Heavens Strongest Superman

Chapter 73: Day of Destruction (Thanks Tokisaki for giving a reward, thank you brothers for their r

"Ding! Host, Doomsday is expected to arrive in thirty minutes ..." A cold voice sounded in Meng Fantian's mind ...

"Is it thirty minutes? It should be almost time for a meal?" Hearing the sound of the system, a flash of light flashed in Meng Fantian's eyes. After getting up from the park bench, he played with the knife in his hand and pointed towards the nearby one. Large restaurants are gone. Now that the day of destruction is here, you have to eat a good meal. After all, you do n’t need any money this time. Besides, even if you want, do the people in the restaurant have the life to take it?

In the restaurant, looking at the exquisite food in front of him, Meng Fantian ate it without a word ...

"Mr. Li, I don't know why you let this waste abandoned by the Meng family come in. He is so destitute now that he has almost no money. What if he eats overlord meals?" A female secretary stared at Meng Fantian in the camera and glanced Later, he asked the middle-aged man aside ...

"I just let him in because he knew he had no money ..." the middle-aged man said calmly.

"What do you mean? Don't you want to make Meng Brahma good?" The female secretary was puzzled ...

Hearing the words of the female secretary, the middle-aged man could not help but take it into his arms and calmly said, "The fool knows that this boy has no relationship with the Meng family. How can I spend time working with him? I want to make friends Only Meng Fanchao, the second son of the Meng family ...

Recently, the second son of the Meng family offered a reward for Meng Fantian's hands and feet on the black market. As long as the words are interrupted, those who interrupt Meng Fantian's hands and feet can make a request to him. During the meal, the hotel's security will be shot ... I have given 200,000 yuan each to the security, let them fight to the death, and abolish Meng Fantian ... "

"What if this alarmed the police? Since the new chief took office, corruption has been almost beaten, and now the police have been replaced by another group, so it's hard to bribe ..." Middle-aged man heard Then, the female secretary said with a solemn look ...

"Although this is the truth, you have to believe in the power of money. Money is omnipotent. No one doesn't love it ..."

Talking, the middle-aged man unbuttoned the clothes of the female secretary and kissed madly. He knew everything about this plan ...

U.S. Space Station ...

"Andrew, get dressed neatly on the spacecraft. The superior ordered it. They said that the meteorite was alive, and that it was flying towards the direction of our space station, telling us to return to the earth hurriedly ..." An American in a spacesuit The guy looked at the others and couldn't help but speak with a microphone.

"I thought the superior had forgotten us! The cowards of Huaxia were gone yesterday!" The big man named Andrew heard the man and immediately replied with a microphone.

"Don't talk about it, quickly put on your spacesuit, and take me back to Earth with the spaceship ..." Thinking of his superior's order to wait for someone to retreat quickly, the astronaut quickly urged.

"Well! I haven't had a drink for a long time, and this time I went back and opened the eighty-two-year-old Lafite at home, Geller, when you remember to come to my house to celebrate ..." Andrew was dressed, facing the astronaut Road.

After being worn for a while, the two got on the spaceship returning home, but when they got on the spaceship, they had no time to start, and the meteorite from the distant starry sky hit the space station where they were ...

"Boom!" With a sound, the space station turned into a pile of ruins ...

NASA ...

"The space station exploded, no one escaped ..." A technician received the message from the satellite and said sadly ...

"The space station is not important, and the casualties are not important. You just used satellites to detect where the living meteorite fell?" An old man looked at the technician and asked seriously ...

"I tracked the living meteorite with a satellite and found that he fell into the territory of Huaxia?" When the old man asked about the meteorite's whereabouts, the technicians could not help telling the truth ...

"Hua Xia? That meteorite is not easy! I hope that no villain will come to the door ... Well! A civilization with the technology of super light speed should be easy to destroy the earth!" The old man sighed when he heard the technical staff Road ...

Then what seemed to come to mind, he quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number: "Now human life has been threatened by alien creatures, you hurriedly ask the chief of China to ask if you need help. We intended to provide everything we can Weapons against alien species !!! "

Chinese capital ...

"The living meteorite is coming towards our city. After a series of calculations, the meteorite will eventually fall to Tiannan City. You hurriedly contact the local governor to evacuate the crowd and avoid harm ... ...

At the same time, special forces will also be dispatched to Tiannan City. The meteorite may not be good. If necessary, destructive killing weapons are allowed to be used ... "

The old man, who was over forty or fifty years a year, looked at all the people present and couldn't help but insistently.

"Yes!" Everyone heard the words and quickly answered loudly ...


With an order, everyone left ...

"Super-speed ... not easy to deal with! I just hope that the contents of the meteorite will not harm humans ..." The old man said with a dignified look as the crowd left, and then dialed a phone ...

Tiannan Hotels ...

"Ah! So many days in this world, this is the first time I have eaten so full!" Looking at the smooth dinner plate on the table, Meng Fantian suddenly looked satisfied and authentic ...

"System, how long is the day of destruction before it arrives?" After wiping his mouth, Meng Fantian asked ...

"Ding! Destroy day came to Tiannan City in two minutes, and the host has now received eight thousand shock values ​​..."

"Eight thousand shocks? Isn't Destruction Day yet on Earth? Why is there a shock?" Meng Fantian asked a little puzzled ...

"Ding! The meteorites that packed the day of destruction appeared in the eyes of various countries, and when they detected that there was life in the meteorite, they were shocked, so there was a shock point ..."

"It's okay! Interesting ... Replace the final destination where Doom Day falls with my position!" After that, Meng Fantian opened the door of the private room and went out ...

"Mr. Li, Meng Fantian has left the private room ..." The female secretary serving the middle-aged man reminded Meng Fantian of leaving ...

"Very good!" The middle-aged man heard the words, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he called the hotel security and others ...

"Staring at this boy, if he didn't pay, he wouldn't be able to take care of himself, break his hands ..." After that, he hung up ...

After talking with the middle-aged person on the phone, the security guard at the entrance of the hotel focused on Meng Fantian from the private room ...

"Sir, you haven't paid yet! A total of 14.8, did you pay by card or WeChat?" A waitress watched Meng Fantian come out of the private room and did not come to pay the bill, but walked towards the door, Can't help calling out loud ...

"I never give money for dinner, thank you! And even if I give you, you have no life to take, today, everyone in Tiannan City will die ..." Meng Fantian smiled cruelly when the waiter called himself to pay the bill. Tao, and then no matter what the waiter's face was, he turned away and left ...

"Security, some people don't give money for meals ..." Seeing Meng Fantian not giving money, the waiter could not help calling out loud ...

Seeing this, the six security guards looked at each other and rushed towards Meng Fantian ...

"Humble ants ..." Watching the six security guards rush towards himself, Meng Fantian smiled disdainfully ...

"Boy, dare to eat overlord meal? Seek death!" Six security guards revealed a fierce color, and then fisted to Meng Fantian ...

However, at this moment, a huge meteorite passed through the roof of the building and hit six people ...

Looking at the six people who were smashed into flesh, a flash of pleasure flashed in Meng Fantian's eyes, then he looked at the huge meteorite, and said lightly, "Destroy Day, become Destruction Day in Tiannan City!"

As the voice fell, the meteorite began to break apart, and a fierce monster stepped out of it and stood in the hall ...

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