Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1313: Battle of Fate

"It seems... over?"

   Chu Hen glanced at Li Yitian beside him.

  The black-bellied female sergeant nodded: "The knot... it's over, we won."

   This feeling is very strange.

  Mingming, as the main force of the Sword Temple, are the protagonists of this war, but in the end, they turned into spectators, as if a circus actor who wanted to be the protagonist was squeezed off the stage by a supporting role.

   Although I won, but there are billions of unhappy, what's the matter?

   The two of them did not dare to hesitate anymore, immediately returned to the Sword God Temple, organized the new gods, and carried out the final offensive against the coalition of the four main gods, defeated in one fell swoop, incorporated, and completely controlled...


   A blade of light slashed down from nine days.

  The blood of the gods was poured on the ground like a pouring rain.

   At this moment, the gods and family members who believed in the Lord's temple were filled with anxiety and fear, and the **** warriors and warlocks who directly believed in the **** rotted and died.

   Chu Hen and the others looked up towards the sky, and their faces were full of surprises.

  【Tiandao】Xu Xiake won.

   The battle that took place above the sky finally came to an end.

   "Believe in the Lord God has fallen."

   "Another Lord God."

   "The order of the gods will be completely overturned."

   Many ancient gods hidden in the dark sighed.

They have never participated in the war, but they have been paying close attention to this war. What they did not expect is that such a large-scale war came to an end in such a short period of time, and the weaker sword temple became the last. winner.

   But the chaos in the God Realm did not stop there.

  The monsters from the depths of the Demon Abyss continue to attack the previous area. Many guards of the gates and checkpoints are killed in battle, and the monsters continue to flood in...

   The Sword God Temple that just won had to allocate manpower to rescue the gods who were besieged by Warcraft...

   At the same time, something more terrible happened.

   Many old gods who did not participate in the war wailed and died...

  The fire of the gods was burning, their godheads were shattered, and the source of the gods was eaten back.

   "Great changes have taken place in the lower realm."

   "Our believers are all dead..."

   "Ah, Nether, what happened to the host Shinshu?"

  The old gods covered by the divine fire wailed unwillingly before they died. The orthodox **** belief system was crazily collapsing, and the extinction of the believers in the lower realm caused them to lose their foundation for survival and was bitten back by the gods...

   This scene made many new gods shudder.

  What happened to the lower bound?

   In the hearts of everyone, there is anxiety.

   At this time, a mysterious blue brilliance broke through the void and appeared on the square outside the Sword God Temple.

  Chu Hen and others are like enemies.


   "It looks like an energy channel?"

   "A friend or an enemy?"



   half an hour ago.

   The host is Zhenzhou, the great city of heaven and earth.

   "That's how it is."

Qin Shou pointed to the formation map in front of him, introduced it in great detail, and said: "This time the formation matrix is ​​called [Bahuang Quelong Swallowing Bird Formation]. A total of eight hundred and ten are set up on the host Zhenzhou. Place the'bird's pillars' and eight'queen dragon pillars', devour everything, destroy the gods, absorb the spiritual accumulation of the host true continent, provide one place, use the most core'altar' as the gate of life, transform it into the seeds of the avenue, and merge the dao This kind of formation can obtain incredible blood power...According to what I said, this formation does not belong to this realm. It should be a formation outside the sky. If you want to break the formation, the quells are still the second, and the most important thing is that it must Destroy the eight'Que Dragon Pillars', and at the same time find the most core altar, and kill the person who presided over the altar, to stop swallowing. The biggest problem now is that the appearance of the'Que Dragon Pillars' and the'Que Dragon Pillars' are the same, and they are hidden in these eight hundred. Among the ten'bird pillars', it is necessary to push them to destruction to know their true and false, and the core altar is also true and false. A clever arrayer can separate the true and false altars by thousands of miles..."

   Having said that, Qin Shou looked around.

The people in the hall are the most elite high-level combat power of the Alliance Army. Xiao Binggan, Guangjiang, Ye Weiyang, Yue Hongxiang, Ding Sanshi, Qianqian, Qianqian, Dai Zichun, Ling Taixu, Ling Chi, Ling Wu, An Muxi, Shi Zhong Sheng, Crazy Wu, Gao Shenghan, Dragon Tattoo Girl Long Na, and her poor prince...

   Of course, there is also Lin Beichen.

   The priest Qin who returned with him is in a state of ‘invisible offline’.

   She rarely appears in groups.

   Qin Shou finally fixed his gaze on Lin Beichen, and said, "I have said so much, understand?"

   Lin Beichen scratched the back of his head.

   This calculus question will have to test results for this final exam, and you will die if you fail the qualification exam for graduate school. I have already talked about it. Do you understand?

   I know a hammer.

   Lin Beichen has the feeling of being stared at by a math teacher and exploding when he is back in college.

   Qin Shou, this dog thing, must be revenge on me deliberately.

   Young Master Lin raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   Fortunately, Xiao Xiangxiang nodded seriously and said, "Understood."

   is worthy of being a scholar.

Yue Hongxiang squeezed his eyebrows and said, "Once this formation is operated, the entire host Zhenzhou will be completely refined within five days. Three days have passed, so we must speed up. This process of swallowing is irreversible. Yes, once the final swallowing transformation is completed by the [Eight Desolate Que Dragon Swallowing Birds Array], the host Zhenzhou Continent will be completely destroyed and can no longer be saved... So we need to target the'quel pillars', the'que dragon pillars' and the central altar at the same time To do it, we must divide our forces into action..."

   Yanying sat in a floating wheelchair, a head taller than everyone else, and said, "The biggest problem right now is our lack of manpower."

   There are fewer than twenty people who have attained the position of God and successfully merged.

   It took more than two days for twenty people to destroy the 810 ‘bird pillars’ scattered in different places across the continent.

   "It's okay, I have a way."

   Lin Beichen's heart moved, and said: "Who said trucks can't pull people?"

   He immediately clicked on the [Huo Lala] APP in his phone, and directly drove a large truck, which could transport the new gods directly from the God Realm to the host Zhenzhou...

   The order was successfully placed soon.

   After adding money to expedited, the order can be completed within an hour.

   Hundreds of new gods in the Sword Temple are now available for use.

   Lin Beichen couldn't help being overjoyed when he thought of the big truck pulling Chu Hen and other new gods back like cattle.

"If the reinforcements arrive in time, there is still a great hope to save everything..." Yue Hongxiang has unknowingly replaced Qin Shou's position, using his super computing power and understanding of the formation method, he began to allocate manpower-after all, Qin Shou is just the Lord God. The microphone's understanding of the formation is far inferior to Yue Hongxiang.

   There is only one task given to Lin Beichen—

   Destroy everything on the Rouge Baoshan in the Year of the Woqu.

   The central altar is most likely on the sacred mountain of the Great Desolate Temple.

   After some discussions, Lin Beichen set out first.

   "Master, I want to go with you."

   Qianqian is reluctant to leave.

   "No need, you stay and help Xiangxiang them..."

   Lin Beichen strayed directly and disappeared instantly.

   Yanying thoughtfully said: "He seems to be holding back some bad thoughts..."

Ding Sanshi glared at his daughter, and said, "Don't slander your junior and my lover like this..." The stinky boy is now very powerful. As a cheap master, I have to treat him better, although the appearance of the boy hurriedly leaving is indeed There is no good fart.

   Yue Hongxiang gently raised her hand to close her ears and temples.

   She did not speak.

But she was able to guess the reason why Lin Beichen had to go to the sacred mountain of the Great Desolate Temple alone: ​​that is the most dangerous place in the entire continent, and the most sinister battle of this catastrophe will surely erupt there, Beichen thought. Take on the most dangerous tasks on your own, and don't want others to take risks.

   Ye Weiyang has a straight and white Qiong nose, feeling unhappy, but can't tell why.

   Thousands of miles away in the void.

Lin Beichen drove the bronze carriage and waved happily: "Sister Qin, everything is arranged, and everyone else is very sensible. They actively asked to be responsible for breaking the outer battle, and let you and my gods and relatives join forces to be the guards. Famous minister...This is also your best chance to avenge the Xiaohuang God."

   The priest Qin jumped onto the bronze carriage without saying a word.



   The nine-story altar is filled with majestic energy.

   The silver holy light covers the entire mountain range.

   Wannian Xuanbing and snow are melting rapidly.

   The ecology of the Legebao Mountains in the entire year of the womb has entered a state of rapid collapse because of this energy radiation.

   The clergy on the holy mountain crawled around tremblingly, not daring to raise their heads, they could only chant their nerves loudly, and eliminate the fear in their hearts with faith.

Although this is a miracle personally cast under the crown of the great god, the energy contained in the altar is really terrifying. It gives people a kind of apocalyptic shock as long as they write even a trace, destruction will come instantly. sense.

   Wei Mingchen stood under the altar with a look of expectation on his face.

   Mu Xinyue, with her snow feet bare, her long hair scattered, and step by step, she followed the stone steps of the altar and slowly reached the top.

   She has refined the blue electricity in her body.

   The whole person's breath has undergone earth-shaking changes.

   Even Wei Mingchen felt a little pressure at this moment.

   completely awakened Mu Xinyue who was devouring blood, as if she had changed a person.

   "Swallowing the physique, is it really as terrifying as the godson said? With this woman as the front line, she can really swallow all the energy that has plundered the entire host Zhenzhou continent?"

   Wei Mingchen looked at Mu Xinyue's figure and walked directly into the huge energy field at the top of the altar, his heartstrings tensed uncontrollably.

   Mu Xinyue is the most important part of this plan.

   If she can't hold up her body and die, then the whole plan will be far from perfect.

   Under the gaze of Wei Mingchen, Mu Xinyue entered the energy field at the top of the altar, the majestic and dazzling silver brilliance engulfed her slender and tall figure.


   The nine-story altar started to move quickly.

   Wei Mingchen's face was shocked.

  Because he can clearly sense that in the huge energy field at the top of the altar, the forces gathered in the array matrix, as if the reservoir opened the sluice gate, are quickly being swallowed.

   "This woman's physique... terrifying."

   Wei Mingchen was shocked and immediately ecstatic.

   and also at this time—

   "Wei Mingchen, wash your butt, get out and get beaten."

A shout billowing like a sky thunder in the sky, shook the entire year of the year of the womb, and shook a hundred miles around the Le Gebao mountain range. It slammed, causing the earth to agitate like an earth dragon turning over, and the air surging like a hurricane wave swept across the holy land. The clergy roll and collide like a gourd...

   Wei Mingchen turned around abruptly.

   Above the sky in the distance, a bright bronze carriage stood in the void.

   In the car, the beautiful boy in the snow-white swordsman suit and the peerless goddess in the black priest's robe stood side by side, like a pair of heavenly goddesses, with black hair flying, looking across the mountains and rivers, stabbing him like a sharp sword.

   Lin Beichen.

   and that crazy woman.

   actually came.

   In Wei Mingchen's eyes, killing intent surged.

   is also good.

   completely solved these two troubles.

   He stepped out in one step and came outside the holy land. The sky was stagnant, facing the bronze chariots and horses, his vitality bloomed, and the five-color supernatural power lingered around his body, and the unstoppable coercion swept across the four directions like nuclear radiation.

  【Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Jue】!

   He has also developed the five-qi supernatural power.


Although it is the weekend, there is more.

This battle will be the end of Wei Mingchen.

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