Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1643: Emperor Realm?

And Beichen Military Group finally got on the line.

   Lin Beichen was also completely relieved.

   This time imprisoned a sight-sight emperor, killed so many Red Nightmare orcs, turned the tide, and helped the mansion to fall. With such a performance, at least Han Shangxiang and others will definitely believe in themselves.

   In this way, it won’t be too far away from seeing Lao Han.

   "Come on, get ready, I want to retreat."

   Lin Beichen came to the most heavily guarded exercise room on the [Handsome Sword Fairy], and said: "Don't disturb me with anything. For the rest, just cooperate with the ‘Nianxiang Battle Department’."

   He decided to incorporate that drop of the'Emperor Realm Primal Blood' donated by [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan.

  Imagine that even this kind of arm-scrolling star-level battle has already had a cross-star emperor-level powerhouse participating. Then in other battlefields of the Beichen military group, is there a direct emperor-level powerhouse participating in it? Fighting at that level is too terrifying. Even though he has an emperor realm clone, if he accidentally kills his body, wouldn't it be all right?

   So I should improve my strength as soon as possible and increase my self-protection ability.

   "Yes, master."

   Wang Fengliu stood outside and repeatedly agreed, and immediately sent someone to make arrangements.



   The door to the practice room was heavily closed.

   Lin Beichen set up some prohibition seals inside.


   of course is "return to town".

  The ghost will carry out such a critical realm impact retreat in a starship.

   In case someone is cultivating and is shot from a long distance and directly bombards the starship, wouldn't it be a place of death without burial?


   Lin Beichen directly disappeared into the practice room.

   Wang Fengliu guarded the outside loyally.

   After a cup of tea time.

   The sound of footsteps sounded.

somebody is coming.

   "Dashu Han, please stop."

   Wang Fengliu stretched out his hand to stop Han Shangxiang who was approaching, and said, "My master is in retreat and cannot pick up guests."

   Han Shangxiang is here to apologize.

   She lives in the world, and her grievances are clear.

   So after waking up, he only hesitated for a while, and then he figured out the joints, and cut off the thoughts of those little girls, and took the initiative to apologize to Lin Beichen instead of ignoring it willfully.


   Han Shangxiang thought of something at once, and asked: "Is Mr. Yuwen in a bad state?"

   Wang Fengliu was startled.

   What do you say?

   Young Master was clearly alive and kicking just now, full of breath, and his complexion was ruddy and shiny, and he looked healthier than Guangjiang.

   Han Shangxiang said with great gratitude: "In order to treat my injury, Mr. Yuwen is really tired. I can't thank him in person. I feel uneasy."


   Wang Fengliu understood it at once.

He nodded repeatedly, sighed, and said: "Yeah, I have never seen the young master so weak. In fact, in the previous battle, he single-handedly killed the Red Nightmare Orc's "Blood-Swallowing Division" in a hundred-member battle. Jiang, personally fought the Blood-Swallowing Scimitar Phil, pierced the entire gravel meteor belt with one ride, and fought against the sight emperor Wang Lun. When the young master healed you, he was already in a weak state, but For you, he did not hesitate to spend his essence and effort... Alas, my young master, a passionate old man, and a thin cloud of righteousness, this time he really suffered a lot by himself."

   Han Shangxiang heard it, and he was even more ashamed and touched: "I would like to be here and protect the law for Mr. Yuwen myself."

Wang Fengliu shook his head and said: "No. Now that the war is tense, how can the military and political affairs of the human race be abolished because of these trivial things? Before my young master retreats, I have left a message, let me wait for everything to take your command from Dashuai Han. Lord, cooperate with you."

   Han Shangxiang was stunned.

   Is there any such order?

   This makes her more ashamed.



   Cloud Dream City.

   Lin Beichen ate two deep-fried dough sticks and one egg and a bowl of soy milk at the gate of the Provincial Third Junior College.

   is a feeling.

   When I went to school here, it seemed that I had little time and mood to come to this stall to experience the fireworks on the earth.

   Now that I look at it again, it's already a dubious thing.

   After this period of refining, Lin Beichen's refining and refining of the host Zhenzhou has reached a quarter of the level.

   The revitalized area already includes the former North Sea Empire, the Aurora Empire, and dozens of small countries around it.

   just after the shuffle of the day of the war of destruction, these empires have long since ceased to exist.

   The human beings living on this land, under the guidance and guidance of Yunmeng City, began to rebuild order.

The “gods” who almost died on this land at the time have recovered a lot. Some of them have been selected to go to the prehistoric universe. Under the leadership of Cui Hao and others, they began to rebuild civilization and order on this land.

   And Lin Beichen, who was the former ‘savior’, naturally became the only ‘master god’ on the mainland today.

   Shrines and statues of ‘Sword Fairy’ have been built in various places where they have recovered to accept belief and worship.

   It is said that this is Tang Tian’s doctrine, and it has received unanimous support from many Yunmeng City ‘veterans’.

Dongdao Zhenzhou has been a continent accustomed to believing in gods since ancient times. In the long years of being accepted by many gods in the Great Desolate City for belief, the humans living on this continent have become accustomed to this, and are not accustomed to belief. The lack of it is also a good opportunity to establish a new faith.

   These information, Lin Beichen is not very clear.

   He came back this time, very low-key, without notifying anyone.

   After eating breakfast, he returned to Lin Mansion, set up a retreat quiet room, and began to retreat.

   With previous experience in refining the'primal blood', this time, he is also extremely confident in refining the'Emperor Realm' vital blood.

   Take out the jade box and open it.

   The dark golden'primal blood' is surging with powerful force.

   Lin Beichen thought a little, then guided with True Qi, pulled out a trace from it, and crossed the entrance.

The tiny blood streaks like hair strands suddenly turned into a majestic heat flow at the moment of entrance, as if swallowing a mouthful of lava, the stinging heat followed the throat straight into the stomach bag, and then seemed to disperse into the internal organs, hot. Hot, like a flame burning in the body.

   "The energy of the'Emperor Realm Primal Blood' is really extraordinary."

   Lin Beichen was secretly surprised.

   Fortunately, he was cautious and didn't swallow all the blood in one bite.

   Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be painful.

   After mastering the method, the following things become very simple.

   Just like pulling a silk and peeling a cocoon, Lin Beichen slowly pulled out the blood and blood with his true energy, and extradited it into the body for refining little by little.

  【Huaqi Jue】is running frantically.

   Lin Beichen only felt that every cell in his body seemed to be burning.

   His current Huaqi Jue has reached the fourth level.

   The energy surge is actually strengthening the viscera.

   Time is passing fast.

   Lin Beichen's refining of ‘Essence Blood’ is gradually getting better.

   In a blink of an eye, three days and three nights passed.

   In the quiet exercise room, Lin Beichen, whose eyes were kept tight all the time, slowly opened his eyes.

   Two bolts of lightning pierced the virtual room as soon as the eyes opened.

   "I feel...power."

   He stood up slowly.

   the breath of the emperor realm slowly diffused out of his body.

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