
A huge steel monster stopped at the non-freezing port of Solstice.

This is the pinnacle of Solstice's technological development, the crystallization of human technology, and the product of the combination of knowledge and elemental power.


Using magic crystal ore as the elemental resonance circuit, it becomes the blood vessels of this giant ship, the high-quality steel plates made of fine iron are its skeleton, and five power conversion cardinals are its heart, allowing it to break ice and sail on the densely iced Solstice Ice Sea.

It is a weapon for humans to conquer nature, a monster condensed by human wisdom, and the best embodiment of violent aesthetics.

At the same time, it is also infinitely close to the blasphemy that [Heavenly Law] does not allow.

Fortunately, it has not yet come into contact with the existence of [Taboo].

The Ice Queen seems to be intentionally controlling its upgrade and sticking it to a critical point.

Or maybe the Ice Queen has seen its fate, so she is unwilling to invest more energy in its research and development.

In short, the current [Empress] is a famous icebreaker of Zhidong. Although it has only been in service for 25 years, it has shouldered the great responsibility of Zhidong's political lifeline.

[Empress] is the exclusive means of transportation for Zhidong's senior officials!

And Alechino returned to Zhidong on this giant ship.

When this steel monster appeared in the port of Fontaine, countless Fontaine people were conquered by the power it contained.

The metal hull with a cold glow made it extremely terrifying.

"What kind of monster is this! Is it a steel battleship? Zhidong is really... so terrible..."

"How much does it cost to build such a steel battleship? Zhidong is so arrogant!"

"My God, if there is such a monster in my Fontaine, then..."

People admire the majesty of [Empress], fear the cannons around it, and also have a deep fear of Zhidong.

Everyone says that Zhidong is martial, and Zhidong people are more advocating strength.

What I saw today was indeed true!

As the country with the strongest military power in Teyvat, Dongzhi has never stopped expanding its military power.

Even Liyue, which has the longest history, is not as strong as Dongzhi.

Getting off the [Queen], Arachno came down amid the cheers of Dongzhi people.

Why did these people cheer for Arachno?

Because all those who can ride the [Queen] are big figures of Dongzhi, and all are heroes who have made great contributions to Dongzhi.

Dongzhi, who values ​​martial arts, admires heroes and heroes very much.

Arachno promoted the establishment of diplomatic relations between Dongzhi and Fontaine, improved the relationship between the two countries, regained the Fontaine market for Dongzhi, promoted the further development of Dongzhi's economy, and greatly improved the living standards of Dongzhi people.

How could she not get the support of Dongzhi people?

But unfortunately, Arachno didn't care about these people. Now she was working for Dongzhi, but she still needed to use Dongzhi's power.


A round of applause sounded.

[Rooster] Pulchinella walked out of the crowd.

"Welcome back, my colleague, [Servant] Alechino."

A kind voice sounded, but Alechino felt sick after hearing it.

Pretending and hypocritical... She is indeed someone who can collude with Kugavina.

"Forget the polite words. I didn't leave my work at Fontaine and rushed back to listen to your nonsense."

Alechino didn't give Pulchinella any face at all. Anyway, except for those executives who barely had some intersection with her and were still useful, the other executives were enemies.

"When will the ranking battle for executive officers start? Will the ninth seat come this time?"

"There are still a few days left for the ranking battle... As for the child you mentioned... Hehe, I'm sorry, he can't leave at the front line against the abyss."

"So, this time you assume that you are the ninth seat, and you will start challenging the eighth seat [Rich Man]. The winner will continue, and the loser will be demoted."

Puccinera didn't care about Alechino's expression at all, and he said calmly.

"Pantaronne? He is no match for me."

Alechino said calmly.

Since she inherited the title of [Servant], her seat has been the lowest. It's all because Kugavina didn't work hard enough, and she has always been the last among the ten executives.

But now the [Servant] is Alechino, who is much stronger than Kugavina.

Coupled with her ambition, Alechino naturally wants to fight for the front seat. After all, the front seat means the stronger the power, the more resources can be controlled, and the more right to speak in the Fatui.

However, the original ninth seat in this ranking match will not come because of something, and the executives will automatically downgrade him.

In other words, Arlechino will not face this mysterious ninth seat.The executive ranking war is a reverse upward method in which the low-ranking executives challenge the high-ranking executives. It can motivate the executives with low seats to climb up, and also make the executives with high seats feel a sense of crisis. After all, although the executives are equal on the surface, the relationship between them still depends on fists. Whoever is stronger has a higher seat, and whoever has a bigger fist is the truth. "Hehe... So, do you want to beat others to flee in the first ranking war you have experienced?" Puccinera chuckled, with an ambiguous light in his eyes. "Why not? Executives rely on fists to speak. I have been at the bottom seat for too long, and I am tired of the scenery at the foot of the mountain. I want to climb up and see the scenery at the top of the mountain." Alechino replied coldly. From the moment she returned to Solstice, she was no longer the Solstice diplomat, nor the gentle, full-eyed Alechino that Furninna knew, but a cold-blooded, cruel, crazy and vicious executive.

"Hahahaha... It's good for young people to have ambitions, but if they don't have the strength to match them, it's just a joke."

Pulchenela sneered.

"Whether it's delusion or fact, we'll see when the time comes. Anyway, I don't think you can stop me."

Alechino stopped talking to Pulchenela, and she left the port.

"Young people... one or two are so impulsive... Alas~"

Pulchenela shook her head as she looked at Alechino's cold and arrogant back.

Just then, a young man with orange hair ran over.

"Hey--! Old man!"

Hearing the voice, Pulchenela turned his head and looked, and a smile immediately appeared on his old face.

"Haha, it's Ajax! What's wrong? What do you want to talk to me about? Is Tok not behaving well again?"

Puccinera asked with concern.

"No, no. Tok is very well behaved. I have something else to ask you, old man."

Ajax shook his head and said.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"I want to take the executive officer assessment!"

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