Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 791: Lord Zhu, please end the paragraph first

Like many large families, the Xiao family is divided into different branches.

   has seven rooms.

   There are three rooms in total.

   The old lady Xiao is the long room, followed by the second room Xiao Yi and the fourth room Xiao Yuan.

   These three rooms are the most powerful.

   In Korea, and in the army, both have great influence.

As for Xiao Ling in the third room, Xiao Chen in the fifth room, Xiao Zhen in the sixth room, and Xiao Hu in the seventh room. Compared with these three rooms, they are much worse and lack the right to speak. However, they also manage many industries of the Xiao family and have a certain share. Share.

   This temporary emergency family meeting was jointly convened by Erfang and Sifang, and the Erfang, where the old lady Xiao Yan was located, was caught off guard.

   And their request is very simple.

   cut with Lin Beichen.

   Abolish the previous decision to appoint Xiao Ye as the new patriarch.

   Such a request is obviously that the second room and the fourth room have been planning for a long time. They united and launched a charge attack on the big room, which is an obvious signal to seize power.

   All of a sudden, the representatives of each room who appeared in the hall changed their colors.

"I support."

   Xiao Ling, the person in charge of Sanfang, was the first to express his opinion.

"I also support. Lin Beichen is dead. It is a misfortune. He has provoke the messenger of the Central Empire Alliance mission, let alone our Xiao family. Even if it is the royal family, I am afraid that he will not dare to protect him. In the case of entanglement, the curse of the door is at hand."

   Wu Fang, the person responsible for Xiao Chen, is also very loud and authentic.

   There was a lot of discussion in the lobby.

At this time, Xiao Hu of the Seventh Room couldn’t help but angrily said: “Is my Xiao family a horror? The invitations have been sent out so many, and now the entire capital aristocratic circle already knows about this. Repentance, hasn't it become the laughing stock of the capital?"

   Xiao Yi, the person in charge of the second room, sneered: "It is better to be a laughingstock than to ruin the family. We did this for the Xiao family."

Seven room Xiao Hu sneered: "For the Xiao family? You two and four rooms, I don’t know the dirty things you have done secretly for so long. In the name of the Xiao family, I’m doing all kinds of detrimental activities. , Do you still treat the Xiao family as your own?"


   Xiao Yuan, the person in charge of the four rooms, came to the scene and said sharply: "Old Qi, what do you mean? There is a limit to **** mouth."

"I bother."

   Qifang Talker Xiao Hu looked contemptuous.

He looked around for a week, and asked angrily: "You know what you have done yourself. Don't think that others are blind and deaf. The old lady is just too lazy to care about you. If you take advantage of it, you will be honest and happy. Trying to get in touch with the power of the Xiao family? Don’t forget, this Xiao family was created by the old man little by little. Without the old man, what are you guys? You still want to seize power? You are really no different from the white-eyed wolf."

   "You... old seven, you have the ability to produce evidence, otherwise, if you say this, you will have to deal with it in accordance with family rules."

   The person in the second room, Xiao Yi, said coldly.

   The person in charge of the Seventh Room, Xiao Hu, was about to refute, but the old lady Xiao Yan waved his hand.

   "Second, tell me, what are you going to do?"

   Old lady Xiao Yan asked calmly.

The person in the second room, Xiao Yi, smiled slightly and said: "It's very simple. Abolish Xiao Ye's paternal inheritance rights, expel him from the Xiao family, and elect a new Patriarch out. Hehe, I propose Xiao Si, although he is young, but After all, he has more experience than Xiao Ye. In this way, the invitations sent out don’t have to be withdrawn. The Patriarch takes office and the meeting can be held as usual."

   Xiao Si is a leader in the new generation of two rooms and one lineage.

   There was a sound of discussion in the hall.

   "What about the opinions of the others?"

   The old lady Xiao Yan did not get angry, but calmly asked the opinions of the others.

"I object."

Xiao Hu, the person in charge of the Seventh Chamber, said: "Xiao Si has a wine pouch and rice bag. He is gilded in the army. He has never been to the front line. He has never been to the real battlefield. The position of general staff was bought by the Second Chamber with huge sums of money. What qualifications do you have to inherit the position of Patriarch?"

   "I agree that Xiao Si will succeed the Patriarch."

   Xiao Yuandao, the four-room clerk.

   "We also agree with the second child's proposal, Xiao Si is a good candidate."

   Xiao Ling in the third room, Xiao Chen in the fifth room, and Xiao Zhen in the sixth room said at the same time.

Among the seven branches of   , five rooms expressed their approval to abolish Xiao Ye and elect Xiao Si as the new owner.

   Only Dafang and Qifang continue to support Xiao Ye.   "Haha, we won."

   Erfang Xiao Yi burst out laughing.

"One-vote veto."

   Old Mrs. Xiao is so neat and casual.

   Xiao Yi looked stiff.

   The others looked at the old man, and they were all stunned.

   "I typed the Xiao family, I have the final say."

   Old man Xiao's complexion was light.

   He clapped his hands lightly.

   Forty armored soldiers rushed into the hall.

   are all first-class military masters.

The one headed by    is the master of martial arts.

   In the entire hall, most of the people suddenly fell silent.

Old Madam Xiao slowly got up, exuding his majesty, and said in a domineering tone: "When did I say that the lord of the Patriarch can vote? The second, fourth, you have a few pounds of goods, don't you have any idea? Play? This move is still far away. I have given my order that the Patriarch Succession Conference will be held as scheduled, and the candidates will remain unchanged. If anyone has any ideas, get out of the Xiao family."

   "Old lady, you..."

   Xiao Yi, Xiao Yuan and others were shocked and angry.

   I waited for so long to prepare for such a long time, and the trouble broke out, but it turned out like this?

   "What? Are you still talking?"

   Old Madam Xiao looked at them with cold eyes.

   Xiao Yi and Xiao Yuan suddenly shut up.

   An old lady with such an expression hasn't appeared in a long time.

   The last time the old lady looked like this, it was a night of blood flowing into a river. The Xiao family, which originally had eight branches, became seven.

   "The meeting is over."

   Old Madam Xiao did not give other people a chance to speak at all.

   He turned and left.

   "Jumping beam clown."

   Qifang talker Xiao Hu laughed and left.

   Xiao Yi, Xiao Yuan and others are left, their faces are ashen.

   "Old things, why don't they die."

   A terrifying young man, like a wild dog whose spouse was taken away during mating, gnashed his teeth and cursed.

  He is Xiao Si.

   Seeing that the position of the Patriarch who got it flew away, Xiao Si's qualitative wall separated, and he almost lost his reason.


   Xiao Yi slapped the young man's face, "Presumptuous. How can I curse the Patriarch like this?"

   "Grandpa, I...I was wrong."

   Xiao Si was a violent spirit, and was awakened by this slap.

   Xiao Yi looked at the empty hall, with a trace of hideousness flashing across his face.

   "You are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous, old fellow, this is your own death."

   He made up his mind.

   "Old fourth, you go to contact the other party and say that I agreed to his terms and agreed to his plan. It will be suspended for two days, and the new owner will take office in the hall, and directly get rid of the old guy."

   Xiao Yi's face was sullen and honest.

Xiao Yuan was overjoyed and said: "Second brother, you finally figured it out, great, haha, climb the high branches of the central empire, there are people we want, even the emperor dare not treat us, hahaha , OK, I'll go and contact the other party now."

  He left happily.

   Xiao Yi turned around to look at his grandson Xiao Si.

   "Slap just now, did it hurt?"

   "Grandpa, you are right. I shouldn't be confused by anger."

"It’s fine to know what’s wrong. Grandpa is just a grandson like you. He will definitely pave the way for you. The wicked let Grandpa do it. You have to buy people’s hearts... Don’t worry, after two days, you will be the new owner. These two days Be careful, don’t go out for a drink."

   "Yes, grandpa."



   The Tower of Heaven and Man.

   Ge Wuyou wore a blue shirt with a handsome face, holding his secret-color porcelain three-legged golden toad teacup in his hand, sipping sips, feeling very anxious in his heart.

   My wife originally lent Zhu Junlan this idiot.

   didn't know when it would be able to take it back.

   "Don't worry, I, Zhu Junlan, will never fall back on my account. When I go back, if I have raised enough black stones, I will pay you back as soon as possible."

   Zhu Junlan sat aside, patted her chest to make sure.   "Zhu Gongzi's family is big, of course I can rest assured."

   Ge Wuyou said something against his heart.

   cruel life.

   finally made me live like I hate again and again.

   "Hey, this time, I heard that Lin Beichen will definitely die, so I'm relieved."

   Zhu Junlan has a good spirit in happy occasions.

   Ge Wuyou heard this, but did not speak.

  He was a little sorry.

   This Lin Beichen is really a good seed, strong in combat power, and is favored by the Lord of Swords, granting divine art, but unfortunately his life is not good and he died too fast.


   There was a knock on the door.

   Ge Wuyou looked at the Xuanjing big screen in the monitoring room.


   A look of surprise appeared on his face.

   From the surveillance, the figure standing outside the Tower of Heaven and Man was actually an acquaintance.

  【Changchunchunren】Sun Xingzhe.

Why is he here?

   Zhu Junlan also found out.

   "Invite him in."

   Zhu Junlan's heart moved.

   after a moment.

   In the lobby on the first floor of the Tower of Heaven and Human.

   "Zhu Gongzi, I have come to have a very important news to tell you."

  Sun Xingzhe God is mysterious and authentic.

   "Are you trying to say that Lin Beichen is dead?"

   Zhu Junlan was dissatisfied, barely restrained, and said indifferently: "I already know about this. He died from the [Polar God Cry Bow] injury."


   Sun Xingzhe shook his head to correct, and said: "The news that Mr.Zhu got is false. Lin Beichen is only suspended for death. He is not seriously injured and is still alive and well."


   Zhu Junlan and Ge Wuyou exclaimed at the same time.

   "What proof do you have?"

   Zhu Junlan stared at Sun Xingzhe, with a solemn expression: "Don't come here to blame me."

   Sun Xingzhe directly took out a photo stone.

   "Zhu Gongzi, you will know when you read it."

   He passed the photo-taking stone over.

   Zhu Junlan suspiciously urged the photo-taking stone, and the image of the memory was suddenly projected into the air.

In the picture, Lin Beichen’s right chest still had an arrow of ice crystals inserted, but the whole person was in a very good spirit, his complexion was ruddy and shiny, and he was flirting with his two stunning little maids in his arms. While drinking, he looked like a wandering corpse.

  Where does this drunken look look like being seriously injured and dying?

   Zhu Junlan had a tingling scalp.

How is this going?

   As everyone knows, the image in the photo-taking stone is impossible. P... well, it is impossible to tamper with.

   So, Lin Beichen is not only alive, but also moisturized?

   "How did you get this photo stone?"

   Zhu Junlan asked seriously.

   Now the entire Shangzhuo Garden has been sealed off, like an iron bucket, outsiders can't get in at all, so someone can take such a picture?

   This method is unusual.

  Sun Xingzhe said: "I naturally have a special method."

   "You came to me just to tell me the news?"

   "Of course not, I'm here to find Master Zhu to make the final payment."

   "What's the final payment?"

   "Of course it is the final payment for assassinating Lin Beichen."

   "But he is still alive."

   "He is alive now, but will soon die."

   "What do you mean?"

   "Since I can get such a photo-taking stone later, it means that I can get close to him at any time. With his current injury and an arrow in his chest, how much strength is left? I can kill him anytime."


   "My Sun Xingzhe does everything upright and never deceives."

   "Then wait for you to kill him, I will settle the money again."

   "No way, this time I am 100% sure that after killing him, I will have to leave the Beihai Empire immediately, so please be sure to ask Lord Zhu to settle the money first."

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