Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 370 Soul Search

Of course, it was just that Shang Zhong and the people in the Governor's Mansion of Water Transport felt that the atmosphere was tense, but Ren Jie didn't feel anything. He grabbed Shang Rong with one hand and looked at Shang Zhong coldly.

Boom... Without a sound, the change of mana in Ren Jie's body, combined with the power of Ren Jie's soul, instantly formed a special force and rushed into Shang Rong's body.

Ren Jie just imprisoned Shang Rong with his power and squeezed him together, but it was not purely torturing and venting. From the very beginning when Ren Jie saw Shang Rong framed Ren Lao, he was already murderous. It's just a question of how to kill and how to kill.

Don't think it's okay to kill Naba Lao and Zhang Lao in the battle just now, but if you want to kill Shang Rong, you must be prepared. And he made the worst plan. In this environment, Ren Jie must kill Shang Rong even if he spends another death-preventing jade token.

Just because this idea was made up, Ren Jie made a big fuss from the very beginning. He was going to take Shang Rong into the governor's office of Water Transport and kill him, so that everyone would know that he wanted to suppress the Ren family to win the emperor. If you like it, carefully consider the consequences and see if you are prepared to bear the anger of the Ren family and yourself.

If the situation permits, Ren Jie even wants to kill Shang Zhong together. This depends on the situation, because it has been delayed for so long to make things big, even if the Governor of Water Transport is not strong enough, the emperor is still there. Got ready. So whether Shang Zhong can be killed or not depends on the situation, but the first thing Ren Jie has to do is to control Shang Rong in his hands. Shang Rong must not live, otherwise the effect of deterrence and prestige will be lost. .

So at this moment, Shang Zhong came up and set up his position to tell Ren Jie what to say to Ren Jie.

The trap they had prepared long ago, I was not in the mood to argue with them, because it was meaningless, what Ren Jie had to do now was to kill people and build power.

Of course, under this premise, try to find a way to gain the greatest benefit, and there is no way to take it easy, so when Ren Jie saw Li Tiancheng use his soul-capturing hand to pull out the ghost of Balao, he thought of a Method.

At this moment, Ren Jie is using the power of the soul to perform a soul search method, but Shang Rong has not yet reached the level of yin and yang to condense the soul. Ren Jie is afraid that he will not be able to fully bear the great pain of the soul search and will collapse directly. Therefore, he was oppressed with mana earlier and made his body shrink. The great pain forced Shang Rong to concentrate his mind to control his mana to resist, and let him be oppressed by death and huge external force all the time, so that his uncondensed soul could maintain the strongest state. Persist in being searched by Ren Jie, so as not to collapse prematurely.

Ah... The pain of soul searching far exceeds any physical punishment, and most people don't know it at all. Because if you want to search the soul, your own soul must be strong, and it is very difficult for people with the level of spiritual consciousness to do it, unless you use evil secret methods. Normally, only people who have reached the level of power of the soul can start to master it, and this consumption Big and dangerous.

Even Li Tiancheng's ability to directly extract and capture the ghosts of the Yin-Yang realm is already amazing, let alone Ren Jie's magical soul-searching method.

It was only at this moment that Shang Rong really felt what pain is, and there was an urge to want to die immediately. Death is definitely a relief. It's a pity that he is now controlled by Ren Jie's mana, and he can't even die, but Ren Jie didn't stop his cry, and it came out immediately.

Rong'er... Shang Zhong was so distressed when he heard it, he stood up and pointed at Ren Jie angrily: Ren Jie, what did you do to Rong'er, if you dare... to hurt my son, I will never end with you, even if you are the Ren family Patriarch, don’t even think about leaving here today.”

Leave here? Ren Jie suddenly smiled, looking at Shang Zhong with a smile: After giving you all such a long time, is your master still so kind and let me leave with such a good opportunity?

Shang Zhong didn't expect that Ren Jie would dare to say such words, and he couldn't help being taken aback. After all, everyone knew that Shang Zhong's master was the emperor, and Ren Jie was simply too rebellious. Heart is going to kill him. Although he used to rely on his family background to make troubles, but Ren Tianxing's son is really different. Today he showed the power of the yin and yang realm, and the instant killing of Mr. Zhang is the best proof.

Ah... At the moment when Shang Zhong was stunned, there was another scream of pain. Just hearing this scream made the people in the governor's yamen feel their hairs stand on end, and Shang Zhong was even more heartbroken. .

Let go of me, explain everything clearly, everything still needs to be discussed, otherwise... Shang Zhong was worried about Shang Rong, and what he wanted most was to save Shang Rong first, and then talk.

What is there to discuss, what are you discussing? Ren Jie looked at Shang Zhong with a smile and said, The lice on the bald man's head, everything is obvious, you framed and framed my Ren family, I really think my Ren family is so easy to bully. You think you can do it without asking you to pay a little price. You think that the owner of the family came here to reason with you, and if he really wanted to file a lawsuit with you, then what you thought was too good, right? Tricks are a trick played by ordinary people, this Patriarch is not that interested, oh... there is a trace...

Ren Jie's speaking at this moment is just to delay the time by the way, and more importantly, he wants to tell some people, because he knows that the situation here may not be known to others, but the emperor wants to know anyway. Le, smiled and looked at Shang Zhong.

I didn't expect you, an old bastard, to be so daring. You even dared to take the lead in the emperor's choice of a concubine, and one of them was really selected. Although the level is not high, haha, but the emperor can use you You're good at second-hand things.

Ah... As soon as Ren Jie said this, Shang Zhong's body swayed and he almost fell over. How could Ren Jie know this secret, this... This is something that happened a few years ago, absolutely no one knows, how could he know?

Interesting, the owner of the family doesn't bother to talk about things like corruption and breaking the law. You have too many people. I guess some people are not interested in this kind of thing. No matter how you talk about it, others will laugh at it. But you planted me and let my family smuggle it into the sea. Huang Jinsimu, you are so daring, you secretly withheld so much tribute, and you even colluded with the eunuchs in the palace, and even caused the sinking of the ship on purpose, killing hundreds of people at once, the courage of your father and son It's really big! Ren Jie was also very surprised, he didn't expect to find so many dry goods after searching for Shang Rong's soul.

Shut up, talk nonsense, you... you... this is intentional nonsense, come here, grab this Ren Jie immediately... be careful... Shang Zhong was so frightened at this moment that he was about to collapse. He would send someone to do it himself, but he knew that the secret history who came to deliver the decree has never left. Originally, he desperately fought for the glory and wealth in a glimmer of life, but if these things were known by the emperor, even if he did it for himself. He killed Ren Jie and died himself. I am afraid that the people in the business will not have good results.

Although the Governor's Mansion of Water Transport is no better than those generals, after all, they are in charge of the entire Mingyu Dynasty's water transport, and there are still many subordinates in the supernatural powers. Combined with some formations, especially at the moment, they don't care about others, and even use some prohibited military equipment . Surrounding Ren Jie in an instant, several jade talismans shattered, and in an instant several rays of light directly enveloped Ren Jie, forming ten times the gravity and pressure around him, making it difficult for him to move, and problems with his body and mana.

Afterwards, more than a dozen people in the supernatural realm joined forces to activate a formation, and three of them rushed towards Ren Jie in an instant under the force of the formation.

Ten times the gravity, pressure? Ren Jie really wanted to tell them that when he practiced the Jade Emperor Jue a long time ago, the gravitational pressure of any layer of exercises was much stronger than this. Now the gravity and pressure brought by this jade talisman have no effect on him at all. .

It turns out that you also transported some equipment to the enemy country. This is quite ruthless, bang... bang... bang... Ren Jie said, with a light tap of his finger, a mana-condensed finger shot out. With the help of the formation, Ren Jie can't see them at all, and with the defense and speed of the formation, it is more powerful than the general Yin-Yang realm. If the three of them act at the same time, there is always a chance to threaten Ren Jie and save them. Shang Rong.

It's a pity that Ren Jie knows what's going on without looking at their formation. Their speed, maze, and defense have no effect on Ren Jie at all. When Ren Jie tapped his right hand, three flying magical powers All the people with cultivation bases were pierced between the eyebrows.


In fact, from Ren Jie's appearance to the present, Ren Lao couldn't feel his own existence, and he felt a fluttering feeling in his whole body. He followed Ren Jie and somehow arrived at the governor's yamen of Water Transport.

And when he actually arrived at the Governor’s Yamen for Water Transport, Ren Lao understood what the Patriarch was doing. The Patriarch was here to negotiate, but he was here to accompany him. This was clearly for killing people. I just heard rumors before, but I didn’t expect... I really didn't expect it to be possible?

Ren Lao felt that his brain was not enough, especially when he saw those people who couldn't see clearly at all, who were so fast, and whose formations were operating with terrifying power, they rushed over. When the Patriarch casually clicked, a corpse flew out. Totally stay there.

Forbidden things, if you talk about forbidden things, you really have a lot of merchants. I didn't expect that there would be so many benefits in being in charge of water transportation. It turns out that the emperor can only get 30%. On the eighth day of the seventh month of the previous year, this is a sum of spiritual jade, and on the third day of the sixth month five years ago, the Mid-Autumn Festival a year ago, half a year ago... At this time, Ren Jie found more and more things. Many, Ren Jie also spoke faster and faster, more and more detailed.

Kill, kill him, at all costs... Hearing Ren Jie say more and more and more and more details, Shang Zhong's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys trembled, and his head was about to explode. Roaring frantically, he ordered his subordinates to do it. These things must not be known to anyone. Killing Ren Jie, killing Ren Jie, must not be left behind.

How could he know, could it be...

Suddenly, Shang Zhong came to his senses and looked at Shang Rong whose screams were gradually weakening. Could it be that this is the legendary method of directly searching for memories? , Strength can do it, how could he search directly?

At this time, I can't control so much anymore, no matter what, kill Ren Jie.

But at this time, an eunuch in the dark frowned, his face was gloomy, even he was very angry when he heard this, he really didn't expect this Shang Zhong to be so bold and do so many things.

When Shang Zhong issued this order, he also thought that Shang Rong's memory had been searched, so he couldn't care less about it anymore, so he directly issued the killing order. In an instant, the dead men in the Governor's Mansion of Water Transport used some military equipment in their hands. They are all powerful weapons made by some craftsmen. A few supernatural powers urge the weapons combined with the formation, which is enough to threaten the existence of the yin and yang realm.

This time, Ren Jie couldn't block it completely, because there were indeed too many of them. It's not that he couldn't block it and suppress it with strength, but that would be too terrifying, beyond the scope of his strength to be revealed.

Fortunately, he could see the formation here clearly, grabbed Shang Rong with one hand and continued to search for souls, and grabbed Ren Lao with the other, quickly dodging away.

Boom... At this moment, a seven-color light suddenly flashed, and in an instant a figure broke through the formation of the governor's yamen of the Water Transport.

Fortunately, it's not too late. The fight started. How could I be missing, boss. It would be too disrespectful if you didn't bring us along for such a lively event. Your method is really amazing. You continue to talk and leave the rest to us. It was Cheng Wang Li Tiancheng who appeared.

Boss, Boss, you are too disrespectful. If you are reasonable, we don't need to come. How can we lose us in a war? Just you guys, you are not worthy of my boss. Wei Liang's loud voice sounded immediately, and rushed fiercely. down.

Drink together, play together, and run away after fighting... Wen Zihao held the flagon, stretched out his little female finger to measure, and then took a sip of wine and said: Master Ren, although we can't be like you The same represents a family, but even if it represents myself, you can't let us be a dignified seven-foot man.

The yamen of the Governor of Water Transport secretly colluded with pirates, and there are countless dirty things done in the inland rivers and the outer seas. Today, Patriarch Ren takes the lead, and we will catch this pest for His Majesty and the Mingyu Dynasty. There are too many of you in the mansion of the Great General Zhenhai These people have dirty information, Shang Zhong, you are still going to be arrested and plead guilty. Hai Qingyun was the last one to rush forward, and kept destroying the formations that had been destroyed by Li Tiancheng and the others before, letting his voice spread, and letting his voice spread. The voice of the Governor's Yamen of Water Transport came out.

Seeking good originality in China, asking for support, Katsuki is about to explode, everyone supports, it will explode at the end of the month! !

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