Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 905 Attack (Part 1)

Going out from the door in April belongs to the late spring sunshine

The external passage of the magic tower is paved with bluestone slabs. The trees on both sides are dense. The morning sunlight penetrates through the layers of branches and projects to the ground, which is colorful. However, the long corridor of the mage tower is indeed very It was deserted, and there was no one in sight for a long time. (.)

Occasionally, there will be a few people appearing at the far corner. These people are busy people walking in a hurry, and they don't even look up.

Standing at the corner of the stairs on the top floor, Romon silently looked at the winding stairs below, with a kind of indifference in his eyes that made it impossible to discern what kind of emotion it was. Step back into the corridor and walk towards the gazebo.

There, the wind blew gently, and beside the half-opened transparent window, the curtain of the same transparent color swayed gently. Romon walked over and stood there.

There, there was another person who came earlier than him. Seeing someone walking beside him, Farfell, who was standing here earlier, turned his head and looked at Rosso. My lord, I heard that you are coming, so I came up to have a look.

Luo Suo smiled faintly, and looked from the transparent Zan to the endless blue in the distance: How about it, how do you feel about this inspection of the port defense? Tell me.

Basically, I am satisfied. The defense of the port is still in place. Although some newly recruited soldiers have not been trained well, it is still no problem to obey orders to fight. Farfell shrugged and said: As for the navy, this is Regarding the matter of Commander Shakat and Commander Pique, but I heard that the situation is not bad. Three warships have been launched, and because of the backbone, they quickly formed combat effectiveness. A few days ago, the soldiers who can obey orders to fight are indeed enough Yes, the future Kui...should still have time. Romond thought and said.

Farfell looked at Romon at the side, he had already seen the scruples in Romon's heart, and asked, Is it the pirates haunting you that bothers you a little?

You must know that Tertashaw has spared no effort in eradicating pirates, and has always been relentless in his attitude towards pirates.

Some time ago, among the Pishi Chamber of Commerce that was attacked, there were also two small chambers of commerce from Tetashaw. They were attacked by a group of mysterious pirates at sea, and none of them survived. All the wealth they brought, They were also looted by pirates, and this incident caused panic in Tetashaw's collar.

Some chambers of commerce that originally wanted to trade with the elves shrank back at once.

Some chambers of commerce that do not intend to trade with the elves but rely on maritime trade for a living also refrained from going to sea again.

After all, compared to earning a living,

Which is more important, as long as a smart person will know how to choose.

Yeah, the profession of pirates has been repeatedly banned. Although the pirates who came out a while ago mainly target those merchant ships, no one knows what their ultimate goal is and how ambitious they are. We must do well. Defense work, the expansion of Yuanfan Port City has just been completed, and it is a period of development. We must not allow any external forces to destroy the development plan we set. The royal family cannot, the Church of the Lord of Glory cannot, elves cannot, pirates Also not possible! Having said that, Romon looked at the boundless blue in the distance and sneered. The beautiful sea has infinite wealth. Wealth always brings bloody incidents. It is not only human greed and ambition, but also to obtain resources and space. Any species living in this world cannot Avoid this kind of essence, but the interests are different, the positions are different, and the means of choice are also different. My lord, what you said...is a bit profound.

Farfell scratched his head, sighed and said, What exactly do you want to talk about? Not satisfied with life?

No, I just suddenly felt that our lives and lives are very interesting. Romon smiled lightly, looked at the sea, and suddenly had an epiphany, and said with a smile: Look, the sea that caught our eyes , everywhere is the color of blue, this color, under the reflection of the sun, is really beautiful.

But maybe these are just illusions that our naked eyes see. Maybe it shouldn't be blue, but our eyes see it is blue, so we stubbornly think that it is blue.

Isn't life like this? We think that an inherent way of life is right, so we pass it down from generation to generation, and the younger generations continue to live like this.

Constantly eating, drinking, sleeping, constantly fighting, constantly killing, and constantly wandering in a small world, this kind of greedy life may feel very interesting, but if it is always like this, it will make you People are tired.

Sometimes, I am really tired of this kind of continuous killing between races, but as a human being, as a lord of a place, I must fulfill my own responsibility, and the battle must be carried out. I've been thinking, if one day, there is a person who has a power so powerful that even gods fear, can he change the whole world?

Possess a power so powerful that even gods fear it? Change the whole world? Farfell was a little tongue-tied, he looked at Romon for a while, and then asked: Couldn't this be your goal?

This time, Romon actually imitated Farfell's previous actions, shrugged his shoulders, and smiled: Don't worry, at least this is not my current goal. What is your current goal? Kill a few more pirates, or Expand more territories? Farfell asked. Neither, it's not my responsibility to exterminate the pirates. Let these new pirates fight the elves. As for expanding the territory, how do we expand it now? This kingdom has reached its peak, and if we really want to expand, we must The limited land abroad is of little significance.”

My goal now is to have a good rest without any worries, to spend time with my wife and children, to drink, to listen to music, to watch plays, and to continue to relax! Romon said with a look of satisfaction and anticipation. Cut! My lord, haven't you been living like this all the time? At this moment, Farfell really couldn't help despising Romon. It seems that the people who have been acting as cows and horses in the territory are me and Nick Shiba? Faffel said with some grief and indignation.

Haha! Why are you so serious? I am an ideal, do you understand? Regardless of whether it is realized or not, this is my ideal in life! Being accused by Farfell, Romon, who has always been thick-skinned, also endured Couldn't stop turning a little red. By the way, Pharfell, I've thought about the matter of pirates carefully, and I feel a little suspicious. After laughing for a while, Romon resumed his serious appearance and said. Suspicious points? Tell me. Farfell made a gesture of listening attentively. First of all, the timing of this pirate's appearance is very suspicious. Luo Meng faced the direction of the sea, and there was a kind of coldness in his voice. In the past, there were indeed pirates, but after the pirate king Vardenwen turned to the elves and became king, pirate activities have decreased a lot, and his strength has dropped significantly compared to before.

This is because the Pirate King has already taken away most of his strength. Pirates, like everything else, have a development process. It will take at least twenty years for pirates to return to their original state.

Before the trade between elves and humans, the situation at sea was relatively calm. Although there were some small groups of pirates active, they were very weak. Basically, they did not dare to attract these medium and large caravans. Those who dared to go out to sea and trade with elves The caravans here all have a certain strength, and this kind of strength has already far surpassed those pirates.

Besides, there is the existence of the elf fleet. It is impossible for these original pirates to take the initiative to touch the heads of the elves. If this mysterious pirate existed before, why haven't we heard of it? They seem to be out of thin air. After the elves traded with humans, the news that they attacked merchants came, don’t you think it’s suspicious?”

Hearing what Romon said, Zhu Feier also quickly thought of the problem, and his face changed suddenly: You mean, this pirate team was created for elves?

Well, the second doubt is that unless it is an experienced pirate team, it is impossible to make those big cases. However, this is related to the previous problem. A team that has never had a reputation before has never been accepted Why does the known pirate group have such strong strength and rich experience? I heard that their equipment is also very good. How can such a pirate team not be surprising?

After hearing this, Farfer nodded again and again: You are right. These two doubts are indeed suspicious. From what you said, it seems that this pirate team has many mysteries.

Romon said indifferently: Although I don't know the origin of the Adverse Pirates, I already have a feeling... I feel that they are not real pirates. The reason why they attacked merchant ships may be There is a side of asking for money, but the main purpose is very likely to destroy the trade between the elves and humans. These guys! Hearing this, Zhu Feier couldn't help it anymore, and whispered He spat.

Romon's expression on the side was indifferent, but Guffel was still muttering: Although I don't like the race of elves very much, in order to hit the elves' economy and stop the trade between elves and humans, I pretended to be pirates to hurt those elves. Merchant, this is really too much, right? Their behavior like this is actually no better than the behavior of the elves before, right? At least, until they reach their day, they will continue to play the role of pirates. Roman said lightly.

Then what should we do? Jie Shangfeier asked: If they are disguised by a certain force, how should we treat them when they come to us? Hearing Fafeier's question, Romon endured He couldn't help laughing, he was laughing at Farfell's brain. If some pirates ran to Yuanfan Port, what do you think we should do? What should we do? Let's do it?

You mean, we don't care who they are. Since they are pirates now, they deserve the beatings, right? Farfell slapped himself on the forehead and said suddenly. Romon nodded, and looked towards the sea again, with a slight mockery in his smile.

No matter what kind of power they belong to, those who rely on this method to achieve their dreams are somewhat inferior. Once the truth is known, these people will not only not get the honor they deserve, but will be punished. The world scolds. After saying this, Romon remained silent. In fact, he didn't say anything, that is, he had already determined the candidate. It is the Church of Radiance.

I just want to know, when this group of new pirates kills and plunders the caravans that trade with elves and obtains a lot of wealth, will they expand it? If not, the power of the Church of Radiance is indeed admirable , if so, then it’s just an ordinary church!” Romon shrugged his shoulders, thinking to himself, but didn’t say this sentence. By the way, I heard that there have been many duels among druids recently? Farfell asked, changing the subject.

Speaking of this, Romon frowned: Yes, there have been more than a dozen of them, and at least seven of us have died. This is a duel against our trade union under the pretext of disagreement. Then what should we do? Refuse to duel? Farfell frowned and asked. Duel is an ancient tradition of druids. Generally, there are irreparable differences among druids. If no one can convince anyone, then a duel will be held. Duel must be under the oak tree, sign a contract, come Decide who is right and who is wrong!

Any duel within a professional has its own unique way of expression, and a professional like a druid is no exception. And their duels all chose to be held under the sacred oak tree.

The oak tree has a beautiful tree shape, a tower-shaped crown, and a height of more than 20 meters. The growth rate is neither fast nor slow. Unique leaf shape, bright red for young leaves, dark green for mature leaves, glossy, strong survivability, strong stress resistance, resistance to dryness, high temperature and water humidity, strong wind resistance, and good drainage. can also grow in.

Romon has not personally experienced this kind of ceremony, but he knows about the significance of the oak tree to druids, and has witnessed it once.

The two sides came to a leafy oak tree, touched the bark of the tree, and gradually revealed green scarves on their hands.

Like a tree is a symbol of our Druids, possessing magical powers. When a Druid infuses a tree into a tree according to the ancient contract, it is not only our strength, but even our soul. Once this duel is signed, There is no way to escape, because those who escape will lose all natural power, and this is an endless battle. But someone took advantage of this. Farfell nodded.

Yes, we used the excuse of the conflict between the old and new Druids to start a duel. Since the opponent is targeted, we often lose more. This is actually a kind of war! Having said that, Romon sneered, his face a little bit blue. Then what to do?

What can I do? They will use it, and so will I! Romon said with a sneer, I remembered my tree-like stunt.

For a duel, the challenged party can choose the location, so choose the party with your own tree! Like a tree will support its own people, although this support is very weak, but it is enough.

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