Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 799: Not only can you see, you can also touch


   "Is this the fresh flesh of the titled Celestial Man in the Central Empire?"

   "It's really white."

   "Yes, it's whiter than Huang Xian'er's **** in Yi Cui Lou Oiran."

   "Huh? How do you have a problem with this person."

   "Why do you say he is kneeling here?"

   "Do you still need to ask? It must be this way to pray for Lin Yingxiong."

   "I don't know what happened to Hero Lin's injury."

   "Yeah, it's really worrying."

   Ordinary citizens on the street, seeing Ji Wushuang kneeling at the gate of Shangzhuoyuan, are like watching animals in a circus, full of curiosity.

   After all, it is a rare opportunity to see the titled Celestial Man from the Central Empire Alliance mission naked.

   Although I can vaguely feel that Ji Wushuang is kneeling here, the hidden meaning behind it is significant, but ordinary people can hardly appreciate the thrilling high-latitude information, but it is not like the powerful and powerful people in the capital who reacted so fiercely.

   "Huh? You have no eyesight at all. Can you kneel a little aside... A good dog won't get in the way."

   Wang Zhong, the old housekeeper, deliberately appeared at the gate, standing in front of the kneeling Ji Wushuang.

   It looked like Ji Wushuang was kneeling in front of him.

   On that day, Ji Wushuang was domineering, and at one time he had to hold Lin Beichen in a coma to not let go, and also snatched away the [Polar God Weeping Bow] he had already obtained.

   Now Wang Zhong, who is holding grudges, is here to deliberately disgust Ji Wushuang.

   Even so, Ji Wushuang did not dare to be angry at all.

   He looked like a **** little wife who was bullied by a wicked mother-in-law, so she moved her knees, not blocking the front door, but knelt to the side.


   I really don’t dare to talk back.

   Old Wang Zhong's eyes lit up.

   It seems that this dog is really scared.

   As soon as he thought of this, Wang Zhong was excited.

   A very bold idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

   "Master asked me to ask you, is the investigation clear about the result of the'Heaven's Life'

   Wang Zhong asked.

Ji Wushuang hurriedly said: "The investigation is clear. Young Master Lin defeated Yu Shibei by using magic arts. It is fair and reasonable. There is no problem. Before I came, I had ordered someone to make a final decision. The royal family of the country... the villain should die and shouldn't question Young Master Lin."

   "You are smart."

  Wang Zhong hummingly squeezed his gesture: "You wait."

   He turned around and returned to Shang Zhuoyuan.

   Soon, four silver and white guards came out of the yard, swiftly starting to build sheds and guardrails at the gate.

   Soon, a guardrail tent with a large floor area was set up.

   just shrouded Ji Wushuang in the tent.

   After Ji Wushuang was startled, he suddenly felt a little joyful in his heart.

  Young Master Lin is ready to forgive me?

   Cover me with a tent to protect me from the prying eyes of ordinary people coming and going, and save a little face?

   Things are moving in a good direction.

   Ji Wushuang thought about it, but suddenly he was a little moved.

  At this time, Wang Zhong came to the tent alone.

   Looking at Ji Wushuang who was still kneeling on the ground, Wang Zhong smiled and said, "My master, let me ask you, where is [Polar God Weeping Bow]?"

   Ji Wushuang had been prepared early, and immediately took out the state-of-the-town artifact from the storage space and offered it with both hands.

   "Count you acquaintance."

   Wang Zhong smiled and said: "As for how to explain to the Aurora Empire..."

   Ji Wushuang quickly said: "I know, the old slave saves it. I accidentally lost it. It has nothing to do with Young Master Lin."


   This dog has a hand at it.

  I am almost ashamed of myself, old man.

Wang Zhong put away the [Polar God Weeping Bow], and then said: "Yes, you have passed the test of the first step. Next, it is my young master’s test of your heart training. If you can persist, then The previous collision will be wiped out, and my young master will give you a new opportunity. If you can’t hold on..."

   "No matter how Young Master Lin tests me, I will accept it 100%."

   Ji Wushuang was excited, and patted his chest to show his loyalty.

   He has already done this, he just took off his clothes and pleaded guilty, and his face was ashamed. What other tests would he be afraid of?

   "Very good, then I look forward to your performance."

  Wang Zhong smiled like a weasel who had successfully stolen a chicken, and turned and left the tent.

   Soon, [Shen Beast] Guangjiang walked out of the gate of Shangzhuo Garden.

   This fat and huge silver-haired mouse is now considered a famous capital.

   I saw it picking up a huge sign with one finger, stepping on its short legs, and walking outside the gate, with a thud, and placed it in front of the railing outside the tent.

It turns out that this brand is made of metal and weighs more than a thousand catties. Don’t look at Guangjiang’s hand as light as a mustard. That’s because it is so powerful. When you swing it on the ground, the brand cracks the slate on the ground several times. Ten yuan, smashed out a series of spider web cracks.

   Before the silver guard built a sealed tent, it has attracted countless people to stop and watch.

   This huge sound suddenly attracted more people.

   "Look, that's Lin Yingxiong's favorite."

   "It's a beast."

   "Wow, the beast is so cute, I really want to touch its head."

   "Lin Yingxiong is worthy of being a hero. His battle pets are so cute."

   Many passers-by suddenly looked at the one who spoke last, with a very speechless expression.

   Is there any necessary connection between the two concepts of "hero" and "moe"?

   Why do you take it for granted?

   "The pen and ink are waiting."

   Seeing the crowd gather, the old housekeeper Wang Zhong shouted.

   Two silver and white guards carrying pen, ink, paper and inkstone and waiting for the four treasures of the study came forward.


   Guangjiang shook the fat on his body, made a set of military physical punches, screamed after moving his muscles and bones, took a long pen, dipped in thick ink, and wrote a line of words on the giant sign.

   "Pay a gold coin for each visit, 20% off for the first three days."

   I have to say, the word Guangjiang is really getting better and better.

   Nowadays, not only there are no typos, but also every word has the style of a celebrity, with silver hooks and iron strokes, and strong paper back. There are many calligraphy masters, and they will be praised when they see it.

   is just the content of this line...

   Uh, it looks weird.

What does    mean?

   "Everyone, everybody, rank..."

The old housekeeper Wang Zhong cleared his throat and said with a smile: "For hundreds of years, who can see the titled heavenly man from the Central Empire, kneeling with his thorns on his back? Hehe, this is a rare opportunity, just need You can see this scene by paying a gold coin, haha, a gold coin, you can’t buy it at a loss, you can’t buy it. After you go in, you can not only watch it, but also touch it. This is a lively central empire titled deity, look. A look, a touch, you will talk about it forever..."

   After hearing this, everyone understood what Wang Zhong meant.

   Some people were moved on the spot.

   Not only can you see, but you can also touch it?


   Touching the skin of the titled deity, this is more worthy of bragging and remembering than touching the delicate skin of the oirans on the Jiaofangsi, Shishifang, and the Golden River Flower Boat.

   After all, there are often oirans, and the title of shirtless gods is not common.

   What's more, the titled heavenly man from the Central Empire?

Wang Zhong said in a loud voice: "Everyone is in position, the opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss is not to come. In fact, this is also an opportunity to witness the prosperity of the North Sea Empire's military and national fortunes. Haha, I also want to tell everyone that this exhibition will only be held. Ten days, four hours a day for external operations, it's overdue and no waiting...If you want to see and touch, line up outside the railing."

   The crowd is boiling.

   In a blink of an eye, the people lining up to pay the fee pulled out a long dragon of several kilometers.

  People are scrambling to get ahead.

   News also spread quickly.

  The line gets longer and longer.

  Wang Zhong sat outside the tent, collecting coins himself, his smiling facial muscles cramped.

   I am really a genius who made a fortune.

  Master will be very satisfied.

  At the same time, the news broke, and the bigwigs in the capital were all dumbfounded.


   There is such an operation?

   This old housekeeper Wang Zhong is a **** talent.

   Young Master Lin has such a key around him, but he really picked up a ghost.


First, there are 2 more.

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