Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1099: 【The Gun of the Sun】Pan Duoqing


   Lin Beichen refused mercilessly, snapped Xie Caiwen's neck with a click.

   The latter suddenly tilted his head.

   As a strong family member, of course he won’t die if his neck is broken.

   But it hurts.

   Xie Caiwen's MMP in her heart, tilted her neck, strong vitality supported her without fainting.

He also wanted to try this struggle, and said: "That's it... I am a killer, the kind of money to do things, very professional ethics, no matter what time, I never stabilize the name and purpose of the client. , Just ask about the target’s strength and information... so can you let me go? [Tianyuan] is very famous in the gods and has a wide range of spiritual lines. I can give you a 30% discount on who you want to kill in the future."

"I am oblivious?"

   Lin Beichen asked him.

   "Really, I don't know the origin and identity of the customer."

   Xie Caiwen promised.


   Lin Beichen nodded, and said: "Then why do I keep you?"

   Xie Caiwen: "……"

   In the next instant, a hot crimson flame burned in his body.

   is like a burning paper man.


   Xie Caiwen's mouth opened and closed, and she didn't know what she was talking about.

   soon completely turned into fly ash.

   Lin Beichen turned around and said, "Are you still not recruiting?"


   Gai Bahuang panicked to death...

   He doesn't want to die.

   He hasn't lived enough yet.

   Xie Caiwen's death has smashed all the resistance and fighting spirit in his heart.

   "I said, can you let me go?"

  He tried to bargain.

  果 and then there are instructions behind the scenes!

   When Lin Beichen saw this, he knew that he was right.

   "If you say it, I can consider letting you go."

   he said.

   Gai Bahuang looked overcast and uncertain, and said: "No, you have to make sure..."

   The voice did not fall.

   Anomaly changes suddenly.

   On the facial skin covering Bahuang, strands of golden-yellow light like hair surface, like the light pattern of the sun, looming.

   Then a terrifying force surged.

   The brilliance of the sun burst out in Gai Bahuang's eyes.


   Lin Beichen was caught off guard and was shot directly.

   The whole person suddenly flew backwards like a cannonball, and crashed into the rocky ruins behind the fort building. I don’t know how many walls I smashed, or how many abandoned stone pillars I hit...

   Gai Bahuang stood there, motionless.

   There was an incredible look of astonishment on his face.

   The whole person has lost the slightest vitality.

   Obviously, he himself didn't have the slightest preparation for what happened just now.

   A wisp of hot sun and firework came out of every pore of his.

   The night wind blows.

   Gai Bahuang's body collapsed instantly.

   is like the ashes of a burnt paper, which instantly decomposes and dissipates into the air.

   However, the change did not end.


   In the sky, a bright golden beam of light, like a sword of judgment that pierced the night sky, tore through the darkness, and bombarded down.

   The bombardment position was exactly where Lin Beichen fell.

   rumbling rumbling!

   The ground within a kilometer of a radius shook violently.

   The ground of the ruins was cracked with irregular cracks. The bottom was not bottomless, and a white cold air faintly emerged.

   The scorching heat and underground cold that suddenly met, instantly formed a spectacle of pouring rain.


   The two figures were constantly changing their skills and striking among the rubble and the big field shot by the explosion.

   A figure shone with a dazzling sun.

   He held a golden spear, and when he raised his hand to hit, it contained the mighty power of destroying the world.

   And the other was covered in blood, his armor was broken, half of his body was beaten to **** blood, and his whole body was covered in scarlet flames. The remaining one-third of the mask on his face revealed most of his handsome and incomparable face. It was Lin Beichen.

"who are you?"

   Lin Beichen drank.

   He is not in a good state at this time.

   caught off guard, the terrifying divine power hidden in Gai Bahuang's body was calculated.

   almost shattered half of his body.

  The divine power hidden in Gai Bahuang's body is very terrifying and very pure, which is beyond the reach of ordinary warriors.

   So that at that moment, the destructive power caused far exceeded Lin Beichen's imagination.

The figure shrouded in golden light, kept silent, with a spear in his hand, like a golden dragon dancing wildly. The combat skills are so strong that Lin Beichen has only seen it after he came to the realm of God. Every blow contains the destructive power of burst. Crazy shock, it seems that the next shot will pierce Lin Beichen directly and die on the tip of the gun.

   Lin Beichen was conspired to be in a state of serious injury. He lost his first opportunity and was exhausted.

Puff puff.

  The golden spear tip kept picking up patches of blood on Lin Beichen's body.

   The blood mist shoots out.

   "Don't care about it? If you don't care this time, I really want to show it to you."

   Lin Beichen secretly spread the voice.

   This time, the soul of [King of Rock Wolf] remained absolutely quiet.

   It's quiet like a dead person.

   Lin Beichen communicated several times without getting a response.


   He was shot in the lower abdomen, and he flew out like a cannonball.

   a large rain of blood sprinkled in the air.

   "Damn, I fight you."

   Lin Beichen was aroused by ferocity and directly summoned the big silver sword made by Master Shen Xiaoyan.

  Left hand【Enthusiasm of Fire】, right hand big silver sword.

  He continuously used the first seven sword skills of Sword Seventeen.

   Injury for injury.


  The big silver sword and the golden spear struck each other.

   A cluster of flames splashed.

   A dent the size of a soybean suddenly appeared on the golden gun body.

   The blade of the big silver sword is a depression the size of a duck egg.


   The golden figure in the frantic attack, let out a low cry.

   He pulled back suddenly.

   Very fast.

  The golden light shining all over the sky also receded quickly like a long whale sucking water.

   In an instant, his whole person and all his breath disappeared without a shadow and useless.

   seems to have never appeared before.

   Lin Beichen, whose pressure was suddenly relieved, struck the sword in his left hand, gasping for breath.

   This terrible enemy just gave up just because the gun body of the spear was cut with a gap?

   is really weird.

   The man behind the assassination of the layout today must be this person.

  Because of the terrifying supernatural power that burst out of Gai Bahuang's body, it can't be said that there is no connection with the power of this person just now, but it can only be said to be exactly the same.

   This person is very scary.

   Lin Beichen panted for a while and then came to the conclusion——

   If you are in his heyday, fighting against this person is the number of five to five.

   When did I provoke this kind of person?

   Afraid not a god?

   Lin Beichen is puzzled.

   And at this moment——

   Ten meters away, dark black light filaments surged on the ground to outline a complicated array of three meters in diameter.

  The black mist surged.

   A figure stepped out of the formation.

   is ‘acquaintance’.

   An elderly priest under the command of the Lord God.

   "You seem to be in trouble."

   The elderly priest glanced at the surrounding messy scene, and looked at Lin Beichen's eyes, revealing an undisguised gloat.

   Lin Beichen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

   It's safe.

"How did you come?"

   While asking questions, he used the power of Conscious God and Fire Realm to restore himself.

   The injury caused by the golden brilliance and divine power is extremely difficult to heal.

   "Because you are late."

The old spiritual master said indifferently: "So I went to take a look near the appointed place, and I just noticed that there was a divine power change here, so I came over and took a look. I didn't expect... Tsk Tsk Tsk, I can survive from [Gun of the Sun] Pan Duoqing , You make me look at me with admiration."

   Pan passionate?

   This name seems to have been seen somewhere.

   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   suddenly realized one thing.

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