040. Let’s Not Take Back What’s Given.

Mary looked towards the source of the voice. Seated there was the Earl of Russell, the Keeper of the Privy Seal.

“Earl Russell, it seems you have an objection.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Is that so? I thought this treatment was fitting for Logan’s merit, but it seems you think otherwise. Speak your mind.”

The voice of Count Russell seemed slightly agitated.

With the Queen’s permission granted, Count Russell glanced at Logan and began to speak.

“Undoubtedly, the chef’s contribution is significant. However, he has merely followed the orders of Your Majesty and Duke Eric… or rather, the Grand Duke. As Your Majesty knows, for a commoner to become a noble, they must have corresponding military achievements. If we elevate a commoner to nobility just for faithfully executing the commands of the nobility, wouldn’t we have to make all the servants in the palace nobles?”

As Count Russell finished speaking, a slight wrinkle formed on Mary’s face.

Those involved, or rather, those who led this affair, were all favorites in Mary’s court.

The very person she had appointed as the Chief Justice had betrayed her. In such a situation, who could she trust?

Mary thought that because of this incident, she needed a subject who could not betray her, not just one who would not.

In that sense, Logan met all the conditions Mary desired.

A foreign chef with no ties to Europe, who claims to be a noble but has no way to prove it. What perfect conditions.

However, there was one problem with making Logan a noble, as Count Russell had pointed out: Logan’s achievements were not military.

The nobles of England, and likely those of other countries, were extremely reluctant to allow commoners into their society, and this was especially true for the nobles under Mary’s rule.

The reason was the emergence of a new class called ‘gentry.’ After the traditional nobility fell during the long civil war known as the Wars of the Roses, self-sustaining farmers increased, and landowners called gentry began to emerge.

Mary’s predecessors, King Henry VII and King Henry VIII, supported the gentry to check the nobility, and this emerging class, backed by the kings’ favor, began to wield terrifying influence in society.

The gentry, favored by the king, started to amass wealth based on their lands, and with this wealth, they began to influence the national economy. As a result, the nobility had to share their economic privileges, which they had previously monopolized, with the gentry class.

As things turned out this way, the nobility naturally felt threatened by the gentry.

The gentry, once considered mere wealthy commoners and looked down upon, began to encroach on their privileges.

It was only natural that anxiety began to grow among the nobility that the gentry might replace them. Therefore, the nobility resolved that they could not let the gentry take away their last privilege, military authority.

If the gentry began to influence the military, the nobility’s value would disappear overnight, and the gentry would undoubtedly replace them.

For this reason, an unwritten rule had emerged that one must establish military achievements to gain a title, and the queen was well aware of it. It was a sensitive issue that touched the very foundation of the nobility, one that not even the queen could meddle with carelessly.

“Your words are not without merit… But did not Logan personally lead the soldiers and capture the traitors? This could very well be considered a military achievement.”

“Your Majesty, even if capturing the traitors is counted as a military achievement, an earldom is too excessive. Sir Adam, who has served as a cavalryman to Your Majesty for many years and has personally slain Wyatt on the battlefield this time, has not even been granted a baronetcy. And yet, you would bestow an earldom upon this foreigner who has not been in the palace for even a year?”

In truth, even Mary herself thought that an earldom was a bit too generous a reward. Nevertheless, she had resolved to bestow it, intending to bring Logan into her court.

As the earl’s opposition grew fierce, Mary thought she might have to push a little harder.

“Hmm… There are a few facts you seem to be mistaken about. First, Logan comes from a noble family in the East; he is no commoner. Therefore, there is no issue in granting him a title, even without military achievements.”

“How can you be certain of that? How can you be sure that the cook has not lied to Your Majesty? And even if he truly is a noble from abroad, an earldom is still too much. Since he has not earned his stripes on the battlefield, why not bestow upon him a knighthood and a suitable manor instead?”

Hearing the Earl of Russell’s words, Mary internally rejoiced. She had declared her intention to grant an earldom, anticipating such opposition from the likes of the earl. It was clear that the nobles would be reluctant to welcome Logan, a foreigner, into their midst.

The title Mary intended to grant Logan was either a baronetcy or a knighthood.

Had she initially proposed a baronetcy or knighthood, the closed-off nature of the nobility would surely have led to objections that even these were too generous.

Judging by the looks of the senior courtiers around her, they all seemed to silently agree with the Earl of Russell’s opinion.

Mary, convinced of the correctness of her choice, opened her mouth to speak.

“I assure you in my name that Logan is a noble from a foreign land. Would there be any problem in granting him a baronetcy then?”

“Are those Your Majesty’s words? Hmm… If you insist to that extent…”

“And as you suggested, I will appoint Logan as a knight and grant him a manor. Would that be satisfactory?”

“A wise decision, Your Majesty.”

Thus, Mary, the Earl of Russell, and the other senior courtiers all reached a conclusion that satisfied everyone.

However, there was one who harbored dissatisfaction with this decision…

‘That old Russell… he’s crossed the line.’

The very person to be granted the title, Logan, watched quietly, harboring his thoughts.

* * *

I left the queen’s office and returned to my room.

It had been a while since I felt this way. How should I put it? Like the day before a holiday, when a missile launch cancels your plans? Or like being the first alternate for a college spot, only to find out no one dropped out.

In any case, it was a decidedly unpleasant feeling.

There’s a saying, isn’t there? That taking back what you’ve given is the lowest of the low.

Had the Earl not been mentioned at all, I might have let it be. But since Earl Russell had made such a fuss, I couldn’t just sit idly by after the earldom had slipped through my fingers.

“I’m sure I put it in the bag…”

Right now, I was rummaging through the bag I had stashed in the drawer. Soon, I found the item I had been looking for.

“Let’s see… I’m sure I saw it here… Russell… Russell… Ah, here it is.”

The item I pulled from the bag was a rolled-up piece of paper. At the bottom, Edward Courtney’s signature was scrawled.

The characters written on the paper were all in Courtney’s handwriting.

“So… that means Russell to Wyatt…”

Having already submitted my confession, using it as leverage now would be akin to suicide. There was no need to reveal that I had deceived the queen.

However, memorizing the contents of this confession to have a productive conversation with Earl Russell seemed harmless enough.

Why do I have the original confession, you ask?

Well, on the day Steve and Courtney were arrested, it was when Courtney pushed the confession he had written at Bishop Steve, demanding he write one as well.

* * *

“Logan, in a way, isn’t it thanks to me that you’re in this position? I was the one who brought you to the palace. Just do me this one favor.”

“Yes? You’re not wrong. But what favor are you asking for? What power do I have…”

“From the confession Courtney wrote, omit the names of Duke William and Earl Russell. If the queen finds out even those two have betrayed you, she won’t be able to bear it.”

“No, if you are so concerned about Her Majesty the Queen, why would you do such a thing?”

“…Anyway, I have a favor to ask. Of course, I don’t mean for you to do it for nothing.”

* * *

Having heard Bishop Steve’s words that day, I pondered deeply and eventually decided to grant his request. Why, even Yeonsangun was once a sane king before he went mad upon learning the truth about his mother.

I feared the shock the Queen would receive would be immense if she were to find out about the betrayal by not only Bishop Steve and Courtney but also by Earl Russell and Duke William.

Thus, Courtney’s confession was rewritten, and the new document omitted the names of the two men.

Prince Eric, having never seen the original confession written by Courtney, naturally presented the new one I brought to the Queen without suspicion.

After delivering the confession to the Prince and about to burn the original, a thought suddenly struck me.

‘Might there be a use for this later?’

But who would have thought the opportunity to use it would come so soon. I send my past self a word of thanks.

‘Earl Russell is still in the palace, isn’t he?’

The meeting had just ended; surely he hadn’t left the palace yet.

If he had, then I would have to go directly to Earl Russell’s residence.

* * *

As the Earl returned to where his horse was tied, ready to head back to his estate, a sense of relief washed over his face.

Earl Russell, who had been trembling with anxiety until he heard the news of the rebellion’s failure, was now able to completely wash away his unease thanks to today’s events at the court.

‘Hmm, seeing Her Majesty’s reaction today, it seemed she was unaware that William and I were involved. Had she known… given Her Majesty’s character, she would not have let it slide that I opposed her.’

Earl Russell was also involved in the recent rebellion.

A portion of the funds sent to Wyatt had come from Earl Russell.

However, judging by the Queen’s reaction today, it seemed he was no longer under suspicion.

If the queen had been doubting him, she would have dismissed his opinion outright, not even bothering to listen, let alone respond with anger.

Crucially, he had not yet been dismissed from his position as the royal seal bearer.

From noble mtl dot come

Seeing the queen’s actions on the day of the rebellion, choosing a successor for the position on the very day, he believed that his remaining in his post was proof enough that he was no longer under suspicion. The earl thought so.

With light steps, the earl moved towards the stables to find the horse he had ridden in on.

Just as the earl arrived at the stables, a voice called out from behind him.

“Earl Russell, are you on your way out of the palace?”

Earl Russell looked in the direction of the voice. Standing there was Logan, a cook who occupied the lowest rank at court.

“Hmph, whether I leave the palace or not, what concern is it of yours?”

The earl’s voice was brusque.

He did not think highly of Logan. The idea of a man of unknown origin, who had rolled in from who knows where, becoming a noble, was distasteful to him.

Above all, the earl thought Logan was ungrateful.

‘This wretch, who entered the royal palace thanks to Steve, doesn’t know gratitude and gets Steve locked up? Wasn’t it because of this man that I almost found myself in great trouble?’

Whether Logan knew what the earl was thinking or not, he approached the earl with a smile.

“Could you spare a moment? Just a brief one. There’s something urgent I need to tell you.”

“I have no time to spare for the likes of a cook.”

The earl cut Logan off sharply and turned to walk towards the stables.

However, he couldn’t help but stop in his tracks when he heard Logan’s voice from behind him.

“Steve Gardner, Thomas Howard, Edward Courtenay, William Paulet. And lastly, John Russell. Will you still leave just like that?”

At Logan’s words, Earl Russell slowly turned his head to look at him.

“Are you threatening to link me with the traitors now?”

The count scowled deeply as he glared at Logan. Unperturbed by the count’s gaze, Logan continued.

“Didn’t you find it strange, my lord? That the names of you and Duke William were conspicuously absent from Courtney’s confession.”

“What are you talking about…”

“You’ve given Wyatt as much as five hundred pounds, I hear.”

Upon hearing Logan’s words, the count stood frozen, unable to speak. His abundant beard quivered, as if to represent his inner turmoil.

Then, Logan’s voice reached the count.

“Do you still not have time to spare for me?”

Logan’s voice, polite yet tinged with insolence, echoed in the count’s ears.

It seemed the count’s departure from the palace would be delayed a bit longer.


*Please consider that one pound roughly equates to the value of 100,000 to 200,000 won. It’s said that one pound had nearly the same value as one ducat.

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