Heir To All

Chapter 865: The Runaway Female Monarch

Elder Hu had a headache and couldn't stop Chu Linguang and the female monarch at all.

Only a group of people can be rushed towards Liushenfu.


The female monarch landed in Liushen Mansion.

Strong impact.

The compound of Liushen Palace was hit so that a big pit appeared. The ground around the big pit was covered with spider-web-like cracks, and the corridors around the compound collapsed.

It seemed that as soon as it came, the central compound of Liushen Palace was turned into ruins.

"Who dares to be presumptuous in Liushen Mansion!"

The female monarch's aura was too strong, and immediately shocked Shi San, and the old couple who were in the first-class realm of true immortality, they rushed out in a swarm.

As the Palace Master of Liushen Palace, Na Shi San had never been so provoked.

"Female... Your Majesty, why are you?"

It's just that when she saw the figure clearly, the anger in Shi San's belly instantly suppressed the seven or eight layers of her own, facing the female ruler, she was still full of fear and tension.

You know, when the female prince was preparing to rule Watch City, she fought against him, but he was no opponent at all.

Even if the old couple behind them shot together, they were only on par with the female monarch.

In their eyes, the female prince is comparable in strength to the super-first-class powerhouse of real immortals.

It is the pinnacle existence in the first-class realm of true immortality.

"I don't know what it is to do when the female king is here?"

The old couple behind them also hurriedly clasped their fists and asked.

The initially restless crowd in Liushen Palace saw that Shi San and the old couple had this attitude toward the female monarch, and they all quieted down, and even retreated one after another.

The female prince carried her hands and said coldly: "What is the relationship between the scarlet giant in the city and you?"

"I didn't know him before."

Shi San hurriedly said.

"Dare to talk nonsense!"

The female king was furious.

He raised his hand and patted Shi San, and his body disappeared in place. When Shi San reacted, the female gentleman's palm was already on his chest.


Shi San flew out directly, smashed through the porch behind him, passed through several courtyard walls from the middle courtyard, and fell directly into the inner courtyard. It can be seen how strong the palm of the female monarch is.

When Na Shi San stood up, his chest was sunken, and several mouthfuls of blood protruded. These injuries are relatively easy to recover for a real immortal first-class powerhouse.

However, the situation is not optimistic.

"Why are you?"

The palace lord was beaten, and the old couple looked ugly. Although Shi San was not their heir, it was they who watched grow up, as the saying goes.

"Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. I advise you to keep your duty and guard the watch city well. Don't forget that your master is Baiyunzong, otherwise..."

The moment the female gentleman spoke, she rushed to the old couple.

Since she shot, how could she easily let go of the old couple.

To win, three people must take it together.

Let the three of them be in awe of her and dispel the illusion of the scarlet giant.

"We never thought of betraying Baiyunzong."

The old woman hurriedly said.

"But your behavior makes me look like something is wrong."

The female monarch is unrelenting in her moves, covered by Taoism, swept by supernatural powers, and powerful cultivation bases, like stormy waves, layers of forbidden magic circles, come at her fingertips, and for a while, the old couple has no strength to fight back and can only passively defend. .


The originally peaceful Liushen Mansion instantly exploded with energy, the Taoism overlapped, and the impact of various forbidden arts blasted the luxurious courtyard into ruins.

"Don't go too far!"

Shi San roared.

He never thought of betraying Baiyunzong.

You know, the scarlet giant didn't pay attention to them at all, and they didn't know how sacred the scarlet giant was. Since they were attached to the Baiyun Sect, although they had some small actions, they only let the people watching the city know that it was the people of the Six Gods that ruled the watch. The city, not Baiyunzong ruled the watch city, nothing more.

Of course this problem can be big or small.

The female monarch suddenly got into trouble, and they also knew the reason.

But I still feel aggrieved. After all, this is in Liushenfu. Once Liushenfu is razed to the ground, how should the monks in the city treat it.

"What about you, I can take you once, I can take you a second time, you all listen carefully to me, my female king must control the watch city and let the Liushen Palace change the master!"

The female king is domineering and leaking.

In fact, these words were intended to deter Shi San and the others, to force Shi San and others to beg for mercy and admit their mistakes in time, not to be delusional, and to be able to recognize the situation clearly.

However, it seemed to Shi San and others who were killed at this time.

The strength of the female monarch is completely done.

This is definitely not a joke.

This girl may really want to change the ownership of Liushen Mansion and truly control the watch city.

However, this is their bottom line.

Hearing that, the old man in the old couple asked with a cold face: "My lord insists on this?"

"Am I playing around with you?"

The lady sneered.

"The Six Gods Mansion is all of us, and the lookout city is the foundation of the Six Gods Mansion. If you have to do this, don't blame us for being polite."

The old woman directly moved to the truth, and she was exhausted from defense, mainly because some of the forbidden magical powers were not easy to use, and it was easy to cause the conflict to become fierce, and then it would be out of control.

But was forced to this point.

The old woman had no scruples.

"Unreasonable, then let me see how strong the female monarch of the Baiyun Sect is, and whether she can go out of Liushen Palace."

Shi San was also furious.

Although they did little actions, they didn't dare to defy the Baiyun Sect, and honestly offered the spirit stones. They didn't know that in exchange for this kind of result, the other party would come to the door. It was not a joke, and they had to change the master of Liushen Palace.

How can I bear it.

His grandmother, as the palace lord, turned out to be threefold Taoism overlapping behind him. His body was like a tsunami. When he rushed out of the inner courtyard and slapped the female ruler, it was the palm-print method that covered the sky and the sun, like The sky is falling, and in the eyes of the female monarch, there is endless darkness.

"court death!"

The female gentleman felt a little unbelievable, but on the surface she was always disdainful.

He picked up a magic magical power and pointed it forward. A strong edge burst out from his fingers, like the flood of floods, instantly blasting the darkness without a trace, and directly forced Shi San to retreat.

However, Shi San's magical powers won a key opportunity for the old couple.

The old couple fought from side to side.

The Taoism of the two overlapped.

One is a glacier, and the other is a sea of ​​magma.

Under the cover, the creatures in the realm of Taoism died instantly in torment, either frozen or directly refined.

The two pushed Dao Yun towards the female monarch.

The female monarch's Taoist world has directly reached its maximum.

Her Dao Yun world is very simple.

It turned out to be just a leaf.

The leaf grew bigger against the wind, covering her directly, and at the same time, it split into countless small leaves, like small blades, and shot at Shisan or three.

"It's over, are they going to die forever!"

When Elder Hu came over, he was dumbfounded when he saw this kind of battle. At this time, the Liushen Mansion was in ruins, and there were cries everywhere, houses collapsed, and fires burned. It was almost a doomsday scene.

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