Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 900 Killing Intent (Part 2)

The window of the study room was opened with a big gap, and a gust of wind swayed in through the gap. They were like invisible elves, playing around in the room. , Blowing up the curtain in front of the window again, swinging the swing.

A moist, warm breath, under the mischief of the wind elf, blows on the face of the person, soft and moist, it is a very comfortable feeling.

At this time, in S1, Romon was posing in a ten shape, with his hands resting on his head, lying flat on the large sofa in the back corner of the study.

With a dazed look on his face, he was thinking about something.

Although the sky is getting dark, it's not time to go to bed, it's still early.

He was the only one in the study, and the reason why he didn't choose to sleep in the bedroom was because it was more deserted there than here, at least there were still books to read here.

Alini lived in the Goddess of Agriculture's Goddess some time ago. She has to be busy with some things in the temple, and she won't be able to go home for a while. In the year of Erbu, the two children formally went to the academy to study druids, and seeing this, Ling Dang actually followed to take care of the two children.

She herself also has the position of a teacher, which is justifiable.

As a result, Romon, who has two wives, became a loner on this clear and moonlit night, which is depressing to think about. Just now, in a trance, he seemed to have slept for a while, and his whole body was warm.

This is a very warm and comfortable feeling. He seems to have slept for a long time, and the world seems to have stopped moving for a long time, leaving a void, and he is floating and floating in this void. After opening his eyes, he realized that he was just in a trance for a while. Let's go for a walk. Lying here alone, I really can't sleep, especially now that it's still early, Romon can't sleep even more.

He got off the bed, put on his shoes, walked out of the study, closed the door, and walked outside along the corridor.

After going downstairs, he walked directly to the garden behind. In front of a small pavilion, Romon stopped. Just sit here for a while. Seeing the stools and stone tables in the pavilion, Romon decided to go up and stay for a while. In the night, the fragrance of flowers was strong. Sitting in the pavilion, Luo Suo felt that his nose was full of fragrance of flowers.

Looking around, in the darkness, the shadows of flowers, plants and trees are clearly visible. They seem to be alive, swaying gently with the night wind, and illuminated by the moonlight, they don't look very scary.

look up to the sky,

In the night sky, the lights of the stars are constantly flickering, and a round of bright moon is shining brightly, illuminating the earth. Unlike the world in the previous life, there are not many stars in the night sky, and there are only about a hundred of them. Some are flickering, some are suspended, some are dull, and some are scorching.

At this moment, a constellation in the middle of the sky suddenly lit up, and a strong brilliance rose up, across the sky, and shot to the north.

In the north, a star was impacted by the brilliance of luck, and shook violently. Its original bright brilliance suddenly fell down, and it seemed to be on the verge of falling. Romon was startled, seeing this vision, couldn't help shivering suddenly.

And at this moment, the entire sky was gloomy, and all the stars hid a lot of brilliance for a while, making it so gloomy that it made people feel depressed. What's going on here? Rosso was startled.

Of course he knew that in this world, most of the stars were symbols of gods, but he didn't know which god this star represented. This is the Throne of Glory, this is the Throne of the God of War...

In this world, the astrology is not complicated, there are only hundreds of stars, and they also form constellations, which are easy to identify.

This is... is this the star of the Elven God? After a while, Romon raised his head with a complicated expression, looked at the star, and frowned suddenly.

What exactly is going on?

Why do the stars that symbolize the elves and gods suddenly appear out of phase?

This star has been shining brightly since its sublimation, but at this moment, it is showing signs of crumbling.

However, the vitality of this star is very tenacious. Although it was in a precarious state for a long time, in the end, it slowly returned to normal and did not really fall down. What happened to the god of the elves? Why did this happen? Although the night sky had regained its calm at this time, Romon's heart was hard to calm down.

In the quiet night, the sound of horseshoes or footsteps can be heard occasionally in the distance. Although the moonlight is bright and clear, compared with the sunlight, it seems much weaker. Romon looked at the still bright star of the elf god in the night sky, and his heart was full of thoughts. Gradually there is an answer in my heart. The light just now was the glory of the Throne of Radiance. Could it be the Lord of Radiance directly attacking the elves? Romon frowned and thought, the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

However, it is incredible to be able to attack across such a distant area... After becoming a god, it seems that it is not so healthy!

Forget it, it's none of my business anyway. If something important happens, I'll hear the news sooner or later. Thinking of this, Romon sat back at the stone table again, and stopped thinking about the Star of the Elven God. In the lower reaches of the Gula Plateau, in the Kingdom of Mengdan-Ben, the magnificent church of the headquarters of the Church of the Lord of Radiance seemed a bit cramped because there were too many people standing there. It turned out to be the Adventurer's Guild - the president has arrived! In the night, a person came out of the temple with a smile on his face.

He is no longer young, but he is in good condition. He has the demeanor of a person who is always in the upper class, especially the temperament of a senior professional, which makes him look quite strict. This person is not someone else , is the Church of the Lord of Radiance, the cardinal archbishop of the Kingdom of Nangdanben.

Compared with the head of the Adventurer's Guild Headquarters, he looks older, but his eyes are very clear, which is a sign of great power. I'm really flattered to be greeted by the Cardinal himself! the president of the Adventurer's Union said with a smile.

Although he is the president of the adventure union in the Kingdom of Mengdanben, and his strength has reached the seventeenth level, compared with the cardinal of the Church of the Lord of Glory in front of him, he may be able to fight with his personal strength, but his overall strength is not enough. It was more than one level behind. The other party came out to greet him so politely, which was regarded as a sign of importance. Therefore, the president had a smile on his face.

However, he also understood that when the other party invited him over this time, it was decided that it would not be as simple as a simple chat gathering. It is estimated that there is something going on that requires the efforts of the Adventurer's Union. To tell you the truth, President, I invited you here this time because I need your help with something. The archbishop said as he walked in. You are too polite, as long as we can help, we will definitely help. The president of the adventurer's union said very wisely, and immediately agreed.

In the temple, there are dozens of people standing at this moment, all of them are representatives from various fields, representatives from temples from almost the entire continent, and representatives from some kingdoms, all gathered here.

The president of the Adventurer's Guild should be the last to arrive. After he arrived, the cardinal of the Church of the Lord of Glory signaled for everyone to quiet down.

Everyone, I invite you here this time because there is one thing that needs everyone to work together. When Archbishop Guanghui said this, his tone was cold: I think everyone has received the news. The elf chaos has just been quelled. Now , the orc clan has begun to attack our human land again.

This chaos is not peaceful, I'm afraid it will cause more serious consequences. I think you should be familiar with the brutality and cruelty of orcs, right? Anyone who falls into the hands of orcs has never been left alive. For the safety of your family , territorial security, and the future of our humanity, we must work together to drive the orcs out of the human land!

Hearing this, everyone who came here understood that Ganqing came here for a meeting in the middle of the night to discuss how to deal with the orcs.

However, for a while, everyone was silent, waiting for the cardinal's next words from the Church of the Lord of Radiance.

The cardinal sighed secretly. Since the defeat against the elves, the Church of the Lord of Radiance has not only lost its strength, but its prestige has also declined a lot.

Now, not only for the future of mankind, but even for the revival of the church, we must fight a good battle!

The Church of Radiance has sent out several teams a few days ago, all of whom are elites in the church. They were sent out to fight the orcs. I think news of victory will come back soon, but only by one battle , is not able to completely solve the problem of the orcs, I invite you to come here, just hope that in the days to come, you can unite with this church and fight the orcs together for the future of mankind. The Church of the Lord of Radiance The Cardinal told everyone present that his side had sent troops to join the battle.

Hearing that the Church of the Lord of Glory had sent people to join the battle, the people present had a little reaction and responded one after another. Among them, the envoy of Mengdanben Kingdom was particularly enthusiastic.

But for people in other kingdoms and churches, the situation is very clear. Since the last massacre in Tayumo City, the orcs not only did not attack, but also retreated a little. The meaning of this is obvious, the orc Umbrella does not intend to attack aggressively. That being the case, people in other kingdoms, people in other churches have thoughts, and they basically think about the same thing. The Church of the Lord of Glory, make a call, and they will send troops.

But if this time, the Church of the Lord of Glory is still defeated, then I'm sorry, they will retreat, and they will go back quickly to do their own defense work. Other things, absolutely

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