things are going on, and Ren Jie is in this great world of Burying Immortals, rushing crazily.


Boom... The nine sacred trees emitted a huge ray of green aura and continuously condensed. At this moment, the nine sacred trees were operating at the same time, pushing their power to the limit, and the whole small world trembled along with it.

And under the sacred tree in the center, the emperor who came directly across the sky was standing in the center.

At this moment, he is no longer the avatar of the power of the fairy soul before, and the signs of destruction caused by Ren Jie's impact on the two big world barriers around him still remain, but most of the places have been repaired, and the original places are constantly being urged by a force. Move down to open.

But at this time, around the nine sacred trees, there were actually ninety Dharma gods. Every ten people surrounded the city around the sacred tree, and each of them activated a fairy weapon.

That's not to mention, below them, there are more than a thousand Tai Chi people, each of whom has reached the level of the ancestors of Tai Chi, and they work together to operate these large formations.

Ninety Dharma God Realm, this is nothing in the Burial Immortal World, but in this world, it is enough to shake all the power.

And around one of the smallest sacred trees, these ten Dharma gods existed, the head of which was the Great Treasure Eunuch, and on both sides of him were the Second Treasure Eunuch and the Three Treasure Eunuch.

At this moment, because the limit has not yet been reached, the Sanbao eunuch looked at the fairy artifact in his hand, and his mood was still difficult to calm down.

When they came to the Eastern Desolation God Sect, he realized that the Eastern Desolation God Sect had been completely controlled by His Majesty, by the Mingyu Dynasty. This made him unbelievable for a long time, but everything was true.

Then they entered another cruel relic, the one hidden under the Eastern Desolation Sect, for three full years, three years in the big world, and thirty years of training in that relic.

Thirty years of hard work, and with the help of unexpected resources, he has also reached the fifth level of the Law God Realm, which made him feel unbelievable for a while. Originally, he was still in a bit of a mood when he returned to the big world. Agitated, after all, the speed of improvement recently was so fast that he couldn't believe it, but at this moment he was a little dumbfounded.

Ninety Dharma God Realm exist, he... He and Senior Brother Erbao belong to the weakest, even the Senior Brother who has also reached the ninth level of Dharma God Realm, is not much stronger than them among these people, belongs to the weakest some people.

And what's even more unbelievable is that no one has a fairy artifact when it comes, which is even more unbelievable than ninety magic gods appearing at once.

At this time, the Sanbao eunuch, taking advantage of their lack of use, couldn't help raising his orchid fingers, gently stroking his eyebrows, carefully paying attention to the emperor in the biggest sacred tree, and at this moment, he glanced at the emperor. , he had a feeling that he was about to kneel down. At this moment, he felt afraid. It turns out that this is the real body of the emperor. It turns out that there are so many things that I don't know. The senior brother said that he will see you soon When I went to Master, I still talked about big things. Could it be this? What is this?

Up to now, Sanbao eunuch still doesn't know what's going on, but now that he's smarter, he doesn't dare to ask more questions, and just do what his superiors tell him.

Prepare to run the big formation and open the link channel between the two big worlds. From today onwards, I will go to the world, and only I, the Mingyu Dynasty, boom... At this moment, the emperor who was under the largest sacred tree suddenly doubled his eyes. With one arm, the power exploded in an instant, the green rays of the sacred trees linked to each other, and the green rays of light under the nine sacred trees gathered together to form a huge formation.

With a dragon chant, a dragon circled up from the emperor's body, and he slowly pressed it down between his hands.

Looking at the barrier leading to the Great World of Burying Immortals below, it took a long time for that guy to make trouble three years ago, and it took three years to complete it completely. Although I can continue to use special methods to know that there is nothing wrong there, it doesn't matter. plan, but the emperor still started to repair the previously damaged place after completely repairing the small world, starting the plan ahead of schedule.

During the thorough action, the emperor couldn't help thinking about the situation that day, killing the king of gods with a smile on his face, how did such a guy touch the core of the Eastern Desolation God Sect, and how did he do all that. Even if the barrier between the two worlds is forcibly opened in that way, even ordinary golden immortals will surely die. Will that guy die?

I don't think so, this kind of person won't die so easily, but I haven't gotten any news about that guy from there, at least it hasn't affected the plan. In the long years, there have been too many accidents in the huge plan, but the most difficult people have all appeared in this big world of the cultivation world. Although their power was not strong at the time, the emperor felt threatened, including what happened three years ago.

The flow of time in the Burial Immortal World is different from that here. Three years have passed here, and six years have passed there. Six years is very short for them. Since there is no movement yet, it is estimated that there will be no waves.

Boom... The thoughts in my heart turned, and the next moment a large formation was activated, and the barriers of the two worlds were slowly supported by the cooperation of the nine sacred trees and many people. , under the support, it penetrated instantly, vibrated suddenly, and gradually opened.

At this moment, the emperor didn't think about anything else, the only thing in his heart.

What the great emperor in ancient times did not complete, today, I will complete. I want to truly become the only existence in the world, the fairy world, I am here, I will conquer you, and I will completely trample you on the ground. underfoot! ! !

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