Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1668: Victory or defeat

what happened?

   The last consciousness of "Tianweidi" in his life, sketched a big question mark in his mind.

   then became a big exclamation mark.


   Everything in this world has nothing to do with him anymore.


   He fell.

After all, Lin Beichen is a very cautious person. He did not test it personally, but controlled the'Black Stone Emperor Clone'. He stabbed a few times, and shook when he lifted it up. After careful observation, he found that this product was indeed completely dead. .

   "The effect of methanol is really extraordinary."

   Lin Beichen is overjoyed.

  Before, "Black Stone Emperor" had a brain disease, so he could get it with a barrel of wine.

   And "Tianweidi" has no brain disease, so it takes four barrels to take effect.

   He didn't know that this methanol was originally a slow-acting poison, but'Tianweidi' used his Elemental Emperor skill to extract all the highly toxic energy in methanol directly, and then absorbed it.

   So the chronic poison becomes rapid.

   The nerve center was instantly destroyed.

   If the ‘Tianweidi’ doesn’t use the secret technique, maybe he can hold on for a while.

   So, to some extent,'Tianweidi' committed suicide.

   Lin Beichen tried to install "Tianwei Di" into [Baidu Netdisk].


  Milk thinking.

   is really dead.

   To be precise, the effect of methanol destroying the nerve center is only physical, and the real scary thing is that it can directly destroy the spirit and soul of the emperor.

  Only in this way, can only leave a complete body and quickly refine it into a clone.

   Lin Beichen calculated the time.

   There is still a stick of incense until the end of the duration of [Reincarnation Despair].

   He didn't procrastinate, he simply refined this clone in this ‘little black room’.

   With the experience of refining the clone of the'Black Stone Emperor' last time, this time it is definitely a light car and familiar with the road.

   It took only half of the incense time, and a brand-new emperor clone was born.

   "In the beginning, you refined Lao Han's wife into a quasi-imperial soldier. Now I refine your body into a clone. This is a retribution, and it is your retribution."

   Lin Beichen looked at the physical body that he had completely mastered in front of him, and was delighted in his heart.

   He felt that his tactics had become more mature.

   When encountering a strong enemy in the future, he will directly cast [Reincarnation Despair], come to a beloved girl who will call her name later, pull her opponent into the small black room, and then the three will fight together in a group fight.


   This time the peak emperor battle, one person can only fight one time.

   Otherwise, the remaining three games will be played by yourself. Wouldn't there be more clones?

   He deeply regrets.

   But after another thought, the [Reincarnation of Despair] CD seems too late to cool down.

   So it’s okay.

   Next, I'm going out.

   How can I give people outside a big surprise?



   Time passed slowly and quickly.

   A full incense time has passed.

   Around the star emperor battlefield, all parties are in a neutral viewing area. On the starships, everyone has a constipation expression.

   Intracranial **** turned into intracranial hemorrhage.

   The expectant emperor realm powerhouse hot-blooded true man has never appeared at all.

   Many people's eyes are almost staring, and they can't see much.

   "Refund, refund."

   Someone rubbed his eyes, crying loudly.

   is really lonely.

   [Bitter Boat] Fang Zhi's eccentric feelings are a bit nervous.

   The special envoy of the Gengjin God Dynasty, Prince Qi, has a complex expression and does not know what he is thinking.

   The middle speaker of the Sacred Clothes Club, his face sinking like water.


   is west.

   Red Nightmare orc emperor flagship.

  One of the ancient emperors of the wilderness, the'Bai Yudi', has a subtle expression and thoughtfulness.

The emperor of the Red Nightmare Orc [Golden God of War] Battelle, in his eyes, the golden red eyes flickered, as if he was performing some kind of secret technique, insight into something, sometimes nodding slightly, sometimes showing surprise, as if he had already understood everything. .

  The other orcs all looked at their emperor with admiring eyes.

   Others can't see it, but the emperor can.

   This is the real strong.

   "Your Majesty, what did you see?"

  The confidant Dracula leaned closer and asked, "How about the outcome?"

   [Golden God of War] Battelle rubbed his eyes, glanced at his confidant, and said faintly: "The battle is very fierce, and it is very anxious now..."

  【Immortality Ceremony】Judina glanced at the orc emperor.

   This beautiful humanoid beauty has a very strange expression.

   but did not speak.

   Her pupil cultivation is above Battelle, and she hasn't been able to see through the dimensional space, and Battelle is even more impossible to see.

   So the emperor is pretending.


   is in the east.

  Han pays off, his eyes are calm as compared to a turbulent lake, staring at the battlefield.

  Behind him, the soldiers of the Beichen Legion were waiting nervously.

   Although after this battle, there are still three imperial battles.

However, the significance of this battle is too important. It is related to the lifeblood of the future development of the'North Star Legion'. Even if it is a small match, it is very important. Therefore, I hope that after the Supreme Commander has made a good start, this The second stop can be taken down smoothly.

   As long as they have two consecutive victories, they have won three match points.

   The pressure will be much easier.


   Han Shangxiang was a little nervous.

  As one of the few legion leaders who knew the true identity of Lin Beichen, she cared but was chaotic. She couldn't help but quietly appeared behind Han Buhui, secretly transmitting, "Can you see the battle?"

   Han shook his head without fail.

   "Then... he... can we win this battle?"

   Han Shangxiang asked again.

  At such a tense moment, her state of mind is obviously that she can't cultivate at home, and is far less stable than her old father.

   Han Bufei turned his head and glanced at his daughter, and sighed "Nie Yuan" in his heart.

   "Don't worry, your opponent may not lose money in the arena at any time, but your Uncle Lin will always make blood."

   He is very sure and authentic.

   Han Shangxiang: "..."

   The old father seems to have said something, and he doesn't seem to have said anything.

   "Father, your trust in Brother Lin seems to be a bit too paranoid."

   She couldn't help but said again.

   Han said indifferently, "It's normal. All those who have fought side by side with him have superstitious trust in him. You have never seen the miracles that your Uncle Lin created, and I have seen..."

   The voice did not fall.

In the battlefield of    Star Emperor, new changes finally appeared.


   Two figures appeared on the battlefield.

   One white.

   One red.

   is exactly the "Lord of Shadow Stream" Jie and "Tianwei Di".

   The two figures stand opposite each other.

   Countless gazes, instantly focused on the two people.

  The battle is over?

How is   ?

  'Tian Wei Di''s body was damaged and wispy, as if he had been severely ravaged by someone on the ground, his expression was desolate and his breath was unstable.

   "What a ‘Lord of the Shadow Stream’, too strong."

   ‘Tianweidi’ has an expression of ‘I’m taking it’.

He respectfully bowed to Lin Beichen ninety degrees, and said loudly: "Your Excellency's Secret Technique of Instant Prison Shadow Killing Array is really too powerful. I am far from your opponent, I am not worthy of being your opponent. Your Excellency is not only strong, but also pure and innocent. I have never seen you such a great and noble person. I don’t even deserve to give you shoes... I admit defeat, I Give up."

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