"Funning... Ms. Nafu, our seats are over here."

Alechino looked at Furninna's cute look of worrying about not being able to find a seat, and couldn't help but remind her.

By the way, she corrected the name she subconsciously wanted to call out.

There was no way, I was used to calling "Ms. Furninna", and I was a little uncomfortable with the sudden change of address.

It's not because I was too obsessed with Furninna's beauty that I lost my mind for a moment, right, not at all!

Krewe: Pepe, are you also a tsundere?

"Oh! Of course I know where the seats are! I just want to see more of the Opikle Opera House from the perspective of an ordinary audience, after all, I used to be in the top special seats!"

"It's also very novel for me to have such an experience now, isn't it?"

Furninna was not justified, and it seemed that this was really the reason, but it would be better if the tips of her ears under her blue and white hair were not red.

"Well... that's indeed the truth."

Alechino nodded in agreement.

She would not expose that Fininna just couldn't find a seat, maybe she was too nervous, after all, this was their first date, or maybe she had never sat down to watch the show like everyone else.

Anyway, Alechino didn't care about these things, she wouldn't say anything, because that might make Fininna angry.

Although the shy Ms. Fininna was also very cute and beautiful, Alechino didn't want to lose the big picture by picking up sesame seeds.

You know, her hand was now held by Fininna, that is, Fininna was holding her hand. If Fininna got angry and threw her hand away because of those sesame-like things, then Alechino would lose a lot.

She hasn't held her hand enough!

Not just holding hands today, but also holding hands tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and every day in the future!

So, some things can be said, and some things can't be said!

After finding a seat, Fininna pulled Alechino over.

Then, the two sat down. Until then, Finina had not let go of Alechino's hand.

For this situation, Alechino smiled gently.

Oh my~ Is this... Ms. Finina trying to control me?

Finina stared at the red curtain on the stage with her eyes fixed, biting her lips tightly, feeling excited and shy.

You thought the hand-holding was unintentional, but it was actually intentional by Finina!

Since she knew that Alechino was the Peruvian she had always been worried about, Finina accepted her feelings for Alechino after a period of psychological construction.

In fact, it was all thanks to Krevy. She kept whispering in Finina's ear and completed the psychological counseling work for Finina in just one day.

This wave, this wave was a great achievement by Krevy!

Krevy is still in C, she is still in C! She is really worthy of being the strongest wingman in Teyvat!

Then, under Krevy's persuasion, although Fenina accepted the fact that Arlecino was Peruvian, and also accepted her little bit of love for Arlecino, Krevy began to encourage Fenina to take the initiative to find Arlecino and date Arlecino.

She also told Fenina that in a relationship, only the active party can have the dominant power. If Fenina doesn't want to be manipulated by Arlecino in the future, she must take the initiative to win Arlecino.

Fenina actually listened to it in a daze!

To the extent that Fenina didn't question why she had to be with Arlecino.

We don't know whether Ms. Fenina was really convinced by Krevy, or just convinced herself with Krevy's words.

After all, we are not Fenina, how can we know her inner thoughts?

We only know that Finnina, taking advantage of Crevy's suggestion, took the tickets to the Opicole Opera House given by Crevy, went to the Hearth House and invited Arlechino to accompany her to watch the play.

Then, Finnina took the initiative to hold Arlechino's hand in front of the Lujing Fountain, and again used the excuse of being late.

It seems that from the beginning to the end, Finnina did not show her true feelings to Arlechino.

But from the beginning, her feelings were presented to Arlechino.

When Finnina accepted the fact that Arlechino was Peruvian, when Finnina took the initiative to invite Arlechino to a date, when Finnina took the initiative to hold Arlechino's hand, no matter what the excuse was, it contained her true feelings.

However, Finnina did not dare to speak out directly, love or something, although she had seen many people fall in love in the past few hundred years, and had seen countless love dramas and countless romance novels, but on paper,After all, she still feels shallow. Fernina is still an inexperienced rookie in the battlefield of love.

Therefore, when Fernina agreed to Krevi's instigation in a daze, she couldn't help being shy.

Of course, there is still a little yearning, after all, who doesn't yearn for love?

And the shyness of a girl is the best love words in the world, surpassing everything.

However, liking is liking, which does not mean that Fernina can approve of what Alechino did before, even if there are reasons, but making a mistake is making a mistake.

Alechino's hands are stained with blood. Fernina doesn't know which of those who died at the hands of Alechino are guilty and which are innocent.

Therefore, in order to prevent Alechino from killing innocent people indiscriminately, Fernina will try to guide her on the right track. She wants to make Alechino become the cute little Pepe she used to be.

For this reason, Fernina must take the initiative when getting along with Alechino. She wants Alechino to listen to her willingly and make Alechino as cute as a good child.

It is definitely not to avoid being bullied by Alechino in the future, absolutely not!

Lady Fernina is devoted to the country and the people. Even if she has selfish motives, it is only a little bit, very small.

In the venue, soothing music soon sounded.

And as the red curtain unfolds, the actors who have been prepared for a long time will present a wonderful performance for the audience below.

After watching the performance on the stage, Alechino has no interest in watching it anymore.

Love dramas are boring, and it is not as interesting as watching Ms. Fernina.

So, Alechino's sight shifted from the actors on the stage to Fernina's pretty face.

Looking at Fernina's focused look, Alechino's eyes were gentle, and the black and red cross eyes were so calm, without the indifference and oppression of the past.

With a slight smile on her lips, Alechino looked at her hand, which was still held by Fernina.

She felt better.

"Ms. Fernina, I like you. I like you so much..."

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