Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 662 Inheritance of the Seagod's Bloodline, Communicating with the Immortal Realm

Although Hai Qingyun had already shown the vision of the bloodline before entering the bloodline inheritance temple, it felt different from actually entering the bloodline inheritance temple and seeing the movement at this moment.

Not only Qingyao was extremely nervous, but even Haishang and Longzi, the two overlords, couldn't help but waited with bated breath.

As for Hai Xianglong, they were even more nervous. Because if there is something abnormal about this guy, threatening the leader, it is tantamount to threatening them...

Boom... At this time, the entire spring was trembling, and the gushing blue aura was extremely thick, compared to the blue aura that Hai Qingyun had just shown a bloody vision and forcibly drawn from the infinite sea above the Poseidon Temple. The aura is tens of millions times stronger.

After these blue auras condensed wildly, they suddenly roared and trembled again, and suddenly, a stream of spring water spewed out from the spring, pouring directly on Hai Qingyun from above.

It was as if a waterfall suddenly fell from above, pouring water directly on him.

In an instant, Hai Qingyun was submerged in it, but he was still walking forward. When he came out, his temperament changed a lot, and the spring water passed through his body without changing any color.

Boom... Boom... The next moment, the entire spring shook even more. At this moment, Hai Qingyun was moving very fast, and had already advanced several miles.

With the tremor, a vortex suddenly formed above, and under the swirl of the vortex, the sea water above suddenly tilted down, impacting towards Hai Qingyun.

Just like before, under the baptism of sea water, a special layer of blood-colored light in Hai Qingyun's body became more and more intense.

These spring water baptisms, sea water baptisms, and all kinds of changing baptisms did not interfere with Hai Qingyun's forward footwork at all, and his speed was astonishingly fast. He had advanced dozens of miles in a blink of an eye, and had gradually entered that The depths of the spring.

God, is this possible?

Others were fine, Hai Xianglong and the few Dharma God Realm beings behind him were dumbfounded, because they followed Hai Wuchang into this place and saw how Hai Wuchang carried out this bloodline inheritance.

Hai Wuchang felt extremely painful every step forward, and the things washed down seemed to make him reborn every time. Although his body, strength, and blood vessels were stimulated and changed greatly every time, the pain it brought was also extremely great.

But what is unbelievable at this moment is that this Hai Qingyun accelerates forward step by step, moving forward as if he didn't feel it at all.

What's going on here, is there something wrong with this place?

Although Qing Yao, Hai Shang, and Long Zi are not like Hai Xianglong and others who have seen sea impermanence before entering here, it is the first time in their lifetime that they have seen the inheritance of sea cucumber blood, because no matter how powerful they are, without the sea god blood, after entering, only It will be directly blasted out, and there is no way to move forward.

This point, they have experimented a long time ago. Although it has been Jin Wannian without the inheritance of the Sea God's bloodline, another reason why Qing Yao and the others guard the Sea God Temple and maintain a certain relationship with other forces is that for more than 8,000 years, the major forces will send a group of young people every ten years. The disciples sent it to try to see if any disciples could walk in.

Qingyao herself, Haishang, and Longzi were all so talented back then, and they were all too proud, but in the end they couldn't get in.

So they were already surprised when they saw Hai Qingyun go in at this moment, and they were even more surprised when they saw that Hai Qingyun was able to walk faster while inside.

I have never eaten pork, but I have always seen pigs running, and I have read the materials, and I know what happened to the disciples who had the Seagod's blood lineage before. Every step has to undergo the baptism of blood, and it has to experience the pain of being reborn. Every step has to stimulate the blood and body strength, and in this process, it can also be seen how strong the potential and blood of this disciple can be stimulated. strength.

According to records, this process is extremely painful, and some people have to rest for a long time every time they take a step, and they can practice in it. Of course, it also needs to have enough blood. It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, a genius walked in it for three years, and finally got close to the core of the spring and was blasted out. Earth-shattering.

But I've never heard of someone like Hai Qingyun speeding up inside. What's the matter?

After a while, Qing Yao suddenly realized that she couldn't help taking a peek at Ren Jie, only to find that Ren Jie was watching with gusto. Because only she knows best in her heart that the effect of the blood potion given by Ren Jie is really beyond imagination. Obviously, many processes have been replaced by the blood potion.

Thinking of this, Qing Yao finally understood in her heart that the horror and power of that blood potion is too powerful! !

At this moment, Qingyao couldn't help but think of one thing. If Haishang and Longzi knew that Ren Jie had the ability to make Hai Qingyun, a person who had been tested before and couldn't take a single step, become like this, he could change his blood... …

Qing Yao couldn't imagine it, because it was enough to drive these people completely crazy, and they would do everything for it.

Thinking of this, Qingyao couldn't help but get excited, because Ren Jie's method against the sky can change the fate of a person's life. Qing Yao has never been so shocked, so shocked in her heart, and now she finally understands that Ren Jie even has such means, so how can he have any fear under the threat of Hai Xianglong, or even the threat of the Sea God Sect.

It's just that Qing Yao feels that this method seems to have surpassed the scope of what a practitioner can do...

Boom... bang... After countless changes, Hai Qingyun was already close to the core area under everyone's staring and stunned gaze. It was the legend that the genius of the Sea God Sect tens of thousands of years ago spent several years just reached the place.

So the whole spring vibrated again, as if a surging force was brewing below.

But at this moment, Hai Xianglong's fists were clenched tightly, his hands were already trembling, and his body was already trembling. Unexpectedly, he never expected that Qing Yao's son would be so terrifying, how could this be possible?

Even if Hai Wuchang did not reach that level in the end, and Hai Wuchang spent half a month, but now Hai Qingyun only took half a quarter of an hour. Why, why is this happening?

That is the core of the entire Sea God Sect. It is precisely because there has been no Sea God bloodline for thousands of years that the Sea God Sect has been difficult to unite after its collapse. It was not until the appearance of Hai Wuchang, or even the arrival of the Immortal Edict, that the situation was resolved.

But what has become of this now, this kid actually got there like a child's play, what is this?

Boom... Just when Hai Xianglong couldn't figure it out and his brain was about to explode, the road was unimpeded. After various baptisms, Hai Qingyun, who gathered surging blue spiritual energy and swirled around his body, came to the center. When it came to the most central position.

The entire Bloodline Inheritance Temple shook completely, as if it was about to shatter, and suddenly a surging aura surged from the bottom.

In an instant, the sky, the sea area, and the Sea God Temple condensed a vast and boundless force, erupting from the most central spring eye, and the power in this spring eye had the potential to break through the heaven and earth.

Ah... The power was so unexpected that Qing Yao couldn't help but worry, because the momentum directly broke through all the space, piercing through everything above.

What he feels more clearly is the existence of Haishang and Longzi, including the existence behind Haixianglong who is at the same level as them, and his face becomes extremely embarrassing. The power is too terrifying, beyond the limit of this world up.

Even the existences of the Law God Realm who have reached their level feel the fear from the heart. In the face of that kind of power, they suddenly feel that they are standing on the top of the world and claiming to be the supreme Law God Realm. So fragile, if you get involved in it, you may feel like you will be completely crushed and crushed at any time.

Terrible, terrible! !

Damn, the world barrier has been broken. But at this time, Ren Jie saw it more thoroughly and clearly than they did. This is a sign that the world barrier has been broken.

It is because this power has reached the limit that this world can withstand, just like when he finally left with the help of the power of the ancient gods in the world of ancient gods, but at this moment, this power is more terrifying than that time, directly piercing through this world. The barrier of the world, like a passage, rushes to an incomparably vast and higher place.

Qingyun, can you still guide those blue auras? Now Ren Jie still has a way to remember the special refined spirit jade to contact Hai Qingyun, and immediately contact Hai Qingyun as soon as the power of the soul moves.

Well... Patriarch, let me try... Hai Qingyun also seemed to be struggling at the moment when he heard Ren Jie's words, but fortunately, his body was hard to move under the impact of the terrifying force that soared into the sky, and the power of the soul was still able to move. moving. can... Hai Qingyun said with great effort.

Okay, then guide these blue auras out of there immediately and bring them to my side, hurry up!! Ren Jie could feel the hundreds of miles covered by the spring. Can not touch.

But Ren Jie doesn't want to let go of this opportunity now, so much blue aura, although not as good as fairy aura, but also surpasses ordinary high-grade spiritual jade, and is more pure than the aura in jade essence, it's a pity not to use it.

In particular, Ren Jie still wants to intervene in the following things, but after using it one after another, he now has no jade essence or fairy spirit, so he has already thought about this by leveraging his strength.

Because of the inheritance of the Sea God's bloodline, even Qing Yao and the others could benefit. Ren Jie knew that such things would definitely not be missing, and it was exactly as he had guessed.

Okay... okay... Hai Qingyun agreed with effort, and in an instant the power of the soul controlled and condensed a band of blue spiritual energy to come out continuously, and rushed out quickly.

Well, what's going on here, why did this blue aura suddenly rush out?

Strange, what's going on?

It came out, and fortunately rushed towards that kid, this...


At this time, everyone was staring at Hai Qingyun's every move, and they were stunned by Hai Qingyun's rapid approach to the core area of ​​the spring, because this kind of thing had never happened in the previous historical records of the Sea God Sect.

If these people hadn't experienced the unique power of the bloodline inheritance temple, they would even wonder if there was something wrong with the spring.

But looking at the changes in the spring, Hai Qingyun was baptized again and again with ease, and they thought of the blood anomaly that Hai Qingyun had seen before. People who can reach this level naturally react quickly, and they all know that there must be a connection here. They also knew that the main purpose of this bloodline inheritance temple was to stimulate bloodlines and constantly stimulate their potential to help temper their body and strength, but Hai Qingyun didn't seem to need this.

After discovering this, everyone was even more shocked. Could it be that Hai Qingyun's blood is really so pure?

At least in the history of the Sea God Sect, they have never heard of such a thing happening. The more they think about it, the more surprised everyone becomes. But at this moment, a blue aura was guided from beside Hai Qingyun. Qingyun guided, just seeing that the blue spiritual energy seemed to be controlled, rushed out from inside, and rushed directly to Ren Jie, all of them stared wide-eyed, strange things happen every year, but today's strange things are hundreds or thousands of years older than their past I have seen many more strange things every year.

Boom... The huge blue aura rushed in front of him in an instant, and Ren Jie accepted it without any hesitation. This huge blue aura is difficult to fully absorb even in the divine realm. It needs to be digested and absorbed slowly. But Ren Jie doesn't have this problem. Although he didn't deliberately refine the inside of his Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner, it has formed a place that surpasses the general concept of space, especially after the unevolved sun of the ancient god, it is even more so. in this way.

Ren Jie absorbs it into his body at full speed, and most of it is stored in the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner, and seeing that the light has opened a channel, Ren Jie is always ready, ready to open the sea of ​​consciousness at any time that video. Because Ren Jie just tried it, with his own power of soul, he couldn't get into it to understand the situation. It seems that he can only rely on the realm of saints to discuss the Tao.

Bold, you, an outsider, dare to use the Seagod's aura in the Bloodline Temple... Boom... When everyone else was surprised, Hai Xianglong was already furious. He has endured for a long time, endured one thing after another, and now seeing this guy dare to absorb the Seagod's aura. This is what they call this blue aura, because this is something unique to the Sea God Cult.

Of course, other supreme religions also have similar things. When the Sea God Sect was in its heyday, they were able to control some of these pure sea god auras that were infinitely close to fairy spirits. Only children can surpass ordinary practitioners and quickly reach a high level.

What do you really want to do? What is called an outsider and what is not called an outsider? If it is really counted, this should be the reward of the Sea God, the favor of the Sea God. At this time, if you don't kneel down and worship, you dare to make trouble here. The owner of the family thinks that you should be the one who is going to die. Also, now that the channel for direct communication with the fairy world is about to be opened, what are you doing yelling here? Do you want to destroy it? Don’t make fucking excuses, how does the owner know that these things will Come here, obviously this can only prove that the head of the family is better than you, and it means that the supreme existence of the bloodline inheritance temple or the Sea God Sect agrees with the head of the family, do it, you can try it. Ren Jie didn't talk to Hai Xianglong is polite, here he unceremoniously absorbs a large amount of blue aura to prepare for the upcoming event, while here he does not forget to spray the sea Xianglong.

Ren Jie's words were so powerful that Hai Xianglong didn't know what to say, but Haishang and Longzi didn't care whether Ren Jie got a little more Sea God's aura. They cared more about Hai Qingyun's situation. Naturally, Hai Xianglong couldn't make trouble, so at the same time, he released the power against Hai Xianglong to suppress Hai Xianglong and the people behind him, so that they would not dare to act rashly.

Hai Xianglong was suppressed again, and his whole body was about to explode, especially what this guy said made his teeth itch with hatred, but there was nothing he could do about him.

Boom... At this moment, all of a sudden, everyone felt as if they suddenly saw light in the darkness, and the light instantly illuminated the world, illuminating everything. Incomparably sacred, a surge of boundless, mighty and turbulent aura suddenly came. At this time, a column of water shot straight into the sky from the center of the spring, piercing through Hai Qingyun's body, breaking through the space, breaking through the barriers of this small world and even the big world, and directly opening a weak channel. Qi, the real immortal qi, is a kind of power overlooking everything from above, making people stand there in a daze and completely forget everything.

Everyone is stupid now, they actually directly communicated with the fairy world, although it is with the help of the power of the spring of the Sea God Temple, but this is too terrifying, it seems that since ancient times, immortals are different, and they have never heard of such a thing happening .

Because of this, the arrival of Haiwang Haiwuchang and the immortal decree has been extremely sensational, and it has...directly communicated with the fairy world, this...

Boom... Others were intimidated by this coercion, but Ren Jie was very clear-headed. How could he miss such a good opportunity? It happened that the blue aura that Hai Qingyun kept attracting from far away was still there, and Ren Jie said unceremoniously Immediately activate the video, and suddenly activate the realm of the saint's discussion of Taoism, and the power of the soul rushes up instantly.

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