Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 714 Nine Suns Forbidden Zone

Most of Huoya Ridge has been destroyed at this moment, just because Niu Laoer blasted back the fairy weapon of Huoya Great Immortal before leaving. The remaining power of this fairy weapon can't be controlled. The weapon is something that was rewarded to him back then, but he hasn't been able to fully control it yet.

Of course, it was also because Niu Lao Er was too fierce, at this moment Huo Ya Daxian couldn't care about the destruction of Huo Yaling.

What is it that alarmed me? In the space of Immortal Huoya, Immortal Huoya spared no effort to activate the magic weapon of communication, and at this moment, in front of him, a man in a white cloak appeared on a high seat. , dressed in an ancient style, her face is already very round, but from the look of the dress, it is obvious that she thinks she is very chic.

Little Immortal Fire Crow pays homage to Lord Yu Xiao, Lord Yu Xiao, Xiaoxian found out about the thief, so he dared to disturb the Lord. Otherwise, be careful and dare not disturb the Lord's cultivation. With the talent of the Lord, delaying it for a moment is equivalent to us. He has cultivated for decades. Huo Ya said hastily and carefully, this man is the controller of the city he mentioned 3.9 million miles away, and he is also a small prince under the Black Dragon Immortal King. At least in their area, he is the strongest existence. Although this person ascended from the lower realm, he did have a bit of shit luck. Unexpectedly, he was helped by someone just as he ascended. With his own chance, the journey was very fast. Reach the Golden Immortal.

Then he discovered that this person turned out to be some people who secretly fought against the Black Dragon Immortal King. He directly betrayed this group of people and received a reward from the Black Dragon Immortal King, so he has the position he is today.

This person likes to be flattered by others, saying how talented he is, how he became the strongest on their planet along the way, and how powerful he is after ascending to the Great World of Burying Immortals. Immortal Fire Crow also knows his character well, so even if he is in a hurry to report things , Don't forget to tout a few words.

Thief Daoist, it's news about him again. Where did you get the news this time? Yu Xiao was in a good mood when he heard the praise from the Fire Crow Great Immortal. Go and see this fire crow immortal. Because since the Black Dragon Immortal King began to arrest this Taoist Taoist, there have been a lot of news about Taoist Taoists in their territory. Although Yu Xiao also wanted to make a contribution, there was no way to verify them all, and most of them were obviously fake. .

So at this moment, he didn't seem to care much when he heard the return of the Great Immortal Fire Crow, it was just a piece of news.

I didn't get the news from anywhere. If it was just a piece of news, how would Xiaoxian dare to disturb you, it was the thief who appeared at Xiaoxian's place. Xiaoxian still made a move, but there were people around him to help and he ran away. He was so fast that he was not captured in the end, so Xiaoxian's Huoya Ridge was almost completely destroyed. That person seems to be with him, and he is going to flee to the Eastern Region, so please find a way to intercept him quickly. Huo Ya heard it immediately Knowing what Yu Xiao meant, he hurriedly said, this is not as simple as a piece of news.

Fight, and accomplices? Suddenly, Yu Xiao stood up directly. Even though he was only communicating through the magic weapon, Huo Ya felt a huge pressure at this moment. This is the strength of Jin Xian.

Of course, there is also Huo Ya's own fear of Yu Xiao in his heart. In short, Huo Ya is more careful at this moment, nodding repeatedly and telling Yu Xiao about the situation at that time.

You actually want to escape together with others, with the help of other people's strength, hum, hum... At this time, Yu Xiao's mouth was filled with a proud and arrogant smile, and then he glanced at Huo Ya: You did a good job, wait After I catch this Taoist thief, I will naturally not forget you.

Boom! After Yu Xiao finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the communication had ended in an instant.

Huh... After the communication was finally over, Immortal Fire Crow also heaved a sigh of relief. At this moment, he had transformed into a human being, with pitch-black clothes and a pitch-black appearance, a look of contempt also flashed in his eyes.

He knows exactly who Yu Xiao is. This person is notoriously generous and promises everywhere. At the beginning, he feels very generous, whether it is stronger than him or weaker than him. He always speaks well, but he is never generous to others unless it is to himself.

But Immortal Huoya doesn't care about this, he has another secret method to contact a person from the Black Dragon Immortal King, let people know that he discovered the news first, and notified Yu Xiao, as long as Yu Xiao catches or Stopping this thief Daoist, the credit is indispensable. Although this will offend Yu Xiao, Huo Ya has already thought about it. After this incident, he feels that although he is free outside, it is still dangerous. It is better to find a way to enter the city where the Immortal King is to be safe.


Om...boom... In the vast world of Burial Immortals, dangers are everywhere, and various situations emerge in endlessly. There are traces of being destroyed by terrorist battles and almost collapsed everywhere. All kinds of immortals will be in danger, and Jinxian dare not The danger of being completely self-preserving is constantly occurring.

But in the same way, danger comes with opportunity. This is a truth that everyone in the world of Burying Immortals knows. All kinds of relics and magic weapons may come out with a certain space turbulence and a certain eruption of earth fire magma .

Or on a certain planet, the remains of a powerful being fell down along with it.

At this time, light bloomed in the sky, and a gap in the ruins below was obviously opened. You could see the immortal body inside, the light of the battle armor, a group of people kept running, and many people ran away after grabbing something.

Over there, over there, don't fly anymore, there is a magic weapon born. Hurry up and grab it, grab them, our lineup, and such a thick-skinned guy, your attack power is still so strong, your speed So fast, now there is not even a golden fairy, we can definitely do it in the past, snatch them, snatch them. Seeing this situation, the thief who has been standing behind Ren Jie honestly and constantly directing the road suddenly forgot about other things. Yes, the whole person was immediately excited and excited.

I can't wait to rush over immediately, and I am more excited than the most greedy miser when he sees the property.

No time, continue to command, let's hurry. Ren Jie scanned with the power of the immortal soul, and found a fairy artifact. Most of the other people were mainly in the realm of the gods, and they used Lingtian treasures, and they were eroded by the years. , obviously the power is limited.

Ren Jie has entered the great world of ancient gods and kings, and he has a sage's discussion. If it is normal, it is fine. It is a good thing to get more things, but now he will not be easily disturbed. can you do this? How long will this delay? No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. It's worth grabbing a little bit. Well, that guy who has already snatched a magic weapon, let's grab his head office, by the way Yes, slow down...slow down... Ren Jie's speed was too fast, and Ren Jie had already left here tens of thousands of miles before the thieves finished speaking.

The thief felt distressed as if he had lost a treasure, and couldn't help but want to touch the bottom, which moved his heart the most. Even now he feels the miraculous Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner to soothe his fragile and injured soul, suddenly Seeing the lightning flashing below, he hurriedly gave a jolt.

How should I go now? At this moment, Ren Jie's voice sounded again, asking the thief how to go. This Taoist Taoist is indeed a Taoist Taoist, and Ren Jie understands why when he was in Huoyaling, even some ordinary practitioners immediately scared away when they saw him.

As long as this guy saw some places, he wanted to steal something, and when he was beaten up by Niu Er Er, he even muttered that there was nothing good on Niu Er Er's body. Later, because he wanted to steal some hair from Niu Er Er's body to study , Let Niu Laoer have a good meal.

He even secretly studied whether the Shenqi of Jiujiu Yinyang Town could be stolen. When he saw some people passing by, he wanted Ren Jie to stop and grab one. It was the first time Ren Jie saw such a wonderful guy, and he knew that he could no longer let him talk about it. There happened to be a situation ahead, and Ren Jie felt the biggest situation he encountered after flying for millions of miles.

Bang... Taoist Taoist didn't react for a while, and was directly hit on the head by Niu Laoer's fist, which made him grin in pain.

The thief opened his mouth twice, but he finally held back when he saw Niu Laoer like that, and muttered in his heart, if he couldn't defeat this thick-skinned guy, he would have dissected him long ago to see what he is done.

At this time, the thieves paid attention to the front, and found that there was a flame in front of it. The underground flames gushed ten feet high, the air currents flowed with each other, and the flames intertwined, forming a terrifying area, and even a powerful breath could be faintly felt inside.

Ah... the Nine Suns Forbidden Zone, how did you get here, that... that Patriarch Ren, it is said that there used to be a powerful guy here, who condensed nine starry sky suns in one breath, and wanted to directly smelt them into a magic weapon that surpassed the peerless fairy weapon, but in the end The explosion created a special area of ​​tens of thousands of miles around and hundreds of thousands of miles across. Although this is not the explosion of the big world sun, it is also the area formed by the explosion of nine ordinary suns in the vast starry sky, and some special areas were born inside. Biological, extremely dangerous.

Nonsense, it's useful. Ren Jie scolded the Taoist in a cold voice, and in an instant, they were less than 30,000 miles away from here.

That... that, it's like this, because of the special situation here, there are some powerful forces around here to establish sects here, the interior of this place is a restricted area, and the surroundings also include a force set up by the Black Dragon Immortal King, and the other two have gold sects. The site of the power of the immortal. We have to spare it, and it will take about 1.6 million miles to get there... The Taoist Taoist now knows very well that although this bull's cock is always punching and kicking, but ten, A hundred bulls are not as terrifying as this Ren Jie.

After rushing down the road for millions of miles, he has really seen Ren Jie's power, and he knows how to answer Ren Jie's words, otherwise the consequences would be a hundred times more terrifying than Niu Er'er's fist. The lightning strike of the thunder dragon is dozens of times more terrifying...

What if we rush over here? At this time, Ren Jie's immortal soul power had already fully explored the inside. In fact, he has indeed felt the terrifying heat from inside, and even felt the sun trembling slightly in the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner, obviously attracted by the heat.

Ah... rushing from here, although these suns have been destroyed, but after all, they used to be huge suns, not...

Stop talking nonsense, think for yourself and say something useful.

Rushing from here can indeed reduce the detour by two million miles, but the danger is indeed great. Well, on the one hand, the creatures inside are on the one hand, and there are some guys who are cultivating inside, most of them were killed by some cultivators of the Black Dragon Immortal King. People from the magic department occupy it, and there are some strong fire-type existences in the corner, and some guys are born inside. In short, if you really charge hard, you will offend people, and you will... ah, you are really strong, you... The thief said Before he finished speaking, he saw Ren Jie rushing in without hesitation.

Indeed, in the realm of celestial beings, the temperature of the general sun can no longer help celestial beings, let alone Ren Jie.

Of course, the Nine Suns Forbidden Zone is still somewhat special. After all, the huge forbidden zone formed by the fusion of nine suns is still very powerful, so countless people practice here. In the end, the thief revealed his intentions.

Ren Jie saw that the thief did not give a good reason to stop him in the end, and rushed in without hesitation. Although the temperature here is amazing, it is not as powerful as the sun in Ren Jie's small world. .

Although it is still growing now, it is no longer comparable to ordinary suns. Moreover, Ren Jie Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner was originally tempered with dragon flames, and there are not many flames that can harm him.

Boom... rushed into it instantly.

Who dares to intrude, I don't know this is...

Bang... bang bang...

Bastard, you dare to break through our formation and chase after...

Who is so bold, dare to break through the formation of our sect...

Here is the subordinate of the Black Dragon Immortal King... Boom...


Ren Jie went on a rampage all the way, and it turned out that the most encountered were different sects and territories drawn by different practitioners there. This was the place they obtained after countless fights and negotiations, and then practiced here.

But at this moment, all of a sudden, Ren Jie rushed over directly, and the formations, restrictions, and magic weapons all blasted through and passed directly.

Those people chased after them, but even if there were a few gods and people with fairy weapons, they didn't chase very far and went to Ren Jie and the others.

It's too strong, the attack power is too fierce, and the speed is too fast, it's a pity not to use it for robbery... Seeing Ren Jie's explosive power again, the powerful power shown in speed and attack power, The thieves were also shocked. He has seen a lot of the mysteries of the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner along the way, but every time he saw something new, he would be shocked every time he saw a new formation that Ren Jie urged.

What makes him feel even more pity is that his way of thinking is different from others, that is, it is a pity for a thief.

Damn it, besides stealing and robbing, do you have any other thoughts, what are you thinking about every day? Niu Er Er couldn't listen anymore, and kicked too hard This guy kicks.

For this guy's obsessive desire to steal things and rob others, Niu Er Er completely doesn't know how to describe it. If he didn't need him to guide the way now, Niu Er Er would have wanted to kick him a long time ago. Fly down.

Boom... At this moment, Ren Jie was advancing at full speed without distraction, and he didn't bother to pay any attention to any obstacles or pursuit.

Not only was he on his way, but when he rushed to the core of the Jiuyang restricted area, Ren Jie felt the sun jumping, and Ren Jie instantly moved the power of the immortal soul, urging the sun in the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner, and the sun was running at full speed in an instant.

Suddenly, the fiery power of countless Jiuyang restricted areas poured into the Shenqi Banner of Jiujiu Yinyang Town.

Although these powers are incomparable to the sun in the God Banner of Jiujiu Yinyang Town, just like a trickle of water and a vast ocean, but at this moment the vast ocean has only its shape and has not yet been fully formed. However, the integration of a trickle of water can continue to grow the ocean, not to mention that this is after the mutation.

Boom... Boom...

Mom, what's going on.

What happened again?


At this time, in the small world of Shenqi in Jiujiu Yinyang Town, Pang Jin and some of his subordinates were carefully squatting in a corner, not daring to vent their breath. Because at this moment, the entire small world is now full of flames.

They all have to use their strength to resist, they are not strong themselves, this flame is tantamount to a kind of ordeal for them.

It was as if they were about to be refined, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply, making them feel like they were in a big melting pot. Fortunately, the sun was rotating rapidly in the sky at this moment, constantly sucking in 99% of these powers. There was only residual power below, but Even so, one of them couldn't bear it, and was refined by the flames before he could resist.

The others joined forces to resist desperately, mobilized their exercises, and continued to practice in the flames.

Oh my god, what's going on, why did the temperature drop?

What happened to the Jiuyang restricted area, what happened?

It's the group of guys just now, it's them.

Quick, stop them, stop them?

Why is it like this, the restricted area of ​​Jiuyang...disappeared...disappeared, completely sucked away.

Even Jinxian can't be like this, this...what the hell is going on?

How is this possible? Could it be that Da Luo Jinxian made a move, otherwise how could this happen?


Dozens of celestial beings, five or six celestial weapons were activated, and hundreds of existences in the realm of the gods went crazy. This is the Nine Suns forbidden zone that they have fought for thousands of years and finally divided. At this moment, all the power is gradually being sucked away.

They wanted to stop it, but it was too late. After Ren Jie flew over here, the entire Jiuyang restricted area had completely disappeared.

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