Facing Alecino's recruitment, Lini hesitated for a long time.

Having just been betrayed by his adoptive father, it was difficult for him to trust others, especially since Alecino killed Duke Manslet.

This is a duke! He has a prominent position among the nobles of Fontaine.

If a duke is killed, the law enforcement department of Fontaine will definitely not ignore it, and other nobles will also take the opportunity to put pressure on the Momang Palace.

After all, if a duke is killed on the land of Fontaine, how can these nobles not worry that the next one will not be themselves? They are most afraid of death.

Therefore, Lini did not think that Alecino could get out of it smoothly.

However, Alecino was prepared for Lini's concerns.

"The death of Duke Manslet will only be regarded as an accident, including your adoptive father, Baron Felicis."

"Linnie, you have no choice but to follow me. Your sister was given to Manslet by Felicis. She is a tool for Felicis to climb up. Not only your sister, but you are also... You should have seen it a long time ago."

"I know that you dare not trust others because of Felicis, and I don't need your trust. The next thing is my cooperation with you."

Alechino's voice was flat, and her words seemed to have a kind of magic, which made Linnie want to listen unconsciously.

"You say."

Linnie took a deep breath, and he showed a maturity that was not in line with his age.

Because he is an orphan, he must understand more truths. Only by growing up early can he survive.

"You and Linnet join the Hearth House, and I will deal with these messes for you."

Alechino squatted down and handed Linnet to Linnie.

Linni hugged Linnett. He looked at his sister sleeping and frowning. He knew that Linnett was having a nightmare.

"Once we join you, will Linnett and I never be able to leave?"

Linni asked.

"Yes, Hearth House does not allow betrayal. Anyone who tries to betray Hearth House will be [cleaned] by me personally."

Alechino's voice was cold.

"What about you? If one day you betray Hearth House, who will clean you up?"

Linni raised his head and stared at Alechino with stubborn eyes.

"If I betray Hearth House, let the next [king] kill me..."

The black and red cross eyes were so firm that Alechino would never allow betrayal to exist.

"Okay! Then Linnett and I will follow you!"

Linni replied.

"Hearth House welcomes you."

Alechino stretched out his hand and said.

"Come with me, I will take you to your new home, where there are brothers and sisters like you, and you will be a family."

"As for the things here, someone will come to take care of them."


Linnie and Linette finally entered the Hearth House.

To be honest, Arlechino has been thinking about these two little ones for a long time.

Ever since Furniture expressed her love for their magic, Arlechino has been eyeing Linnie and Linette, and she has been paying attention to them.

Therefore, the two siblings were adopted by Baron Felicis, Linnie was taken by Baron Felicis to attend various occasions, and Linette was given to Duke Manslet by Baron Felicis... Arlechino knew all these things.

Moreover, as Arlechino got to know Linnie and Linette better, he gradually saw the potential in Linnie.

Linnie is qualified to become the [King]!

But it is only qualified, and the specific situation depends on how much Linnie can grow.

Alechino is not Kugavina. She will not force these children to follow her destiny. She will leave them a way out.

Moreover, Linni is only qualified to become a [King]. If Linni meets Alechino's requirements, then Linni will become a [King] of Hearth House, but if Linni does not meet the requirements, then Alechino will continue to carry Hearth House until the next [King] is born.

Of course, these are all later stories.

After Alechino left, the people she arranged sneaked into Manslet Manor.

The Fatui led by Lin Xi entered the villa.

They went up to the third floor and saw the Duke of Manslet in six equal parts. They were all frightened and gasped, contributing to the global warming of Teyvat.

"This... How much hatred and resentment is this?"

Mengtero was shocked.

"This was done by our boss, wasn't it a bit too cruel..."

"Chopping people up like this... Ugh!"

Some people couldn't help but vomit.

At this time, Lin Xi, who looked pale, immediately spoke up to stop those people.

"Don't vomit! We can't leave any traces! Give them allI hold it in!"

Lin Xi is no longer the same person he used to be. Following Alecino, he also unconsciously took on the aura of a superior.

Under Lin Xi's order, those who wanted to vomit actually swallowed it!

Ugh! Even more disgusting!

"Hold it in, I'll treat you brothers to a drink when we get back. "

Lin Xi also knew that he couldn't force them blindly, so he also took some benefits to motivate everyone.

Sure enough, everyone was very excited when they heard Lin Xi's words.

Next, it was the aftermath.

Lin Xi and his team put away the body of Duke Manslet, and then took out a substitute that had been prepared in advance.

The cut made by Alecino was too neat, and the bones were cut off together. Lin Xi and his team wanted to splice the body and use the original Duke Manslet to fake an accident, which would not work.

As long as the Mo Mang Palace performed an autopsy on the body, they would find that there was a problem with Manslet's bones, and they would also find that Manslet did not die in the accident they faked.

In that case, Alecino and Lin Ni would be in danger of being exposed.

Therefore, under Alecino's instruction, Lin Xi specially prepared a body about the same size as Manslet to replace him, and to be on the safe side, Lin Xi and his men set the villa on fire again.

This was to make it look like Manslet died in an accident. Even if the body was found in the Mo Mang Palace, they would only see a burnt corpse.

Later, in order to be more secure, Lin Xi also deliberately established a relationship with the Duchess of Manslet's family through an intermediary, and provoked them to quarrel with the Duke of Manslet's brothers over the inheritance of the Duke of Manslet.

This attracted the attention of the people of Fontaine.

The staff of the Mo Mang Palace were also flustered by this ugly drama of the nobles fighting for the inheritance.

The death of the Duke of Manslet was also determined to be an accidental death by the nobles of both parties.

As for Baron Felicis, the adoptive father of Linni and Linnet?

It is said that he died on the way to transport goods.

"Really, they are all nobles, and they personally escort the goods, just to cause trouble for the Mo Mang Palace. These annoying nobles."

The news came from a staff member of the Mo Mang Palace who did not want to be named.

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