Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 648 Small World Practice

In fact, it didn't take long for Ren Jie to talk about the real business. It didn't take half a quarter of an hour for Ren Jie to finish a series of decisions. After all, those people in the Northwest camp have followed him for a long time, and they are all used to his style of doing things. Ren Jie knows everyone's situation and even every detail.

Ren Jie felt that it took some time, but for Ren Yuan and Ren Tianqi, countless explosive information rushed into their minds.

Ren Jie's changes to the army, the changes to the Ren family's cultivation system, the changes to the Ren family's army, and a series of decisions to train younger generations, fight against the Mingyu Dynasty, and prepare to deal with the Supreme Master, etc., have made them dizzy and dizzy. up.

Fortunately, what Ren Jie told them at the beginning was to write it down completely and implement it slowly, and soon the Northwest Camp will send some people to help him do these things.

Uncle Wu, it's basically these things. You should digest it slowly. I'm going to practice in the small world for a few days. If Aunt Six brings people from outside, you can just bring them in. Northwest Daying, When the southwest battalion resisted the crazy attack of the Tianhai Empire army, there were millions of elite troops. In addition to various other things, as long as the royal family or other forces are not stupid, they can guess that the Ren family owns a small world.

What really guarantees the safety of the small world is that as long as the entrance is completely cut off, it is really difficult to find unless someone really has great supernatural powers. It is said that even immortals generally cannot find this kind of small world.

In the conversation with Ren Tianqi, Ren Tianqi also mentioned that he has a secret method that makes it impossible for the gods to torture him. If he is captured, he will disappear into the world with the jade slip that entered the small world. If necessary, he will Will use this method to protect the small world of the Ren family.

Ren Jie didn't say much, he knew that if he got there, he didn't need to say anything. But everything he is doing now is to prevent it from developing any further.

But under such circumstances, there is no need for the Ren Family Small World to be too secretive, and it should be used when it is time to use it.

Because of this, Ren Jie said that Aunt Six could bring Hai Qingyun in. After speaking, Ren Jie smiled and glanced at Uncle Wu who was fully accepting what he said, and that he was almost drunk, and his mana was surging Condensed to form groups of power to run, Ren Yuan, who was drunk but very satisfied with the running power, turned around and walked away.

This small world is not too big, but it's not too small either. Ren's family occupies a very small place. Ren Jie found a mountain at random and arranged some formations on it. , and then Ren Jie sat down slowly.

Along the way, it has been a while since I sat down and practiced so quietly alone. Although my strength has improved a lot during this time, I have been fighting desperately and fighting desperately. I have gone through many things to get to where I am today. .

Even if he came out of the world of the ancient gods, he didn't have time to sort it out. Knowing that his father was trapped, he saved Danmiao, dealt with the northwest camp and the southwest camp, but there were still many things to do.

Ren Jie quietly thought about the recent events, recalling in his mind over and over again, although the Ren family now has the existence of Ren Yuan and Sixth Aunt, the two great Dharma gods, and he is strong enough to surpass the general thousand-year-old ancestors. There are many existences, and there are many people in Taiji Realm, and there are also powerful existences such as the Guards and Tianlong Army, which have already far surpassed the general ten thousand-year-old sect. But Ren Jie is very clear and calm, and now is the most dangerous time.

In the past, the development of the Ren family was all struggling in the secular world, without provoking any powerful beings or attracting attention from others, but now it is different.

As the identity of the Smiling Face Killing God King may be gradually exposed, various contradictions will gradually appear. The royal family that has always given Ren Jie a bad feeling, such as the supreme masters of mountains and mountains, at this time, Ren Jie found that he had offended There are quite a few people.

Thinking about it, Ren Jie laughed himself. I am afraid that no other person or force has ever had so many powerful and terrifying enemies like him.

Fortunately, apart from the Sea God Sect, Sea King and Hai Wuchang, there is nothing else going on for the time being. The royal family is still so mysterious and weird. There is still time to prepare.

Of course, just being a Sea God Sect is troublesome enough, so the top priority is to understand and deal with the Sea God Sect.

The whole person settled down, and after filtering out all the recent contemplation, Ren Jie began to slowly activate the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner, coming out of the world of ancient gods, there has been something going on, and even the treasure he got inside, that one The sun, which was not fully evolved by the ancient gods, didn't have time to deal with it.

Now in my soul, I have more control over the power of the shattered fairy soul of the crane and the fragments of the rules of the immortal way.

There are also many things obtained in the world of ancient gods, the same is true. At this moment, Ren Jie cleaned them up one by one. Other things are easy to clean up, and they will be classified quickly, refining what should be refined, and putting away what should be put away.

Boom... The other things are nothing. When the other things are sorted out one by one, the power of Ren Jie's soul moves instantly to activate the Jiujiu Yinyang Town God Banner, and the Jiujiu Yinyang Town God Banner is instantly unfolded. Today's Jiujiu The Jiuyinyang Town God Banner has completely changed its appearance, the main banner is flickering with thunder, and the little thunder dragon has become more than ten times stronger than before. Of course, if it is compared with the huge fire dragon, water dragon, poisonous dragon, and soul dragon It still looks very small.

But the thunder dragon was in the middle, and the other four dragons did not dare to show any disrespect. Ren Jie was urging the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen banner at this moment, and they were all very energetic and excited, circling around excitedly.

And just above the main flag, thunder light flickered, and the strength of the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner suppressed an existence that seemed to be only the size of a football, exuding a faint but scorching light. Jie desperately snatched back the undeveloped sun of the eyes of the ancient gods.

Suppressing a sun, if this kind of thing is spread among practitioners, it will definitely frighten many people, because it is completely unimaginable.

At this time, Ren Jie slowly explored with the power of his soul. At the beginning, he used the sage's realm to immerse himself in it. Ren Jie had already had a deep understanding of this, and now he just wanted to see if there was any change. Finding that there was not much change, Ren Jie didn't waste time, and instantly activated the Jiujiu Yinyang Town Divine Banner to run, the Thunder Dragon was in the center, and five dragons hovered around the sun. Refining the unevolved sun.

Boom... Boom... This tempering movement is still very huge, and the sun is also skyrocketing from time to time. Although this is the sun that the ancient god has never evolved, this sun is one of the eyes of the ancient god after all, and its purpose is to evolve sun. The sun is as terrifying and powerful as a small world, and it is the core and key of a big world.

At this moment, Ren Jie wants to refine, and the difficulty can be imagined. The unevolved sun is not controlled by people, but it still produces a natural resistance, resistance, continuous contraction, and releases powerful scorching power from time to time.

However, the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner was tempered by Ren Jie little by little until today. He has absorbed various forces and even experienced thunder disaster twice, but now he wraps the unevolved sun at close range and wants to refine it. Under the scorching and frightening heat that erupted from the sun several times, the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner showed signs of a medicine being melted.

The top-notch Lingtian treasures are even a bit unstoppable. They really are amazing, but you have reached the end of the road. If you want to be reborn, just obediently obey the owner. Seeing that he just wanted to refine it, this ancient god has never evolved. The sun actually exudes real fire from the inside to resist. Ren Jie looked at the unevolved sun and said, raising his hand, a whole drop of the ancient god's blood essence, as well as many magic weapons, obtained from the ancient god world Materials are taken out.

Ren Jie has no habit of keeping things. Except for some of the many good things he gets to those around him, he will use them as waste and completely smelt them into his own Nine-Nine Yin-Yang Zhenshen Banner. It is precisely because of this that the Jiujiu Yinyang Town Divine Banner can continue to grow, and at this moment, the unevolved sun just erupts with such a terrifying real sun fire.

With the help of the real fire of the sun, Ren Jie saved a lot of energy and melted many magic weapons and materials one after another. As long as Ren Jie controlled the distance, on the one hand, he could offset the heat emitted by the unevolved sun, and on the other hand, he began to melt Gradually integrated into the Jiujiu Yinyang Town God Banner.

Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner gained a lot of power, and was urged by Ren Jie to activate the formation. Gradually under the pressure of the formation, Thunder Dragon and other five dragons suppressed and assisted, and immediately suppressed the unevolved real sun fire.

But the sun is still defending itself, but after discovering that the true sun fire that it radiated failed to destroy the external power, it began to turn to defense.

Ren Jie was not in a hurry, after repairing the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner that had just been damaged, he gradually activated the formation to apply pressure, and at the same time began to condense and strengthen the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner.

Time passed little by little, and after more than twenty hours, under the control of Ren Jie, the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner exuded a three-pointer stronger light than before. Although it is still a top-notch Lingtian treasure, its power has increased significantly . The key is that half of the blood essence of the ancient gods that Ren Jie fused into has been integrated into the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner. Except for a part that started to breed a blood dragon in a big banner, the rest were completely absorbed by Jiujiu. Yinyang Town Divine Banner.

Even Thunder Dragon's scales and bodies changed, and the sound of dragon chant continued, while the remaining half of Ren Jie used the Nine-Nine Yin-Yang Banner Formation as the main form, slowly enveloping the unevolved sun.

They are one thing in themselves, and Ren Jie even nourished some suns that had been dimmed due to the release of a large amount of real sun fire just now, but Ren Jie also took this opportunity to infiltrate his soul power into them, and gradually began to make this unprecedented The evolved sun no longer resists so much, removes its outer layer of defense, and gradually begins to infiltrate, bit by bit.

More than a dozen hours passed, and the unevolved sun was finally gradually conquered under Ren Jie's special method, which can be said to be both soft and hard. It is no longer a completely hostile situation. After all, Ren Jie is not the kind of complete oppression. He uses both soft and hard methods to benefit the sun, feel kind, and show enough power to let him know that this power cannot be destroyed.

In this state, the power of the soul gradually penetrated, gradually disintegrated layers of defenses, and gradually penetrated into it.

This is a special power body, which seems to contain infinite space, and each space contains infinite power. Although these powers are only less than one billionth of their heyday, they can feel their terrifying power, and they gradually penetrate into the body. Among them, you can feel its power increase and the connection mystery increase.

Every time he goes deeper, Ren Jie feels that he has benefited a lot. His previous understanding of space and the composition of the world has been verified again. Many things that were not clear before have become clear now.

And Ren Jie also gradually integrated into it with the blood of the ancient god's heart, and gradually controlled the sun. After controlling the front, it will be much easier later, and he will gradually temper it.

Unknowingly, a full seven days and seven nights have passed, and the outermost third of the sun has been controlled by Ren Jie. At this moment, in the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner, the sun is no longer a hostile relationship, and it is no longer used by Jiujiu. The Yinyang Town God Banner was suppressed. In this way, things become much simpler. The unevolved sun gradually hangs in the air inside the Jiujiu Yinyang Town God Banner, and it has begun to emit light.

Absorbing the surrounding power, emitting light, and forming an internal sexual cycle with Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenqi Banner, the interior of Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenqi Banner suddenly surpassed the level of space opened up by the common law gods, and reached a very high degree.

You know, even if it is a fairy who can open up his own small world, it is impossible for the sun to exist in the small world. The small world is also divided into many levels. The first is the size, sufficient aura, and then the degree of perfection. As for having the sun and the moon, it is infinitely close to the big world, and there are some small worlds with sun and moon in the legend, but most of them are made by condensing some magic weapons. Not really sun and moon.

Ren Jie's sun is completely different. It is the sun that the real ancient god wants to open up the world, and his eyes turn into the sun and the moon.

On the seventh day, Ren Jie also stopped, because it is impossible for Ren Jie to spend so much of the ancient god's heart and blood on it, and the initial control is already good. Moreover, to really control the core, the time and strength consumed have increased exponentially. Unless Ren Jie has time to spend a few years in retreat, it will be more difficult in the end.

So Ren Jie chose to refine part of the front and then stopped. He didn't even touch the power of the fairy soul and the fragments of the rules of the fairy way that he just got in his body. Now he doesn't have enough fairy energy or even jade essence in his hand. . At this time, if something goes wrong, there is no way to deal with it, and the time is urgent. Now that the sun can be temporarily controlled, there is no need to use the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner to suppress it. On the contrary, it will form a good cycle with the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner It is enough for the Thunder Dragon, Fire Dragon, Water Dragon, Poison Dragon, Soul Dragon, and even the newly conceived Blood Dragon to benefit greatly.

And Ren Jie himself has also benefited a lot from this process, especially his understanding of the world and space. Although his strength has not improved rapidly, Ren Jie is not in a hurry now. In his current situation, if the time is ripe enough, he He is ready to directly cross the obstacle of the thousand-year-old ancestor in one step and attack the realm of the gods.

After settling down for a while, he thought about it quietly, and incidentally took control of the unevolved sun of the ancient god first. Ren Jie was already very satisfied, and then the power of the soul moved, and he had already explored the entire small world of the Ren family in an instant.

Oh, it's already here!

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