Here Comes The Lady Chef

Chapter 213: Duck blood is a good thing

The crowd looked around and saw a lean old man standing at the gate of Zuixianlou so frustratingly.

I can't believe that the powerful cry just now came from this thin body.

"Chef Tan!" A group of people present all recognized the lean old man with a smile on his face.

"Master Qiao, who is this?" Wen Shouzheng was slightly panicked and asked in a whisper when he saw the reaction of the crowd.

"Hehe, Chef Wen must not be alarmed. This is Tan Tan's Tan House, which focuses on home-style dishes. Chef Wen can just face it!" Master Qiao comforted a little.

"Homemade dishes ?!" Wen Shouzheng was shocked in his heart.

In this world, the hardest thing to grasp is not ingenuity, but commonplace.

For harmonizing thousands of households, but steadily standing in the provincial capital of the culinary arts, the Tan Family Museum, although it is a homely route, it is also unique.

The skill and ability of it, but chef Tan knows a little about it.

Although the figure is small, the internal force is not to be underestimated!

Standing tenderly beside Wen Shouzheng, I also heard the origin of the old man named Tan clearly, and my heart was secretly prepared.

"Well! Chef Liu, are you here too? After yesterday's test, don't you go to rest?" Someone in the crowd recognized Liu Yidao who failed to snooze yesterday.

At this moment, Liu Yidao is still the black iron chopper hanging around his waist, holding his arms and chest, looking at the lineup in front of him coldly.

Among the crowd, Mr. Song Tao and his team were particularly noticeable.

There is no shortage of pointers from big girls and daughters-in-law.

"Look, that man is the one who stood on the stage yesterday. I told you, it's so handsome!" Someone whispered, pointing at Sheng Yaoshan.

"Well ... if my man can have half of him, I would just be spinning and weaving to the point of exhaustion!" Another woman said.

"I said, you came yesterday. You still came out today, and your cloth is not knitted? If your man asks, what do you say?"

"Tell him! My mother is out! There is such a handsome man in front of me and weaving a woolen cloth! If the man in my house dares to scream. I will show him the appearance and body of the other man! The gap is so big! Why is my life so bitter! "The woman said, she really raised her hand to wipe her eyes. Immediately, he couldn't wait to follow Sheng Yaoshan again. I don't know if it was really crying just now or pretending.

"Oh my God! Look!" With the sharp scream of a strange woman, the crowd began to stir up.

First, the heads of the front row were all in one place, and then the eyes of the crowd converged.

That point is Ren Yue!

The young boy in white seemed to be shining brightly, although he stood quietly in the crowd. His radiance was unstoppable, halo after circle.

Umo-like long hair was loosely tied, casually resting on the streamlined shoulder.

The wide snow-white sleeves hang gently, swinging gently as the wind blows, as if the clouds are gentle. The moon is as soft. Jun Lang's side face was elegant and unattainable, and in the clear eyes, it was like mountains and water flowing over an open sky.

His bright and beautiful jaw was raised slightly, and his eyebrows were lightly contemplative, facing the father and daughter Wen on the stage. Slightly raised his face, and a peach-like mouth in March, a slight smile floated.

There is such a delicate and touching man in the world!

But even if Ren Yue's life is so beautiful, his beauty is clearly shown-he is a man!

Everyone sighed again in Qi Qi: What a beautiful man!

If you say that everyone just used Marvel to describe the handsomeness of Sheng Yaoshan, now. The appearance of Ren Yue will make all words describing beauty pale.

No one can accurately define the appearance of Ren Yue. Just like at this moment, the entire lobby is quiet, it seems that a weak breath will interfere with people's care for beauty.

Be gentle on the stage. I clearly saw that because of the arrival of Ren Yue, the whole scene suddenly changed, and my heart grinned: "You didn't come in the first battle yesterday! Today you are here, so that people will not be allowed to race!"

Perhaps it was the eyes that everyone gathered to make Ren Yue feel uncomfortable, or that Ren Yue felt that the protagonist today is not himself, but the father and daughter of Chef Wen. He immediately coughed a few times, like dismissing the alarm, and immediately let the surrounding The stagnant air soothed.

"Hehe, come and come. Today, it is Tan Laolai to fight, everyone has both eyes and oral!" Master Qiao quickly pulled everyone's attention to the ring.

"It's still a matter of throwing copper coins and deciding who will decide the main ingredient!" Master Qiao gave an order, and when he looked again, today's initiative was in the hands of Tan Lao.

"Mr. Tan, please first!" Master Qiao invited.

"Oh, don't be in a hurry, the old man hasn't chosen the opponent yet!" Tan Lao wore a gray beard, his eyes turned to Wen Shouzheng and gentleness on the stage.

"Choose an opponent?" Sheng Yaoshan couldn't help but be surprised. Could the old man also go it alone?

"Oh, I heard that yesterday ’s match was very exciting, my husband missed it, and came alone today, just for a while yesterday's winner. Is it you?" Tan Lao leisurely said, looking at the gentle body .

Why is it still Girl Wen! Sheng Yaoshan's heart tightened.

Yesterday I finished the test. How can I have a day off? Besides, this old man seems to have some means, not a casual person! Sheng Yaoshan was worried.

"Little girl is gentle. She was accepted by Chef Liu yesterday. She was lucky enough to win the contest. Today Tan Lao was invited. Rouer is willing to learn from the kitchen friends with Tan Lao. Tan Lao please! , Paragraph salute.

"What a girl who doesn't know the height and height! It's really ignorant and fearless!" Tan Lao glanced scornfully at the girl in front of him, but she was twelve or thirteen years old and thin and small, looking at it like a willow tree Thin arms, I'm afraid that I can't even lift a kitchen knife! I don't know how Liu Yidao did it yesterday, but it will be planted at the feet of this girl. It must be that Liu Yidao, the dead fat man, moved his heart and looked at the beautiful girl, but his subordinates were out of standard!

Tan Lao thought so, and his eyes reached Liu Yidao, who was hiding in the crowd, and Liu Yidao's belly, as soon as he hit the door, he had exposed his position.

"Teacher Tan learned the lesson! Rouer's first visit to the provincial capital, many do not understand. I also hope that Tan Lao a lot of advice. Tan Lao, please first." Gentle was not irritated by Tan Lao's arrogant words, but more polite Up.

Such courtesy, however, made Tan Lao look very lost.

"Kee," Tan Lao cleared his throat. Regained his composure, he walked in front of the food area.

"Since it was tofu yesterday, the old man is here to challenge tofu today!" Tan Lao said, only reaching into the ingredients basket.

All the people present were dumbfounded.

Better than tofu? !!

Is it still tofu!

Standing gentle, thinking in my heart, if it is better than tofu, what kind of tofu should I make today?

When Tan Lao's arms were taken out of the food basket, everyone was dumbfounded.

I saw a piece of red, black and soft square, so I placed it in Tan Lao's hands.

Shaped like tofu. But the color is so black and red!

"Duck blood!" Gentle blurted out!

"Hey, you girl knows the goods! Yes, it's duck blood!" Tan Laozuo laughed, and then turned around, standing in front of the stove in the challenge area.

Gently leaned over to take a piece of duck blood that was also black and red, and weighed it in his hand. Suddenly lost in thought.

This thing is rarely used on weekdays, and it has a smell of its own. How to cook it?

"Lao Tan, what kind of tofu is this? Why is it black?" Someone asked in the crowd.

"Oh, this is duck blood, because it looks like tofu. The taste is soft and glutinous like tofu, so the old man today challenged yesterday's tofu with duck blood!" Tan Lao laughed, and was ready to start.

Gentle is still contemplating the duck blood.

Sheng Yaoshan clenched his fists tightly, his mouth was squinting. It seemed that he was nervous on the stage, not gentle.

Ren Yue lazily hugs his arms. There was a salty smile at the corner of his mouth, and he secretly said, "I thought I would make something delicious today. It turned out to be duck blood, no interest!

Immediately, they would pull out and leave.

Suddenly. It was as if someone was holding him behind. Ren Yue turned his back, Wen Ting was standing behind him with a smile, and whispered, "Renmin, do you want to leave without reading?"

"I ..." Ren Yue hesitated.

Originally, he had to leave, not because he was boring, but because he cooked duck blood that he didn't like, but now facing Wen Ting's inquiries, Ren Yue felt that if he left at this time, it seemed to be a bit After losing the courtesy, after all, she came with everyone to cheer Wen's father and daughter. After all, girl Wen took care of herself last night.

"I'll change the position to see." Ren Yue then made a lie, and found a few personal places backwards, leaning obliquely against the wall, and continued to watch the gentle game.

"That girl is afraid of a difficult problem!" Someone was whispering to himself beside Ren Yue.

Cai Mi! That speaker is Cai Mi!

At this moment, he was standing beside Ren Yue, still stepping on a stool like yesterday.

"Bai Cai also understands cooking?" Ren Yue heard Cai Mi's words and felt that there were some roots to follow, and he asked casually.

"Oh, I don't understand! It's just that it's difficult or easy to see Rou girl cooking more than usual, just look at her expression to see." Cai Mi responded casually.

"According to Cai Bo, hasn't Girl Wen cooked this dish on weekdays?" Ren Yue asked, asking again.

"It's not just that I haven't done it ~ ~ I'm afraid I haven't even eaten it!" Cai Mi was worried.

"The stinky ingredients are not easy to cook, let alone the pure blood! It must be covered with spicy flavor before they can be covered!" Ren Yue said softly.

"Ren Gongzi is really a person who tastes food. He just broke the secret of duck blood. In our country, because of fear of waste, eating chicken blood and duck blood is stir-fried with spicy, so I do n’t know this girl Can you comprehend it! "Cai Mi nodded.

When Ren Yue heard Cai Mi's reminder, she probably felt some truth, and saw that Gentle was still contemplating on the stage, and she couldn't help covering her mouth and nose with one hand, and slowly coughed.

The cough was gentle, but still attracted a gentle look.


(Hee hee, it's hot in the summer, it's great to eat some duck blood to remove the garbage from the body. Jinling has a snack duck blood fan soup, which is sold all over the country. If you are free on weekends and you don't know what to eat, you may try Taste, the authentic taste is still good. Genuine subscription supports Xiao Rongha ~ Please keep the free recommended tickets ~ Wen Wen getting fat, Xiao Rong asks for everything ~)

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