Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 385 You Win When You Met Me

Oh, is it really that good? But why do I feel that your thing is really bad to the extreme, and you will be played terribly if you meet a good character?

Hmph! Feng Bugui raised his head and snorted, If you insist on comparing me with people at the level of the Eight Great Kings, let them suppress me with strength more than ten times or even stronger than me, or those who have special and powerful magic weapons. , Then I really can’t do it, but if it’s just about body skills, I’m not afraid of anyone.”

Chang Lao Si has been listening from the sidelines, and seeing the wind not returning more and more vigorously, Chang Lao Si really wants to cover his eyes, thinking that you can just jump, you can jump, let's see what you do in a while dead.

I have never seen a person who pretends to be aggressive and arrogant in front of the master can have good results. It is always the master who is arrogant in front of others. This time, you boy is dead.

Okay, self-confidence is a good thing, and the head of the family also likes self-confident people the most. Since you are so confident, why don't we make a bet? Ren Jie said unhurriedly, it is a good thing to have subordinates with personality It's okay to be self-confident and talented, but if this kind of person doesn't clean up and be honest, it will be troublesome. No wonder Chang Lao Si was a little worried, this guy was really hard to manage, now Chang Lao Si could still suppress him, obviously Chang Lao Si was worried that it would be difficult to handle him when he couldn't suppress him.

Bet, what bet? Feng Bugui looked at Ren Jie in surprise.

It's very simple. I just use the magic power of the third layer of the Yin-Yang realm. You can use any body method or method. As long as you can touch me, you will win, otherwise you will lose. The loser must take off his clothes and go around Run around Yujing City, and at the same time, if I lose, I will give you another low-grade Lingtian treasure, and it is tailor-made for you according to your own requirements, how about it, do you dare to bet? As a prickly subordinate, Ren Jie has a hundred ways.

However, he just started to comprehend the laws of space before, and now Ren Jie has been immersed in it, constantly merging with his own skills and body skills. There are countless places where this law of space can be used, such as formations, restraints, cultivation, exercises, refining tools, and so on.

But for Ren Jie, it is imperative to combine some space laws to develop his own body skills, because there will be more and more real fights in the future. Banner, but in terms of body skills, there is no set that is sufficient to match all of these, and it has always been fragmented.

So Ren Jie has not been idle in his mind, and has been integrating those laws. Just now, Feng Bugui has changed hundreds of body skills in a row, which made Ren Jie interested. Although his agility was far behind Qi Tian and Fatty, the set of exercises he had not learned before was good. Ren Jie wanted to play with him when he became interested.

Cough... Feng Bugui heard it, suddenly gasped, and coughed several times in succession.

With Chang Lao Si, especially in the new headquarters of Changle Casino, gambling is not a big deal, and he also likes to gamble, but Ren Jie's bet is too novel and too big.

Chang Laosi was also taken aback when he heard it, and at the same time his facial muscles twitched a few times, it was too late to stop Ren Jie.

Chang Lao Si looked at Master with complicated emotions. Although Feng Bugui is annoying, his agility is indeed very good. With his current strength and his agility, even people below the fifth level of Yanghun can easily beat him. I can't help him, this guy does have the ability to be proud of himself, if he doesn't suddenly attack in a small area, and he doesn't escape, there is no way to catch him.

Chang Lao Si doesn't know how powerful Master is now, Master originally said that if he fights, he has absolute confidence, because when he was in Yuquan Mountain, he was only fighting on the periphery, and Master could exist like the old alchemy king and go down to kill Yuquan Taoist. It must be stronger now.

But the problem is, the condition master set for himself is too harsh, it is only the third level of Yin-Yang Realm Yinhun's strength, and the opponent will win as long as they meet it, which is too difficult.

Patriarch Ren, are you... sure you are right? Feng Bugui looked at Ren Jie again, and said to himself, are you saying the wrong thing?

Do you think it might be wrong? Ren Jie said calmly: If you have been bragging for a long time, confident for a long time, and you don't have the courage to gamble under these conditions, then I will not accept you if you want to be my subordinate. You, I, Ren Jie, do not accept braggarts or people who are useless.

Boom... For a split second, Feng Bugui glared at him, and a surge of force behind him suddenly burst into infinite power. In an instant, the whole person rushed towards Ren Jie, and his hand touched Ren Jie directly from behind. Jay's head. At this moment, Feng Bugui has only one thought in his mind, boy, if you tell me to pretend to be aggressive, you should be more tender.

At this moment, the wind does not return is like a cannonball fired from the same chamber, bursting out in an instant and coming with a bang.

Although Ren Jie sees many problems, it is from Ren Jie's point of view, from the point of view of helping him, if we only talk about his talent in physical skills, this wind is really powerful, his foundation is well established good. Then I also studied it myself. Although Ren Jie saw many problems in the messy patchwork, it was from the perspective of Ren Jie from the perspective of Taiji. of.

This kind of explosive force, impetus, and the propulsion effect of forming one's own mana are very good.

In an instant, Feng Bugui rushed up like the most violent storm, and in an instant his hand was less than half a meter away from Ren Jie.

Chang Laosi looked at him from the sidelines and felt his heart aroused. Even a person at the peak of the Yin-Yang Realm and Yang Soul at this distance would be unable to dodge the wind and not return. Maybe a powerful existence could counterattack, bombard, and have countless There are ways to resist, but it is absolutely inevitable that people who follow the trend will not return.

But at the next moment, the wind that came up suddenly did not return, and it felt like a leaf under the pressure of the strong wind. Ren Jie's body moved lightly to the side under his palm. All of a sudden, Ren Jie was already half a meter away, like It was half blown away by his powerful force.


Feng Bugui has not yet figured it out, even he himself feels that Ren Jie is like a leaf at this moment, and his violent wind blows past him, blowing him away. No matter how strong the wind is, it is difficult to catch the leaves.

Boom... Feng Bugui's body changed suddenly, spinning instantly, and six or seven figures appeared in an instant, forming a tornado, surrounding Ren Jie, and in an instant, six or seven figures reached out and grabbed Ren Jie at the same time .

Seeing the six or seven figures spinning rapidly, the outstretched hand approached Ren Jie again. When he was about to touch him, Ren Jie moved slightly like a leaf being swept up by a tornado again, giving people the feeling that the wind is not returning The airflow caused by the rotation made Ren Jie fly up, just to avoid the wind's hands.

If the moment just now was a bit inexplicable, then this time Fengbugui completely understood, this is not a coincidence, it is impossible for such a coincidence, but how Ren Jie did it, Fengbugui can't figure it out at all.

His unwilling figure flickered quickly and changed again, changing more than a dozen movements in succession.

Ah, let me see how you hide. Suddenly, Feng Bugui changed that way, and his figure quickly became like a ghost, like a shadow floating, without any power or sound.

Chang Laosi was already dumbfounded, because he was even more inexplicable. How did the master avoid it?

It seems that the master has no strength at all, and the speed is very slow. It seems that every time he uses the power of Fengbugui to push the master away. .

Now that seeing the wind not returning has turned into this kind of movement, Chang Laosi also held his breath and watched nervously.

Although Ren Jie has not yet formed a satisfactory movement style, but in his realm, it is not trivial to change his movement style at will, not to mention that he has also integrated the movement skills of Fatty and Qitian, and even more so in the Wushuang imperial concubine. In the ruins, although he mainly studied the Jade Emperor Seal, he also learned and comprehended a lot about the movements of those two figures fighting at that time.

Using some of those things casually is not comparable to Feng Bugui, and at this time he is immersed in the law of space. Integrating agility into the law of space is an area that Fengbugui can't see or think of at all now. Naturally, they don't understand how Ren Jie did it.

If the old man with a smiling face, or someone at the level of the Eight Great Kings were here, he would understand what was going on.

Even they will be frightened when they see Ren Jie using this kind of move, because Ren Jie is only in the realm of yin and yang, and he has already begun to comprehend the law of space, not to mention, he can also start to integrate this law of space into his body. This is too incredible.

At this time, Ren Jie was doing such a thing, and when Feng Bugui changed his posture and approached Ren Jie, he suddenly found that Ren Jie's figure suddenly changed from a leaf to a shadow.

If Feng Bugui's movement is like a ghost at this time, then Ren Jie has become the shadow of a ghost. No matter how weird he is, it is impossible to catch his own shadow. Ren Jie's body movements are very small, and he always looks like He turned sideways and moved a bit, but he always let the wind not return to the air, and became a person who was playing with his own shadow.

This scene looks even more strange and strange.

Seeing that Chang Lao Si was on the sidelines, he was confused at the end, because the situation was different from just now, and he felt that Ren Jie was behind Feng Bugui, and Feng Bugui seemed to want to catch himself. Every time Ren Jie made a slight move, he kept spinning in circles, and it was difficult to catch it no matter how he turned, making Chang Laosi confused.

Because from his point of view, the wind does not return, it is obvious that he can figure everything out just by stretching his arms back, or turning around casually, but he always spins around.

At this time, the wind does not return, and it is really anxious. I feel that there is fire in my chest, which is too depressing.

Just now I was attacked like a strong wind, and Ren Jie was like a leaf. At this time, I changed my body and made no sound, but Ren Jie became even more strange. No matter what, I couldn't catch it.

Ah! Qi roared angrily, and Feng Bugui flew up suddenly, changing his body skills again and changing different methods. He didn't believe that the opponent could use such weak strength and such a small movement that he could not even touch him. After so many years of body skills, hundreds of skills have been learned in vain?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Then Feng Bugui went crazy, exhausted all methods, used all the body skills he had learned, and finally pushed his strength to the limit, even using strength to oppress, trying to lock Ren Jie with strength They all had to be used.

But the result is the same, although Ren Jie has just begun to comprehend the law of space, but that has gone beyond the cognition of the wind does not return too much, coupled with some of Ren Jie's own body skills, Ren Jie later walked casually, flickering For a moment, no matter what you do, the result will be the same.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Feng Bugui finally lowered his head, his chest heaved rapidly, his body was half suspended there, he dared not look at Ren Jie, lost, really lost, just now he never thought about losing, let alone thinking about betting With the result, at this moment, I suddenly thought of the bet that Ren Jie said...

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