Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 905 Expansion (Part 1)

In July, summer has come, and a message is circulating in the nearby coastal territories. ~~Dream~~ Have you heard? The Red Skull Pirates were wiped out by Lord Romon's fleet.

Yes, there's been a public trial, and the rest of the pirates have been hanged, and it's a joy!

I heard that Lord Romon distributed some of the seized goods to the lost chamber of commerce. This is really fair and generous. It is said that many merchants cried bitterly and expressed their gratitude.

Hmph, during the trial, these pirates also revealed three merchants that accepted pirates' dirty goods.

I heard that these merchants... have the background of the Radiant Church!

Shh, you dare to say that, don't you want to live?

Ignoring all the discussions, construction is going on in Romon's territory.

This project is huge! Fafer, who came to inspect the almost constant sports team, said with emotion.

Romon, Faffel, and Nick were walking side by side on the open space on the pier, which had almost turned into a place where materials were piled up. It looked a little strange. Romon had a serious expression, Faffel had a hint of excitement, and Nick was a little bit bitter. a face.

Yeah, can this project be small? The height of the pile of gold coins spent will definitely make people exclaim like you. Seeing that Farfell was so excited, Nick said a little depressed.

Hey, I said Nick, why do you always look so sad? Farfell patted Nick on the shoulder. Expanding the Mage Tower is a good thing. Don't be so depressed. You have to believe that the gold coins spent today will one day come back with several times or even dozens of times.

I hope so. Nick nodded and said.

In fact, he also knew that this mage tower was very important and had very important military significance, but when he thought of the astronomical amount allocated, Nick felt a little bit pained.

He didn't know that Romon had a huge amount of wealth, and he didn't know that there were three new projects to invest in.

Nick, who manages many matters in the territory, is meticulous in everything and does not dare to spend a penny on things that should not be used. He can be said to have handled the matter of public funds perfectly.

Although the territory has some money recently, but last year's Cold War, trade also suffered a lot, so it can't be spent like this.

The officials he trained,

All of them have inherited his glorious tradition, and all of them are careful planning!

Without talking to the two of them, Romon had already stopped, and began to carefully look at the half-expanded Mage Tower. He had a faint smile on his face, and was quite satisfied with the progress of the project. It's not bad. This project will be completed in a while. The person in charge is efficient. Romon praised casually. At this time, the wind blew up on the flat ground, because this is where materials are piled up, and the sand and soil suddenly flew up.

The three walked out with difficulty, and when they walked back to the carriage, except for Romon, who was still spotless, the two of them had already become ashamed. My lord, I'm jealous of you. After wiping his face, Farfell said in a muffled voice. Me too. Then Nick also spoke.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the two good friends, Romon tried not to laugh, and even comforted them: It's all right, just go back and take a shower. Apart from this, is there any other way?

Farfell and Nick thought helplessly.

However, apart from being helpless, they have nothing to complain about. Who made Romon a great druid? There is no way. Druids have such innate advantages in the natural world. Who made him a guardian of nature?

After getting into the car, the three of them sat in the spacious compartment, having nothing to do, and continued to discuss the mage tower.

After the mage tower is built, is the power and scope several times stronger than before? As the manager of the city's city defense army, Farfer is usually responsible for the safety and security of the city. is attention.

Romon recalled the relevant information, and said: At least it will be more than double. Moreover, after expanding into an intermediate mage tower, the level of mages that can be cultivated will also be adjusted upwards.

Which level will it be? Nick also became concerned.

About tenth level, the intermediate mage tower should be able to train tenth level mages. Luo Rong said with certainty. Tenth-level mage? This level is really not low. Hearing this answer, Nick nodded. The pain in the flesh and the pain finally eased a lot. But my lord, I want to tell you something. Farfell said suddenly. Romon smiled: If you have anything to say, just say it. It's about the Mage Tower? No, it's not about the Mage Tower. However, this matter is also very important for the defense of the territory. Farfell said with.

Navy? Romon immediately understood what the other party wanted to say. However, this didn't seem to be something he should care about. But after thinking about it, in this world, the division of classes is not so strict. Besides, Fair is a nobleman. It's a friend again, and it's perfectly fine to say some suggestions!

Yes, my lord. Seeing that Romon had already guessed the answer, Farfell simply said all his thoughts: Our navy was once very powerful, but in the battle between humans and elves During the battle, you contributed to the Temple of the Goddess of the Earth, and the fleet commanded by the Temple of the Goddess of the Earth was wiped out on the battlefield. Although the temple later gave you a lot of compensation, a naval fleet is not just gold coins It can be trained. We only have three warships now, and although the size and function of the warships are much stronger than the previous fleet, there are still too few holy ships.

Speaking of this, Farfell sighed: Although I am not mainly in charge of the sea, after all, the overall defense of the territory is still under my control. I can't just look at such a big loophole and ignore it. , is very detrimental to the defense of the territory. After hearing this, Romon patted Farfell on the shoulder.

Actually, I have also thought about the matter you mentioned, but I have been busy with other things before and postponed it. How about this, start preparing for the new ship immediately, and when the new battleship is built, we will Really train the new navy, what do you think?

Well, okay, but the size of the new battleship... Gu Feier thought for a while, and said: At least, it should not be worse than the previous three ships. Now, we can't just ask for the number. There are too many warships. It doesn't make much sense, it's better to control the quantity within an acceptable range, and focus on improving the quality of warships and the combat effectiveness of the navy.

I agree with Farfell. Last time, we created the Fifth Fleet because of its size, so we had to give up in the end to avoid trouble. Now, although our strength has been greatly improved compared to before , but you are a new nobleman after all, and your foundation is not as good as those old noble families. When those ancient noble families first established their businesses, they all sought stability and a solid foundation. Collapsing in the wind and seeking stability step by step is the way to start a career. After listening to Farfell's analysis, Nick immediately agreed.

Luo Meng naturally understood the words of two good friends. He nodded: Then, let's build two more warships. Five warships, if trained properly, can be used against five or ten. Exaggerated, but not too far off.

However, in Romon's mind, he didn't just build two warships, he planned to maintain the launching speed of two warships a year until he had ten warships. As for the issue of foundation and identity, since he became a legend, there is no obstacle.

In this way, on a beautiful morning, in a spacious carriage, the three giants of Tetashaw made a very important decision for the settlement and defense of the territory. In the next few days, Romon would go to the pier every day to watch the expansion process of the mage tower.

It has to be said that the officials trained by Tertashaw are still qualified, and with the lord's supervision, the progress is quite fast.

On this day, Romon came to watch again, but this time, he brought a person with him.

It was Sirode who was brought back by him.

After dealing with this matter, he hid for a while, and then he was able to move around.

Yun Ren is only the boatswain now, but with his talent, as long as Romon doesn't deliberately suppress him, he can rise very quickly.

This time, they happened to meet, and Romon watched it together.

Sirod, what do you think of this mage tower? Romon asked with a smile when he saw that Syrod was looking in the direction of the mage tower.

It's very practical. If it wasn't because of this mage tower, maybe the Red Skull Pirates wouldn't have been known to the people in the port so easily? Sirold said.

Well, you are right. This mage tower is very important and practical. To make it more practical, it is worth spending any amount of gold coins to expand it. Romon said with a smile: Now, we To make it more practical.

You are really different from ordinary nobles. Sensing a certain aura from Romon, Sirode turned around, and couldn't help but shift his gaze from the mage tower to Romon. To be honest, although I have seen many nobles with wisdom, it is a compliment to be able to take money seriously, but Romon shook his head and did not speak. First of all, he does not seem to value money. Doesn't he himself Like it?

He doesn't take it lightly, it's because the wealth he owns is enough for him to do some things, and the part he spends is a very small part at all, so he is so confident. Secondly, no matter how smart this guy is, he is still a low-level person with limited vision. Expanding the mage tower, many people have this wealth, but why not do it? It's because of the royal family and the mage union. Neither the royal family nor the mage union allowed nobles to build and expand mage towers at will. Romon also became a legend, so he did this. I'm not as detached as you think. I do this only because it can bring me more benefits, several times or even ten times, dozens of times. Why not do such a profitable business Woolen cloth? Sirod nodded after listening, his current master is an ambitious man, which is enough

Okay, today is the day when the battleship is launched first. Let's go there first. After a while, other people will also come over. Shakat is the commander-in-chief of the battleship. You will help him in the future. You should communicate more. Romon said as he led Sirode far away.

Shakat is a qualified governor, and Sirod is a qualified think tank. If he and Shakat can cooperate well, then this new fleet will definitely become very powerful. Of course, this will have to wait for Sirold to climb up from the position of bosun first.

After a while, they came to the stands, and sure enough, someone had already come over. Shakat also came, and Romon asked him to share experiences with Sirod. Romon walked to Nick and Farfell by himself, and began to speak in a low voice.

After a while, two new battleships with extremely high quality and scale were launched into the water under the watchful eyes of everyone. Since then, the navy's warships have expanded from three to five.

Due to the adoption of a new type of warship design, these five warships are not inferior to the previous fifteen, and Romon's naval power is organized again.

Wan Sheng! Seeing this scene, many people cheered.

Almost at the same time, a mage entered a mage tower.

The mage hurried across the corridor to a room at the end of a passage.

The mage stepped forward and knocked lightly on the door, and a male voice came from inside: Come in.

Pushing open the door, the mage lowered his head, took out an envelope with body temperature, and held it in both hands.

What's the matter? The male voice didn't answer, but just asked.

The mage raised his head, and in the bright room illuminated by the magic lamp, a mage Fengnian was crouching at his desk reviewing documents without even hanging his head.

But the mage didn't dare to be negligent, and replied respectfully: Master Luxidi, this is the message from the mage tower in Aps City.

Oh? You dismantled it, read it to me! Rushdie, who was annotating the document, continued.

Yes, Master Rushdie.

Only then did the mage tore it open, took out the letterhead inside, and read it.

What? Yuanfan Port expanded the Mage Tower without asking for approval from the Mage Union?

Hearing the news, Rushdie rarely raised his head, thoughtful.

Any other news?

It is said that at the same time, two warships were launched in Tertashaw.

Earl Tetashaw, is it very high-profile recently? The nineteenth-level druid, the patron of Isidis, the president of the new druid guild... Really interesting. Lu Xidi murmured. ...Your Excellency, what instructions do you have? Seeing that Luxidi was still silent, the mage asked, Well, what is the scale of the expansion of the mage tower? According to the on-site inspection, it is a medium-sized mage tower! Medium-sized mage tower Is it a tower? It's really interesting... Let's put it aside for now. Rushdie said calmly, lowered his head again, and began to process the documents. Your Excellency? the mage couldn't help being surprised.

Prohibiting nobles from privately building mage towers above medium size is some unspoken rule of the mage union. Why is this reaction now? Do you have any doubts about my order? Lu Xidi raised his head again, and asked coldly, No, of course not, I will pass on your order! The mage was startled, and immediately lowered his voice.

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