Krevy thought that Alechino's secret love for Fernina was humble, but she didn't expect that Alechino's secret love could be so humble!

"No, Pepe, what are you thinking about!"

Krevy looked at Alechino with a smile on her face in astonishment.

"Why not? Are you willing to be friends with Sister Fernina for the rest of your life? No, you are not even friends now. Pepe, what do you think?"

"Don't you like Sister Fernina anymore?"

Faced with Krevy's misunderstanding and questioning, Alechino explained lightly.

"I like Ms. Fernina very much, and I have always liked her. And this love will become stronger and stronger with the change of time."

"Then why don't you want to confess? Pepe, what are you worried about?"

Krevy frowned and asked.

"Krevy, have you forgotten what you said?"

Alechino did not answer, but answered the question with a question.

"I'm talking about... could it be... Pepe, you're worrying about these things?"

Krevy cursed herself for being brainless, she was so excited that she subconsciously ignored those things.

"That's right. Krevy."

Alechino smiled gently, but the smile was so helpless.

"It's impossible for me and Ms. Fininna. She is the water god, and I am the winter diplomat. From a political point of view, we are impossible."

"You can have a political marriage... No, how can gods and mortals marry? This is ridiculous..."

Krevy's expression also became lost.

So, the CP that I have been eating for so long turned out to be impossible from the beginning?

"Well, the gap between humans and gods is the biggest obstacle between me and Ms. Fininna. She is a god, her life is long and endless, and I am a human, and I will be a handful of yellow soil in a hundred years. If I confess to Ms. Fininna and get together as you want, then what about a hundred years later?"

Alechino asked.

"How can it be... so cruel, this is too much..."

Krevy's eyes became moist.

Krevy didn't understand why reality was so cruel, when what she had imagined was so beautiful.

Pepe and Sister Funina lived happily together, just like the prince and princess in fairy tales.

Fairy tales are fairy tales after all, and reality is much more cruel than fairy tales. Reality does not need logic.

"Are you going to hide this feeling for the rest of your life? Pepe! Don't you want to be with Sister Funina?"

Krevy asked again without giving up.

"Krevy, you are always naive. You have always been the most naive one among us..."

Alechino shook her head gently and said.

"That's good. Only innocent people can be happier and live without worries. People like me who think they have seen through everything are the real mediocre people who worry about themselves."

"Krewei, from the beginning, I knew what my heartbeat meant. It was just a self-touching without any result."

"I thought that such selfish feelings and unbearable thoughts would not appear in me, but it really appeared, just so suddenly."

"I was very worried and scared until I accepted the existence of this feeling."

"Then you still..."

Krewei wanted to interrupt, but was interrupted by Alechino.

"I accepted it, but I won't show it. Krewei, you are the person who knows me best in the world. You know what kind of person I am, right?"

Alechino stepped forward, she took Krewei's hand and smiled gently.

"Pepe, you... you are very gentle. You are the most gentle person I have ever seen. No matter what you look like, no matter how the outside world slanders you, I know that you are kind!"

Krewei replied firmly.

"Haha... gentle, kind? How can such a beautiful quality be related to me?"

Alechino laughed at himself.

"How can it not be? Pepe, you have always protected me and Yaya, and then avenged me and Yaya. Now you have rebuilt the Hearth House and re-established the rules so that these children can grow up healthily! They will no longer be like us!"

"Besides, you refused me to return to the Hearth House. Aren't you worried that I would be bound by the Hearth House? You want me to pursue the life I long for! Also, you are worried that Sister Funina will be troubled by feelings, so you have not said it."

"How can you not be a gentle and kind person like this?!"

Krewei retorted unconvinced.

"Krewei, you are wrong."

Alechino's smile faded, and he put on the cold mask again.

"I will protect you and Sophia only because you are strong enough to be your helpers."

"I killed Kugavina onlyBecause I want to climb up, I want to enter the upper echelons of the Faints, I need more power, I need the supreme position! "

"Rebuilding the Hearth House is the Queen's order and the Faints' mission. And those children will all be Faints in the future. They are the fresh blood I cultivate for the Faints."

"As for Ms. Finina's problem... It's very simple. There is no value in using her. Even if I confess to her, what I gain is completely incomparable to the price I paid."

"Because, I don't know, so I didn't do it."

"As you can see, Krewei. Profit is my code of conduct. You filter me too much, it will kill you, Krewei. Your value can only be brought into play if you are alive."

Alechino had already let go of Krewei's hand. She sat back on the sofa, sipping tea elegantly, without looking at Krewei's expression at all.

"Leave, Krewei. Don't come again in the future. "

Alechino said coldly.

"Since Ms. Furninna no longer trusts me, your value ends here. But for the sake of our friendship, I will not kill you. As long as you can keep today's conversation to yourself, I promise to let you live."


A crisp slap sounded, and Alechino's head tilted to one side, and a red mark like a palm print appeared on her face.

"Alechino! You are always like this, always like this! Always reject our kindness!"

Krevy's eyes were red, and she scolded Alechino angrily.

"Sophia is like this, I am like this, and now you are pushing away even the person you like? Can't you try to trust us?"

"Alechino! I hate you!"


Krevy slammed the door and left.

In the room, Alechino lowered her head, and one side of her face was burning.

"You hit me so hard! Krevi..."

Alechino smiled bitterly.

"I'm sorry, Krevi... but please stay away from me. Even Ms. Fernina doesn't want to contact me anymore. You should forget about your friendship with me."

"I am unfortunate and cursed. No one around me has a good ending."

"Otherwise, why did Sofia die?"

"Ms. Fernina is wise. She will only be happy if she stays away from me."

"This feeling is too ugly. If you say it out loud, you will only be spurned."

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