What you hear from others often has some errors from what you see yourself.

This is because each of us has a different understanding of a thing, and this deviation is caused by our subjective opinions.

But the existence of things is objective, and it will not change the fact of its existence because of our subjective thoughts.

To explain this, it involves the philosophical concept of objectivity and subjectivity.

Objectivity refers to everything that exists independently of human consciousness. Subjectivity is the opposite of objectivity, and it refers to everything that is controlled by our consciousness.

Objectivity refers to everything that exists independently of human consciousness. Whether people recognize it, know it, or admit it... it still exists, that is, it is objective.

Subjectivity is the opposite of objectivity, and it refers to everything that is controlled by human consciousness. All human cognition is subjective.

Objectivity determines subjectivity, and subjectivity can reflect objectivity and has a dynamic effect on objectivity. When subjectivity correctly reflects objectivity and acts on objectivity, it promotes or drives the development of objective things; otherwise, it hinders the development of things.

Perhaps this is too general, so let's take Arachno's love for Fininna as an example.

For Arachno, her love is a secret love, and she is satisfied with this kind of classical and pure love.

But in the eyes of Krevy, as a bystander, Arachno's emotions are a little obvious. Of course, this may be because Krevy knows Arachno well enough and can detect some changes in Arachno's emotions.

Therefore, for Krevy, Arachno's emotions are passionate but restrained. She obviously has an extremely strong love for Fininna, but she stops at rationality and only makes polite contact.

This secret love is undoubtedly humble in Krevy's view. She has never seen Arachno so humble. How could Peruvili, who is cold, cruel, always strives to be foolproof, and forces himself to stay rational, become like this?

It turns out that love can really change a person's character!

And Alecino also saw a different self from Krevy's words.

"Have I fallen so deeply?"

Alecino whispered softly.

She was suddenly confused.

As the Fatui executive [servant] and the winter diplomat, she seemed very glorious, but in fact, she just came from the [Heartland House] duel to a larger duel.

Alecino's situation has never changed, she is still in danger.

The difference is that the danger of [Heartland House] is visible, and it is more direct and deadly.

The hidden danger of this new duel venue is difficult to see. It will disguise itself with a beautiful appearance, lure you to touch it, and then sink into it, and the most cruel thing is that the fate of failure and elimination in the new duel is no longer as simple as death.

Once you fail, you will feel the great contrast of falling from heaven to hell. You will lose everything you have, but you will not lose your life. You will see with your own eyes that everything that originally belonged to you is taken by a stranger, and you can only survive in the dark sewer like a maggot.

Then, you will die quietly and end your miserable life in a dark corner.

But this is still a good ending for the Winter Fatui Executor. At least you are still alive and your life still belongs to you.

Death is never terrible. What is terrible is the torture before death, the feeling of wanting to die but not being able to die.

Alechino admitted that she was a little too proud.

Is the Fatui Executor great? Didn't she kill one, and she was not an executive at that time, and she was not as powerful as she is now.

Is the Winter Diplomat great? Now you are still being targeted, and the country behind you doesn't care about you.

So, there is never anything absolute in this world. When you are away from home, you give yourself an identity.

The Fatui Executor was obtained by Alecino with her strength, and the Winter Diplomat is just an addition to her strength.

Alecino, you have wasted a lot of time because of Lady Fernina, and your attention should not be on the gods of a country.

Don't forget, Alecino... you are sad, pitiful, desperate, and a poor [servant]. Everything you inherited is stained with blood.

Whether it is power or seat, everything you have now is developing according to Kugavina's arrangement.

Although you killed Kugavina, you can't get rid of her ghost!

My heart is sad, no one knows my sorrow!

The sadness in your heartWho can understand the pain and sorrow? Who can share your hesitation and worries?

Arecino, the road you are walking is destined to be lonely.

Look at Krewei, although she is still alive, you and her are no longer on the same path.

Peruvili, who can continue to walk with Krewei, has been killed by you, and this is your own choice. There is no need to regret, hesitate, or be confused, Arecino!

When you become the only [King] of [House of Hearth], when you kill Kugavina and inherit everything from her, when you join the Fatui, you have been walking on a lonely and desperate road.

No one will know your pain, no one will see your despair, your efforts will be taken for granted, your failure will not be accepted by anyone, and your success will be seen by everyone.

Arecino, you like Ms. Fininna, and this is the first time you have been moved, but the object of your love is so unattainable, and your love is like duckweed in the water, rootless and fruitless.

You clearly know that your relationship will not have any results, but you still like her. But you don't even have the courage to express your feelings!

Alechino, how sad are you? !

However, even if you have convinced yourself, you are still unwilling to give up your love for Ms. Fininna. Alechino, how greedy are you? !

A relationship that is destined to have no results, a secret love of yours, you treat it as a treasure. Knowing that it is poison, you still enjoy it. Drinking poison to quench thirst, in the end, only you will die.

"I know, of course I know! I know everything! The consequences of being stubborn, the end of failure, my ending... I know all these!"

"But...but I just can't help but like Ms. Fininna, I just want to be close to her, want to see her smile, want to be with her..."

"Love makes people blind, and I am no exception..."

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