People always say that when a person's desire is strong enough, the gods will grant him a powerful power to show his affirmation and encourage him to continue on the path of realizing his desire.

This is the story about the origin of the Eye of God.

But for Alecino, the Eye of God is an external magic organ obtained by those with strong desires to guide the power of elements. People with the Eye of God can use the power of elements through the Eye of God as a medium. The elemental power used will be affected by the core properties.

In her eyes, when faced with uncontrollable situations, people always sigh at their own powerlessness. But at the steepest turning point in life, if a mortal's desire reaches the extreme, the sight of the gods will be projected down. However, this is not a reward, but a curse.

Alecino knows the secrets of the world, and she has read the history of the Seven Kingdoms.

She knows that above the sky is the realm of God. The holders of the Eye of God walk on the earth, and when they die, the chosen ones will rise to the sky.

Every owner of the Eye of God is qualified to become a god, so they are called [Original God] and have the qualifications to board the Sky Island... This is a secret known only to gods, but Arachno and his friends are lucky.

The God of Winter, the compassionate Queen of Ice generously shared this secret with the Fatui executives who followed Him... the first few.

Arachno happened to be favored by the Ice God because of her outstanding abilities and powerful bloodline, and her huge potential. Although her seat is temporarily behind, she is lucky to know this secret known only to gods.

After knowing this secret, Arachno's opinion of the Eye of God became even worse.

Arachno also has an Eye of God.

This was obtained when she was assassinating Kugavina because she was at a disadvantage for a while, and she felt strongly unwilling and ready to fight to the death.

Arachno did not have a good face for this belated Eye of God.

If the God's Eye had come a year earlier, Alecino would have become stronger earlier, and Alecino would not have thrown this Fire God's Eye into the corner to eat dust.

Although she had to wear it now to maintain the role of [Servant], Alecino never bothered to use it.

In Alecino's eyes, getting the God's Eye only proved that the world was paying attention to her, a survivor of the Red Moon.

Moreover, the Fire God's Eye... She already had a Fire Evil Eye, why did the gods give her another Fire God's Eye?

Why? Did she want to get a double fire resonance to increase her attack power?

That annoying God of Fire, who I have never met, why did he snatch my chance to get the Water God's Eye!

Damn it, if I can go to Nata in the future, I must Yin Fire God.

God of Fire: Happy!

However, the Eye of God is still external. What worries Arlechino the most now is how to get the forgiveness of Ms. Funina.

Don't get me wrong, this is not for Arlechino's own personal desire, but for the reputation of Solstice in Fontaine now.

Because more than a year ago, the brutal [Heart House] massacre committed by Kugavina, the former [Servant] of the Fatui Executor, led to the tragic deaths of more than 100 adolescent boys and girls.

Then, under the investigation of the Law Enforcement Court and the Shadow Hunters, the list of children adopted by [Heart House] since the establishment of Fontaine that Kugavina had not yet dealt with was dug out, including the list of children to be dealt with.

The list records the children's situation in detail, as well as the experiments they participated in and the results of the experiments.

When this list was exposed, it aroused the anger of all the people of Fontaine. The Fontaine officials repeatedly asked Solstice to give an explanation and hand over Kugavina.

But Solstice, with its powerful military strength, just pretended to be dead in response to the condemnation of Fontaine.

This also led to the people of Fontaine becoming more hostile to the Solstice and the Fatui.

For Solstice's approach, Alecino saw the trick at a glance, including the lists that Kugavina had not dealt with.

Obviously, this was definitely left there on purpose by Kugavina.

The purpose was to disgust Violet and the people of Fontaine.

Look, I have done so many bad things in your country, but I have not been sanctioned. Instead, I have returned to my own country and lived happily, and you can't do anything to me. You are so incompetent! Fontaine is really useless!

Alecino knows Kugavina, this woman is very narrow-minded.

Compared to the years when Kugavina was in Fontaine, she was often targeted by Violet, just like her current situation... However, due to the mess left by Kugavina, Alecino's situation is more difficult than Kugavina's.

Solstice OutsideThe diplomats were treated unfairly in Fontaine, and the Supreme Judge of Fontaine secretly and deliberately made things difficult for the diplomats of Zhidong. Many people must have known about this.

However, Zhidong still adopted the familiar policy of playing dead.

Alechino felt bitter, but she could only swallow her anger.

Zhidong and Fontaine reestablished diplomatic relations, and this major event would naturally attract the attention of other countries. As a diplomat of Zhidong, Alechino could not embarrass Zhidong, and she had to show the style of Zhidong as a military power.

It's just targeting, I laughed and didn't care!

In the continent of Teyvat, wherever the queen points, it is the place where we, the executive officers, will draw!

We know that [heavenly law] cannot be violated, but three fools make a crowd, and mortals can also break the heaven and defy fate!

Zhidong diplomatic embassy in Fontaine.

Alechino was writing something at her desk. It was the apology plan she was considering, about 34 of them. In addition, she also considered some possible unstable factors.

In order to successfully obtain the understanding of Ms. Fininna and to make the situation of the diplomats of Zhidong a little better, Alechino also tried her best.

Just as Alechino was writing furiously, someone knocked on the door of her office.

"Come in."

Alechino quickly cleaned up the table. She sat upright on the cushioned chair, folded her hands together, and held her chin up.

A thin man in the clothes of the Fatui pushed the door in.

"Sir, this is a letter from the Momang Palace."

The man with the Eye of the Water Element God hanging on his waist said respectfully.

"Well, bring it to me."

Alechino nodded slightly.

Lin Xi stepped forward quickly, put down the envelope and left immediately.

Alechino's eyes were always on the blue Eye of God on the other's waist, and a trace of envy and loss flashed in his eyes.

The Eye of the Water Elemental God, I want it too...

After the door closed, Alecino picked up the envelope and opened it to read.

After a few seconds, Alecino looked strange.

"I'm a maid for Ms. Furninna?"

Is there such a good thing? !

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