Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1401: Have to add money

"It's you?"

   Lin Beichen exclaimed.

"not me…"

   The other side said.

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   I almost believed it.


   The strength between the palms of the two suddenly exploded at the same time.

   Immediately afterwards, they moved backwards.

   At this time, Lin Beichen already understood why when he first touched this palm, he would feel the power contained in that white and beautiful little hand, which was far less terrifying than when he killed Liu Wuyan.

  Because the dog goddess kept his hands.

   She was afraid of killing herself.

   is deliberately giving in.

   This dog goddess really looks down on people.

   But he was injured by the lord-level power stored in his left hand.

   After the follow-up exerts his strength, he fights against himself.

  , because he missed the first opportunity, he was ‘shocked’ by himself.

   step on.

   figure fell to the ground.

  The purple-gold color on Lin Beichen's body quickly faded.

   On the other side, Jian Xue Wuming, her body covered with purple once again, concealing her peerlessly beautiful face.

   For a while, the atmosphere fell silent.

  In Lin Beichen's mind, too much information flashed through, and many details that had been overlooked before emerged, and some of the same overlooked doubts were answered at this moment.

   Regarding Jian Xue's nameless life experience, he only knew that it came from the prehistoric world.

   But in the wild world, she has never mentioned what kind of power it belongs to, or what her origin is.

   But now thinking about it, how can ordinary people be able to escape to the host Zhenzhou God Realm?

   vaguely remembered that the dog goddess said that she was chased and killed, so she went to flee.

  Who chased and killed?

   She didn't say it either.

   After arriving in the Azure Rain Realm, the conclusion of the bloodline test was ‘defect level’.

   Yu Wuqian once said that the ‘defect level’ is extremely rare, not inferior to the blood of his sacred emperor.

   At the time, no one took it seriously.

   But if Jianxue Wuming is not a human race?

   No one thought about this.

Later, this dog goddess kept going out early and returning late, sneakingly and wondering what she was doing. At first, Lin Beichen heard the news that the elder Feijianzong was robbed, and thought she was guilty of old problems. Now it seems that it is not simple. .

   Lin Beichen needs ‘money’ to open the listing.

   Jianxue's nameless robbery, for what?

   Especially during this time, she said that she was fishing in the troubled waters of the Yunjuan Mountains, but who knows what she is really doing?

   Besides, Lin Beichen still thought of a little.

The Luyuan Star Road has always been peaceful and fine, the Demon Race has not become a climate, was hunted down and suppressed, and is in a state of hiding. Why did he and others come to the Azure Rain Realm? The Demon Race giant [Fen Tianyu Master] suddenly went crazy. Started a war?

   may be a coincidence.

   But what if not?

  Think carefully and fear.

   Lin Beichen looked at the dog goddess opposite, suddenly felt a little strange.

   Maybe I never really knew her.

   He suddenly became a little angry.

   is not angry because the dog goddess is a demon.

   is because of being kept in the dark and angry.

   In this anger, there is also a strange and different mood.


   It seems that the heart is caught.

  Between heaven and earth, there is a long wind.

  Countless eyes, at this moment, focused on the two of them.

  All the hearts are mentioned in the throat, looking forward to the two people who will meet each other, and they will tell the outcome in person.

   "This palm, I seem to catch it."

   Lin Beichen directly summoned [The Immortal King Set], covering his body, and said: "My Envoy, should you fulfill your promise?"


   Jianxue Wuming's whole body was enveloped in the purple devilish energy, and his face and body were hidden.

   "Within three days, the Saints will completely withdraw from the Azure Rain Realm... My answer, are you satisfied with Lord Lin?"

   She doesn't have any muddles.

  Fuck me (soon)?

   Lin Beichen did not expect that the dog goddess would be so simple.

   What else does he want to ask...

   But after listening to Jian Xue Wuming and with a faint banter, his voice clearly echoed between the heavens and the earth, and asked: "It's just that I'm very curious. You, with the power of the devilish energy, are you now considered a human race or a saint race?

  Fuck me (four tones)!

   This dog goddess is doing things.

   Lin Beichen is in a hurry.

   But Jian Xue Wuming didn't give Lin Beichen a chance to speak anymore, her figure turned into a flying purple magic energy, which was scattered in the mountain wind and disappeared directly into the place.

   On the cliff of Chaotian Broken Peak, Yu Wen Xiuxian sighed softly and turned to leave.

   The demons who gathered together on the four mountain peaks, waiting for the historic moment, fell into a long silence.


   The battle of the heavens was completely ended in such a way.

   Lin Beichen stood in place, feeling a little unreal.

The cheers of the powerful people and city owners in the Quartet are extremely real, like a flood that bursts a bank, sweeping across the entire Yunjuan Mountain Range, and this sound wave is constantly echoing between the peaks, just like seawater filling every inch of space between the mountains. .

   What is called a life from desperate situation?

This is.

  What is meant by turning the tide?

   Lin Beichen is.

  The cheering human warriors, under the first leadership, began to salute to Lin Beichen—not just bending down and bowing, some people even squatted directly on the ground, as if worshipping the king in their hearts.

   The lords of the old generation died in battle and passed away.

   The new generation of kings has grown up.

In other places that you can’t see, this scene has spread to every corner of Qingyu Realm through the three tribe’s broadcast methods. Seeing hope in the middle of the world, he jumped up, and in the middle of cheering, he followed the prostrate form of worship.

   Lin Beichen stood on the battlefield of Broken Peak.

  The white clothes are like snow.

  The white armor is like jade.

   The appearance is unparalleled.

   Starting today, he is the **** of this planet.

   But he didn't take the opportunity to pretend to be forced.

   but thinking about other things.

   Just now, the goddess of dog deliberately gave in without any effort at first, which vaguely explained one thing—

   Her plan from the moment she appeared was to deliberately lose to herself, and then take the demons out of the Azure Rain Realm.

   Want to fulfill your reputation?

   Still have other plans?

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, took out his phone, opened WeChat, and sent a message, saying: "I think you still owe me an explanation."

   "You have your Qinghuandu, I have my way of no return."

   Jianxue returns in an anonymous second.

   Lin Beichen replied: "Speaking of people."

   "Tomorrow night three watch, no one in the middle of the night, the highest part of the cloud, bring wine."

   Jianxue Wuming returned in seconds again.

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and replied: "OJBK."

   At this time, the surrounding people flickered.

   Xiao Binggan, Wang Zhong and others rushed up eagerly.

   There are also the leaders, elders and elite warriors of the new generation of various sects.

   "We won, we won."

   "Lord Lin, Lord Lin..."

   "From then on, Lord Lin is regarded as the No. 1 martial arts list of the Qingyu Realm Human Race."

   All kinds of chaotic excitement and cheers came like a tide.

   Lin Beichen raised his hand and slowly pressed it down.

   All the sounds stopped abruptly.

   Faces flushed with excitement, eyes focused on Lin Beichen's body.


   Lin Beichen said: "The price negotiated three days ago was one shot, but today I played two games, so... I have to add money."


Fourth, good night everyone.

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