Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 978 Big Victory (Part 2)

Large areas of ruins were emitting fireworks, a large amount of bright red blood flowed to the ground, and the high-temperature fire evaporated the blood, forming a faint red mist in the air. The flesh and blood made a sizzling sound.

Haha, I didn't expect this battle to be fought so happily!

On the territory of Ilusen Territory, a battle has just ended, and a group of people are cleaning the battlefield in a good mood. The leader is Viscount Gesso.

surrounding him. They were all warriors and priests who followed him to Tacoland. These people had also fought some victories, but this was the first time they fought under the arrangement of God Romon.

They were naturally very happy that they could achieve such good results for the first time. In this way, they could be regarded as a small achievement in front of God Romon.

Yes. I really didn't expect that this battle was fought so happily! A priest couldn't help showing a happy smile: This time, we have won a complete victory, right? On our side, there are only a few casualties, while the enemy is dead and wounded. Countless hours now, we have also obtained a large number of captives. Occupying the entire Ilusen Territory is really a joy!

Yes, my lord is really powerful. If my lord hadn't destroyed the altar, destroyed the city, killed a large number of soldiers, and killed their gods on the way, we would not have been able to go so smoothly!

Yes, all of this was brought by my lord, and my lord is indeed a true god! Under the leadership of my lord, we can definitely go further! I just don't know what's going on with the Earl of Gauhata. Because the battle here is over, some priests are starting to worry about that territory.

Everyone, please rest assured. Since the master has passed, the final victory will definitely belong to us. A crisp voice suddenly sounded behind this pastor.

Miss Raffi. Meet the talker. All the soldiers, priests, and Viscount Gesso hurriedly greeted her politely. Miss Luo Fei was someone close to God, so she had no choice but to be polite.

Don't be so polite, everyone. I came here to see if there is any need for our help. Luo Li, who was wearing a women's priest robe, came over accompanied by a few dryads. After a period of time, she gradually shed a little girl. temperament.

Although her appearance has not changed, she is still only fifteen or sixteen years old, but once her temperament changes, she looks a little more mature, and the same is true for the few dryads behind her.

Seeing their beautiful appearance, several male priests quickly lowered their heads, not daring to show any disrespect.

Haha. Ms. Luo Li, this place is too messy, how can I bother you and the ladies to help. No, it's fine to leave it to us, Viscount Gesso laughed,

Hastily said.

Although Viscount Gesso is the lord of Tacoland, he knows how fortunate this position is. When he saw Luo Fei and other dryads, he was not only very polite, but even obviously flattering.

Although Luo Fei said that he and these dryads are servants of God Romon, and their status is the same as that of the lord and priest. But judging from their acquaintance with God Romon. Their relationship with God Romon must be much more than that.

As smart as Viscount Gesso, he naturally wouldn't take Luo Fei's polite words seriously. He knew better what would happen if he had an affair with these women.

When dealing with these female priests, he is not only polite to himself, but also more demanding of his own system, and more importantly, he must treat them with respect and courtesy.

In fact, how many people around Viscount Gesso and priests of the temple are fools?

Will they fail to see that these women are unusual?

Even if it is not required. They don't ask for trouble, either.

Seeing this group of people being so polite, Luo Fei smiled, knowing that even if she insisted, the other party would not agree, and she really didn't like touching dead bodies, so she didn't insist anymore.

Miss Luo Li, is there any news from my lord? After chatting for a while, Viscount Gesso couldn't help asking.

Luo He shook his head and said: Not yet, but the master will not fight an uncertain battle, I have confidence in the master

Well, my lord is a true God, and I also have confidence in my lord. Viscount Gesuo was shocked. She didn't mean it, but he immediately scolded himself. Doesn't this mean that he lacks confidence in God Romon?

At this moment. A knight came out of the city with a company of soldiers.

Miss Luo Fei, I saw you coming in the city just now, is there any news about me? The knight said while saluting.

Knight, you just have to do your own thing. Viscount Gesso was thoughtful, but when facing the knight, he immediately looked confident. Said scoldingly.

The knight responded immediately: Yes. I said too much the city has been controlled.

Seeing the knight's affirmative answer, Viscount Gesso immediately felt relieved, smiled and said to Luo Fei and his group: The city has been controlled by our people, do you want to go into the city and have a look?

Of course, let's all go in and have a look. At this time, Bishop Hagen, who happened to rush over, smiled and said to the surrounding priests.

Bishop Hagen looked at Luo Fei: Miss Luo He, let's go and have a look together, the viscount has already controlled the situation in the city, there shouldn't be any danger

Okay, let's go in and have a look together. Luo Li nodded and said.

Luo Li wasn't too worried about the danger. Even if they didn't control the situation in the city, with her and her sisters' true strength, few people could cause them any harm.

Next, a group of people entered the largest city in Ilusen Territory, once they entered the city. I saw that the street was deserted and deserted, only groups of soldiers standing by the side of the road, imposing martial law with serious faces.

During this battle, have any citizens been subjected to special atrocities? Looking at the houses on both sides with their doors tightly closed, Bishop Hagen suddenly asked: These citizens will all be the sons of our Lord in the future. civil

Please rest assured, Bishop Hagen and Miss Luo Fei, when we attack, we have given orders and will not harm unarmed citizens.

. Viscount Gesso replied beside him.

Bishop Hagen nodded, expressing his satisfaction, and Luo Shao also nodded, and was about to say yes, when suddenly, her ears moved dexterously.

But it was her, and the ears of the dryads behind her moved deftly.

A faint cry and struggle of a woman suddenly reached their ears.

They are not human beings, they are dryads with powerful perception abilities. In terms of perception, they have many times stronger advantages than humans, and can easily capture some sounds that humans cannot hear.

The sound made them all frown at the same time.

What, Miss Luo Li, is there something wrong? Seeing that Miss Luo Li suddenly stopped beside her, Bishop Hagen and Viscount Gesso were startled.

There is indeed something wrong! Luo He said, and ran quickly to a house that had already passed. Using magic, he broke open the locked door, and then a woman with disheveled hair was being covered by two soldiers. They were talking, on the ground beside them. There were still a few people tied up. It seemed that they should all belong to this family. When they saw someone running in, the two soldiers were surprised.

They thought that what they did was covert enough, and as soon as they knew that someone was going to patrol the city, they immediately tied up the family and gagged their mouths. But it was still discovered by someone, all of a sudden. It's all stupid there.

Viscount Gesso and others who came in with Luo Li saw the situation, and their faces turned ugly, especially Viscount Gesso, whose face turned green.

Been a vagabond. He had also been a soldier, so how could he not know what the scene in front of him meant?

Whose subordinates are they? He turned his head and shouted at the few knights following him.

It's a recruit newly assigned to my team. A knight came out with the same ugly expression on his face.

Look at what they did! Check it out for me. See what's going on. Viscount Gesso said angrily, although he also knew that this was not the responsibility of the knights. These knights were all transferred knights, and these recruits were soldiers recruited by Tacoland.

After all, the time was too short, and this style of behavior was also very serious in the previous territory.

But, in the eyes of God, a good fight was fought. Originally everything was perfect like this, who knew. Right under their noses, such a thing happened!

At this time, that. The woman who was held down had been rescued by Luo Li. She pulled out the rag from her mouth, and the woman cried out immediately.

They killed my husband and children! They are not human!

After hearing this sentence. Viscount Gesso couldn't hold back anymore, he strode forward. Pulling out the long sword at once, he shouted at the two soldiers who were thrown to the ground by Luo Li: Is what she said true?

It is not. I wanted to deny it at first, but now the body is still in the room and I haven't had time to dispose of it. Besides this woman, there are a few people who haven't had time to kill and want to deny it. It didn't work either.

They came to this house because they were chasing enemy soldiers. Originally, it would be fine to kill the deserters, but when they saw the young and beautiful hostess of this house, they became evil. Anyway, there were the corpses of enemy soldiers. After the incident, kill all the people in this family. Planting it on the head of the enemy soldier, it is expected that there will be no problems. Who knows, just after killing the husband and children of the other party and tying up a few female relatives here, he was discovered by others. This is too wronged.

Seeing both, the soldier confessed to the incident. Viscount Gesso swung his long sword and was about to strike.

Unexpectedly, the concubine Hagen spoke up.

What? Not only Viscount Gesso, but Luo Li looked at Bishop Hagen in puzzlement, wondering why he stopped him.

You can't kill them like this! Bishop Hagen said lightly.

My lord has already said this before this battle. Rebels can be regarded as rebellious and killed. Besides, at any time, things that harass the people are not allowed to happen, but there are people who want to do such things thing, as it is. that's blasphemy

My Lord's way is on the ground, and this is what is needed. Come, people, tie them up, in the square. They are publicly burned at the stake, and let the fire pay for their crimes!

Hearing the burning, everyone present couldn't help shivering, and their eyes became more and more awe-inspiring.

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