Jian Xue Wuming became more and more excited.

  Her face is as white as jade, delicate and flawless, and even flushed a bit.

   "I didn't see the wrong person, you surprise me again and again."

   The dog goddess is very excited.

   She likes it big.

   originally thought that he was going to copy the plan of the father of the gods' arsenal, but it was already very big.

   I didn't expect Lin Beichen to be bigger than her.

   actually wanted to evacuate this pantheon directly.

   There is a lively watch.

   Another quarter of an hour passed.

   Lin Beichen has taken away one hundred and forty-one gods.

   "You can really pretend."

  The dog goddess Jianxue Wuming smiled.

   "How do you say it?"

   Lin Beichen stared and said: "I will turn my face when I scold someone again."

   The dog goddess said: "I am complimenting you, good brother."

   Lin Beichen:???.

   The dog goddess is a real dog.

   I just took a mouthful of a smelly brother, and now he just changed his slogan to good brother.

   If I capture more gods, do you have to change your slogan and applaud Dad?

   He looked at the phone as he walked.

  [Capture Little Wonder]'s account has been upgraded to level 99.

   The upper limit of the ‘pet breeding box’ has been upgraded to 200 by him.

   The first three-headed six-armed Little Wonder One has already reached 100 loyalty points at this time, which exceeds the standard of 100 points, and can be used at any time.

   Other than that, No.2 and No.3 have reached 100 points all the way to No.15.

   On the 16th, the loyalty is 90 points.

   successively descend.

The reason why the rescue reached 100 points so quickly is because Gouri’s [Capture Little Wonder] turned out to be a krypton gold app with a built-in store that can sell a variety of pet feeds with different attributes. Can increase their loyalty.

   In addition, Lin Beichen also discovered that through feeding, the energy of the'God Position' will increase accordingly.

   This discovery made him very excited.

   Because this means that through the [Capture Little Wonder] APP, theoretically, the rank of God can be improved.

   But this improvement is relatively slow.

   It takes a lot of krypton money to buy ‘pet feed’ at different prices.

   "If I keep feeding with feed, can I raise a high-level deity directly to the master deity level, but a deity of the same level as the father of the gods?"

   "Once I get this kind of position, wouldn't it be invincible in the world?"

   "Wait for me to calculate in detail."

   "Hiss, no, I can't afford krypton or gold."

"According to the existing data, to directly raise a high-ranking **** to become the **** of the father of the gods, at least tens of millions of **** stones are needed. Even if I sell my panties, I will sell all the fish in the fish pond. At auction, you can't find this kind of spiritual knowledge."

   "What's more, the fish you have worked so hard to raise are kept for your own consumption, how can you sell it?"

   Lin Beichen made a careful calculation and decided to abandon the breeding plan.

   Let's first improve these "little wonders"-the loyalty of the gods.

   But the loyalty has reached 100, Lin Beichen is still wondering how to use it.

   I don’t think it’s like a Pokemon, just say "Go Pikachu" and throw it out to hit people.

   After all, the position of God is special.

   If you look back, you can try to bestow these gods to others.

   may have unimaginable effects.

   While thinking, he kept capturing the position of God.

   Another hour passed.

  [Capture Little Wonder] There are already 650 **** positions in the "pet breeding box" of the APP.

   This number, even the dog goddess Jian Xue Wuming, felt shocked and inexplicable.

   "Good brother, can you teach me the technique of collecting gods?"

   She leaned over and said, "I want to learn too."

   "You can't learn."

   Lin Beichen refused cleanly.

   "Why? I'm not convinced."

   Jianxue unfamiliarly said: "You just don't want to teach."

Lin Beichen glanced at her and said sincerely: "My set of exercises is called [Sunflower Collection]. Only men can practice it. Women can't practice it. Not only women can practice it, but all female creatures can't practice it. "

   Jianxue is unfamiliar and discouraged, instantly like a hen defeated in a fight.

   That wicked guy, created this kind of technique.

   This is outright sexism.

   If you find him, you must have a good punch.

   "I remember you said before that the remaining gods in the Pantheon are less than eight hundred."

   Lin Beichen said: "In this way, I have already collected more than two-thirds of the gods. If all the gods here are emptied, will it attract the attention of the Lord God and others outside, and lead to a loss of success?"

   Jianxue Wuming said indifferently, "Then you can keep a few, so you can see you in the future."

   Lin Beichen nodded, and said, "Well, just leave him some rubbish...Huh?"

   Before the words fell, there was a look of surprise on his face.

On the virtual radar of   【Capture Little Wonder】, a large cluster of light suddenly appeared.

   The size of this light group is more than ten times the largest of the previously captured "Little Wonders".

   "Attention, the extremely powerful "Little Wonder" is detected. May I capture it?"

   The voice in the mobile game system became rush.

   Very user-friendly design.

   Lin Beichen immediately followed the direction guided by the radar.

   After twenty breaths.

   "I'm 屮艸芔茻."

   Lin Beichen's face was shocked.

   "Okay... so big."

   Jianxue Wuming also swallowed his saliva, his throat moved slightly, and said: "It's so big...It's definitely a **** of the main **** level."

I saw in the [God Bookcase] directly in front, a group of dark red spheres surrounded by lightning and flames, with a diameter of more than seven meters, occupying a full ten "bookcase grids", exuding suffocating streaks. breath.

   "A bit familiar."

   Lin Beichen raised his middle finger, rubbed his eyebrows, and said: "I understand, there is only one truth-this is the **** of the Lord God."

   Cangzhu God died in [Heaven Sword] Xu Xiake.

   After the death of the gods, the gods will return to the Pantheon.

   Therefore, the **** of the God of Heaven appeared here.

   "Oh oh oh oh, is this a coincidence? This is not it."

   Lin Beichen's smiling mouth was crooked.

   A hot main god-level god.

   "This position of God is predestined with me."

   He immediately took out his phone and used the [Capture Little Wonder] APP built-in camera program.


   Only Lin Beichen could hear the shutter sound.

   The **** of the **** of the blue sky appeared in the ‘pet breeding box’.

   loyalty is 0.

   Not afraid.

   Wait for me to feed it.

   Orcs are never slaves unless they provide food and shelter.

   I don't believe it anymore, but with this package of food and housing, he still can't take him.

   "You...so fast?"

   Jianxue Wuming was shocked.

   This smelly brother’s method of capturing the position of God is too clever.

   is just a glimmer of light, and the capture is successful.

   I think at the beginning, in order to **** and activate the fairy sword **** position, she used the strength of milk wine.

"Keep going."

   Lin Beichen was very excited.

   is also a little regretful.

   [Heavenly Sword] On that day, if Xu Xiake had been killed, the other great gods would have been killed, that would be great.

and many more?

   Isn't a flame lord dead?

   The ruler of the Flame Protoss is also the existence of the main **** level.


Today is the weekend^_^

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