078. How long have you been looking into it?

The Lim Keok-jeong I knew was a righteous enemy.

He is a righteous thief who robs government offices to distribute grain to the poor and helps the powerless by punishing corrupt officials.

However, after listening to the two Daejeong’s charges against Im Kkeok-jeong one by one, what is this… He is not a righteous enemy, but a psychopathic criminal.

Even though they had formed a group of thieves, they not only targeted government offices but also private houses and passers-by, and they searched for people who reported the damage to the government and cut open their bellies and skinned their faces… What kind of righteous enemy is this?

Plus, because of this vicious criminal, my schedule got messed up.

“I am truly sorry, Mr. Because Lim Kkeok-jeong’s work is usually not a big deal… .”

The audience was delayed by a day, perhaps due to the remediation of Lim Keok-jeong’s actions.

In the end, it took another day before I was able to set foot in Changdeokgung Palace.

Following the officials who guided us from Dongpyeong Gwan to Changdeokgung Palace, we entered Injeongjeon Hall, where soldiers and ministers fully dressed in formal attire were waiting for us.

Among the soldiers lined up left and right outside Injeongjeon, a voice in official uniform burst out announcing our arrival, and the full-fledged audience ceremony, or proportional ceremony in Korean, began.

“Gukgung (鞠躬), four hands (四拜), heung (興), flat body (平身).”

Only after the ministers bowed to the official’s voice and music did the envoy’s turn come.

After bowing according to the formalities and offering the sugar and buffalo horns to the king, they listened to the king’s ceremonial congratulatory address.

These are just formal words that say that it took a lot of hard work to get here, and that they are truly happy that foreign envoys brought them such a precious gift.

After that, the real questions began. The first person to ask a question was the king sitting on the throne.

“You said you came from a country called England. Gwain has never heard that such a country exists. “How far is England from Joseon?”

“If you take a boat south from Busanpo for three or four months, you will reach India, a land called Cheonchuk here. From there, if you go northwest again for about half a year to a year, you will reach the continent called Europe, and the island country located in the northwest of the European continent is England.”

After answering the king’s question, this time the minister with the beard Heoyeon asked me a question. Seeing that the king referred to the minister as Jwasang, it seemed that he was Jwasang.

“I have heard of a land called Cheonchuk, where my spark was born, but this is the first time I have heard of a land called Europe. Even if there really is a land called Europe, why would a country located so far away want to pay tribute to a great country?”

When I heard that, I thought for a moment about what to say. I felt like there might be a bit of a problem if I said out loud that I had come for trade, so I changed my words accordingly.

“I don’t know if you know, but among European countries, there is a country called Portugal, which settled in a city called Macau and has been paying tribute to the Ming every year for a long time. “England heard rumors through Portugal and came to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty.”

“You said you came to pay tribute to a great country, but why do you want a guarantee from our government?”

“My father was originally from the Deoksu Yi family of Joseon, and he always told me not to forget my roots. My father often talked about the Joseon Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, and there was also a story about those who called themselves tributes. When I was thinking about how to avoid being treated as a fraud, Joseon came to mind. “Isn’t Joseon the most friendly country to the Ming Dynasty?”

“Is that why you saved our people? To obtain assurance of adjustment?”

“It would be a lie to say I don’t have those feelings, but that’s not the only reason. When I was in Guju, Japan, I heard about their situation, and their situation, having been kidnapped by pirates and living the life of slaves, seemed truly pitiful. Moreover, don’t they have the same roots? “As a human being, I couldn’t pretend I didn’t see it.”

After answering the Left Councilor’s words using words that would please the Joseon officials as much as possible, I heard the king’s voice again.

“Since they have as their sire and vassals a benevolent man who knows benevolence and righteousness, it is reasonable to assume that England is also a country that knows courtesy. Now that I think about it, you made another contribution yesterday morning. Although it was not your intention, thanks to your cooperation with the plans of the two great officials, we were able to apprehend the evil enemy Lim Keok-jeong. I would like to express my gratitude to the envoys for their cooperation.”

It seemed like he was talking about helping the soldiers subdue Im Keok-jeong, who had raided Dongpyeong-gwan. But what? A plan between two major powers? What kind of nonsense is that?

“Shin, Woouijeong Yun Wonhyeong is asking. Although it is said that Kim Hyeok-su and Park Il-ho, the two great officials of Jang Yong-wi, used a plan to arrest Im Kkeok-jeong, wouldn’t it be truly unfortunate that the envoys were caught up in it? “I believe it is right to reward the envoys for their actions.”

“Shin, I am here to inform you of the Left State Councilor Lee Jun-kyung. I believe that the idol’s words are extremely correct. I heard that there was a young man among the envoys who shot Im Keok-jeong… .”

“I am here to inform you of the new royal court, Jeong Yu-gil. If you give that young man a government position… .”

“Well, since that is the will of the Lords, I think it would be right to give an appropriate compensation. So, what kind of compensation do you think should be given?”

“Originally, we promised to give a government position to the person who captured Im Keok-Jeong, but it would be disrespectful to only give a government position to someone named Drake, so I told Lee Yu, the head of the envoys of England… .”

“I believe that there will be no problem in giving him a government position because the reason for his government in England is his contribution to saving 65 people.”

The idols, the seated figures, and the ceremonial tablets, all of a sudden, the ministers start singing around.

As I quietly listened to their conversation, wondering if this was some kind of trick, I soon understood what their intention was to create this situation.

‘but… It would be better to make an excuse like that than to say that security was broken and a group of thieves appeared in the city and attacked the envoy… . Let’s pretend we don’t know.’

I could see his intentions clearly, but I decided to overlook it. There is no need to save the face of the Joseon government right now before receiving the guarantee.

After a while, the king, who had finished the play, turned his gaze towards me.

“If this is the will of the Lords, you too will not be able to sit still. The reason he came to England was in recognition of his contribution to rescuing 65 Joseon people, and the envoy granted him the position of 7th rank minister, ten rolls of silk, and twenty stones of rice, and a young man named Drake who contributed to the capture of Im Keok-jeong by helping the two great government officials. “I would like to commend him for his merits by awarding him a bounty of fifty pounds of rice on Lim Kkeok-jeong’s head and a seat as a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

“If you do not keep your promises to those who have made meritorious contributions, who will trust and follow the government? “That is truly a wise statement.”

‘I don’t know about silk, but I can carry rice, so I’ll have to exchange it for goods later and load it. No, it was still a gift from the king, but should I ask for it in kind from the beginning? ?’

Anyway, the official position given to me was an honorary position to avoid the Joseon government, so there was no reason to refuse it.

I was more worried about what to do with the rice the king was going to give me than about my official position, and I expressed my gratitude according to the rules of the Joseon Dynasty court, which I had learned from a eunuch.

“I am devastated.”

When I answered that I would receive a government position, a satisfied smile appeared on the faces of the government officials.

After that, after a few more formal remarks, another topic came out of the king’s mouth. It was a story about trade that I had been waiting for.

“I want to give you answers to your requests. “I guess they asked for a letter guaranteeing the right to dock at Busan Port, the right to trade, and England’s envoys to other countries?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“When I saw what Jangye and you from Dongrae showed in Hanyang, I think England is a country worth having diplomatic relations with. I will listen to your request. In your name, I will recognize the right of English ships to dock at Dongrae, and allow merchant ships carrying a token to sell goods to Busanpo once a year. and… merchant ship.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Give me the text.”

“I follow your orders.”

Perhaps because of Lim Keok-jeong’s work, the request seemed to have been accepted without much difficulty.

As I received the letter of guarantee from the merchant marine, I heard the king’s voice again.

“This is a certificate acknowledging, in the name of the Joseon Dynasty, that you are envoys of tribute from a country called ‘England.’ Ah, after this ceremony is over, I have prepared a main role in the sponsorship for you, so please enjoy it in peace.”

With those words, the Vinrye ceremony came to an end. As we did when we first greeted each other, we greeted one more time to the sound of music and the voice of the official, and as we left Injeongjeon, we saw a group of officials waiting for us.

“My name is Jeong Yu-gil, the royal court official who is in charge of this lead role. Follow me. “I will guide you to the main hall.”

Not long after arriving at the banquet hall along with the officials, the officials we had seen earlier in Injeongjeon appeared one after another.

After a while, when the seats in the main hall were filled, the presiding officer stood up and announced the start of the banquet.

* * *

Anwi, the Minister of Military Affairs, attended the banquet to obtain an item called a ‘musket’ from the envoy according to the orders of the king, Lee Hwan.

If it weren’t for Lim Kkeok-jeong’s incident, I would have officially asked him to sell some of the Reaper’s weapons or give them as gifts, but due to the situation, I couldn’t say it officially, so I had to say it in private.

‘Hmm… Shall we bring up the story soon?’

As soon as the banquet began, the officials attending the banquet, led by Ye-pan, began offering alcohol to the envoys, and most of the envoys drank alcohol happily despite not being able to communicate with each other.

“Please take this cup too.”

“Oh, yes, thank you. ball… therefore,”

“It’s called comfort.”

“Yes, An-gong. Lord Ahn, have a drink too… .”

“Thank you for this.”

After exchanging glasses, An Yu opened his mouth in a subdued tone.

“I heard that the young man who captured Lim Keok-jeong is here.”

“yes? Oh, there is. “The guy sitting in the corner over there is Drake.”

“Oh, indeed. He is a tall young man. But… “Are you really saying that you captured Lim Keok-jeong with a body like that?”

“Ah, that guy said it was a musket… Why, gun? President: That’s right. They say there’s something like a small gun barrel here, and I used that to capture it. It’s strange, it must have been written in the book… .”

“Hehe, as I get older, my mind goes back and forth. Indeed, you used the Fuhrer. In our Joseon Dynasty, there are three generals called ‘three generals’ who can hold and shoot with one hand. Is that the case?”

“I’ve never seen the three Presidents, so I can’t say anything about them. Well, it’s not like you hold it with one hand and shoot it… Grab it with both hands and shoot.”

“Oh, really? “Can I have a look?”

“yes? “So suddenly?”

“Hehe, they say you get more curious as you get older, but I can’t sleep because I wonder what the President who captured Lim Kkeok-jeong looks like. Okay, he’s going to show me one shot this time. “I was getting tired of shooting arrows at every banquet.”

Hearing Anwi’s words, Lee Yu opened his eyes hesitantly and then nodded with an expression of understanding.

“Oh, hey, that kind of expression…” .”

“it’s nothing. So you mean musket? I just happened to bring it. Probably gunpowder… Oh, excuse me for a moment. Hey! Jake!”

“Yes, sir?”

Lee Yu, who was talking to Anwi, shouted something to the sailor sitting next to him in a language that Anwi could not understand.

Soon the sailor also answered in the same language, and upon hearing the answer, Yuyu nodded and looked at Anyu.

“They say they brought a couple of items with them. “Would you mind if I shoot at the target down there?”

“Oh, yes, you do. But, where is the Fuhrer called Musket…? ?”

“Aren’t there friends standing over there? “Friends who don’t even drink alcohol.”

Anwi’s eyes turned in the direction that Lee Yu had indicated, and he saw the figure of a sailor standing there holding a peculiar-looking wooden stick.

“Aren’t they the bodyguards of the Shinigami Corps? “You’re holding a wooden stick. What kind of barrel do you mean you’re holding?”

“Aren’t you holding it in your hand?”

“That’s the Fuhrer? But, that’s a tree… .”

“what. “You’ll have to see it for yourself.”

With those words, Anwi once again commanded the guard in a language he could not understand, and the guard holding a wooden stick walked towards the target set up under the pavilion.

“Tell the people in front of the target over there, they will get hurt if they make a mistake, so tell them to come to the back. Oh, the sound will be a little loud. Is that okay?”

At those words, An Yu remembered the contents of the Janggye. Apparently, it was recorded in both accounts that a loud noise was heard and then Lim Keok-jeong fell down, holding his shoulder.

“of course. Don’t worry, just give it a try. Hey guys! Everyone, get behind the target!”

“Then, don’t worry… .”

From noble mtl dot come

When Lee Yu shouted to Howie, Howie took out a leather bag from his pocket and poured out the contents of it onto a wooden stick.

Then, he placed a small piece of cloth on the front of the musket, lifted a long iron rod, pushed the piece of cloth inside, moved the iron rod a few times, lit the long string attached to the musket, and then aimed the musket at the target.

A moment later, the sound of something exploding was heard, and all the heads of those attending the banquet turned to the target under the pavilion.

“Umm… Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to have hit the target. That shooter is very skilled… .”

“Looking from here, it looks like a miss. “Let’s get closer and check it out.”

Since there seemed to be no change in the target from where An Wi was sitting, An Wi thought that the shooter who shot the President had not hit the target, but when he was told to go closer and check, he had someone check the target.

“There’s a hole in the target? Does that mean it penetrated the target? !”

Anwi looked at Yuyu with surprised eyes at the words of the person who returned after checking the target.

The reason he received such a reassuring look was because he said this with a knowing expression.

“How much would you like to pay per tablet?”


*The ritual in the story is a frequent ritual for entertaining envoys during the five-year ceremony, and is called Suingukseopyeui, which is a way of receiving envoys from countries such as Japan, Yugu, and Jurchen.

*Usually, it is the royal court that presides over the reception of envoys, but when envoys from the Ming Dynasty visit, the king of Joseon personally appears and presides over the banquet. In the play, England was treated as a feudal country, that is, a ‘barbarian country’ like Jurchen or Japan, and Ye Jo Panseo took charge of the main role.

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