The brief chat was over. [Clown] Piero gave everyone enough time to chat.

At this moment, the executive ranking battle, which takes place every ten years, will start again.

"After a long time, this chess game that has lasted for five hundred years is finally coming to a decisive moment. We, who were once regarded as stupid, will now, under the leadership of the great queen, bravely raise the banner of resistance against the lofty and arrogant [heavenly law]!"

"We are no longer silent, no longer afraid, because we have firm beliefs and fearless courage. We know that this battle will be full of difficulties and obstacles, but we will not retreat and resolutely throw ourselves into it."

"Under the leadership of the queen, we are united and determined. Her wisdom And power is like a beacon to illuminate our way forward, let us firmly believe that victory will belong to us. "

"This is not just a simple rebellion, but also a struggle against fate and a declaration of war against injustice. We must use our actions to prove that even fools can create miracles, and even the weak can challenge power."

"Let us follow the steps of the queen closely, hold high the banner of rebellion, and march forward bravely towards freedom and light!"

Piero walked out of the shadows, holding a very ancient-looking cane in one hand and a book that is no longer circulated in the world in the other.

The text on the cover of the book is the text of the long-lost Black Sun Dynasty.

Alechino's eyes are very powerful. She can see the text of the book in Piero's hand clearly, which is very similar to the text of the Red Moon Dynasty.

Although she has never seen the text of the Red Moon Dynasty, Alecino actually knows those obscure hieroglyphs.

"Alchemy of the Canreya Palace"!

At this time, old man Piero was still talking about his brainwashing words, although he also knew that these words had almost no effect on his colleagues.

Who among the people present was not a smart person?

Oh~ There is one who is not, that is Ajax, the young boy who was brought by [Rooster] Puccinera to participate in the executive officer assessment.

Perhaps, Piero's words that promote loyalty to the Ice Queen everywhere may still have a chance to brainwash a young and energetic boy like Ajax.

"The extinguished star has shown signs of revival. After three cold winters, a new story will begin."

"By then, we will build a grand stage. The actors are already ready, just waiting for [Gemini] to come again!"

Piero's voice is steady. He looks like an old man, but he is still full of energy when he speaks.

"Now, we are gathered here to select the appropriate roles for the upcoming story. Ladies and gentlemen, the duel will be initiated by the executive with the lower seat to the executive with the upper seat, and the challenged can directly admit defeat."

"The winner continues, and the loser gives way. The result will be decided before dawn."

After speaking, Piero stopped, he looked at Puccini and motioned for him to speak.

Seeing this, Puccini nodded tacitly.

The old man took a step forward and raised his hand slightly.

"Dear colleagues, before the qualifying battle begins, I have something I hope to get your support for."

Then, Puccini pointed to Ajax, who was still in a daze.

"Ajax, this young man... he has great potential, I want to recruit him into the executives. I know that you may think he is too young and not strong enough to take on the important task of an executive. But please believe me..."

"The potential contained in Ajax is unbelievable, and my vision of people is never wrong."

"If you have any opinions, you can also test Ajax to see if his potential is as I said?"

Puccinera had a kind smile on his face.

His words were just a reminder to others to report that they would have new colleagues.

After all, except the Ice Queen, no one else has the right to interfere with the appointment and removal of an executive. Moreover, since Puccinera can bring Ajax to this duel arena where only executives are qualified to enter, it means that Ajax's becoming an executive is a foregone conclusion.

Now Puccinera stood up and spoke, just to win over Ajax, who has great potential.

The executives also saw that Puccinera wanted to use them to win over Ajax.

Some of them were dismissive and looked down on Ajax.

Some frowned secretly, obviously because they were unhappy that Pucciniera used them as a gun.

Some people didn't care about it and continued to chat with their good sisters, not buying Pucciniera's account or overturning his table.

Of course, some people tried to provoke Ajax.

"Mr. Mayor... Even if you raise the value of this boy, it's just your one-sided statement. What if this boy is not...As valuable as you said, making him an executive officer, doesn't it seem that we are taking it too lightly? "

[Doctor] Dotore shook the reagent, and his eyes under the bird-beak mask flashed scarlet light.

"Oh, what do you want? Respected [Doctor] Sir."

Puccinera smiled indifferently. He knew the strength of Ajax. Although he was not a match for these monsters at present, he firmly believed that Ajax would be stronger than most of them sooner or later.

"Well, I won't make it difficult for you... Let that boy, Ajax, fight with our last place. As long as he can show enough value, I will support you. How about it?"

Dotore's mouth corners raised, smiling strangely.

"No problem! I will fight with you! "

Ajax didn't want to see Pulcheria being harassed, so he agreed immediately.

Pulcheria, who was interrupted by the impulsive Ajax, glanced at him helplessly.

Then, Pulcheria sighed and patted Ajax's arm.

"The last one at the moment is [Servant] Alechino, you should be careful, she has no sense of measure."

"Very good! ”

Seeing Ajax agreed, Dotore didn't care about Alecino's wishes, after all, his seat was higher than hers. Although they were of the same level in normal times, in this duel, the one with a higher seat had more say.

Moreover, Dotore's decision just now did not cause any objection from the executives whose seats were above his, which meant that they acquiesced to Dotore.

Therefore, even if Dotore knew that he was being used as a gun, he still enjoyed it.

After all, this was a good time to spy on the power of the Red Moon!

He Dotore had been waiting for this moment for a long, long time.

So, Alecino, who was still at the bottom of the seat, was going to have a life-and-death duel with Ajax under Dotore's arrangement.

"Captain of the 11th Squadron of the 5th Fatui Regiment, Ajax. Please advise! "

As soon as the words fell, two water blades condensed out instantly.

Seeing this, Alechino narrowed his eyes.

"Executor of the Fatui, the last [servant] - Alechino. Please teach me. "

Hard, fist hardened.

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