Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 928: Failure (Part 2)

Salant City

sky. A cloud suddenly covered the sun, and the bright sunshine suddenly dimmed.

Inside Haboba's mansion, an attendant suddenly walked in hastily from outside.

He quickly came to the door of the study where Lord Haboba was. He knocked on the door lightly for a few times, and after seeing no one answered, he called out loudly: Lord Lord!

Oh? What's the matter? The door was opened suddenly, and Haboba had already appeared at the door.

How is the situation? Is there any news about the battle ahead? Haboba asked immediately after letting this person into the study.

Just now, in the lord's study, Haboba couldn't sit still at all, he kept walking around the room.

In the first half of the war, he participated in the command, and later captured 10,000 people. In order to arrange these people, he came back, but after returning, all of a sudden, the news was cut off.

This gave him an ominous premonition.

See someone reporting the situation at this time. He thought he was here to report the battle ahead, so he became more and more anxious.

The attendant who came in saw that Haboba's face was a little discolored, and the question he asked was completely different from what he wanted to report. The attendant's heart suddenly jumped, and he was shocked, knowing that his behavior had misunderstood the lord. He hurriedly lowered his head and replied respectfully: My lord, I am here to report for Mrs. Sihari. She wants to see you...

Mrs. Sihari is a friend of Haboba. She used to be a noble lady, and her relationship with Haboba was somewhat ambiguous, and she used to come here often.

Normally, Haboba would be very happy when he heard the news that the other party came to see him, but now, he has other things in his mind. When he heard that the attendant reported that it was this matter, Haboba suddenly A little angry.

What a bastard! couldn't help cursing in a low voice, Haboba immediately waved his hand with an ugly face: Go and tell her, I don't have time to see her now, let's talk about it later!

Yes! Seeing that the lord was so depressed and his face was so ugly, the attendant didn't dare to say anything, and immediately retreated from the study. I ran to reply to the lady.

In the study, Haboba's mood has gotten worse.

If there is no news all this time,

His anger can still be suppressed, but now, with the ups and downs, he has already felt a feeling of being fooled. At this moment, Haboba is like a barrel that has been half ignited. Explosives will explode anytime.

Damn it, why didn't any of the people who sent out come back? Why didn't there be any news from the temple? Or, I'll go to the temple right now and ask! Thinking this way, Haboba's His face was gloomy and terrifying.

What he was worried about was the battle ahead.

Just a few days ago, his territory sent soldiers, as well as the dragon lord, to conquer other territories.

In the beginning, news of some small victories would continue to come back, a few days ago. I don't know what happened, the front team and the territory suddenly lost contact. After this situation lasted for a few days, Haboba began to get nervous.

Okay, that's it. I'll go to the temple to inquire now to see if they have received the news. If they haven't received the news, it means that something really happened. Haboba thought like this, Just want to go out.

However, after walking a few steps, he stopped again.

Forget it, let's not go to the temple. If there is any news, they will come to tell me... If there is no news, maybe it is good news. Haboba could only think like this.

Immediately, he sat down at the table and poured himself a glass of water.

After gulping down the water, Haboba's mood somewhat calmed down.

Just at this time, the announcement sounded again outside the door. It was the same attendant just now.

The fire of ignorance that had been suppressed suddenly sprang up again.

Didn't I tell you just now? Let her go! I don't have time to see her now! Haboba slammed the door, and walked out, talking in a drink.

However, as soon as the words came out. Haboba's expression froze immediately.

It turned out that this time, besides the attendant from just now, there was another person behind that attendant.

The person Haboba was about to meet was the priest Choate who was staying in the temple. This was a fourth-level priest who was highly valued. He was known as one of the most promising priests to enter the fifth level.

Why, don't you welcome me? Seeing Haboba froze there, Pastor Choate smiled and said.

No, no, why don't you welcome me, I didn't expect you to come this time! Haboba, who was stunned, hurriedly invited inside: Please come in quickly, Pastor Choate, I was thinking of the temple just now!

Then, he said to the attendant, Go down first.

Yes. The attendant secretly wiped his sweat and went down.

Fortunately, it was Pastor Choate who came this time, otherwise, he would have been miserable.

Haboba had let Pastor Choate into the room. Pastor Choate who walked in couldn't help asking: Is it because there are more people looking for the Earl these days? Otherwise, why is the Earl so angry?

Pastor Choate, you are joking. In fact, not many people came to see me. It was just when I was depressed and I was disturbed by someone. When you came, I thought it was the same person, and I was a little annoyed. If I had known it was Pastor Choate is here, and I will definitely send someone to greet him, how could he be so rude? Haboba explained.

The other party is a level 4 priest and is likely to enter level 5. Even as a lord, he still maintains a certain amount of respect.

Pastor Choate smiled, seeing that Haboba looked a bit haggard, so he asked, My lord, are you worried about the war?

Exactly! I don't know if Pastor Choate came to see me this time because there is already some news? Haboba said hastily: The news on the battlefield has been cut off for two days.

Pastor Choate shook his head and said with a sigh: On the contrary, I haven't heard any news in the past two days. I thought of asking you here. It turns out that you are the same way.

Oh! The two sighed at the same time.

In other words, such a situation is really rare. The teams sent out in the past always fought smoothly, but this time, a different situation happened. They felt a little worried for a while. .

I have long been used to constantly hearing the news of victory from the front, and this time the news suddenly disappeared, which is really a depressing thing.

Pastor Choate, do you think this incident happened unexpectedly? Haboba thought for a while, and then he simply expressed his thoughts: This time, the battle went smoothly at the beginning. However, a few days ago, there was no news suddenly. Could it be... our team, what happened?

I think the same way. If our team doesn't encounter any special incidents, even if they don't win, they can still do it by reporting the news every day. However, in the past two days, they and our team The connection has been completely cut off, I am really worried! Pastor Choate, who had always been calm in the world, couldn't help showing a look of worry at this moment.

However, it is also possible that we are worrying too much. You know, under the glory of our Lord, we have always been invincible, and this time will be no exception! Seeing Pastor Choate's expression of worry, Haboba Instead, he laughed and said.

Looking at Haboba, Pastor Choate nodded and said, Maybe what you said is right, we are too worried.

Standing up, Pastor Choate said, I still have something to do. I'll go back first. I'll let you know as soon as I have news.

Well, I have news from here, and I will notify Pastor Choate immediately. Haboba stood up, walked to the door, and said.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Pastor Choate stopped Haboba from sending it out, saying: Let's send it here, I don't dare the lord to treat it like this!

After speaking, he walked out.

Several church attendants waiting outside the second gate protected Pastor Choate to go outside.

After walking out of the lord's mansion, Pastor Choate sighed softly.

Maybe it was a premonition, he always felt that this battle cast a lot of shadows.

If this battle really fails, one can imagine what will happen in the territory of God Romon!

The territory that has just been consolidated, is afraid that there will be some turmoil again.

That was why Reverend Choate was so worried, and he wouldn't be so worried if only because of the loss of some people.

What he was worried about was whether the hearts of the people in the territory would be shaken if news of the failure really came out.

It's not good, Pastor Choate, there is news from the front that our army has suffered heavy losses!

However, the more he was afraid of any news, the more news would come. Just after Pastor Choate returned to the temple, someone reported such news to him.

Our army suffered heavy losses?

After hearing the news, although Pastor Choate had already prepared himself mentally, his body trembled and his heart sank.

What's going on?

Our army failed to lead in Joel, and five evil gods appeared on the other side, as well as part of the army, leading to our army's defeat!

In the port city, it was Bishop Kanrongpa who delivered the news, and he issued a new order to you to let the church make preparations in advance.

Hearing that Bishop Kanrongpa was safe and sound, Pastor Choate breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Bishop Kanrongpa is fine, the situation in the territory and the church will not deteriorate too much.

However, when he read the new order, he couldn't help but change slightly.

Lead the snake out? Pastor Choate murmured in a low voice, waved the order to burn, and then looked outside, thoughtfully. (!)

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