Here Comes The Lady Chef

Chapter 340: Good appetite

After the slight noise in Tao's room, Gentle leaned out of the room with a tired look.

"How? How is it?" Ren Yue kept outside the house and heard the door move slightly, the first one rushed up.

"Well, rest assured, everything goes as expected. Sister Xueer is staying inside the house, I'll make some suitable meals, you can go in and see." Gentle and gentle smile, two shallow on the cheek Immediately after the vortex appeared, the anxiety in everyone's heart was extinguished.

"Mother-in-law, okay ?!" Granny Tao's grandmother asked in surprise!

"Well, the deposited dirt is discharged, and people are much refreshed." Gently wiped the sweat from the forehead.

No one knows what the busy lady did in the house just now, a busy kitchen lady and a medic girl who did not belong to the era of Da Zhou.

Just before everyone came in, Nangong Xue had already packed up the equipment and opened the windows to ventilate the room, making the house as clean as new.

At the moment, everyone crowded into the door, thinking that Granny Tao was still lying on the bed in pain as before, dared not move, a bitter look; but never thought that when she entered the door, she saw Tao Granny with ease. Smiling half-lying on the bed, although his body is still weak, the state of the whole person is very different from the past!

"Mother! You're all right!" Aunt Tao's eldest son burst into tears with tears of excitement, one kneeling and flung beside Aunt Tao, rubbing left and right, if it wasn't for his own eyes, he would never believe !!

"Thanks to these two girls!" Granny Tao smiled slightly, because she hadn't eaten for a long time, and she was quite speechless.

"Girls are going to prepare meals? Ah, yeah, how can such a trivial matter bother the girls themselves, Pearl, you go to the kitchen and tell them. Let the kitchen prepare an old table for the old lady!" He greeted Tao Apo's personal niece in a rush.

"No need, just let my sister go. Grandma Tao just relaxed, this treatment is the first step. The key lies in daily diet conditioning!" Nangong Xue immediately released from the siege.

Before she arrived, she had already explained to Gentle the dietary essentials for the treatment of spleen and stomach disorders in the elderly. Although she didn't know what kind of ingredients to cook for Da Ao in Da Zhou, she believed gentleness must know!

Because just like gentle said, the surgery industry has a specialization!

She is a kitchen idiot and has an understanding of the appetite of each ingredient. She simply explained it, and she already had an idea in her gentle heart.

In Tao's kitchen. Gently looked around.

I saw everything here. The surrounding walls and food racks were full of fat chickens, ducks, smoked meats, wax products, and so on. Only a few vegetables were seen in a small bamboo basket. And there are few leafy vegetables.

The rice and noodle jars are also filled with fine grain.

"Dare to ask, does Taofu eat these on weekdays?" Gentle asked, pointing to the ingredients in this circle.

"Exactly! Before the old lady was ill, she loved to eat these heavy flavor foods, such as braised chicken legs, duck breast with oil, duck meat, white pork and ham stew. All right, and At the doorstep of the bun bun shop, the old lady had to eat a few before every day, saying that the meat in that bun was delicious. The taste was excellent! Unfortunately, the old lady was sick, but she could n’t even eat porridge. Go in ... "The girl-in-law named Zhu Er spoke carefully and tenderly.

"Are other people in that province eating like this?" Gentle continued asking casually.

"Well, my master is a polite person. Saying that there must be chicken, duck, fish, and meat at every meal! It is a feast! If the dishes are made too little, it is mean and disrespectful to others!" Answered, smug.

"I can't see it, the Tao family is quite rich!" Gentle smiled gently. But my heart kept muttering: No wonder! Granny Tao will have a spleen and stomach disorder, and her daring is the same as that of Sister Xueer. This disease is all caused by food! Eat so greasy, no wonder the stomach is bad! This is Tao Granny today. If we do n’t come, I am afraid Master Tao is next!

"Pearl. Do you have oats at home?" Gentle asked casually.

"Oats? What does the girl want that? *, Can't you use fine rice and white flour?" Pearl puzzled.

"Isn't it in the house? You can buy some ..." Wen Rougang said.

"Lady later. I remembered that there should be a stable. I saw it a few days ago." Zhuer said quickly and ran out, and when he came back, he already had half a bag of oats in his arms.

"That's great! A girl named Laozhuer helped to grind this oat into a flour with a small mill." Gently smiling, she pointed to the small stone mill in the kitchen for grinding the soy milk.

Pearl's duty, though incomprehensible, still carefully grinded the oats.

At the same time, gentleness has rolled up its sleeves and started to operate!

Fresh big bones are removed from the meat, tendons, broken bones, exposed bone marrow, put in a wok, and boiled gently.

Green bamboo shoots are cut into filaments, yam is cut into small pieces, added to the big bone soup, and stewed.

The green leafy vegetables are all chopped, and they are chopped into a puree.

"Girl, the oats are milled!" At this moment, Zhuer wiped the sweat on her head and cried.

"There is work!" Gentle knows that grinding oat flour is a real physical activity. After taking the finely ground oat flour, he grabbed a small handful of rice and added a suitable amount of water to the white clay pot for cooking.

The white rice milk is mixed with slightly yellow oat flour, and under the action of heat, the unique aroma of grain is slowly volatile.

Boiled a few times, changed to a small fire, and gentle and vegetable puree was added.

Stir gently with a large spoon.

The unique material of the casserole is the artifact that plays the sweet smell of food. As the dense bubbles grow more and more, a pot of milky porridge becomes jade in a blink of an eye.

That's the effect of vegetable puree!

The aroma of grain is sweetened with vegetables. Although it is a simple pot of porridge, it can really make you appetite and swallow saliva.

After a while, the big bone soup is also good.

Gentle just put some salt and some vinegar.

The bone soup that had originally been simmered turned milky white, and that was the calcification effect of vinegar!

Remove the subtle layer of oil from the bone soup, and a bowl of sweet and delicious bone marrow shredded soup is ready!

"Girl, is that all right?" Pearl asked, worried.

"Well, that's enough! Let's go. Granny Tao is still hungry!" Gently nodded.

"No need to make more meat dishes?" Zhu Er was still a bit uneasy. What a dreadful shadow! It ’s all thin. It ’s not enough to eat!

"No need. These are enough!" Gentle smiled and appeased, and then found a tray, Zhu Er held, the two quickly walked into Tao Apo's room.

A crowd surrounded them, of course Ren Yue and Nangong Xue were also present.

"Zhuer! You dead girl! Let you assist the girl in cooking, why did you only make this!" The first son of the Tao family immediately felt ashamed when he saw such a cold thing.

"Master Tao, please be angry, in fact, this meal today. Granny Tao is suitable for eating!" Gentle took the tray that Zhu Er was holding, brought the bowl of porridge rice in front, gently blowed a spoonful, and sent it to Granny Tao .

"It's porridge." Granny Tao glanced slightly, disappointed!

She had thought that her belly was unobstructed, and the kitchen in the house would be so big and big that she could eat it heartily. I did not expect that the first meal would be a bowl of porridge.

However, the porridge looks quite refreshing, green like jade, and has a slight sweetness.

"Aunt Tao. Try it, be careful!" Gentlely persuaded.

Xu Shi felt that he had cured himself of the illness, and went to cook in person. Eat even a bowl of porridge.

Granny Tao opened her mouth slightly.

Spoonful of porridge.

God! this is……

Tao Granny froze!

I have never eaten such a delicious porridge. The texture of the bomb is in it, with the sweetness of rice, and a refreshing taste.

That bounce was finely crushed oat powder, and that refreshing naturally came from the smell of vegetables.

No need to persuade me a second sip, Granny Tao took the porridge bowl herself, sips and eats, almost in a blink. That bowl of porridge rice was eaten clean by Granny Tao.

I do n’t know if it ’s really hungry or if this bowl of porridge is too delicious!

The Tao family who looked around looked at each other. Not just a bowl of porridge! As for eating like this!

"Aunt Tao, is it delicious?" Gentle asked in concern.

"It's delicious. It's delicious! What kind of porridge is this girl? How is it green? It tastes really good!" Tao Granny pouted.

"This is oat and vegetable porridge!" Answered gently and gently.

"Oat!" Not only Tao Apo, but even the other Tao family members who were present were shocked!

Because in their pottery, the taste like oats can only be fed to horses!

"Isn't that for horses!" Someone muttered finally.

"Cough." Ren Yue coughed lightly.

Who says oats are fed to horses! At that time, in Xi'an City, gentle and delicious oatmeal was cooked many times. Not only did Ren Yue eat it, Sheng Yaoshan ate it, but Sheng Jiaoxue, Mr. Song Tao, and the ninth prince Liu Xian ate it!

Such a distinguished person ate, and a common people's house in Beijing, even fed this food to horses!

Ren Yue was displeased and sighed slightly.

"Master Tao doesn't know, this oatmeal is an excellent thing. It can not only supplement the body's needs, but also have a very good effect on intestinal peristalsis! Being able to moisturize the intestines and remove oil, regular food is very good for the body!" Just a moment.

"It is true that Granny Tao had previously eaten too much greasy food, and the elderly had poor gastrointestinal function ~ ~ This caused gastrointestinal discomfort and was in custody. Although we helped to clear it today After the intestines, the maintenance is still in the daily diet. Do not repeat the smell of fish such as big fish and meat. Later, my sister will write a recipe for you and make it for Tao Apo every day according to the regulations in it. You can keep your body healthy! "Nangong Xue explained from the side.

"Aunt Tao, come and try this again, this is very good for your physical recovery!" Gently smiled and passed the bowl of bone marrow silk soup.

The refreshing bone soup, accompanied by bamboo shoots with a lot of fiber texture, Granny Tao felt that for the first time she didn't eat meat, but just drinking the soup was so refreshing!

"Adding vinegar to this bone soup can greatly extract the calcium in the bone soup, and it is also very good for people's absorption! Aunt Tao Tao is old and weak, and has long-term nutritional disorders. Drink more Bone soup is also very beneficial to her. "Nangong Xue continued to explain.

"I still have so much knowledge to eat!" The Tao family was shocked.


(Weekends ~ Xiao Rong wish you a lot of fun o (n_n) o ~~ Wenwen is so fat ~ (^_^) ~ Seeking support and everything ~ (^_^) ~) (To be continued)

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