Heir To All

Chapter 1105: I got into trouble

In Chu Linguang's heart.

Who cares about the Sun Moon Kingdom, the Sun Moon Palace.

It is the Seven Saints of the Sun Moon Palace.

Or the three thousand sword immortals in the sky.

Today, the Sun Sword will be in his pocket, and no one can stop him from obtaining the Sun Sword.

Perhaps, he entered the imperial city.

Under the power of the deep sea vortex, he was reborn in the Sun Moon Kingdom, in order to be this Sun Sword.

That call from the depths of the soul.

Let Chu Linguang have no choice.

There is only one battle.

A war against the sky to the end.


Chu Linguang drew his sword.

With his **** juxtaposed to form a sword, he who masters the Sword God domain, even if he does not have a sword in his hand, it is better than having a sword.


The strong sword energy burst out from the fingertips, as if swallowing the void, like a dragon rising into the sky, and the clouds move in all directions.

The world, under this sword, was eclipsed.

What a complete set of small thousand swordsmanship.

Under this sword, they all lost their original brilliance.

This is a sword from the Sword God.


That splendid sword energy broke through the defense of the Seven Saints.

crushed their attack.

It is like a beautiful flower shattered by a wave of air.

The trend of the Seven Saints falling from the sky was severely hit.

Their swordsmanship was messy in an instant.

The sword formation they formed collapsed in an instant.




Seven people vomited blood at the same time.

The downward trend is hindered.

Originally, he rushed straight to Chu Linguang.

In the end, under Chu Linguang's sword energy, he was defeated by the defense, shattered the sword formation, and flew out of the sword guard field.

The faces of the seven people changed drastically in the air.

Aid each other, want to stay in the sword field, and attack Chu Linguang again.

But this time.

A sword-like energy with eyes erupted again from Chu Linguang's fingertips.

Sword Qi flashed past each of them.

Puffs sounded one after another.

The formation formed by the seven people collapsed again.

His body could no longer resist Chu Linguang's power, and one after another fell outside the sword-guarding field.

Those with swords in their hands were all smashed.

His body was covered in bruises and blood dripping.

Chu Linguang's sword soaring into the sky almost broke their Dao heart.

destroyed their kendo.

After letting them fall to the ground, they stared blankly and shocked at Chu Linguang, who was sitting in the sword-guarding field, motionless.

A single sword.

All seven know.

Chu Linguang's kendo completely surpassed their cognition.

What a small thousand swordsmanship.

It doesn't seem to be invincible.

The seven looked at each other.

In the end, under the stunned expressions of everyone, he bowed to Chu Linguang, who was sitting on the sword-guarding field, and then left together, disappearing from everyone's sight.

As if it never happened.

Seven Saints.

A sword defeat.


It came suddenly and disappeared suddenly.


The old swordsman was stunned.

All three are broken.

Chu Linguang's sword, he watched intently.

A seemingly simple sword.

In the eyes of the old Juggernaut.

That sword is all-encompassing, integrating the six-style swordsmanship of Xiaoqianjianfa into it. It is the supreme swordsmanship of Mahayana. It is indestructible and no one can match it.

The old Juggernaut was in cold sweat.

At this time, he felt that someone was grabbing his throat, and he was about to suffocate.

"How is this possible?"

The third prince also dropped his jaw. Today, he did not come to see Chu Linguang guarding the sword, but to see how Chu Linguang died. When the Seven Saints of the Sun Moon Palace appeared, he knew that this highly anticipated sword guard.

It will be over soon.

Chu Linguang died at the hands of the Seven Sages.

Although regrettable.

But it is still honorable to die.

It is also a light on the face.

How do you know.

In the hands of Chu Linguang, the Seven Sages could not make a single move.

The powerful sword formation formed collapsed in an instant. What little thousand swordsmanship, in Chu Linguang's sword, lost all effect, pale and powerless, and there was no mystery in it.

"There is such a sword technique in the world. If he is willing to help, the second prince will surely die."

The Taoist nun beside the eldest princess sighed sincerely.

I already understand in my heart that Chu Linguang's strength is no longer something that a royal family like the eldest princess or the second prince can do.

The eldest princess clenched her fists, and Chu Linguang's sword also shocked her jaw.

The heart was shocked, excited, and angry. If he could successfully practice this kind of swordsmanship, he could kill the second prince with one sword.

"It would be a pity if he died here."

Fang Yuanshan sighed after seeing it.

Until now, he didn't think that Chu Linguang could win and get the sun sword.

After all, Chu Linguang was fighting against the Sun Moon Palace, the Sun Moon Kingdom, and the entire royal family.

"Master of the Sun Moon Palace, please come to ask for advice, please give me a sword!"

The Seven Sages were defeated, and they were fleeting.

People haven't reacted yet.

A voice resounded in the sky above the sword guard field.

Everyone immediately saw that hundreds of sword shadows roared from a mountain directly opposite the Sword Guard Field, like a flock of birds, rushing towards Chu Linguang.


The strength that Chu Linguang showed, made everyone no longer hide it.

The Palace Master of the Sun Moon Palace personally took action.

"Purple Qi is coming from the east."

The old swordsman looked at the sword shadow whizzing past from above his head.

You know, this is the ultimate move of the Sun Moon Palace.

Only the palace master can practice.

Compared with Xiaoqianjian, it is not much less.

and easier to practice.

The Palace Master of the Sun Moon Palace was in the same era as him, and his talent was above him.

A hundred years ago, it was an immortal powerhouse.

It is the true myth of the Sun Moon Palace.

Retreat for fifty years.

Start today.

Purely for Chu Linguang.

Originally, when he and the old swordsman wanted to come, the Seven Saints' shot against Chu Linguang was already the biggest recognition for Chu Linguang. Who knows, the Seven Saints were defeated and could not stop Chu Linguang's sword.

The Palace Master of the Sun Moon Palace can only terminate the retreat.

Out of the sword.

But the Palace Master of the Sun Moon Palace was excited.

Sword cultivators like Chu Linguang are rare in a lifetime, and being able to compete against each other is comparable to a hundred years of seclusion.

this battle.

Even if you are not dead or I am dead.

But this battle, the Sun Moon Palace is very urgent.

Because it has been closed for so many years.

The cultivation base is always, unable to enter the golden immortal level.

He has always been stuck at the level of an extraordinary god. With such a talent level, in fact, he can be regarded as the top of the Sun Moon Palace.

Those hundreds of sword shadows are pure kendo will.

Every sword shadow can instantly kill an Earth Immortal powerhouse, bringing fatal damage to ordinary Heavenly Immortals.

Hundreds of paths came rushing in.

Just like Jin Xian shot Chu Linguang.

When the sword shadow whizzed past everyone's heads, many people felt that the sky seemed to be erased by this layer of sword shadow, and there was nothingness and darkness everywhere.

Countless people have desperate thoughts in their hearts.

The surging sword shadow.

It is the trial of the King of Hell.

Among them, five were able to resist.

Even the old Juggernaut himself couldn't bear it.

Zi Qi came from the east and cultivated to the extreme. Compared with the unity of the seven saints, it seemed to be many times more terrifying.

The old swordsman was amazed.

However, there was not much joy in his heart.

Because Chu Linguang's sword just now, he can see clearly, although that sword is simple and straightforward, it seems that it integrates all the power of kendo into it. It is an invincible and indestructible sword.

It seems to be the strongest representative in the field of kendo.

Hence the old Juggernaut.

His eyes were covered with fine light, and he stared at Chu Linguang firmly, waiting for Chu Linguang to use his sword.

I want to see clearly how Chu Linguang made his sword.

He was hopeful and apprehensive.

He looked forward to seeing more sophisticated and profound swordsmanship, opening his eyes to his worldview.

Even more uneasy, senior brother's sword can defeat Chu Linguang's swordsmanship.

The Seven Saints of the Sun Moon Palace have already been defeated.

He was defeated by Chu Linguang with a sword.

At this moment, the palace lord takes action.

If the palace lord also lost to Chu Linguang, the Sun Moon Palace would really be a complete defeat, and the only thing left to do is to dispatch the entire palace staff to fight Chu Linguang together.

This is what the old Juggernaut did not want to see.

He is complicated inside.

I want to see that Chu Linguang shows a stronger swordsmanship, breaking his brother's purple energy, and I also want to see that the purple energy is coming to rectify the name of the Sun Moon Palace, defeating Chu Linguang's kendo will with one sword.

Let this sword guard end here.


Under the gaze of the old Juggernaut and many strong men, the hundreds of sword shadows poured in and rushed towards Chu Linguang.

In the end, he stopped three feet in front of Chu Linguang.

They seem to be blocked.

It is no longer difficult to break through.

The old swordsman was shocked.

Eyes wide open, watching all this.

Immediately he opened his mouth.

He saw that a golden rainbow light appeared all over Chu Linguang's body, and the rainbow light was not so pure, very thin.

But it is this thin rainbow glow.

Hundreds of sword shadows came to the east, and they were blocked.

"The field of kendo, the perfect world, how...how is this possible?"

The old swordsman has been practicing kendo for hundreds of years.

In fact, he is not unfamiliar with the divisions and legends of the field of kendo.

When he saw that the three feet in front of Chu Linguang had become a complete world, impregnable and indestructible, his mentality seemed to collapse.

Chu Linguang's strength.

It seems that it is not only the swordsmanship that has crushed them.

More importantly, in terms of kendo talent and kendo perception, I pressed them to the ground and rubbed them hard.

That perfect kendo field.

Known as the small world in front of you, it is impregnable.


Three feet in front of you.

It's an invincible area.

The kendo of others poured into it. If there was no superb kendo will, everything would be in vain.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Hundreds of sword shadows.

Turning back and withdrawing, in a reverse scroll in the air, it turned into an extreme sword light and swooped down.


It pierced into the golden rainbow light in front of Chu Linguang's body, that is, in the field of perfect kendo.

This sword.

The Palace Master of the Sun Moon Palace is well-versed, and his kendo will has been sublimated. His strength seems to have stepped into a whole new level at this moment, seeing the threshold of Jinxian.

On the ultimate sword shadow.

There is even the power of Dao Yun world, surrounding it.

The old swordsman was amazed to find that this ultimate sword shadow rushed into Chu Linguang's perfect kendo field, and stabbed towards Chu Linguang's eyebrows.

However, at this critical moment.

Chu Linguang moved.

Right arm raised.


A sword shadow that seems to divide the world into two, burst out from the fingers, like the aurora of this world, whizzing away towards the distant mountain peaks.

When the sword shadow sank into the mountain peak.

There was a dull roar from the mountain peak.

The densely forested mountain was also divided into two at this moment, and a giant canyon appeared, as if it was broken open by Chu Linguang's sword.

The old swordsman fell into a cold sweat.

Know bad.

My senior brother, I am afraid that it is more fortunate than fortune.

Chu Linguang's sword was beyond his cognition, and it was indistinguishable from the power of Jinxian.


But in the depths of the canyon where the sword energy was cut, a figure turned into a streamer, roared out of it, and rushed towards Chu Linguang.


The old swordsman wept.

He saw that the Palace Master of the Sun Moon Palace had lost his left arm. To be precise, his shoulders had been lost, which was almost equivalent to losing half of his body. He was pale and weak.


A sword rushed out of the canyon.

With all his strength, he slashed at Chu Linguang.

The light of kendo is bright.

The will of kendo has been substantiated.

But at the cost of burning blood.

This sword, even if it can hurt Chu Linguang, his senior brother, is also abolished.

In this life, I will never think about breaking through my own kendo will, comprehend the higher kendo brilliance, and become a golden immortal.

But he is the lord of the Sun Moon Palace.

Guardian Sun Sword.

is his mission.

Even if you sacrifice your life, it is your responsibility.

The old swordsman clenched his fists tightly, and his heart was bleeding. He knew that Chu Linguang could not be blamed for this matter. He could only blame the person in the Sun Moon Palace for this rule.

Use the sun sword as bait.

However, at all times, let the Sun Moon Palace and the Sun Moon Kingdom use all their strength, even if everyone's lives, to protect the Sun Sword.

That's a lunatic.

However, they have no choice.

"Palace Master!"

Many powerhouses in the Sun Moon Palace also saw the current situation of the Sun Moon Palace Palace Master.

Many of them rose into the sky and rushed towards Chu Linguang.

I want to help the palace master.

In other words, I want to die together with the Palace Master.

Chu Linguang sitting in the sword field.

saw this scene.

A little moved inside.

A mere sun sword, why should so many people die.

But at this time, the Palace Master of the Sun Moon Palace, who had lost half of his body, burned his blood essence, created the brilliance of the kendo, and rushed towards him.

"That's it!"

The old swordsman Xu Chen wiped away his tears.

A short sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

The finishing touch in Xiaoqianjian's technique exploded brightly at this moment.

The swordsmanship he masters.

This sword is the strongest killer.

Although already lost.

And he knew that Chu Linguang couldn't help his sword.

But the old Juggernaut has no choice at this moment.

Even if it is dead.

Chu Linguang must also be blocked.

Block Chu Linguang and get the Sun Sword.

"Kill it!"

"Members of the Sun Moon Palace, kill me!"

"The Sun Sword is our soul, kill!"

"It's the damned one who made this rule, kill it!"

"Palace Master, wait for me!"

As the palace master of Sun Moon Palace burned his blood essence, half of his body was crippled, rushed out of the canyon left by Chu Linguang and rushed towards Chu Linguang. The disciples of Sun Moon Palace seemed to realize that this was the moment of life and death for Sun Moon Palace.

In an instant.

The disciples of the Sun Moon Palace drew their swords and stood up.

From all directions, in different directions, they rushed to the sword guard field.

There is only one target, and that is Chu Linguang.


The long princess, follow the sword.

She is a member of the royal family and a disciple of the Sun Moon Palace.

The third prince looked around, followed by drawing his sword, and rushed towards Chu Linguang. He was shocked and unbelievable in his heart. It was incredible that Chu Linguang could push the Sun Moon Palace to this point by himself.

I originally thought that Chu Linguang would definitely die.

Today, it seems that victory or defeat is unpredictable.


Fang Tingting was also dumbfounded.

Fang Yuanshan widened his eyes and looked at the crowd around him. Following the Palace Master of the Sun Moon Palace, he rushed towards Chu Linguang, all of them seemed crazy. He looked again, he was guarding the Sun Sword above the sword field.

He was very puzzled.

a sword.

Why is it so attractive to people.

Chu Linguang sat on the sword guard field.

In the center of the storm.

He was surprised.

A sun sword.

What's wrong with Sun Moon Palace?

Could it be that even if the palace gate is destroyed, he has to stop himself from living with the Sun Sword.

But that day's sword's call, why is it getting stronger and stronger?

Think again.

The deep-sea vortex, suddenly reincarnated and reborn, appeared in the Sun and Moon Kingdom.

All kinds of things broke out in a concentrated manner.

Chu Linguang suddenly realized.

Behind him, there seemed to be a hand pushing him away.

Let him appear lost.

It's like being calculated.


At the critical moment, Chu Linguang still used his sword.

It's just that this sword is different from before.

The moment Chu Linguang raised his right arm and chopped it off.

Those Sun Moon Palace disciples who rushed towards him from all directions, towards the Sword Guard Field, the long swords in their hands seemed to be out of control, and were summoned by a kendo will.

He roared towards Chu Linguang.

Circling around Chu Linguang's body, a Stegosaurus formed.

Swords, no matter what level of swords, gathered towards Chu Linguang.

Even the sun sword on the sword guard field is shaking at this moment.

Those swords that were inserted in the sword guard field and above the sword mountain were all summoned by Chu Linguang's sword **** domain, and they came roaring one after another.

A trembling sun sword.

It will rise up at any time.

Chu Linguang could feel that it was not that the sun sword did not want to come over, but that there was a hand under the sun sword, as if there was a hand firmly grasping the sun sword, so that the sun sword could not escape.


He slashed at Chu Linguang's old swordsman with a sword, looking at the empty space, with tear marks on it, and blood flowing from his palm, he was stunned.

That personal dagger, although not a magic weapon.

But it is also invaluable and has accompanied him for hundreds of years.

How suddenly disappeared.

Then, he saw that long swords appeared in all directions.

These long swords roared towards Chu Linguang, forming a larger and larger Stegosaurus around Chu Linguang's body.

"This...this is the Sword God Domain?"

The old swordsman was stunned.

Even the palace lord of the Sun Moon Palace, who was burning blood essence and felt that he could kill Chu Linguang at any time and desperately fought, suddenly changed his face at this moment, felt uneasy, and felt powerless.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

He saw that not only the swords in the hands of Jianxiu, who were guarding the sword field, were summoned by Chu Linguang's Sword God Domain, even the long swords in the inner courtyard of the palace and the imperial treasury had also broken through the forbidden array.

It turned into a rain of swords, and from an unknown distance, it roared and gathered into a stegosaurus in front of Chu Linguang.

He saw even more, among the royal family.

Two thin figures rushed out.

But the auras of these two people are very powerful, but at this moment, under Chu Linguang's sword **** domain, his flesh body seems to be shattered at any time.

Because of them, their bodies are invariably supporting this divine sword.

They endowed the sword within the body with the most lethal power.

That sword also gave them life, so that they would not disappear into the world.

The two of them are the most essential sword cultivators.

The sword is in the man.

The sword is dead.

But at this moment, they felt that the divine sword, which had been with them for many years and was connected to their bloodline, wanted to rush out of the body, like the Stegosaurus, gathering away.

Guarding the sword field today.

Chu Linguang defeated the Seven Sages with one sword.

The two also saw it.

They also saw the scene when the palace lord of the Sun Moon Palace made a sword and was hit hard by Chu Linguang, and he was powerless to fight back.

But both of them believed that they didn't need to take action.

The powerful heritage of the Sun Moon Palace.

The combined strength of those thousands of disciples is enough to smash Chu Linguang.

How do you know.

Chu Linguang not only mastered, but also perfected the field of kendo.

It also holds the sword **** domain.

In this Sword God Domain, everything in the Sun Moon Palace and Sun Moon Kingdom seems to have become pale and powerless, and together with their two immortals, they are about to collapse at any time.


The royal family rang the bell.

It rang a dozen times in a row.

This means that the royal family of the Sun and Moon Kingdom is about to collapse, calling for the members of the royal family, rushing out of their nests, rushing to the sword guard field, and preventing Chu Linguang from obtaining the sun sword.

"He... Could he really get the Sun Sword, defeat the Sun Moon Palace, and the Sun Moon Kingdom."

Fang Tingting was shocked.

Completely dumbfounded.

"Oh my god, the royal family and the Sun Moon Palace came out of their nests. The world is crazy. They deal with Chu Linguang together."

"A sun sword, as for?"

"In the field of Sword God, Chu Linguang is invincible. Everyone has missed him. He can obtain the Sun Sword, and he can also defeat the Sun Moon Palace and the royal family, causing the Sun Moon Kingdom to collapse directly."


People outside the Sun Moon Palace and the Sun Moon Kingdom royal family were also dumbfounded at this moment.

When he saw that Chu Linguang defeated the Seven Sages with one sword.

The palace lord of the Sun Moon Palace was hit hard, although they were horrified and inexplicable.

But when the Sun Moon Palace came out, they all realized that the battle was over and Chu Linguang was over.

How do you know.

Under the shroud of the Sword God Domain.

Even in the royal family, the two real immortals have their lives in fear.

The swords in the hands of the old Juggernaut and the others were all out of control. The Stegosaurus beside Chu Linguang was getting bigger and bigger, hovering in a mighty space, firmly covering the sword field.

At this moment, there is only a trembling sun sword left on the sword mountain guarding the sword field.

That day sword also wanted to break free from the shackles of Jianshan and merge with Chu Linguang's sword **** domain.

"No one can stop me from getting the sun sword, because he belongs to me."

Following Chu Linguang's words, Chu Linguang slashed with a sword.

The long sword that converged into a Stegosaurus suddenly split.

Whoosh whoosh.

Shot at everyone who rushed to the sword field.

The swords that belonged to them were all shot at them.

The old swordsman Xu Chen saw that the short sword that belonged to him was slashing towards him.

That easy cut.

It seems to be a deadly sword in Xiaoqianjian.

He was horrified.

I wanted to avoid it, but I couldn't.

The dagger pierced into his chest.

He even saw that the Palace Master of the Sun Moon Palace, his senior brother, was wrapped in a dozen layers of long swords, with ten thousand swords piercing his heart, dripping with blood, and his body fell outside the sword guard field.

Sun Moon Palace and disciples.

and many members of the royal family.

All suffered fatal blows.

The long sword that turned back.

All hit them hard.

Even in the royal family, which two immortal beings, in the body of the Divine Sword, were not deprived, but because of the backlash of the Divine Sword, they fell into the imperial city and were dying.

View from the air.

It could be seen that the Sun Moon Palace disciples and members of the royal family, who had rushed towards Chu Linguang like a tide, fell to the ground one by one under the shadows of swords all over Chu Linguang's body.

The eldest princess and the third prince were both hit hard.

The second prince also had several swords stuck in his body.

These people, each of them, are mortally wounded.

It's just that Chu Linguang seemed to be merciful, but he only made everyone lose the strength to continue fighting, and did not kill them all.

Fang Tingting and Fang Yuanshan saw the people around them falling down one by one. They were all pierced by the swords in their hands. The higher their cultivation, the more serious their injuries.

But no matter who.

Everyone seems to be going back to the ability to keep fighting.

The ringing of the bells in the imperial city is endless.

The wailing filled the world.

A guard sword.

Chu Linguang was unscathed.

On the contrary, the Sun Moon Palace and the Sun Moon Kingdom Royal Family seem to have collapsed.

The senior members of the Sun and Moon Chamber of Commerce changed their expressions one by one.

Next, is it their turn?

Because of Shoujian, they also have a share.

That damned order, they had no choice but to rush up.

"No matter how strong you are, the sword cannot be given to you."

The Lord of the Sun Moon Palace said with difficulty.

"If that's the case, why create a sword guard field?"

Chu Linguang questioned, he was on fire.

"The Sun Sword is waiting for his true master."

The old swordsman said.

"Only those who have obtained the Moon Sword can successfully control the Sun Sword. Although Mr. is powerful, but forcibly controlling the Sun Sword will only be met with backlash."

In that body, there was a divine sword hidden, but it was backlashed. It came from the royal family, two immortal beings, one of them said.

"The sword of the sun is the foundation of the country of the sun and the moon. I beg you to let it go."

The third prince knelt down.

They were taken.

Unexpectedly, Chu Linguang could fight against the entire Sun Moon Kingdom and Sun Moon Palace by himself, and no one could break through three feet in front of him.

All are defeated.

"In this way, the sword of the sun was indeed prepared for me."

Chu Linguang looked at the sun sword.

The Palace Master of the Sun Moon Palace, the Old Sword Saint and the others all looked ugly when they heard the words. Could it be that everyone has to die today?

Just as they are, ready to use flesh and blood.

When he went to the sword guard field to block Chu Linguang.

Chu Linguang, who was sitting on the sword guard field, had a sword exactly like the Sun Sword in his right hand.

That is Wangyou sword.


Chu Linguang raised the Wangyou sword.

"The Moon Sword is in my hands, come back!"

Chu Linguang shouted.


Originally on the Sword Mountain, the sun sword, which was absorbed by a force and could not move, lost its restraint at this moment, and finally came under the call of Chu Linguang's Sword God Domain and Wang Youjian.

From the top of Jianshan, it rises into the sky.

It came to Chu Linguang's hands.

The two swords fused in an instant.


this moment.

The entire human world seemed to explode.

In the sky above Chu Linguang's head, there was a space crack visible to the naked eye. In that crack, the space storm was raging. Anyone who rushed into it, even an immortal body, once absorbed by the space storm, would surely die. .

Cracks are spreading.

From west to east.

I don't know how many miles across.

this moment.

In the sky above the cultivation world, a space crack with no end in sight appeared above everyone's heads.

Western region.

Eastern region.

Southern region.

Northern region.

Above the Red Sea.

Above the Black Sea.

Five forbidden places.

Four Holy Lands.

You can see that terrifying space crack.

The world seemed to be torn apart.

In the cultivation world, it seems that something terrible has returned.

It is so powerful that the laws of the world here cannot support it, causing the world here to show signs of collapse.

And that crack is still expanding.

Continue like this.

It seems that the cultivation world will shatter and return to chaos, and all living beings will disappear.

Chu Linguang was dumbfounded.

him at this time.

Suddenly realized.

The fusion of the sun sword and the moon sword seems to have summoned some terrifying existence.

In other words, it awakened a huge creature.

It woke up from a deep sleep, and the moment he opened his eyes, he broke the law restrictions of this layer of the world, causing cracks to appear in the world barrier of the cultivation world, and the whole world seemed to change from a complete eggshell to a I found one with bad marks, and I can see the existence of egg white and yolk.

this moment.

Chu Linguang was dumbfounded.

He wanted to separate the Sun Sword and Moon Sword.

How do you know.

The two swords fused together and turned into a black wooden sword.

No matter what kind of magical power Chu Linguang used, he couldn't separate the sun sword and the moon sword, as if they were like this from the beginning.

"I... got into trouble?"

Chu Linguang was dumbfounded.

Once immortal and the heir of all things, he was anxious and shocked at this moment, and there was even a chill in his heart.

other people's reactions.

As you can imagine.

The palace master of the Sun Moon Palace, the old sword saint, the two immortal beings in the royal family, the emperor, the imperial concubine, etc., looking at the cracks in the air, seemed to realize that a catastrophe was imminent.

That book, the Sun Sword was taken away by Chu Linguang. In their imagination, it was the Sun Moon Kingdom and the Sun Moon Palace and other disasters.

It seems now.

The sun sword and the moon sword are fused together.

It seems that the whole world is about to be in disaster.

The Red Sea is boiling.

A terrible whirlpool appeared in the Black Sea.

"What the **** is that."

The old patriarch of the Red Sea Clan passed on the position of the patriarch to Xuegang, and he has been swimming in the Red Sea. The old king has been following him. At this moment, the two of them saw that a terrifying space crack spread from a distance. , appeared over the Red Sea.

At this moment, both of them were dumbfounded.

This heaven and earth phenomenon.

It seemed that the world was about to end.


"Lord God Envoy go to Lord God Envoy."

The old patriarch of the Red Sea first thought of Chu Linguang.

When he thought about it, Chu Linguang must know what happened.

"Lord Demon God, Lord Demon God, you haven't come back for a long time."

The old king said sadly.

Chu Linguang has long been regarded as the Lord of the Demon God, and the order to Chu Linguang is to obey his words, so that the entire blood clan members will submit to the Shenzong, and even tell Lin Tianlin and others the location of the blood pool.

"Don't talk nonsense, go find the envoy, the day has changed."

The old patriarch of the Red Sea knew the seriousness of the matter.

"If it changes, it will change. Let's not go there, just here at sea, waiting for Lord Demon God."

The old king was not so afraid.

I thought to myself how bad the world could be with Lord Demon God around.

"Idiot, the world is coming to an end."

The old patriarch of the Red Sea saw the abnormality and couldn't help but scolded.

The old king looked at the fierce appearance of the old patriarch of the Red Sea, and couldn't help grinning: "I like it!"

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