Heavens Strongest Superman

Chapter 75: Guild War Destruction Day (Thanks for the reward with the two werewolves when dreaming

One punch, two punches, all smashed on the day of destruction, hitting the day of destruction without any change ...

"Roar!" The day of destruction, which was so painful to be beaten by Chu Yang, suddenly roared, and then the boxing speed suddenly increased, and dozens of punches hit Chu Yang's chest in succession. Could not help but fly out ...

"It's still too reluctant. I can't keep up with his speed. There is no vermiculite, so it's not easy to deal with!" Chuyang stopped for a few dozen meters, and looked at the day of destruction with a dignified color ... ...

"Roar!" Destroyed by being unable to fly now, after giving a strong blow to Chuyang, he fell to the ground ...

Watching Doom Day fall to the ground, Chu Yang quickly leaned down and rushed down, kicking one foot towards Doom Day's neck ...

Seeing Chu Yang kicking at himself, Destruction Day could not help avoiding it, then grabbed Chu Yang and beat him under his body ...

"This chicken feather monster is too scary. I am not an opponent at all. System, is there any way to let me punch him!" Feeling the pain from the face, Chu Yang quickly asked the system ...

"Ding! The system has no way to help the host. This is an ordeal that must be experienced in the host's life, but I can remind the host that there is no IQ on the Day of Destruction. I just know that you can win on IQ ..." After that, the system sank. Go on ...

"Nima! Take a feather to win, Destroy Day can only be strangled with absolute power, what way do you think I can win!" Chu Yang could not help but be angry if he heard the system ...

Later, looking at Destruction Sun's eyes firing a red laser, intending to kill himself, Chu Yang also started hot vision and fired at him ...

"Good opportunity!" Seeing Destruction Day only shoots at himself, without punching himself, Chu Yang secretly said in his heart, then he clasped Destruction Day's head with both hands, causing a twist of his whole body strength ...

"Roar!" Feeling the huge pain coming from the neck, Destruction Day could not help but cry out ...

Seeing that the Day of Destruction was painful, Chu Yang twisted again, but just before the head of the Day of Destruction was twisted to 180 degrees ...

"Uh! Uh! Uh ..."

It seemed that I heard something. I quickly looked back and saw more than a dozen missiles flying towards myself and the day of destruction. The response was unsatisfactory, and Chu Yang and the day of destruction were shot down by the missile ...

"The target has been shot down! The target has been shot down! Please receive instructions please !!! Receive instructions please!" Several Air Force soldiers who launched the missile saw the destruction day shot down and couldn't help but say to the communicator ...

"Good job !!" The leader of the military on the military aircraft heard the news and couldn't help expressing his excitement. The first and second squadrons were killed, but the monster was not hurt. Now it is used. Weapons of mass destruction have finally achieved a little gain ...

Although there are some triumphs and losses, the leader of the military department still dares not to underestimate this monster. After all, when he came here to handle this, the chief of the military department told him that if the weapons they brought were not alien species, Causes harm, you must quickly report to him for a nuclear strike ...

Thinking of the commander's orders to leave, the commander of the military department hurriedly said to the Air Force general who shot down the destruction day: "Fastly lock the place where the monster fell, and be sure to kill it !! Don't let him hurt anyone Humanity……"

On the ground, in a large pit up to ten meters ...

"What a silly missile! Lao Tzu almost sent the destruction to the sky ..." Climbing from the ground and looking at his ragged clothes, Chu Yang scolded ...

"Roar! Roar!" Destruction Day also rose from the ground, watching Chuyang growl, but he didn't do it, but stood still ...

"What's wrong? Is it possible to evolve?" Looking at Destruction Day, and feeling a strong sense of oppression in his body, Chu Yang's eyes were full of unprecedented dignity ...

Sure enough, as soon as Chuyang's voice fell, bone spurs grew on the back of Destruction Day, and his height increased a lot ...

"How do you fight this?" Seeing the huge change in the Day of Destruction, Chu Yang suddenly shocked and said, he will never forget, the scene in the comic that the Day of Destruction kills the normal Superman in this form ...

"Roar!" After yelling at Chuyang, Destruction Day flashed and came to Chuyang. He couldn't help but say that grabbing Chuyang was a mess, and then flew out of the big pit ...

"Near the monster's fall. No abnormalities are found at present, please indicate ..." In the sky, a pilot on a fighter plane reported the order to his superior.

But he didn't want to, just passed the order, a figure slammed into his plane, crashing the wing in half ...

"Slum ... what the **** ..." Watching a figure break his wing, the pilot was aggressive ...

"Wang Wu, what's the matter with you?" A dozen pilots caught up behind watched the pilot's wing broken and hurriedly asked.

"I'm fine, but the wing was broken by someone!" After that, Wang Wu planned to leave offline ...

"Roar!" At this moment, Destruction Day flew out of the pit, and flew in the direction that Chu Yang was thrown away ...

"The monster has come out! Brothers, shoot missiles at him ..." I didn't know who shouted, and then dozens of missiles hit all the destruction ...

If it has not evolved, the day of destruction may still be repelled, but unfortunately, the day of destruction that has already evolved at this time is not afraid of these missiles at all ...

Seeing these annoying bugs have been disturbing myself, Destroyed Sun's eyesight broke out, and in just a moment, a dozen planes in the sky were completely overturned to the ground ...

Watching all the fighters around were destroyed, the laser eyes of Destruction Day swept towards himself, and Wang Wu couldn't help feeling sad. He regretted ...

Of course, he did not regret coming to participate in this external battle. After all, the head of the army told them that before death, this time may be dead. He regrets that the parents will be a son if they leave. What should they do for the rest of their lives ...

"To be loyal to the country today, worthy of my heart!" Looking at the fiery red laser, he shot towards himself, Wang Wu slowly closed his eyes ...

"Destroy Day, Lao Tzu fights with you today!" The destroyed day flew to Chuyang outside the Jiuxiao Clouds, and immediately swooped down, kicked it on the neck of the Destruction Day, and was hit hard by this, the Destruction Day went backwards A dozen steps, the laser in my eyes also deviated to other places ...

"This ... how is this possible?" Seeing a human being able to repel the monster, Wang Wu, who had been waiting for death, was suddenly full of shock. Then he picked up the communicator, got out of the plane, and landed on the ground ...

"Notify the headquarters and ask for support! Notify the headquarters and ask for support! I am only one member of the Goshawk 12th team! Please reply when you receive it !! Please reply when you receive it!"

"Damn! This thing doesn't work at critical moments!" Seeing that the communicator didn't work, Wang Wu lost it, and then set his sights on the scene of Chu Yang's battle with Doom ...

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