Alechino would never have thought that it would be her best friend who betrayed her.

Krewei, I trusted you so much and told you all my feelings for Ms. Fininna. I thought that as my best friend, you would keep the secret for me, but you actually sold me out!

Krewei: My best friend is Peruvili, not Alechino.

Alechino: 6...


Feninna was full of questions about everything Krewei said about Alechino.

What does "everything about Alechino" mean? Is there anything I don't know about this bad woman?

No, why should I know everything about this bad woman? I'm not curious!

Fininna turned her head and snorted.

"I don't want to know everything about Alechino at all. I'm not interested in her!"

Seeing Fininna's uncooperative appearance, Krewei, who was eager to ship CP and didn't want her best friend to die alone for the rest of her life, didn't spoil Fininna.

"Alechino used to live in the Hearth House... and it was the Hearth House in Fontaine."

Krevy said leisurely.

"Hmm? This... of course I know this! If she didn't grow up in the Hearth House, how did she commit the crime of matricide? Don't bring out such information that everyone knows."

Fenina curled her lips and said disdainfully.

"Hehe... then, what if I say that Sister Finina has also seen Alechino when she was a child?"

Krevy's mouth corners raised, and her smile was very strange.

"Uh... me? Have you seen Alechino when she was a child? Isn't she from the Winter?"

Fenina pointed her finger at her nose, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"No, Alechino is not from the Winter. In my memory of her, she grew up in Fontaine, so she should be from Fontaine."

Krevy shook her head gently and said.

"What? Little Vivi, you actually know Alechino?"


"Ahhhh! Little Vivi! How many things have you hidden from me?"

Funina's eyes widened, she was very angry.

"Not much... just a little bit of my past. Sister Finina, you know that I grew up in the [House of Hearth], and my past is very shameful. I don't want you to know these things, I don't want you to hate me."

Krewei's expression instantly became aggrieved and sad. She is now an excellent actor.

Perhaps Finina saw that Krewei was acting, or maybe she really felt sorry for Krewei. In short, Finina didn't care that Krewei concealed the fact that she knew Alechino.

Finina stepped forward and hugged Krewei.

"Oh, it's okay, little Weiwei. I've never been angry with you. You are a very sensible child. Although you made many mistakes in the past, I know your difficulties. After all, your life and death were controlled by others at that time..."

"Sister Funina..."

Krewei was very moved.

"But this does not mean that you are not guilty. I will not forgive you for those who died in your hands. You should still redeem the sins you should redeem."

Funina's values ​​are very positive. Let's give a thumbs up to Ms. Funina.

"Hahaha... Sister Funina is right!"

Krewei laughed lightly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's get back to the previous topic."

Funina coughed lightly and said seriously.

"What was it before?"

Now, it was Krewei's turn to play dumb.

"Hey, hey, hey! Little Weiwei, don't play dumb! Didn't we say we were going to talk about... that bad woman Alechino?"

Seeing that Krewei was going to cheat, Finina immediately refused.

Don't get me wrong, she doesn't care about Alechino or is curious about that bad woman. She just wants to know herself and the enemy and win every battle!

Yes, that's it!

"Hehe~ Sister Finina, do you like Alechino? If I don't know your true thoughts, it's hard for me to tell you with peace of mind. After all, Alechino used to be my beloved friend, sibling!"

Krewei showed a sly smile.

"You! Little Weiwei, you are so annoying..."

Fenina was shocked and wanted to punch Krewei.


"If you don't say it, you won't have a chance~"

Krewei hummed softly, with the corners of her mouth raised.

"I... I'll tell you, isn't that enough? But you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone, only you know it!"

Funina glared at Krevy fiercely.

She didn't want to know about Alechino! She just wanted to prevent Alechino from doing anything that would harm Fontaine!

That's it, that's right!

"I'm all ears."

KrevyWei was very satisfied. Compared to the stubborn guy Alechino, it was indeed easier to control Finina.

Sister Finina is so cute!

Pepe, if you dare to bully my sister Finina in the future, I will never let you go easily!

"I... I like... I like Alechino a little bit~ But just a little bit, only a little bit!"

Perhaps because she was afraid that Krewei would not believe it, Finina even made a gesture of control with her fingers.

"Oh~" Krewei smiled and dragged out the tail sound.

"Ahhh! Don't laugh!"

Krewei's reaction made Finina explode instantly.

"I... I, I don't know why I like that bad guy... Maybe I'm possessed..."

Finina said with a sad face and very depressed.

"Oh, look at it more openly~ Sister Finina, you can't control your love for someone."

Krewei said with a smile.

This is love!

"Hehe~ Since Sister Fernina also likes Alechino, then things will be easy!"

Krevy pulled Fernina to sit on the sofa, she gently patted Fernina's little hand and said.

"Sister Fernina, let me tell you! Alechino, whom you have always hated, is actually the child you liked very much before~"

"Hmm? The child I liked very much before? Or the child of [House of Hearth]...hiss!"

Fernina thought for a few seconds, and her expression suddenly became ugly.

"Little Weiwei, you mean...Alechino is Little Pepe?"


Krevy nodded in response.

"Little Pepe is still alive? That's great... But how could Little Pepe be Alechino! How can a person change so much!"

Fernina couldn't believe that Alechino, whom she hated and liked, would actually be the cute Little Pepe eight or nine years ago.

"But the fact is that Alecino is Peruvian. Not only did she not die, but she also joined the Fatui and became an executive."

Krevy said with her hands spread out.

"Little Pepe is Alecino, Alecino is Little Pepe... and then I fell in love with Little Pepe..."

Fenina frowned, she felt that she was on the verge of being judged.

"Pepe also likes Sister Finina~"

Krevy continued to add fuel to the fire, watching the fun.

"Oh no! I broke the law!"

Fenina was shocked.

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