Chapter 229 Speed ​​and Passion (2,700 monthly pass plus more)

At night, it is Shen Cong’s home court. The super light sensitivity allows him to see things like daylight.

Wearing a bouncing stilt, in the empty and quiet Liuhe District, speed and passion are on stage. As he became more and more familiar with the bouncing stilt under his feet, Shen Cong’s speed became faster and faster, and his flexibility in turning and other movements became more and more proficient. Shen Cong also tried to jump up and down, and after accumulating power back and forth several times, he was able to jump to a height of forty meters.

This is a terrifying height, equivalent to a fifteen-story building.

When he reached the peak of weightlessness, Shen Cong felt as if he had escaped gravity and was floating in the air.

This feeling is more refreshing than when Ant Lishen took him to fly.

At that time, I was flying high, but my body was unstable and I couldn’t control myself. Now I can follow my own way and try all kinds of tumbling movements in the air, just like a trampoline athlete.

“In fact, it can be higher, but the alloy metal has reached the maximum endurance, and when the force is charged, the bouncing stilt will break.” While enjoying the excitement of flying in the air, Shen Cong was also silently experiencing the various aspects of the bouncing stilt. Kind of limit.

In order to pursue the combination of lightness and hardness, the semi-activated battle armor has successively collected a lot of titanium for use in alloys.

However, the strengthening effect of the activity on the metal is also limited. If the bending degree of the bouncing rocker exceeds the limit of the activity strengthening, even the titanium alloy cannot withstand it.

In fact, if it is not for the active role, the bouncing stilt can hardly be an auxiliary device for running and jumping, because the elastic recovery of metal is not perfect as imagined.

In particular, Shen Cong now has nineteen oxen’s strength, one foot step on it is a metal pillar, and if you step on it too much, you have to break it.

Only the combination of activity and metal can meet the standard of use.

“Let me try again, the pleasure of fighting at high speed!” Shen Cong suddenly turned his body when he bounced and fell in the air, so that when the bouncing rocker touched the ground, the elastic force changed, and he rolled on the ground two more times to resolve it. Has a huge elasticity.

The bouncing stilt is not good because it has too much energy. When resolving, either slowly reduce the energy, or use this more embarrassing way to resolve.

Putting on a low-level javelin, Shen Cong began to speed up.

The wind whistling in his ears, with Shen Cong’s current physical fitness, his dynamic vision can barely keep up with his own speed, and his physical coordination is just enough to keep up.

Mark it out with one shot!

The target stone was not pierced due to the accuracy of the head, but the pile of gravel beside it exploded. When Shen Cong ran to look at it, the javelin plunged into the ground long ago and could not be buckled.

The power is doubled than usual for a run-up.

“Not bad.” Shen Cong was very satisfied with the effect, and practiced more in the future. The javelin head under high-speed movement can be practiced up.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly saw a golden beast approaching not far away.

The speed is as fast as the ghost.

Not one, but a group.

There is a calf-sized golden beast, which looks very much like a giant salamander, also known as a baby fish, but this golden beast is even more ugly, with its limbs on the ground and a toad-like skin all over its body.

Shen Cong frowned.

The whole person immediately ran, and with the help of the bouncing rocker, he returned to the place of the Great Vajra in a few seconds.

Shen Cong has been found in the ugly group of golden beasts, and they all swarmed over. These golden beasts quickly advanced around the Great Vajra, and then, without hesitation, launched a bold attack on the Great Vajra. Their offensive method is very special, that is, jumping up and hitting with a huge head.


The ugly golden beast the size of a calf has a head about the size of an industrial electric fan. The bones on the forehead should be golden cores, and the force of the impact is amazing.

Every time, you can feel that the big Vajra is losing its activity.

A group of ugly golden beasts collided one after another, and it was the field-strength storm opened by the Golden Flood Totem, which made the big Vajra quickly absorb the activity, and could not keep up with the consumption.

Shen Cong stepped on the bouncing stilt, standing in front of the window, quietly watching the attack of the ugly golden beast, and judging the attack power of this golden beast.

“Very strong.”

“Fast speed, swift action, amazing jumping ability, and the strength of the impact can easily break through all obstacles. If it is an ordinary golden man, or a few death eaters encountered before, basically it is impossible to single out more than two such golden men. beast.”

“Being surrounded by multiple animals, I can’t do it…but that was before, now with the bouncing rocker, I can basically kill this golden beast back and forth.”

“The number is probably over a thousand.”

“Can you kill it?”

“I killed the Water Lord head-on. Although it was a bit more dangerous, I used it to exercise my skills. Now that the bouncing stilt is being used, I just need a new golden beast to practice. This ugly golden beast is nothing more than an iron head, a bounce Speed, but my physical fitness obviously suppresses them.”

“It’s not dangerous.”

Observing carefully and thinking carefully, Shen Cong opened the shooting hole again and attacked several ugly golden beasts with crossbow arrows and javelins. The iron head of the ugly golden beast is indeed surprisingly defensive, but the body is somewhat fragile, and bone-gold weapons above 0.5H can be easily broken.

In the end, his eyes flickered for a while, and a decision was made: “Such a good sparring tool, if it is not used, will be a violent thing.”

Cang Dang.

The sunroof on the roof was opened, and Shen Cong stepped on the bouncing stilt and jumped out. Landed on the roof of the big Vajra, and then jumped up and jumped far away.

As soon as Shen Cong came out, there were dozens of ugly golden beasts. They shifted their targets and rushed towards Shen Cong.

Shen Cong ignored it, just ran away to find the rhythm of the bouncing stilt, and then adjusted the rhythm of the body to ensure that they were in harmony with each other. At this time, he carried the Bawang knife and turned back.

This is a speed showdown.

In the beginning, the ugly golden beast attacked Shen Cong, and Shen Cong was dangerous because his speed was straight, so he was very hasty when he dodged.

The ugly golden beast has the upper hand.

But Shen Cong is not in a hurry. He is here to practice his hands. He slowly finds a more comfortable way of running and jumping by avoiding attacks, finding out how to accelerate and decelerate, what posture to avoid in the air, and how to accurately shoot in high-speed motion.

Five minutes later, Shen Cong was already able to move around among the ugly golden beasts flexibly and freely.

Ten minutes later, Shen Cong began to counterattack occasionally. The killing efficiency was not high and he often couldn’t find the exact key point.

Fifteen minutes later, Shen Cong was able to keep moving at a high speed, and at the same time, he would kill the ugly golden beast with one blow.

Twenty minutes later, Shen Cong was a little tired, and returned to the Great Vajra to rest for ten minutes.

Then, he rushed out and slaughtered among the ugly golden beasts.

Repeatedly toss.

Shen Cong finally mastered the balance between the bouncing rocker and his body, turning the bouncing rocker into a part of his body, pouch, pouch, and every time one or two ugly golden beasts were cut off their necks, or their stomachs were cut open. .

When you are tired, go back to the big Vajra car to rest, and then come back and continue to kill when you have a good rest.

Two or three hours later, half of the ugly golden beasts had lain down. The remaining ugly golden beasts finally began to fear, one after another, they quickly fled to the direction of the Yangtze River, as if they had come from the night, and disappeared into the night again.


Shen Cong breathed a long sigh of relief, and repeatedly and continuously killed the enemy. Although the skills and experience were soaring, the consumption of physical strength, spirit, and vitality was equally huge.

Take off the half-activated armor, eat supper, take a bath, and lie down in bed.

Shen Cong still recalled the previous battle with the ugly golden beast-after adapting to the high-speed battle, he only felt that the battle was one-sided.

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