Heavens Strongest Superman

Chapter 179: Battle Destruction Day (2)

In space ...

Chu Yang was fighting against Destruction Day. Suddenly ... it seemed that something was being approached, and he looked down curiously, but didn't want to just look at it, and saw more than one hundred nuclear weapons moving towards himself and destruction. The sun strikes ...

"Oh!" Looking at so many nuclear weapons, Chu Yang was really horrified. Which silly fork of this Nima fired ... Although it would not do much harm to himself, what if the destruction of the Japanese bomb had evolved?

As everyone knows, in the original movie, the energy of a nuclear bomb exploded, allowing the destruction day to absorb and evolve. Now there are a hundred nuclear weapons ... how can the destruction day evolve ...

"No, you must not let this nuclear weapon explode to the Day of Destruction!" Seeing that the nuclear force was getting closer, Chu Yang meditated in his heart, then held the Day of Destruction and accelerated out of the earth's orbit ...

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred ...

I saw a bone spur on the destroying Japanese boxing and gave Chu Yang a severe blow. After flying it, he rushed to more than a hundred nuclear bombs ...

"It's uncomfortable ... I don't know how strong the destruction day that absorbed the energy of more than a hundred nuclear bombs ..." Looking at the destruction day that rushed to the nuclear bomb, Chu Yang's eyes were full of dignity ...

"Eh! Hmm! Hmm ..." The explosion of more than a hundred nuclear bombs rang through the void. Of course, although it is exaggerated to say that it sounds through the void, the sound is small and pitiful, almost nothing ... If Chu Yang's hearing is extremely strong, it is estimated that the explosion of a nuclear bomb would not be heard ...

Superman, who absorbs sunlight to replenish energy in the distance, rushed over after seeing the sky shining here, and when Chu Yang was here, he asked aloud, "What happened here?"

"Someone fired a hundred tactical nuclear bombs on me and Doomday, and they planned to destroy us, eh! Now Doomday is in this nuclear bomb explosion area ..." After listening carefully to Superman's words, Chu Yang explained aloud ... ...

"That's good, this monster is not weaker than me, and it's better to die now under nuclear weapons! We have less trouble!" After listening to Chu Yang's words, Superman smiled plainly.

"You don't understand, this monster will absorb energy to evolve, and the energy of this hundred nuclear bombs is not yet known to what extent he can be raised! Our next battle may be extremely difficult !!" Hearing Superman, Chu Yang After frowning, he cried loudly.

"Evolution?" Superman was a little puzzled ...

"Roar!" Suddenly, Destruction Day came out of the nuclear bomb explosion, and the whole body became even bigger. His back was full of bone spurs and looked extremely fierce ...

Seems to have met Chuyang and Superman, and rushed towards them quickly ...

"Fifteen times the speed of light! Didn't expect evolution to such a point?" Seeing that the speed of destruction of the sun has reached fifteen times the speed of light, Chu Yang's eyes were full of shock ...

"Roar!" Roared, Doom captured Superman, and threw it onto the earth ...

Then he looked at Chu Yang with a dreadful eye, and chased him up, apparently intending to kill Superman first, and in a decisive battle with Chu Yang.

"It seems that there is spiritual intelligence ... It is a terrible monster!" Seeing the fear in Doom's eyes, Chu Yang meditated in his heart.

Then, watching the destruction day flying fast to the earth, without saying a word, he rushed to grab him and stop him from flying to the earth! After all, these monsters should stay in space as well! !!

"Roar!" Seeing Chu Yang grabbed himself, Destruction Day was a roar again, and then slammed back!

"Oh!" With this punch, Chu Yang flew upside down and hit him on Venus ...

Looking at Chu Yang who was smashed and flying, Destruction Day retracted his eyes and continued to fly towards the earth. He is not too strong now, and he is not sure to win against Chu Yang, but he must first solve Superman and then confront Chu Yang Otherwise, when they are pinched by the two, they will be ...

"Twenty times the speed of light! The speed of this destruction day has grown to such a terrible degree! It is indeed the first weapon in the DC universe. If I can turn him into a corpse, my strength will definitely increase a lot ..."

Hitting Venus out of a big cave, he could hold Chu Yang in shape, watching the day of destruction returning to Earth, and sighed.

Then the whole body speed increased, and in one jump, it flew away from Venus and returned to Earth in just a few seconds ...

on the earth……

The day of destruction on the return is destroying endlessly. When people are killed, when they are demolished, when the river is broken, when they are separated by the sea, they cause life in the United States ...

If Day of Destruction hasn't evolved to this point, Superman might be able to stop him, but now ...

"Superman! Can't you really stop this monster?" Batman asked after picking up Superman who had been knocked down.

"This monster is far more powerful than me! I can't win!" Superman took a deep breath and took a deep breath.

"Is there really no way to deal with him?" Batman thought after a moment of contemplation.

"The Pleiades can handle it! This monster is the product of Pleiades!" Superman began.

"Well, you drag, I'll find the flint spear gun first!" After hearing that, Batman suddenly remembered the flint spear gun that was thrown in the crime lane area ...

"You go! I'll drag him as much as possible!" Superman nodded, and then attacked toward Doom Day.

Although Superman is very strong, after all, it is just the normal Superman, and the ability template is still the dc new 52 Superman, so how can it win the destruction day that absorbed the energy of one hundred nuclear bomb explosions?

(DC Superman is divided into many periods, according to the strength of strength should be divided like this, from weak to strong: Superman = Injustice Superman N52 Superman P52 Superman Extreme Little Superman Silver Superman Quantum Superman Golden Superman ~ Thinking Mechanical Superman)

Sure enough, Superman had just rushed up to fight the destruction day, and was defeated by a set of farmers' three punches ...

"Clark, are you okay?" Just a few kilometers after Superman flew, a big hand caught him ...

"It turned out to be a raven ... thank you!" Upon hearing the familiar voice, Superman turned to look at the Raven Road.

"What about that **** in Chuyang? Isn't he with you?" After looking around and not seeing Chuyang's figure, the Raven was a little weird. According to the truth, Chuyang is often inseparable from Clark ...

"I don't know, the brothers of Chuyang should still be ... don't say it, be careful! The monster is catching up!" When Raven asked Chuyang's whereabouts, Superman began to speak, but just before the end Seeing the destruction day chasing up, he quickly changed his voice.

"What?" Hearing Superman's words, the Raven turned his eyes to the front, and this look ... it was instantly lost ... apparently frightened by the cruel face of the day of destruction ...

"Raven, be careful !!!" Superman quickly reminded watching Raven's loss of mind.

Hearing Superman's reminder, the Raven reacted in an instant, but it was too late, the bone spurs of Destruction Day were about to touch her ...

Fortunately, at this moment, a divine sword flew and cut off the bone spurs of Destruction Sun. Diana, who was astonishing and amazing, fell from the sky, kicking Destruction Sun with one foot ...

"Monster, I am in the name of Hera, in the name of Gaia, and swear to cut off your head!" After catching the town demon sword, Wonder Woman sword pointed at the day of destruction, and the declaration of domineering ...

"Sister Diana, thank you! Otherwise I will be in danger ..." The Raven who escaped the disaster, looked at Diana in front of her, and could not help thanking him from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you! Now we have to go into combat, deal with this monster first ..."

"Clark, where did this monster against you come from?" Raven was curious about the origin of the monster ...

"My hometown, Xun Xing!" Superman replied after taking a deep breath.

"If I'm not mistaken, this weapon was converted by General Zod, that breath is too familiar ..." Fiora fell from the sky and stood beside Superman ...

"Yes, this is what Zode has transformed. Lexlusser used Zode's gene and his own gene to create a deformed monster in the Star Suppression: Destruction Day ..." After hearing Fiora's words, he said nothing, and then fell in front of Wonder Woman ...

"Superman, the flint spear gun, I have found it!" At this time, the father and son of Batman, holding the flint spear gun, jumped off the plane and came to Superman ...

"Good! Next,

It's time to deal with this monster! "After looking jealously at the stone spear gun, Superman smiled and said ...

"Everyone don't have to rush to kill the monster in a while, help me stop him first!" Chu Yang said that everyone was killing the monster.

"Why?" Batman and his son were puzzled. If this kind of existence that can destroy human beings has the ability to get rid of it, why keep it? Does it keep Chinese New Year?

"Yeah! Why don't you kill this monster!" Wonder Woman is as embarrassed as Superman and Raven!

What about Fiola? Is silent ...

"Because I want to subdue him!" Seeing everyone puzzled, Chu Yang's mouth could not help but raise slightly, and then rushed up first.

When everyone saw this, they were too lazy to think about it, except for Batman father and son, they rushed up ...

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