Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 651 Just because you don't understand doesn't mean you don't

Although it didn't take long just now, the atmosphere made everyone feel breathless. It wasn't until Qing Yao agreed at this time that everyone felt that it was a temporary relief, but they were still very curious and looking forward to what happened next.

This kind of anticipation, this kind of curiosity, even surpassed their anticipation and curiosity about the battle between two powerful beings.

Ren Yuan, Yun Feng'er, and Ren Tianqi all discovered for the first time that in addition to practicing and fighting, negotiation can also lead to such a state of tension and anticipation.

It is said that the world was first opened, and there were all kinds of existences. There were powerful people who preached the word one after another, and various sects emerged. But after countless years, only a few sects gradually remained, and our Sea God Sect is the only one left. One of the top sects, the Sea God Sect first had the Sea God Emperor. Because the royal family of the Sea God Sect has a special bloodline, they can receive blessings from the heavens and can open the memory of the Sea God inheritance.

It's just that as time goes by, the blood of the sea cucumber royal family gradually weakens, and fewer and fewer people can get the memory of the Sea God Emperor's inheritance. Even those who can get the memory of the Sea God Emperor's inheritance will have the opportunity to become the successor of the leader. But no matter what, the Sea God Sect After all, it is the supreme religion, until eight thousand years ago, the Sea God Sect experienced a big change, the Sea God Sect made a big mistake, had to bear the consequences for that big mistake, and finally the whole Sea God Sect fell apart.

Qingyao started to talk, but she didn't talk about it in detail, just like when she mentioned why the Sea God Sect fell apart eight thousand years ago, and the Supreme Sect collapsed, she just mentioned it in one word.

Ren Jie didn't bother to ask, but just listened quietly.

Qingyao continued: The Sea God Sect has split into many forces, and our Sea God Temple has insisted on guarding the Sea God Temple, the headquarters of the Sea God Sect, until now. In fact, it is not that no one has thought of unifying and recreating the glory of the Sea God Sect. I don’t know how many forces have thought this way for thousands of years, but none of the many forces split from the Sea God Sect is weak, and they all have some trump cards, and no one can really completely subdue the other forces, so there has been a stalemate.

Until not long ago, the king of the sea, Hai Wuchang, led Tian Haizong to attack the Sea God Hall suddenly. He somehow managed to persuade a Supreme Elder, one of the two great magic realms of our Sea God Hall, to support them, and finally caused the Sea God Hall to fail. Originally, we I contacted other powers and wanted to deal with them in reverse, but I didn’t expect that Haiwuchang would enter the interior of the Seagod’s Temple not long after he took it down, and obtained the power of the upper world inheritance, the inheritance of the Seagod’s memory, and even a fairy decree.”

Hey! Speaking of this, Qing Yao couldn't help but sighed and said: The fairy decree came to the Sea God Sect to re-establish the religion, and there should be no more internal struggles. All branches of the Sea God Sect must gather in the Sea God Temple, abandon all internal strife, and prepare for the re-establishment of the religion. Under such circumstances, no one dared to disobey, and could only gather in the Sea God Hall to wait for the re-establishment of the religion. The inheritance of the Sea God religion does have a lot to do with bloodlines, especially since there has been no bloodline inheritance for thousands of years. Qingyun is my His son will naturally have some royal blood, but it has been tested since he was a child.

As for Hai Wuchang, not to mention the inheritance of the sea god, there is also the decree issued by the gods. There is no way to fight this situation. One thing that must be said is that the inheritance of the sea god of the sea god sect is so special. As long as there is a decree When the sect is lowered, the other supreme sects dare not say anything more, because once the decree is lowered and the inheritance of the Sea God appears, it is very likely that when the sect is re-established, there will be fairy signs, and even immortals will come.

After saying this, Qing Yao looked at Ren Jie and said in a slow voice: The blood inheritance of the Sea God Sect is very important, but the blood inheritance usually only gets some royal family secrets and power inheritance, but the coming of the fairy decree has nothing to do with it. Not to mention that Hai Wuchang already has the support of the immortal decree, first of all, Qingyun's bloodline has no way to get the special inheritance of the royal family.

Qingyao's last words were entirely for Ren Jie, explaining the few questions Ren Jie asked, and saying the last words, the voice of the words is self-evident, although Hai Qingyun is of the blood of the Poseidon Pope, But its level is not enough to reach the level of the Sea God's inheritance of the Sea God Sect, and the difference is not even a little bit.

This is not the most important thing, even if he can get the inheritance of the Sea God, the decree is not because of this coming, Hai Wuchang can become the leader of the Sea God Sect because of the support of the descending of the decree.

This is a fundamentally difficult problem to solve, so in Qing Yao's view, what Ren Jie said before is simply impossible.

Did the decree come when the blood of Haiwuchang Seagod was passed on? Ren Jie just smiled indifferently, looking at Qing Yao and continuing to ask.

Um? Hearing that she had said everything to this point, and the young head of the Ren family continued to ask, Qing Yao was speechless.

That's right. But she still nodded and continued to explain: The Sea God Cult was once the most powerful existence among the supreme sects, and even in the tens of thousands of years, there is no one, completely the strongest. Great existence. It is because the Sea God Sect can communicate with the upper realm with the unique inheritance of the sea god royal bloodline, and receive the inheritance and blessings of the upper sea god inheritance. Every time the Sea God inheritance is opened, the entire Sea God Sect will benefit greatly.

Although it is not as good as it was back then, if there are some keepsakes in the hands of our Sea God Temple, Tian Haizong and other major branches in the sea, or the existence of the Sea God Sect who has cultivated to a certain level, they will sense it when the Sea God inherits it. And more or less take this opportunity to gain some benefits. Of course, this kind of benefit is not too great, but it is enough to reduce the existence of the Law God Realm by hundreds of years, or even hundreds of years, and the benefits of the coming of the fairy decree are even greater.

In fact, I have been trapped in the realm of the thousand-year-old ancestor for a long time. I have been unable to take care of Qingyun because I have no way to leave the Sea God Temple. When the people of the Tianhai Sect conquered the Sea God Temple, I was also deeply injured. It was only because of this reason that a piece of inheritance immortal artifact escaped, it did not cause thunder calamity at that time. And when Na Haiwuchang received the inheritance of Sea God, I sensed that at the same time, I also sensed the arrival of the immortal decree at the same time...

Heh... Speaking of this, Qingyao revealed a bit of bitterness: At that time, I even directly received the sound transmission from the fairy world, and praised our family for protecting the Sea God Temple and protecting the headquarters of the Sea God Sect for generations, and directly helped me break through the Taiji Realm The bottleneck of the thousand-year-old ancestor has reached the realm of the gods. But then it is to let all the Sea God Sect return to the current Sea God Temple, and support those who have just received the sea cucumber inheritance to re-establish the religion.

For Qingyao, it was a happy and joyous time accompanied by incomparable contradictions and bitterness. They have guarded the Sea God Temple for generations, believing that the Sea God Church will regain its glory and establish a new religion, and when this moment comes, she will even reach the state of the God of Law because of this, but she can't laugh at all, because the new leader just killed him. Hai Wang Hai impermanence is the suzerain of the Tianhai Sect with countless members of the Sea God Temple clan.

Immortal world and immortal decree, for countless cultivators, these are unattainable existences that require devout worship, but the notebook in the sea of ​​knowledge and the video of the sage discussing the Tao allow Ren Jie to see through it more clearly, that is a higher power. exist.

Just like their current group of people are in a small world, for those secular people, they are aloof and exist like gods.

After listening to Qing Yao's words, Ren Jie gently turned the wine glass that was emptied by him again, leaving only an empty glass. This wine was originally refined by him for his own people to drink, and the taste was his favorite, so he was listening While drinking, after listening to Qing Yao, Ren Jie had sorted out a general idea in his mind.

Since this is the case, there is still something to be done. When will Haiwuchang leave the customs, and when will the Sea God Sect be established? Ren Jie has already begun to conceive in his mind, what to do next, originally he just had such an idea, Now that he understands some things about the inheritance of the Sea God's bloodline of the Sea God Sect, and also understands the situation of the coming of the Immortal Decree, he feels that there is a lot to be done here.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Sea God Sect hadn't really re-established, that insidious old fellow Haiwang Haiwuchang didn't really integrate the Sea God Sect, and didn't really come to him, so he had to be the first to strike.

Is there...something to do?

Qingyao felt that she had heard it wrong. In fact, let alone her, even Hai Qingyun, who had just supported Ren Jie, felt that this matter might not work after listening to her mother.

At least from what mother said, it is impossible to make a fuss about the inheritance of the sea god's bloodline and the decree of the gods, but Ren Jie came up with such a sentence later.

Ren Yuan drank another glass of wine, and was very interested to hear what Ren Jie had to say.

Ren Tianqi couldn't help but look at Yun Feng'er, because the six younger siblings had more contact with Ren Jie, but found that Yun Feng'er's eyes were full of trust in Ren Jie, and that expression was definitely what Ren Jie said, and she would do her best. Supportive posture.

Cough... Qing Yao coughed softly: Patriarch Ren, I think what I said just now is clear enough, do you really feel that you can... continue to do what you said?

Yes. Ren Jie nodded affirmatively again: I will solve the problem of the bloodline, and it will definitely make him surpass Haiwuchang. As for the issue of the immortal decree, it depends on the situation when the bloodline is passed down, but I have some doubts in my heart. Some assurances, this is a communication problem, after all, the higher-ups do not understand the situation below. With a family or even the royal family, the crown prince will be appointed, as long as he has not succeeded to the throne for a day and has a better choice, he will have a chance.

Ren Jie looks at these things more calmly and clearly than them.

And Qingyao was taken aback when she heard that Ren Jie used the secular family or even the royal family to describe the fairy decree of the fairy world. You must know that when others hear things that have something to do with the fairy world, it is definitely like a secular mortal welcoming the imperial decree, but this The Patriarch of the Ren family was so indifferent, and even used the family and the royal family as metaphors.

What made Qing Yao even more incredible was that he actually said that he would solve the problem of bloodlines directly. This... is this a joke?

Bloodline, how can this be solved as soon as it is solved, if this is the case, what will it be.

Qingyao is the former royal family of the Sea God Sect. The reason why none of them are convinced by the other is because they all have the blood of the royal family. For any family, royal family, sect or even the supreme religion, the stronger the existence , the more important the bloodline.

Otherwise, the Sea God Sect would not have the Sea God bloodline inheritance. This is a symbol of being born noble and powerful. If even this can be changed...

Uh... Even Ren Yiyuan, who had drunk a lot of wine, was excited and couldn't help hiccupping, because this was too incredible.

But Yun Feng'er had a smile in her eyes. No one knew Ren Jie's methods better than her. Once, she and Liu Ye Ren Tianzong's husband and wife completely supported Ren Jie unconditionally, as long as he didn't question his decision at all, because they knew one thing, the height of Ren Jie's standing has far surpassed them.

Suddenly seeing Qingyao stop here in surprise, her eyes full of doubts, and even looking at herself helplessly, Ren Jie was immediately very helpless. In fact, he really didn't think about intimidating the other party. If he wanted to, it wouldn't be the case, but their reaction was too big.

Of course, looking at it from another angle, it is impossible for people to believe this kind of thing as soon as possible. After all, they are different from the people around them. Most people around them can already do it anyway.

However, this Qingyao is still Hai Qingyun's mother, and Ren Jie can't treat her as a negotiating opponent, otherwise Ren Jie has many ways to achieve his desired goal in a more concise way.

But there are some things that can't be explained slowly, like things about blood vessels.

According to ancient legend, this thing itself said it could change, you can tell from Qingyao's expression, it's hard to believe if you beat her to death, because even the bloodline has changed, what is it?

In fact, from Ren Jie's point of view, there is nothing wrong with being a human being, and there is nothing wrong with a blood problem. I have some ancient god's heart blood essence, that ancient god can open up the world like Pan Gu, although he did not succeed in the end, but his strength can also be imagined, he can transform all things with his body, just a blood, just need some ancient god heart blood essence Blood refining can be completed, in fact, Ren Jie has done it once before.

The heart and blood of the ancient gods, the beginning of all things, and Ren Jie honed his own realm in the realm of sages, the angles and views are completely different, what Ren Jie can see is beyond the imagination of others. The same is true for Qingyao, Ren Yiyuan and others who are known as the supreme Dharma God Realm among practitioners.

Just because you don't understand doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just because you don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You must remember this in the future. Some things are hard to explain no matter how much you explain. Anyway, this matter is already prepared, so now I will first explain Qingyun Let’s solve the problem of bloodline, look forward to it.” It’s better to actually do it than to talk about it, anyway, it’s always necessary to do it, and it saves a lot of things if it’s done first.

As soon as Ren Jie raised his hand, all kinds of medicines flew out of the surroundings in an instant, but this time it was more than ten times more than when he was just refining wine, and Ren Jie himself flew up slowly.

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