Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1101: Desolate God

The old **** master absolutely dare not lie in front of his main god.

   Previously, Qin Shou led people to survey the scene of the Xiaofushan mansion and concluded that the murderer was related to the Lieyang God System.

   However, compared to An An, these are too important for the time being.

   "Now, An An and Qian Xuan, can you give it back to me?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   The old master said: "Not yet."


   Lin Beichen looked at him.

  The old master said: "Because these two female dolls are useful to my god."

   Lin Beichen said: "What's the use?"

   "You are not qualified to know this." The old master said.

   Lin Beichen said: "No, I want to know..."

   He looked at the Lord God, and said, "This is my bottom line."

   The Lord God's eyes were like the sun and the moon hanging high, staring at him for a few breaths, and said: "Are you worried about the safety of that female doll? I can guarantee that they will not die."

   "Just won't die?"

   Lin Beichen said: "An An has changed the flower scar disease and must be treated, and they cannot be harmed the slightest."

   "You don't want to get into it."

   The old master scolded sharply.

   Lin Beichen didn't look at him either, just raised his head and looked at the Lord God.

"There is no solution to the flower scar disease, but it can be delayed. Here she will at least get better treatment than by your side. As for the injury... I can promise you that they will come back to you safely and securely when the matter is over. ."

   The Lord God is faint and authentic.

   Lin Beichen frowned.

   He realized that it was almost impossible for him to take An An back.

   An'an and Qin Qianxuan are just ordinary little girls, what on earth are they worthy of attention by the Lord God?

   Taking a deep breath, Lin Beichen said, "I want to see An An."

   "Are you going to die?"

  The old **** master sternly scolded Lin Beichen, saying: "You, a little reptile, dare to stand under the omnipotent crown so recklessly, negotiating conditions again and again..."


   The voice of the Lord God like thunder echoed in the temple.

   The look of the old look changed slightly, he lowered his head and stopped talking.

   "What else do you have, let's talk about it together."


   Lin Beichen thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "No more."

   or just accept it when you see it.

   The main god-level character is really terrible.

   Lin Beichen has no doubt, as long as the other party is really murderous, he can stare at him to death.


   The voice of the Lord God fell, a gap opened between the eyebrows, and a dark red light shot out.

   Lin Beichen hadn't reacted yet, he felt a pain between his brows.

   The dark red divine light, with a hint of yellow in it, sank into his body.

"This is the source of the divine power I bestowed on you. From this moment on, you are my family, and you can borrow my divine power. In addition, I have already given you the'desolate position'. Before the desolate **** fell, although it was still A lower god, but it is different from ordinary lower gods. Sooner or later you will know the beauty of this god."

   The voice of the Lord God is like thunder.

   Lin Beichen only felt a force that did not belong to him, scattered into the limbs and corpses, as if it was an overcharge, wandering around his body, and then slowly disappeared, unable to sense it anymore.

   As for the so-called ‘desolate position’, it’s impossible to sense it.

   But at this moment, the injuries on his body caused by the divine power of the blazing sun disappeared instantly.

   And his own strength has vaguely improved.

Oh shit.

   I still have to get stronger as soon as possible.

   Otherwise, I would be too passive.

   It’s uncomfortable to get caught at every turn and force an'injection'.

   "Thank you, Mianxia."

   Putting away the slander in his heart, Lin Beichen decided to bear the humiliation.

   If you want to lie, you can swallow Wu.

  Break the cauldron and sink the boat, Baier Qinguan will eventually belong to Chu.

   One day, I will shoot back.

   "What else do you want?"

   The Lord God said again.


Is    so generous?

   Lin Beichen's heart moved and said: "Mianxia, ​​my sword was broken by Pan Duoqing..."

   The voice did not fall.

   A group of dark red light slowly floated down from the sky, and came to Lin Beichen.

   wrapped in the light group is a golden glove.

This glove seems to be made of gold, with a golden shimmer, and an ancient shape. Each knuckle is wrapped, and it can completely cover the five fingers and palm. The end and one-fifth of the first glance, It's a bit like the ultimate artifact "Infinity Glove" in the Avengers, but it lacks the grooves inlaid with infinite gems.

   "When [Wild God] fell, the armor was split in all directions, and only this left hand glove remained."

   The voice of the Lord God echoed in the hall, saying: "Since you have inherited the position of [Desolate God], this glove should belong to you."

   Lin Beichen reached out and squeezed the golden glove.

   is very light to start, but it is only a hundred jins.

   It feels cold to the touch.

   "Is this glove very powerful?"

   he asked curiously.

   "[Desolate God] In its heyday, one punch can blow up a continent." The old master said coldly.

   Lin Beichen's eyes lit up.

   "Okay, go back."

   The Lord God is slowly and authentic.

   The sound of wind and thunder roared in the temple.

"and many more……"

   Lin Beichen said loudly: "Under the crown, I am already your dependent, the matter of the Lieyang Divine Element attacking me..."

   "You solve it yourself." The voice of the God Lord rang.

   Lin Beichen only felt a flower in front of him.

   In the next instant, he and the old master had appeared outside the hall at the same time.

   The old man's eyes flashed, as if looking at a monster, looking at Lin Beichen.


   Lin Beichen clasped his chest subconsciously and said, "What do you want to do?"

   "I have never seen it before, I have been so tolerant to people."

   The old priest said with a complicated expression: "You are the only exception."

   "This is the protagonist's halo."

   Lin Beichen naturally said: "I am the protagonist of this era, this is the treatment I should have."

   The old master snorted coldly.

   "Hey, I am a **** now, you treat me better."

   Lin Beichen said: "I want to go back to Moyuanzhai and bring Qinglei to see An'an. You can arrange it."

   A hint of impatientness appeared on the face of the old priest, but thinking that he had agreed to this person before, he had to hold back his temper: "Where is the person you want to pick up?"

   "The fourth floor transfer station of the Demon Abyss." Lin Beichen said.

   The next moment.

   Under the feet of the two of them, the dim light patterns transmitted by the formation flowed.

   The old master raised his hand and pulled, and directly propped up a small portal in the air.

   The two entered the door.

   The next moment, the line of sight rotates.

   When the scene in front of him calmed down, he had reached the transfer station on the fourth floor of Demon Abyss.

   "Good... so fast."

   Lin Beichen was shocked, looked at the old priest next to him, and said: "Unexpectedly, you are such a fast man."

   I really underestimated this old guy before.

   No wonder you can become the confidant of the God Lord.

   This guy can go anywhere in the God Realm as he pleases.

   Is this the power of a high-level priest?

   I love, I love.

   Lin Beichen rushed to Moyuanzhai.

   after a moment.

  He took Qing Lei and appeared in front of the old master.

   Qinglei has already known An An's whereabouts from Lin Beichen's mouth, and probably knows what happened.

   To some extent, the old master is an An'an's lifesaver but nothing.

   "Thank you, sir."

   Qinglei expressed his thanks for the first time.

   The old master looked at the beautiful young woman with oval face in front of him, his expression gradually changed.

   In his eyes, there is a dark glow surging with uncertainty, as if thousands of stars are shining in the gloomy galaxy.

   A touch of shock that is not easily detectable, flashed across the old face of the old master.

   "Let's go."

   He turned around and opened the magical formation again.


It's the last day of February, ask for a monthly pass, I want to fight for the first place.

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