Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1204: The first drop of blood shed for you


   A look of surprise appeared on Lin Beichen's face: "Have you been here? Then this time you have to mix in so hard?"

   Jianxue Wuming said with great regret: "This is not the first two times when I came in, and there was a disturbance and was discovered. The defense of the Pantheon has been strengthened."

   "The first two times?"

   Lin Beichen stared at Jian Xue Wuming's hip line, followed closely, and said, "You came here twice?"

   "The first time was a long time ago."

   Jianxue Wuming said, "Not long before the second time, it was for your stinky brother."

   "Don't rely on me, I didn't let you come into the Pantheon."

   Lin Beichen immediately cleared the relationship.

   lest this dog goddess hits a snake with a stick, and has to blackmail some running errands when turning around.

   "What a scumbag."

   Jianxue sighed without name, and said: "Otherwise, how do you think your stinky brother's sword immortal position was activated?"

   Lin Beichen asked back: "Didn’t the Sword Lord help me activate it?"

Jian Xue's nameless eyes rolled and said: "Yes, but the Lord of the Sword retreats to practice, which is important. I will leave this small matter to me. What else can I do? I have to take the risk and secretly. Sneak into the Pantheon to help you activate... Look, this is where my sister shed the first drop of blood for you at that time."

   She pointed to a sword mark on the spiral steps.

   I saw a drop of red blood.

   That is the blood of the gods.

   Under the light of the flashlight, the blood stains slightly reflect the sparkling light.

  A row of black lines on Lin Beichen's forehead.

   What the first drop of blood.

   You drank too much, what a tiger-and-wolf word.

   "By the way, didn't it mean that there are many gods hidden in the Pantheon? Where are they? Why can't I see them now?" Lin Beichen asked the key things.

Jian Xue said in namelessly: "You see this [God’s Bookcase]. It was once full of divine positions, with a total of tens of thousands of different divine positions. Later, they were taken away by different people, and they became different gods. The bookcase] gradually became empty. Until now, there are less than eight hundred under one hundred and eight thousand gods, all of which are on the top of the Pantheon."

   Lin Beichen looked at the top of the spiral staircase.

   can't see the top.

   didn't know how high it spread.

   "It's too slow, can you go faster?"

   Lin Beichen urged.

   I heard that the faster a woman walks, the more her waist becomes twisted, and the more her buttocks become curled.

"Ha ha."

   Jianxue gave out a sneer: "You'll know if you go and try it quickly."

   Lin Beichen quickened his pace, doubling his speed.

   But in the next instant, something strange happened.

  The distance between him and Jian Xue Wuming is getting bigger and bigger.

   Originally, there was only three meters between the two - this distance plus the height difference of the steps made Lin Beichen just in the area of ​​Jian Xue Wuming's slender waist and slender thighs without having to look up, and he could just appreciate the beautiful scenery.

   But when he quickened his pace, the distance between the two of them increased to 20 meters.

   And as he speeds up again, the distance between the two is still widening.

   In a blink of an eye, Lin Beichen could only see Jian Xue Wuming's little back.

"How is this going?"

   Lin Beichen was surprised.

   "On the [Divine Ladder], the faster you go, the slower you actually go, and the slower you go, the faster you climb."

   Jianxue's nameless voice came from a distance.

   There is such a thing?

   Lin Beichen immediately slowed down when he heard the words.

   Sure enough, in the next instant, the distance between him and Jian Xue Wuming began to shrink.

   The slower his speed, the closer to Jian Xue Wuming.

   When he moved slowly like a tortoise, after a few breaths, he caught up with Jian Xue Wuming.


  Does the Protoss like bells and whistles so much?

   Jianxue Wuming stretched out his hand, grabbing Lin Beichen's wrist, and said: "Don't walk too slowly, otherwise you will be afraid of too fast, and you will easily miss the Supreme God Position... We still have a lot of time, take your time, don't be too anxious."

   Lin Beichen slowed down and said, "Didn't you say that the gods are all on the top of the Pantheon?"

   "It's just a large part, and a small part is scattered in different places in the [God's Bookcase]."

   Jianxue Wuming was very reliable at this time.

   Side by side, the two climbed up without any haste.

   After a while.

"I have a question."

   Lin Beichen said, "Who built this Pantheon? Is it the father of the gods?"

"of course not."

   Jianxue directly denied namelessly, saying: "It existed before the Protoss. It was created by the mighty people of the ancient times. Even the gods are the wealth left over from the ancient times."    "Ancient times?"

   "Well, it's the era when the great and unbroken era."

   "I have heard of Honghuang. It is rumored that it was the original continent and the core of all creatures. It was later shattered... So is the God Realm part of the Primordial Realm?"

   "Yes, it is very small, and the small part is almost negligible."

   "You know a lot."

"of course."

   "You are an intern goddess, how can you know so much?"

   "I... hehe, you stinky brother, what do you mean by me? Don't ask, knowing too much is not good for you."

   "I believe this line, don't ask about this, ask about other things."

"whats the matter?"

"I heard from my friends that after the death of the gods, the gods will return to the Pantheon. You just told me to the right that there were ten thousand gods in the Pantheon, which were taken away by different people and achieved different gods. Now There are about eight hundred gods left in the Pantheon. Are there more than one hundred and seven thousand gods in the God Realm today?"


   "The question is here, where did the missing **** position go?"

   "I don't know, it disappeared anyway, no one found the reason."

   "Isn't it because someone has multiple gods?"

"No, because not everyone has practiced [Five Qi Chao Yuan Jue]. The reason why this exercise can become the first exercise in the God Realm and the Zhenzu magical skill of the Great Desolate God Race is because it can be compatible with the gods. In the history of the God Realm, only the Great Desolate God, who claims to be the father of the gods, has cultivated into the [Five Qi Chao Yuan Jue]. In addition, the five main gods have no qualifications and qualifications to practice this exercise."

   "If you don't practice the Five Qi Dynasties Yuan Jue, you can't have multiple gods?"

"Don’t say multiple, even if it’s a dual god, it’s impossible. If it can’t bear it, it will cause the body to shatter, the soul will be shattered, and it will eventually turn into ashes. Conflict with each other, on the contrary, wears away the divinity, and ultimately is not as effective as the cleverness of the single divine position."

   "So, I am the only one in the God Realm now?"

   "If you are fart enough, you can understand it this way."

   The two said as they walked.

   Lin Beichen’s several puzzles were answered.

   Suddenly, in his mind, there was a ding dong, and a new APP message appeared.

   Then came the voice of the smart voice assistant's mini-computer: "A'Little Wonder' that can be captured is detected, do you want to capture it immediately?"

   is a message from the newly downloaded game APP [Capture Little Wonder].

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