Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 686: The Seven Heaven-Defying Saints

For nine days and nine nights, Ren Jie stood there motionless, but he continued to push the Jiujiu Yinyang Town Divine Banner to the limit. With his own strength, he even pushed the power of the soul to the limit. If there is enough fairy energy now Or things like the spirit of the fairy, the spirit of the sea god, Ren Jie may have already used the saints to discuss the realm.

Because for him now, the pressure and difficulty are beyond imagination. After the seventh day, Ren Jie feels like he is about to collapse.

In fact, when Ren Jie refined the blood potion last time, the effect of that blood potion surpassed the general elixir, and the potion that Ren Jie refined now can treat the mad cow's injury is even more terrifying and unimaginable.

Mad Bull's body Ren Jie has already studied, it is not his real body, but the difference from Qi Tian is that he is re-condensed based on his own body, which is different from Qi Tian's clone, so his body He is more powerful, and should be far superior to ordinary immortals, because Tianzhu and the others can only hurt him if they push the immortal weapon to the limit.

Ren Jie doesn't need to fully understand the principle, this is the reason why he dared to explain it to Mad Bull. As long as he knows this, he can use the blood of the ancient god's heart to refine some potions that are effective for him.

This is the benefit of Ren Jie's research on targeted medicines, otherwise even the top-grade elixir would have limited damage to Mad Bull. Because of this, he never thought that Ren Jie could really treat his injuries.

Boom... Finally, for the last condense, Ren Jie felt his body tremble and his mind went blank. Fortunately, he felt that the nail-sized drop of medicine in front of him had been completed. Ren Jie flicked his hand and flew directly to the mad cow In his mouth, Ren Jie had already sat down cross-legged.

After going through the thunder tribulation and reaching the realm of the gods of law, even if he fought with Hai Xianglong and the others in so many realms of the gods of magic, and was even chased to the brink of life and death by Tianzhu and the others, Ren Jie didn't have such effort Haggard, so tired. But this kind of exhaustion beyond the limit also allowed him to use and play perfectly after his strength skyrocketed. At this moment, he needs to comprehend and adjust his state.

Crazy Bull watched for nine days and nine nights, and muttered like crazy for nine days and nine nights, because there were too many things and things that surprised him, the second master, when he saw Ren Jie flicking the medicine over at this moment, Without any hesitation, he immediately opened his mouth to help, but he wanted to see, this potion...

Hmm... The next moment, Mad Bull was also on the other side of his expression. The ancient god king's heart and blood, which should have been repelled by him, actually melted into his body along with gold. No, this is not the ancient god king's blood. something. It can be said that being refined by this kid, this is the potion he refined, and this is the power of this potion.

The ancient god king's blood essence was just a little bit of the power of that level, otherwise, no matter how exquisite the potion is, it cannot be effective if it is not powerful enough, and the dosage and efficacy of the medicine cannot reach a level.

The second master really didn't expect to be able to do this!

Boom... The next moment, the second master has no time to think about other things, no time to lament about other things, because the power of this potion penetrates into every part of his body in an instant, and it can continue to penetrate, and it can directly touch him. The body at this moment produced a special effect, which made his body, which could only recover by itself, continue to recover at an accelerated rate.

The second master was also shocked, and hurriedly controlled the force to speed up his recovery.

Even if he is not the true deity, but in his mind, even the upper-grade elixir will not be effective for physical injuries, how could this kid have a way, he can't have that kind of treasures like primordial and chaotic. But he never expected that so many things that seemed to him like grass and flowers could actually have miraculous effects on his body under the guidance of a little power level of the ancient god king's heart and blood.

In the following time, Ren Jie and Kuang Niu both operated their own exercises. Ren Jie's refining medicine was also a kind of training for him. After the end, he almost collapsed. many. If it is not for Mad Bull to refine this kind of potion, with Ren Jie's realm and the situation he encountered, there are not many opportunities for him to refine potions so unconventionally, and the challenge of surpassing the limit makes Ren Jie rely on refining The medicine, the power of the soul and its own power, has also reached a new height in the control of Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner.

When he regained his strength and gradually adjusted, he found these gains, and Ren Jie was also very happy. And he found that if he didn't have enough spiritual energy now, he would have been able to break through the current peak of the sixth level of the Law God Realm.

It was only at this moment that Ren Jie realized that if he wanted to break through after reaching the realm of the God of Law, even if everything was ready, just relying on absorbing the aura of the surrounding world would not be effective at all. A large amount of jade essence or the aura of the sea god and the spirit of the fairy spirit would be necessary. Qi will do. Originally, Ren Jie didn't know about it, but now he discovered this problem, which immediately surprised him. No wonder only a huge sect or power can support the Dharma God Realm.

After reaching the Fashen Realm, it is so difficult to improve again. It turns out that the spiritual energy of this world cannot provide enough power for the natural promotion of the Fashen Realm. I really didn’t notice this problem before, but Ren Jie is not in a hurry. To Mad Bull who is still recovering, with this guy around, many problems should be solved easily.

Because looking at his state, he is completely different from Qitian. Part of Qitian doesn't want to talk about it, and more often, he seems to be unable to fully remember the past. After all, in Ren Jie's opinion, maybe what he came out was really just a trace Thoughts are just like a hair.

Ah...boom... After Ren Jie recovered, he waited for another day or so. Mad Bull suddenly stood up, and his body became a thousand times bigger in an instant. Suddenly, violent power circulated around his body. Horror, Ren Jie is sure that he has surpassed ordinary immortals.

Ren Jie felt that his small world was trembling. If he hadn't intended to hurt this small world, the small world might collapse in an instant.

And even in the small world, Ren Jie could feel that the moment his body grew bigger at the moment of recovery, there were strands of aura gathering from the surrounding tens of thousands of miles, pouring into the small world instantly.

This instantly strengthened the aura in this small world several times. This is something that Ren Jie never expected. Although it is not as good as the spirit of the Shanghai God and the spirit of the fairy, it has already changed the appearance of the small world. Reached a new level and height.

Haha... so happy, so happy... Mad Bull recovered from his injuries completely, his arms trembled, and he seemed to be berserk and unstoppable, but he didn't absorb the aura he inspired, he just laughed a few times, In an instant, his body returned to the size of a normal person, and he happened to see Ren Jie who was sitting there and didn't get up, obviously waiting to chat with him.

You can do it, tell me what to ask the second master to do.

As I said just now, you can just do the same thing as Qi Tian. Listen to my Patriarch and don't mess around. When necessary, this Patriarch will naturally let you take action. When the opportunity comes, this Patriarch will take Qi Tian and you The brothers were all rescued, because I promised Qi Tian a long time ago. Ren Jie pressed his hand down, letting Mad Bull sit down and chat slowly.

Hearing Ren Jie's words, Kuang Niu originally wanted to say that my elder brother really believes your nonsense, but then he thought of what happened just now, and thought that he had agreed to Ren Jie's words, so he sat down, but he still had some In disbelief, he carefully looked up, down, left, and right, such a little guy in the cultivation world, how could he do things that even Da Luo Jinxian couldn't do, even the top elixir masters couldn't do what he just did.

Have you seen enough? This is not for you to go on a blind date. My patriarch is not interested in men, and he is even less interested in bullheads like you. Seeing Mad Bull looking at him strangely, Ren Jie said jokingly.

Mad Bull, who was told by Ren Jie, was speechless for a while, and then said: You...really understand my body through research?

How is your health? Ren Jie asked back.

Kuang Niu was speechless immediately, because what he asked was nonsense. If Ren Jie didn't understand, how could he refine that potion on the spot.

You are not the main body. In fact, Qi Tian was just a clone at the beginning, so it is not difficult for you to think about it. It's just that you are obviously a little special with Qi Tian... Oh, are you wondering why you are called big brother? Qitian, that's because... Ren Jie was talking, seeing that Mad Bull wanted to ask, Ren Jie didn't wait for him to ask, he already told some things about meeting Qitian before, including Qitian's own name.

Well, brother is right. The guy in the story you told is indeed not worthy of being called the Monkey King, because he finally gave in to those guys. After hearing Ren Jie's words, Mad Bull nodded violently, I agree with what Qi Tian said at the beginning.

Okay, I've told you about Qi Tian, ​​now let's talk about your situation first, you need to talk about your situation, and I have to know your situation now, otherwise I can't save you, Moreover, I also have deep grievances with those supreme religions, and now I feel that many clues are with you, and I want to know what is going on. From entering the place where Qitian was suppressed at the beginning, to my own home The broken sacred monument, the collapse of the Sea God Sect, and various secrets of the Supreme Sect, Ren Jie always felt that many of them seemed to be closely related.

It's not all that fucking old bastard. This guy is the worst. He entrapped our seven brothers and sisters, and finally suppressed us. He claims to be the only true saint, and he commands the entire fairy world...

Although what Mad Bull said was not very vivid, but what he said at the time, from his mouth, Ren Jie finally knew their origin and why they were suppressed.

Their seven brothers and sisters were all in the prehistoric era, and even most of them were born in the chaos when the world was first opened. At that time, there were many powerful beings, and the world was not divided into the fairy world and the cultivation world.

At that time, this big world was the coexistence of thousands of races, which was much wider than it is now, and there were countless great powers between the heaven and the earth.

And some other small worlds, some cultivators in the cosmic starry sky, as long as they cultivate to the peak of the Taiji state, they will become gods and ascend after experiencing the thunder disaster. At that time, the ascension directly ascended to this big world.

At that time, there were many kinds of battles, and the seven brothers and sisters met at that time. The old nature was Qi Tian, ​​but at that time he was called Wan Ling, because he was proficient in everything, and he used all kinds of psychics. After many other names, it didn't matter much to them. And Kuangniu is the second brother among the seven siblings. Although Kuangniu didn't introduce himself much, and Ren Jie hasn't been in contact with him for a long time, Ren Jie thinks there is really no need to introduce too much.

He is unrestrained and bold in doing things, and the cultivation technique is also super violent. Ren Jie knows the horror of this technique after a little use. If it is not suppressed by the power of the earth, he will explode in an instant.

As for the third child being a Taoist of Heavenly Sword, Kuang Niu said that their third brother ascended from the lower realm. In fact, in this big world, the so-called lower realm refers to the vast starry sky within the great world. Because after the opening of the big world, the universe and the starry sky are constantly expanding, and it is difficult to count how huge it is. There are people on countless planets, and there are countless cultivators in the vast starry sky.

The third child enters Taoism with a sword, everything in the world can be a sword, and the Heaven Breaking Sword is even more terrifying. He forcibly rushed all the way in the prehistoric years after the opening of the world, and stood side by side with existences like them. Can't help admiring. They also share similar temperaments. According to Mad Bull, the third child fought against Qi Tian many times at the beginning, and was defeated by Qi Tian once every hundred years. He was defeated ninety-nine times in a row, but he kept challenging. He rushed forward, fought with them, and eventually became the third child of their seven siblings.

The reason why I feel a lot of emotion when talking about the third child is because the mad cow has often fought with him, and among the seven siblings, only the third child was killed all the way up from the lower realm, and the worst of the others was born in the prehistoric era strong presence.

The fourth child is the Golden Winged Roc, whose speed was said to be unparalleled in the world at the time. Of course, there are actually some who can compare with him, but no one dares to say that he can surpass him. The fifth child is the Peacock King. At first, he dominated one side and started a religion. Because of a trivial matter, he fought with Mad Bull. They are not much different, but Mad Bull has always been with Qi Tian. Qi Tian went directly to beat the Peacock King. After a meal, they finally became brothers.

As for the sixth child, it is a dragon turtle born at the same time as the ancestor dragon. Speaking of this guy, Mad Bull is very angry, because this guy loves to sleep, and it is common for him to sleep for thousands of years in the chaos. So, when it comes to the matter of being suppressed, Mad Bull thinks that the sixth child must be the least concerned. I am afraid that he sleeps most comfortably in it, and he doesn't take it seriously at all, but he is quiet.

Among the seven of them, the youngest is Seventh Sister, the only female among them, Cantian Shenghu. The third child came up from the lower realm step by step later, and he and the eldest brother Qi Tian, ​​the fourth child Golden Winged Roc, the fifth child Peacock Sage King, and the sixth child Dragon Turtle were all existences born in chaos.

Only this seventh sister Cantian Shenghu is different. She rose step by step in the prehistoric era. She has amazing talent, but her temper is not good, and she is also the most staunch person.

When talking about Seventh Sister, Mad Bull's mood suddenly became low.

At our level, even the old bastard who calls himself the only true saint can't kill them, because they have already crossed the threshold of the Daluo Jinxian, and they are only half a step away from the real saint. You can only suppress them. Among the many Danones at that time, not many reached this level, but at that time they were stronger than them, and the only ancient god king who could fight against that old bastard alone went another way. At that time, the big brother Leading the six of us to kill together, when that guy already compared himself to the sky, we were existences against the sky, and because we were already in the state of semi-saints, we were called the Seven Great Saints against the sky at that time.

When we were suppressed in the last battle, there was only Seventh Sister... She absolutely did not accept being suppressed, and she made the most fierce resistance. Although the eldest brother did not hesitate to destroy part of the holy soul to help Seventh Sister, in the end Seventh Sister should also ... Speaking of this, the voice of the wild and unrestrained giant cyan bull became choked up, and one could feel how difficult it is to be able to come together and become a family member after reaching their level.

Seven Great Sages Against Heaven!! Hearing this, Ren Jie couldn't help being stunned. Mad Bull's storytelling was really poor and lacked storytelling, but it still made Ren Jie feel excited, no wonder Qi Tian listened When it was Monkey King, he was so emotional, as if the existence in another world had some similarities with him.

It turns out that they have really reached this level, which is even more astonishing than I imagined. The only true saint, the seven heaven-defying saints, the half-sage... Daluo Jinxian, Ren Jie himself has the realm of saints discussing Taoism, and has explored the fairy world. He has obtained immortal energy, even promoted magic weapons to immortal weapons, and experienced the world of ancient gods, but at this moment he has completely opened the door to a higher level...

Heaven-Defying Seven Great Saints, Seven Great Saints!

When he heard all this, Ren Jie was also a little dazed. At this moment, Ren Jie finally understood how strange Qi Tian was when he heard him telling the story of Monkey King.

In the myths and legends of Ren Jie's last life, when Sun Wukong visited the heroes in Huaguo Mountain, he met the six demon kings including Jiao Demon King, and seven of them became brothers. Later, Sun Wukong made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace and claimed to be the Monkey King, and the other six demon kings also called themselves the Monkey King.

It's just that in my own world, those legends happened in mythology, and they were very different from the seven great sages, but there were some similarities in a trance, Ren Jie couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

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