Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1141: Fourth round of the contest

The central area of ​​the Great Desolate Temple.

   A quiet and bright courtyard, called the Qinyuan.

   The sun is shining in the courtyard, and the vegetation and buildings reflect a faint golden light.

"how did you do that?"

  The old master is blameless, watching the silver streamer emerging from the feet of the young young woman, Qing Lei, woven into a series of complicated and exquisite patterns like a knitted sweater, and the whole person is stunned.

   He just said it again.

   just once.

   As a result, Qing Lei directly draws successfully.

   When he was studying with Master, it took ten days to complete this step.

   "Master, did I draw it right?"

   Qinglei was uneasy, and with a move of divine will, the light pattern under her feet disappeared on the spot.

   "No, you drew it right."

  The old master Wugui felt ecstatic in his heart.


  Absolute genius.

   drew an array pattern containing sixty-four circuits in one pass, and it could run smoothly. Such a talent is definitely the heir to his family of magicians' dreams.

   "Your talent has improved compared with the previous two days."

  The old master observed carefully without blame, and said in a puzzled manner: "What have you done in the past two days?"

   Qinglei was stunned, recalling the events of the past two days, and suddenly lowered her head slowly.

What have you done?

   has always been with the little man...

   There is nothing else.

The old spiritual master sees his apprentice bowed his head, thinking that she is not very familiar with herself, and is unwilling to tell the secret, and does not ask for it at the moment, saying: "The magic arts of our department are mainly teleportation, and they are divided into nine levels. , Respectively, are drawing, driving, moving objects, moving, moving oneself, breaking the formation, thousands of miles, outside the world, heaven and earth, the realm of cultivation to the ninth level of heaven and earth, the **** realm is so big that there is nowhere to go, even outside the **** realm ,Also a possibility……"

   "Master, where are you now?"

   Qinglei is curious and authentic.

   The expression on Wugui's face suddenly changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Don’t be distracted. Next, I will continue to teach you how to draw the basic array. The magic arts of our row, in the first level of the drawing environment, at least need to memorize the basic array of No. 36, and from this. With the six hundred and forty-eight kinds of formations derived from it, the realm of instantaneous formation with the mind and mind together can be regarded as complete, and these 36 basic formations are divided into..."

  He started class with a serious look.

   Qinglei is a senior salesman of Moyuanzhai’s gold purple skirt. How powerful is his ability to observe words and colors?

   When I saw it, I knew that I had inadvertently asked a certain pain point of Master, and I did not follow up at the moment, but listened carefully...

   After a stick of incense time.

   "Okay, the basic array of the 36th Middle School, I have finished the presentation, and each array has been demonstrated three times, Xiaoqing, tell me, how many have you memorized?"

  The old **** master Wugui smiled and said authentically.

   Hey, here is a super big problem for you.

   let you ask about my realm of cultivation.

  As a teacher, I have only cultivated to the elementary level of the sixth level of "Breaking the Formation". Isn’t it embarrassing to say it? How can I teach students?

  Who knows that Qing Lei nodded and said: "Master, the disciple is dull...but I basically remembered everything."


   The old **** master had no guilt expression, and immediately said: "It seems? Beginners should not go too far, swallow dates, don't ask for more understanding, if this is the case, then you can draw and show it with supernatural power..."

   The voice fell.

   I saw Qing Lei's feet, one after another, the formations flashed past.

   In a blink of an eye, thirty-six basic arrays were drawn.

   Every array map is complete and correct.

   The old **** master stood there quietly without blame, his lips trembled a little.

   Soon there was a heart-piercing cry from the Qinyuan.




   One night passed, and the banquet was over.

   Happy time is always short.

   Lin Beichen, Qianlong, Lu Bingwen, Mu Linsen, Shi Gandang, Guan Ruofei and others walked out drunkly, said hello, and each acted as birds and beasts.

   Just last night, in Xiaomeilou, under the intentional promotion of Lin Beichen, a loose niche organization named [God Realm Gang Tuan] became the product of everyone drinking.

   Hello everyone, brother, talk about loyalty.

  My business is your business, and you will help me carry it.

   Drinking and singing all night, all the things that should be talked about have already been explained.

In addition to continuing to manage the medical treatment of [Huahen], Qianlong also took over the auction of [Rock Wolf King] that Qin Shou did not complete, and strived to use this as an opportunity to develop a relatively reliable and continuous Channels...

   This is a plan that Qianlong and Qing Lei have discussed before.

   Lin Beichen became famous in the first battle on Shenlian Peak. The outside world knows that he is a god, and this is a heavy backing.

   And Qinglei is now the direct disciple of the old master Wugui, and Wugui is the most used under the command of the Lord God. This is the second backer.

   Qianlong's own family power is the third backer.

  With these triple backers, at least the early stage of ‘Beichen Pharmaceutical’ can be stabilized.

   After the situation is completely stabilized, the drugs used to treat the [Flower Mark] disease can be launched at an appropriate time.

   As for the other four gangsters in the [God Realm Dandy Group], they are all very interested in [Huiren Shenbao Tablets], so they bought the bottle of medicine mentioned by Lin Beichen at a high price, and prepared to go out to Huyoukeng...

   In short, Lin Beichen's thigh has been hugged tightly.

  The kind that can't be kicked off.

   To be precise, it's a bunch of dogs with their own thoughts to keep warm.

   Lin Beichen returned to Xiaofushan Mansion, Qing Lei has not yet returned.

   He was not in a hurry, and practiced in retreat.

  Although he is already a dual god, after coming to the **** realm, the **** ring in the back of his head cannot be activated, and I always feel very tired.

   Moreover, the functions of [Hem of Immortality] and [Desolate God's Gloves] have not been fully developed, so don’t be careless.

   A big banquet, although a big victory, but it can not be careless.

   After all, no one else does not have a hole card.

   For example, what kind of fate will the boatman Huo Xie who was selected by another main **** get?

   Such as Pan Duoqing, there is no chance of a comeback.

   After all, this is the realm of God.

   There is a saying, the water of the gods. very. deep.

time flies.

   In a blink of an eye, one day and one night passed.

The fourth round of the   God Selection Contest is finally about to begin.

   Qinglei went home, cooked a table of good dishes, and prepared a good wine.

   The two people had wine and food in the courtyard of the Xiaofushan Mansion. Lin Beichen used the [identity nameplate] to project the game screen, and prepared to watch the game in a delightful manner.


   There was a knock on the door.

   But it was Fat Tiger who came with the golden monitor lizard.

   "I...I...My mother..."

   "Your mother asked you to come and prepare for the game with me? Come in."

   The conversation between the two is simple and direct.

   "His hiss..."

   The golden monitor lizard spit out the golden letter, and the person stood up and walked in from the door. His lower body was actually wearing a pair of white pants, his hind limbs were walking, and the posture looked a bit disrecognized.

   so arrogant?

   Lin Beichen caught him and prepared a beating to teach him how to be a lizard.

who knows--

   "His hiss."

   The golden monitor lizard had a strong desire to survive, and took out twenty marinated golden lizard tails, and held up the forelimbs to offer them.


   Lin Beichen reluctantly accepted it, avoiding the beating.

   "I'm going to add some more wine and food."

   Qinglei smiled softly and got up, and went to prepare again.

   Looking at the table full of delicacies, the Fat Tiger and the Golden Monitor lizard both left their saliva.

   These two goods, it seems that they will never have enough to eat.

   "I said, you two, control the point, and Xiaoqing cooks the vegetables alone, but you two are so tired that I will kill you when she is so tired."

   Lin Beichen has a bad tone.

   These two big light bulbs.

  Who knows that Qing Lei just added vegetables and has not yet sat down...


   The knock on the door sounded again.

   "Boss, I will accompany you to watch the game, haha, are you very moved?"

   Qianlong came in from outside the door.

   Lin Beichen: "..."


   "Boss, it's me. I brought a jar of good wine to accompany you to prepare for the competition..." This time it was Lu Bingwen who appeared.

   Lin Beichen: "..."


   "Haha, boss, I stayed with a bottle of [Ding Qi Pill], which will help you to meditate... Isn't it very considerate?"

   Guan Ruofei who appeared this time.

   Lin Beichen: "..."


   "Boss, I have something good for you..."

   is Shi Gandang.

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   Then, as expected, after a dozen breaths, the knock on the door sounded again.

   Lin Musen came here too.

   He looked at the ‘brothers’ of the [God Realm Gang Group] in a yard, and was dumbfounded, complaining: "You dogs, didn’t you say that you should not bother the boss to prepare for the battle? All of them are here..."

   "Don't disturb the boss's proposal, didn't you say it first?"

   "Yes, why are you sneaking here too?"

   "I knew you were not reliable, so I pretended to agree and came to cheer for the boss."

   Several others are plausible.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** helplessly and rubbed his eyebrows.


   What kind of animal brothers have I handed over?

   Qinglei had a gentle smile on her face. She warmly entertained everyone, and went to prepare wine and food.

   The courtyard of Xiaofushan Mansion has never been so lively.

   Soon, the first game of the fourth round of the God's Choice contest officially began.

   Among the two players who appeared on the Ancient Bridge of the Howling Abyss, one of them was an acquaintance——

   Sin Min [Sin Road].


I have lost five kilos through my own hard work these days

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