Heavens Strongest Superman

Chapter 216: Advent of Duckside (5)

"First of all, the owner of the spaceship is an evil **** named Duckside! He is very powerful ..." Swanwick introduced ...

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted ...

"It turned out to be Dakside! I thought who was in this spaceship! But since he's here, he hasn't moved. What's the point of paying attention?" Batman heard Swanwick. Then, he couldn't help but start to wonder, and then thought about what the Daxside was paying attention to ...

"Do you know Daxside?" Seeing Batman's move, Swanwick has determined that Batman knows that Daxside exists, but he doesn't know that Batman is an ordinary hero that can no longer be ordinary. How did you know the name Duckside.

You know, at the level of Batman, it's almost impossible to know the existence of Duckside in this life ...

While wondering, Swanwick planned to read Batman's heart with mind reading ...

But before he came to use his super powers, Superman patted him on the shoulder and said, "What's this ... Darkside is now spreading among us. He is one of the strongest people in the universe. First, it is the evil **** of Apocalypse. His father is Kaka Khan, and his uncle is a wasteland wolf ... "

"Ah! Do you know such details?" Upon hearing that, Swanwick was shocked ...

"How do you look like a fuss? Shouldn't these basic information be known to everyone?" Raven looked at Swanwick as if he were an idiot ...

"... say, where did you get this information ..." Swanwick said after a long silence.

"Information from my friend Chu Yang." Superman confessed.

"Friend, Chu Yang? It seems that it should also be an alien visitor ... otherwise it would be impossible to know Dakside ..." Swanwick murmured in his heart.

And I have a lot of interest in Chuyang ...

Next, Swanwick told Batman and others about the number of deployment and offensive classes of the spaceship ...

After receiving this useful information, Batman began to formulate a plan ...

the other side……

Thousands of Lanterns have arrived near the solar system, and are planning to attack the ship of Dakside ...

"Are you here?" Daxside, seated on the main seat in the spacecraft, exclaimed, feeling a familiar breath.

That breath is definitely not wrong, it is the man, Ganser ...

Solar system, near Pluto ...

The Green Lantern leader, Ganser, looked at the distant Dakside giant ship, his face was heavy ...

Looking back, looking at the thousands of Green Lanterns behind him, Ganser used the green light ring as a medium to preach: "Green Lanterns, today may be the most difficult day since the establishment of the Green Lantern Corps ... There may be few of us Some people leave, and maybe everyone will leave ... but don't be afraid, because we are dedicated to justice, die for the right, and die well! "

With that said, Ganthern paused, then rushed to the spacecraft of Dakside, and yelled out loudly: "Days are bright, nights are dark; Charms are sorrowful, nothing is hidden. The gangsters, fear my **** Light; the green light is bright, eternal light! "

As Ganser spoke, everyone's emotions were instantly stimulated ...

"The day is bright, the night is dark; the charm is dark, and nothing is hidden. The wicked traitors dread the light of the gods; the green light is bright and the light is eternal!"

More than seven thousand people chanted the oath of the Green Lantern Corps aloud, and everyone looked so ashamed ...

Then, like a locust crossing, they all flew to Dakside's ship ...

"Enemy attack, enemy attack !!!" The spaceship's supporters saw so many Green Lanterns colliding and quickly pressed the alarm ...

For a moment, the entire ship remembered the siren of an enemy attack ...

Main cabin ...

Druckside looked at the picture from the annunciator, and he couldn't help looking at it ...

"Lord, will you send a demon-like legion against them?" The Wasteland Wolf watched the Green Lantern Corps rushing for a fight, and quickly asked for instructions from Dakside.

"No!" Duckside said coldly, then stood up, moved his body, and after the activity, Duckside said, "This time I will destroy them personally. I have not shot for thousands of years. Now, I want to see how strong I am now! "

The words fell, Omega rays shot out from his eyes, and after striking the spacecraft through a passage that was the size of Daxide, Daxside walked out of the passage with his arms on his face with a serious face ...

"Dakeside, it's been a long time!" Ganser, who was attacking the ship, greeted him after seeing him coming out with his hands on his back.

"Ganser ... I haven't seen you for thousands of years, you are still the same! Last time I lost on your teamwork, this time, I must destroy you all ..." Dakside stared fiercely .

"Let's talk less, let me see how you have grown in the past few thousand years!" Then, Ganser stabbed towards the Dakside with the sword of green light ring transfiguration ...

Druckside looked at Ganser who was attacking himself, and after a slight disdain flashed in the corner of his mouth, he kicked Ganser out with a punch ...

Ganser was hit by this punch, and after stabilizing his body, he was suddenly panic-stricken. He did not expect that thousands of years had passed, and that Duckside, who had to be overwhelmed by himself, became so powerful. ...

"Unable to hit ..." Watching Ganser couldn't catch a punch, Daxside couldn't help but twitch his lips.

"Green Lanterns, focus on attacking Dakside!" Ganser said loudly, knowing that he was powerless against Dakside.

Then, a ring of green lights lit up, forming a long knife that was larger than the sun, and smashed into Dakside ...

When Daxside saw the machete, his face became dignified ...

"Let me see the true power of your Green Lantern Corps!" Roared, and then his body became huge. He watched the huge machete falling towards himself, quickly gathered his whole body, and bombarded the machete ...


Fist and knife collide ...

The sword was broken, and most of the Lantern Lanterns were blown away ... Darkside spit blood ...

"It's interesting!" Wiping off the blood from the corner of the mouth, Duckside murmured in his heart, and then the omega rays burst out in his eyes ...

In the bat cave, Batman and others continue their meetings ...

"Master Wayne, emergency! Emergency!" Alfred, holding a computer, got out of the research room on the side, interrupting Batman's road of strategy deployment.

"What emergency?" Batman couldn't help asking when Alfred was so urgent.

"Our satellite scanned that there was a terrible war in outer space ..." Alfred said solemnly, and then projected the contents of the computer to everyone ...

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