Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 934 Divine Power Scroll (Part 2)

Ten minutes later, the carriage stopped at the pier of Yuanfan Port.

Sir. The port has arrived. The coachman said in front.

Oh, I see.

From the window of the car, the breath of the sea breeze can already be smelled, and Cardinal Sakavan knew that the first place to look had arrived.

After getting off the carriage, Cardinal Sakavin was not stingy, and gave the coachman a gold coin, which would definitely allow the coachman to make a small profit.

You don't need to look for it anymore, it's all you. Seeing the coachman staring at the gold coins in a daze, Cardinal Sakavin said lightly.

Thank you, sir, and may God bless you! the coachman thanked repeatedly.

After the prosperity of Teta Xiaoling and Yuanfan Port, a new industry - passenger carriages - was born.

In particular, the prosperity of Yuanfan Port has led to hundreds of passenger carriages running back and forth every day, some carrying goods and some carrying people.

Several busy lines formed.

Ordinary passenger carriages are full of loads before leaving, and those that only transport people will only be willing to move when they are loaded with at least eight people.

But even if you pack a passenger carriage, it only costs two silver coins once, and you can run back and forth three times a day. And one gold coin is worth ten silver coins.

Knowing that he met a generous rich man today, the coachman happily bowed to Cardinal Sakavan, and then hurriedly drove away in the carriage.

Even if he made a small profit by accident, today's business still needs to be done, but today he can buy some meat and go home. The coachman thought so happily that he had already thought of the laughter of his wife and son.

Yuanfan Port. His eyes immediately fell on the port in front of him. Rao had been mentally prepared for a long time. The Cardinal Sakavin from the Temple of the God of Ice and Snow still couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The wide and neat pier, densely packed boats, towering in the distance, has been built to a medium-sized mage tower, rows of warehouses and bars nearby, and dense crowds.

It's really unexpected that this guy has such an ability. It's really unusual to be able to develop a port to such a scale. After admiring, Cardinal Sakavan felt more and more that this person was a great threat to the ice and snow kingdom. up.

If only an ordinary foreign nobleman,

That's really nothing to worry about. If it's just an ordinary Druid, it's easy to deal with, but the other party is not only a powerful nobleman, but also a genius Druid who has entered the legend. With his cardinal archbishop of the God of Ice and Snow Temple Sakawen's ability. Without the help of God's power, there is no chance of winning in front of this young man.

I hope you have nothing to do with the disappearance of the ice and snow sage, otherwise, I can only kill you. Cardinal Sarkavin said secretly in his heart.

As for the incident of the little prince a few years ago, although the Ice Queen concealed the whole truth of the matter during the thorough investigation, Cardinal Sakavin still has some understanding of it, but knowing it does not mean that he wants to intervene in this matter. event.

Cardinal Sakavin didn't want to intervene in this matter. For him, he had only one mission to Tertashaw this time, and there was only one thing to investigate, that is, the matter of the ice and snow sage.

Except for this matter, other things are not important to Cardinal Sakavan.

Cardinal Sarkavin naturally knew about Romon's illustrious reputation. A young man can go to such a level and say he has no skills. That was a cold joke. Already on the way here, Cardinal Sakavin had already analyzed the strength of the enemy and us.

After analyzing the results, apart from owning a god-given scroll, which can give the opponent a fatal blow at a critical moment, other than this young man who is said to be so talented that he is enviable, he is still not enough to fight.

The most important thing is that now that the territory is so powerful and a trade union has been established, if Romon is killed, the future of the kingdom will be in great trouble, and the ensuing revenge will make one's scalp tingle.

The disappearance of the ice and snow sage has nothing to do with you. It's best, if it has something to do with you, I will have to fight you to the death. For a person like him, God's will cannot be violated. Cardinal Sarkavin of the Temple of the God of God, the task assigned by the God of Ice and Snow is a mission that he will use his life to complete. This time, even if he will lose his life, as a servant of God, he must Do your best to complete the tasks assigned by God.

According to the previous plan of the Cardinal Archbishop Sakavin, he wanted to find out the situation in Yuanfan Port City and its surroundings, and then choose a suitable opportunity to have a face-to-face conversation and confrontation with Romon.

What he never thought of was. This opportunity came so fast.

When Cardinal Sakavin looked away from the mage tower in the distance, a person on the path not far away suddenly caught his attention.

This is a young man who looks twenty-five years old. The robe on his body is the robe of an ordinary druid professional, and the color is darker.

It looks similar to an ordinary low-level druid, but from this person, Cardinal Sakavin felt a very terrifying power.

A force like the sea hovered over him.

Outside the city of Yuanfan Port City, there is a young Druid who possesses a power stronger than himself. In this area, it seems that there is no other person who meets the above conditions except for this person. ?

...It's him? Cardinal Sarkavin's eyes narrowed immediately.

Although the identity of this person cannot be fully judged, Cardinal Sarkavin's gaze has already locked on the other party and will not move away.

At the same time, Luo Meng, who was walking on the path of Yuanfan Harbor, suddenly had a feeling. Looking up, I saw an old man standing about less than a kilometer away from me, staring at me.

who is this

With Romon's current strength, he naturally quickly judged the identity of this person: this is a priest, and a very high-level priest!

Could it be...he was sent by the Church of the Lord of Glory? Thinking of this, Romon's gaze at this person became deeper.

The gazes of the two collided in the air, as if sparks were about to fly in all directions.

The distance between the two is also gradually narrowing.

Who are you? When between two people. When the distance was only more than ten meters away, Romon asked first.

It doesn't matter who I am, what I want to ask is, who are you? Cardinal Sakavin of the Temple of the God of Ice and Snow asked rhetorically.

Luo Meng smiled lightly, and didn't hide it: I am the owner of this place. If there are distinguished guests here, do you always introduce yourself first?

So, you are the Earl of Tetashaw? Hearing Romon's answer, Cardinal Sarkavin's heart trembled, and he asked seriously.

To be honest, he really didn't expect his luck to be so good. He ran into Earl Tetashaw within half an hour after entering the city. What was even more lucky was that there was no one by Romon's side at this time. A rare opportunity.

No matter whether it is questioning or fighting, he will not be disturbed by others. Even if someone hears the sound and arrives, he will definitely be able to launch the final attack one step earlier.

Cardinal Sarkavin's eyes were locked on Romon's body, not letting go of Romon's slightest reaction.

Hearing the other party say his name, Romon frowned slightly. The other party's tone did not sound too polite. It seems that there is a great possibility that it is an enemy rather than a friend.

I'm Earl Tetashaw. Romon's tone also cooled down: Tell me who you are, I never deal with people who dare not reveal their identity.

Although the opponent's priest level is quite high, it is only around level sixteen.

Romon wasn't afraid of this at all, and was even sure of killing it.

Legendary power, how can he compete?

With this slight anger, the back of Cardinal Sarkavin was immediately covered with cold sweat.

To his shock, in his mental vision, the man was just pissed off. All the elements within a hundred meters around shook.

At this moment, they were given a mission, part of them cheered and supported this man, and part of them were angry at themselves, interfering with their own energy operation.

Just a slight anger triggered a tide of elements in this area, forming a semi-domain area?

Such a powerful legend is simply too powerful.

It's not that Cardinal Sakavin has never seen legends, but none of them seem to be as terrifying as the man in front of him.

Such a superb elemental affinity!

Cardinal Sakavin didn't intend to hide it at this time, the opponent's strength was too terrifying.

When talking about his purpose this time, Cardinal Sarkawen's tone was very calm: I am Cardinal Sakavin of the Temple of the God of Ice and Snow. I am here this time to ask you to ask someone. This person, you should Yes, he is a legend of the Ice and Snow Kingdom, the Ice and Snow Sage who lives in the Ice and Snow World—you are no stranger to him, right?

God of Ice and Snow? Upon hearing this name, Romon secretly said badly.

At this time, it had been a long time since he killed the Ice and Snow Sage, but according to the information, the other party should have noticed something was wrong.

It seems that the fact that I killed the Ice and Snow Sage has been exposed. The tone and demeanor of Cardinal Sakavin gave Romon an illusion, making him mistakenly think that he killed the Ice and Snow Sage The matter has been known by the other party.

In fact, Romon wasn't afraid to admit this matter, anyway, he had already fallen out with the Ice and Snow Kingdom, and if there was one more thing or one less thing, it would at most intensify the conflict, and it wouldn't affect much.

The person in front of him is the Cardinal Sakavin of the God of Ice and Snow Temple, but through the estimation of his strength, Romon felt that he could kill him.

Therefore, Romon simply admitted.

Yes, of course I know him. I killed him. Romon smiled and told the truth: However, he came here to kill me. Can't I kill him?

Before, I endured the repeated provocations of the Ice and Snow Kingdom, but the distance is too far away, and I am not qualified to challenge a kingdom, but I did not expect to come here many times... I have solved you this time, I really want to go back Talk to the queen of your country about this issue.

As Romon said with a sneer, a trace of killing intent emerged.

Although there was already a faint guess in his heart, Cardinal Sakavin was a little shocked by Romon's acknowledgment of this matter.

A legend, a veteran legend who has practiced for so many years, was killed by a guy like this?

At that time, this guy hadn't entered the legend yet, right?

Under such circumstances, how could he actually kill a veteran legend?

Is it true that the other party has divinity?

Cardinal Sarkavin was inexplicably surprised, but this emotion only lasted for a moment, and soon he adjusted himself to a fighting state!

The stronger the opponent is, the less trouble can be left behind.

In this case, then we must have a battle! Cardinal Sarkavin pointed at Romon with one hand, and a lightning bolt was suddenly fired from the fingertip, which is a type of instant attack spell.

Naturally, Romon wouldn't be hit so easily, and quickly dodged. He sneered with disdain and said, That's all?

Hmph, wait for my spell! Archbishop Sakavin said sarcastically.

The battle that followed was short and intense.

It's short because, apart from the initial blow, Cardinal Sakavin never used his own power to launch an attack.

It was said to be intense because, afterward, Cardinal Sarkavin used the god-given scroll.

Go to hell! said Cardinal Sakavan.

He never thought about fighting with his own spells. The first blow only paralyzed Romon, buying time to cast the scroll of divine power.

For this kind of person, it is simply stupid to use spells to fight first, and then use the scroll of divine power after being beaten into a mess!

The only way to do it is to deliver a fatal blow immediately.

Sure enough, the scroll was thrown into the air, and unfolded in the air extremely quickly.

An extremely powerful force spewed out from the scroll.

As soon as the scroll appeared, a pair of eyes appeared in the sky. These eyes carried incredible power. Just staring at them, Romon felt his heart sink.

The whole world seems to fade away, and the wind and snow appear out of nothing. This is a prison of ice and snow.

The sight of ice, the supernatural power attached to the scroll, all the existences that catch the sight will experience cold and fear, and accept the actual imprisonment. For the existence below the sixteenth level, the sight alone is enough to take their lives.

Romon roared angrily, and a powerful domain had already begun.

A green halo emerged and immediately met the line of sight.

This line of sight can't last forever, Romon clearly understood.

But this scroll was originally intended to imprison it for a while. In an instant, the scroll exploded, and a huge black hole suddenly appeared!

Before Romon could react, the black hole suddenly released a strong suction force, rolling him up all at once.

The moment he was sucked into the black hole, Romon caught a glimpse of the sneer of Cardinal Sakavin. (!)

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