Born evil mushroom spirit, Fatui executive Alechino, you do whatever you want, arrogant and domineering, the days of bullying me are over!

Now, I am your master, and you are just my maid!

Fernina stood at the door of the bedroom with her hands on her hips, looking at Alechino busy in the bedroom with a smug look on her face.

Alechino, wearing a black and white maid outfit, was cleaning up the garbage in Fernina's bedroom with a feather duster in one hand and a dark bag in the other.

Alechino was cleaning Fernina's bedroom seriously.

Fernina's bedroom was decorated very gorgeously, and the furniture inside was made by the famous brand of Fontaine, and it was very old.

Take the super large bookcase in Fernina's bedroom for example, it is gold-plated, ingeniously made, and made of rosewood. This bookshelf is very durable and has been with Fernina since she succeeded the God of Water.

A century-old item! Priceless.

In the face of the antiques in this room, Alecino turned a blind eye. She only had eyes for the garbage in the bedroom.

I am a maid now, a maid, I cannot look at the things in my employer's house...

Alecino kept admonishing herself in her heart, forcing herself not to look around.

This is the room of the water goddess Lady Finina, a sacred room. She is just a mortal and must not offend the gods.


This is Lady Finina's boudoir! How can I bear not to look at it!

Alecino is particularly entangled now. She wants to observe the layout of Finina's room and the style of furniture to guess Finina's preferences, but she is worried that if she looks around, it will cause Lady Finina's disgust. What should I do?

Now that she can finally get close to Lady Finina, Alecino does not want to be hated by Finina again.

Dongdong Diplomat Colleague: Lord Alecino! How can you be so depraved? Fontaine is humiliating you!

Alechino: That's right, I can't be so depraved... But, that's Ms. Fininna!


"Hehe! This is the room of the gods! Alechino, clean it carefully for me, don't miss any corner, if I see a little dust..."

Fininna's mouth corners raised, smiling triumphantly.

"You will be punished!"

Alechino tilted his head slightly and glanced at Fininna who was proud at the door.

At this time, Fininna was still wearing pajamas, but the corner of the pajamas slipped down slightly, showing a cunning look.

In response, Alechino took a deep breath, nodded slightly, and showed a distressed expression.

"I know, Ms. Fininna. I will work hard, please don't punish me."

"Hahahaha! Are you scared now? I am the water god, let you offend me before!"

Fininna laughed up to the sky, it seems that she is very satisfied with Alechino's surrender.

And Alecino just raised the corners of her mouth slightly. Ms. Fernina was happy, so she was happy too.

Although Alecino still didn't think she was qualified to have love, she really couldn't restrain her love for Fernina, no matter how she built up her mind and suppressed that emotion.

Like is like, especially after seeing Fernina, Alecino found it even more difficult to control her love for Fernina.

I am very satisfied to be with you and watch you live happily.

I am like a happy thief, only worthy of peeping at your happiness in the shadows...

Ms. Fernina, please smile more, your smile is the most effective therapeutic medicine in the world, your smile makes me feel good, relieves my stress, and makes me feel happy.

Ms. Fernina, I will not deny my love for you. Similarly, I will not tell you that I like you, I will always keep it deep in my heart, and no one except me will understand my feelings for you.

We only have one month to get along without pressure like now. Ms. Fininna, will you remember what happened in this month? I don't know, and I can't be sure of your thoughts.

Because you are the noblest god in the world, the most incomprehensible existence.

But... Ms. Fininna, I will remember everything that happened in this month in my heart, and it will become the most precious memory between you and me.

Alechino's mood suddenly became sad. Perhaps in this life, he could not express his feelings for Ms. Fininna...

How can there be a result between gods and humans?

I am just a tiny human, while Ms. Fininna is a great god. I only have a lifespan of a hundred years at most, while Ms. Fininna has an infinite life.

Ms. Fininna, I am just a passer-by in your long life after all.

MaybeHundreds of years later, you can still remember me, the evil Fatui executive, which is very happy for me... Living in your memory is not bad either.

Even if she was bitter inside, Alecino remained indifferent and reluctant on the surface.

She couldn't let Fernina see her thoughts. She needed to let Fernina think that she hated this maid job and felt ashamed of it.

Only in this way would Fernina keep her out of revenge.

Her eyes swept over Fernina's shoulders again. Alecino felt very curious and concerned about Fernina's exposed smooth shoulders.

Ms. Fernina, is it really okay for you to do this?

"It's too late to beg for mercy now!"

Fernina showed a mocking expression.

"You know what, Alechino? I've wanted to see your expression for a long time... the expression of you being reluctant but having to give in to me!"

"Hahaha! What a great feeling!"

"Alechino! The days when you offended me are gone! Now it's my turn!"

Looking at Fernina's smug look, Alechino shrugged helplessly, but she still had to express her regret in words.

"I sincerely apologize for my previous behavior. I beg Ms. Fernina to give me a chance and forgive my rude behavior."

"Hahaha! It's too late! You'll just be my maid for a month!"

Fernina turned around, waved her hand behind Alechino, and said sarcastically.

"Little maid Alechino~"

Then, Fernina went to the bathroom to wash up.

Krevy at the door looked at Alechino, and then looked at the closed bathroom door.

She couldn't help but give Alecino a thumbs up again.

"...You're really good at playing!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Miss Krevy."

Alecino's expression was indifferent.

At this time, Alecino noticed something in the trash can.

It was a light novel, and the cover style seemed very old, probably hundreds of years old.

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