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Chapter 66: Hunt down evil spirits

   This trick is considered to be the most powerful trick that Simu has ever used! !

   The evil spirit's complexion changed drastically when he saw this. He felt a frightening aura from this sword. If this move was hit on him, he was afraid that he would end up with a utterly destructive fate! !

   So, he quickly took out a bulge to resist.

   A skull is printed on this drum, and the evil spirit is permeated.

   This drum was made from the scalp of the Taoist priest who first came to grab him. After decades of cultivation, it has become a first-class ghost weapon, and it is also his only ghost weapon.

  Ghost weapon is a magic weapon used by ghosts. It is powerful, but not every ghost can have it!

   There is Dao Fa on one side, ghost spirit on the other, and the two are evenly matched, and they are at a stalemate!

Fang Mu and Yixiu saw that the evil spirit had pulled out a ghost weapon to resist. With four eyes and one person, it might be a little difficult to hold on, so the two stood behind the four eyes, put their hands on the shoulders of the four eyes, and performed Taoism and Dharma assistance. Four eyes and one arm!

   After Fang Mu and Yixiu helped Simu, the evil spirits became hard to resist.

   Seeing this, the three of them worked together, Dao Sword broke through the barrier of the ghost, and at the same time the drum of the evil ghost was also shattered! !

   This sword is only formed by the condensing of Taoism. After all, it is not a magic weapon. After breaking through the magic weapon of the evil spirit, its power will not be stored, and it can only cause the evil spirit to be seriously injured, and it can't kill him!

   At this time, the ghost spirit on the evil ghost's body was a little loose, and there was a heartache in his eyes. His only ghost weapon was gone, and he was still seriously injured!

The evil spirit looked at Fang Mu three people with hatred, as if to devour them alive: "You are dead, and when I get well trained, I will kill you one by one, and then torture your souls!!!" said After that, he escaped.

   But during the fight, Fang Mu had already dropped a trace of energy on the evil ghost.

   This evil spirit has always wanted to eat the three of them to increase his cultivation, but Fang Mu didn't want to devour this evil spirit!

   Fang Mu said to the four eyes two people: "Master, I will go after this evil spirit, you two are here to guard to prevent him from turning back!"

Simu and Yixiu also nodded. They have seen Fang Mu's greatness now, so they are completely relieved that Fang Mu will pursue it alone, and the two of them will stay to protect these villagers. After all, this ghost is very cunning. When a little ghost breaks their trap, then other ghosts can be urged to kill the villagers.


   The ghost did not run far, Fang Mu could sense the general direction. After chasing for a kilometer, he found that the evil ghost had stopped, and Fang Mu continued to go.

   After a while, Fang Mu rushed to the hiding place of the evil spirit.

   It turns out that this is a cemetery, with a white grave head, and the cemetery is full of shadows. It's no wonder that such a century-old evil spirit will breed!

   Fang Mu had already opened his eyes before the ambush, so he could see a lot of souls wandering in this cemetery!

   Seeing the breath of strangers, these souls are also constantly approaching Fang Mu.

   Fang Mu frowned slightly, his blood trembling, and those souls scattered around as if they had seen the scorching sun, not daring to approach!

  Fang Mu followed the induction, looking at an old grave not far away, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. This was the evil spirit's lair. He thought Fang Mu could not find him, and he was hiding in the tomb.

   Fang Mu smiled slightly, and took out a Tiantian Talisman. This charm can dispel the yin in the graveyard and at the same time force out this evil spirit!

"The heavens and the earth are natural, and the filthiness is scattered; the hole is mysterious and dazzling; the eight directions make me natural; the Lingbao amulet is general to the nine days; the devil restrains his hands and guards my xuan; the filth dissipates, and the moral energy persists. Anxious Such as the law. Evil!"

   Following the burning of the yellow talisman in Fang Mu's hand, a wave of Dao Fa righteousness agitated from Fang Mu's hand, layer by layer!

   After a few breaths, the yin in the entire cemetery was dissipated, and the evil spirit also emerged from the grave!

   Fang Mu's face was shocked when he saw that, how could Fang Mu know that he was here, but he couldn't control that much.

   The devil's figure disappeared in a flash, and Fang Mu continued to chase after him.

   ran to a forest in a while. The forest was silent at this time, and even the trees beside it were lifeless, as if there was no vitality!

   Fang Mu immediately realized that he had fallen into the environment, and said with disdain: "Huh, mere illusion, what's the problem!"

   It's not that Fang Mu has never encountered an illusion, this illusion is just a bit more advanced than the previous Ghost Strike the Wall.

   "Break it for me!"

   Fang Mu's vitality was shocked, the majestic vitality instantly filled the entire space, and then the environment was shattered!

The evil spirit looked at Fang Mu with some fear in his eyes. Originally, he wanted to trap Fang Mu with the illusion and pick up the opportunity to kill Fang Mu, but the illusion did not have any effect on Fang Mu. Fang Mu could not fight him before. Under the weak, now that he is seriously injured now, he is definitely not Fang Mu's opponent!

   So he turned around to run away~www.NovelMTL.com~ Fang Mu also chased after him.

   The evil spirit found that Fang Mu could accurately find him no matter where he went. Obviously who Fang Mu had tracked down something!

   The evil spirit is stubborn, since that's the case, it's all about fighting!

   The evil spirit is not running away, so he stopped to look at Fang Mu and said, "I didn't want to kill you. Since you have been chasing me, I will only kill you!"

   Fang Mu sneered: "You know the current situation better than me. You can't run away, and you can't kill me!"

   The evil spirit waved its claws and attacked Fang Mu,

   Fang Mu did not evade, let the ghost claw scratch his body, and the ghost claw immediately collided with sparks!

   The evil ghost was shocked, and found that his ghost claws could not even break through Fang Mu's defenses. A person's body proved to be so hard! ! !

   Fang Mu said lightly: "Your moves are not for me, then it's mine!"

   Fang Mu raised his hand and punched out!

   Every time he punches the evil spirit, his ghost spirit will dissipate one point. If all of them are dissipated, it only takes one blow to destroy him! ! !

   The evil ghost saw that his ghost shield was about to be broken by Fang Mu, and he immediately resigned and begged for mercy: "Don't fight, I surrender, aren't you Taoists catching ghosts for money? I have a lot of money."

   He is a ghost. Although he doesn't need money, he saves a lot of money. Because he was a poor ghost during his lifetime, this can be regarded as satisfying his wish!

   Fang Mu remained unmoved, and continued to beat the evil spirits! !

   The evil spirit was unwilling, seized the gap between Fang Mu's hit, turned into smoke and fled to the distance!

   Fang Mu smiled faintly, a palm thunder struck out, and instantly bombarded the evil spirits, but Fang Mu grasped the intensity, otherwise the evil spirits could lose him.


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