Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 883: War and Peace (Part 1)

Excuse me, how long will it take to get to the reception hall? Because the distance traveled before was really long. While keeping in mind the path he had traveled, the elf at the head finally couldn't help it, and asked.

Oh, it's just ahead. His Majesty the King and several assistant ministers are waiting there. The attendant who led the way replied politely.

Hearing such an answer, several elves gave each other a wink. From these few words, they had already heard that the meeting with the king of Tongkedan Kingdom this time would not be too easy.

However, as long as it is handled properly, it is possible to get things done.

At least, the fact that the other side is willing to see them so soon, and to meet them with several auxiliary ministers, is because they value this matter so much. As long as they can persuade these people, the matter can be done.

Well, I see. Nodding, the elf messenger in the lead said nothing more.

The other five elf envoys were obviously the only ones following his lead. Seeing that he didn't say anything, they also chose to remain silent.

A few minutes later, they came to a large hall. In the reception hall on the right, the king and auxiliary ministers of the Tongkedan Kingdom were waiting there, ready to receive them.

Today's Tongkedan Kingdom is not as powerful as before. If it is said that when the previous generations of kings were in power, the Tongkedan Kingdom was still a medium-sized kingdom on the mainland, then the Tongkedan Kingdom at this time has been reduced to a precarious state. little kingdom.

Although the current reigning king is not fatuous, his aptitude is mediocre. He is a very good defending monarch, but not a very good hero.

In terms of dealing with the elves, the king actually prefers peace talks, and several ministers have already held the same opinion. Now the kingdom really cannot be fought.

If you hit again, you will collapse.

As soon as these elf messengers came in, the king winked at his ministers, and the ministers nodded.

You are His Majesty the King of the Tongkedan Kingdom, right? We are the envoys of God Anion, and we are here this time with God Anion's wish for peace, to have a conversation with you. As soon as he entered the hall. The attitude of the elves appeared to be very polite, and the elf messenger at the head greeted the king in a personable manner.

The king of Tongkedan Kingdom nodded: You have come from afar, sit down and talk slowly.

As he spoke, he asked the attendants on the side to add seats, and after several elf messengers thanked His Majesty the King, they sat down.

The messengers,

I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Tongkedan. Listen to what you said just now. Did you come here this time to achieve a peaceful goal? After several elves sat down, a minister asked.

As a foreign minister, he naturally has the right to intervene in this matter.

The elf messenger at the head nodded to the foreign minister with a smile, and then explained: Yes, our clansmen actually have no intention of invading the mainland. The recognition of the country, after all. Any race has the right to a piece of living space, and the purpose of the elves is just that!

But who can guarantee that your current proposal is not a delaying tactic? The military minister beside him interrupted.

In order to show our sincerity, we can swear in the name of God! The elf messenger said decisively.

As long as your country is willing to recognize the independence of our kingdom, our country can swear an alliance with your country in the name of God. As long as your country does not take the initiative to become an enemy of our country, our country is willing to form a century-old peace covenant with your country!

The attitude shown by this elf messenger is still very good. He didn't pose as a winner, let alone weak to be bullied. What he showed was an elegant, indifferent, and sincere attitude.

In the name of God? The human king and ministers all looked at each other.

Sure enough, the elves were quite sincere. They all knew about the elves conferring gods, and they made a covenant in the name of the true god, which was an unbreakable covenant.

Immediately, the atmosphere on both sides eased up.

Afterwards, the two sides discussed some specific matters. Although they failed to reach an agreement immediately, the royal family did not immediately make a negative decision. This was a breakthrough.

at the same time. The nine groups of envoys sent by the elves not only contacted the royal families of various countries, but also contacted the major churches. What they wanted to express was nothing more than their willingness to coexist peacefully with humans, or even form an alliance.

Most of the envoys have already achieved some initial success, but there are also incidents where they were killed by human anger when they were in contact with human forces.

The envoy who was killed was unlucky enough to meet members of the royal family and met members of the Church of the Lord of Glory.

The hatred between the Church of the Lord of Glory and the elves is basically unsolvable. After a bloody battle, all the elves in a group were killed on the spot.

After receiving this news, the elves on Hope Island were all angry.

However, before they could react, another piece of news came suddenly.

One hundred and thirty-one kilometers downstream of the Gula Plateau, Tayumo City is fifty miles away from the city.

There is a dense forest here. The area of ​​the dense forest is not too large, but it can accommodate thousands of people. But there is no problem.

Just at this moment, a group of extremely tall people were hiding in it.

Their heights were about half the height of a normal human being, and they looked extremely burly, with animal patterns on their faces. They were orcs.

Although wearing clothes, the clothes are all animal skins.

Almost everyone is carrying axes and spears, as well as huge weapons such as giant hammers, and the blades of the axes are shining coldly in the woods. These orcs are resting separately.

A few orcs headed around are discussing things.

Arshan, we have gone around three cities and made several big circles before we came here, to carry out what you said by surprise, tell me, when will we attack the city? Do we have to wait until dark?

The one who spoke was an orc. His complexion was darker than the others, and he had a ferocious face. When he spoke, his white teeth appeared and disappeared from time to time.

Bobo, don't worry, look at this, this city is absolutely unprepared, and your tribe will definitely be able to kill a big one this time! The orc named Ashan said with a laugh, and you can see that there is a lot of blood on his body. It also has a lot of animal hair, which looks very rough.

Ashhan, let's make an agreement in advance that the jewels in the city will be shared equally among the several tribes, as well as food and other supplies, which must be distributed fairly! Bobo said.

Don't worry, when the time comes, each of our tribes will choose an area, and no one will hinder anyone! Ashan said with a smile: You think that only your tribe needs military exploits, and sacrifice human blood to God, we orc warriors, which one doesn't think so?

He looked at the other tribal leaders who were busy wiping their weapons. The orc leaders all raised their heads and showed serious smiles.

That's right, we orcs. We all hope to sacrifice our god with human blood!

Bobo, when the time comes, your tribe can't steal the spoils belonging to our tribe!

Just do as Ashan said. When the time comes, each tribe will fix a region, and no one will hinder anyone! After hearing Ashan's question, several orc leaders expressed their opinions one after another.

Okay! Let's do it like this! That Bobo was also straightforward, and he agreed immediately after hearing what his companion said.

At this time, it was already dark, and seeing the light gradually dimming, Ashan turned around and said to the orc leaders in front of him, Warriors, it's time for us to set off!

Kill those humans!

Kill those humans! Use our weapons to sacrifice to the gods!

Kill them all! Take them all! Burn the human city! Hearing that they were about to set off, the blood of the orcs boiled, and some even cried out.

Ashan made a silent movement, and the voice gradually disappeared.

When attacking the city, according to our prior arrangements, sneak attack first, and then force the attack after being discovered. At the same time as the strong attack, send people to charge from weak spots in other directions, trying to open a gap and rush in. Ashan said: When we get to the city, divide it into five districts, east, west, north, south, and the inner city!

The other orcs listened and expressed their understanding.

Okay, let's go! Ashan waved his hand, and the team walked out of the forest.

The orcs are all tall and burly, with excellent physical fitness. Their running speed and durability are very strong. Coupled with the lack of war horses, when marching and fighting, the orcs basically walk on foot.

The advantage of doing this is also very obvious. If you are riding a war horse to march and fight, the sound of horse hooves and the neighing of the war horse may expose your target in advance. Although the war horse is well-trained, it is not like humans. With such a good self-control ability, it is easy to have accidents and cause some troubles in the battle.

These orcs marched on foot without these troubles. They ran extremely fast, and their steps were light. In the dark night, it was difficult for people to spot them from a distance.

By the time they are discovered, it may be too late.

This also created favorable conditions for their sneak attack.

At this time, Tayumo City has gradually calmed down. People who have been busy all day have returned home. After dinner, most people have already rested.

At this time, the Tayumo City inspection team was even more lazily patrolling.

It has been several years since the disaster, and they are not the first-line area on the plateau. For the defense of the city, these patrol members are just routine. Basically, they have lost their keen vigilance. Although some soldiers faced There are people outside the city, but there are people talking and chatting quietly, some people are dozing off, and some even deserted to do other things. From the city to the city, there is a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, and there is no one at all. Thinking, a disaster is coming to them.

Okay, I have seen Tayumo City, according to the prior arrangement, get close to it! Ashan said.

Thus, these orcs slowly approached Tayumo City through the night.

Although their movement was very small, when they approached a place not far from the city, they were still spotted by the people above.

Not good! There is a situation! The soldier who found these orcs shouted loudly.

Warriors, charge! Seeing that his whereabouts had been exposed, Ashan waved his hand and shouted loudly.

Outside the city, which was originally extremely quiet, there was a sound of killing immediately, and those orcs lurking behind, carrying high ladders and slamming doors, rushed forward quickly.

The door trembled under the impact of the banger.

The orcs below were also continuously injured under the shooting of long arrows.

However, because the orcs have thick skin, and their leather clothes are often tanned, as hard as leather armor, not many people are killed directly!

In contrast, the defenders of Tayumo City, firstly, did not prepare in advance, defensive weapons, and secondly, their combat effectiveness and combat experience were far behind these orcs.

Even though these defenders occupy a condescending advantage, they still failed to stop the orcs from invading.

The siege lasted for ten minutes, and the heavy gate was knocked open by the orcs.

The gate, together with the human soldiers blocking the gate, were trampled down by the orcs, and thousands of orcs rushed into the city one by one.

In the sky at this moment, a bright moon was shining with a gloomy light.

With the invasion of the orcs, Tayumo City immediately became a hell on earth.

According to the previous arrangement, these orcs took their respective tribes as units, and each tribe controlled an area, and then, in this area, they ravaged and killed.

No matter they were men, women, old or young, their bodies were scattered all over the field under their massacre.

The orc race has always been known for its ferocity and cruelty.

Blood was flowing everywhere on the land of Tayumo City.

The smell of blood is constantly permeating in the air of Tayumo City.

The entire city of human beings, except for those very few who accidentally escaped death, other human beings, as long as they were seen by the orcs and noticed their whereabouts, could not escape the fate of being shot.

What? Tayumo City was invaded by orcs?!

All the people in Tayumo City are dead? Only a few survivors escaped?!

How dare the orcs do such a thing? Are they crazy?

Could it be that the victory of the elves made the orcs want to move?

The sensation of this news is definitely not less than the impact brought by the elves.

When the few humans who survived the Tayumo city massacre took the news and fled to other regions, everyone who got the news was immediately shocked.

This is the second human city to be slaughtered after Shacheng!

Almost all of them thought of one thing at this moment, that is, the turmoil that has occurred on this continent over the years is a bit too much, right?

Either a catastrophe broke out, or elves and humans fought. Now, there is another orc chaos. Can this continent still have a stable time?

Naturally, such a big event cannot be covered up, and no one would want to cover it up. Soon, the news that the orcs invaded Tayumo City and drove all the humans inside to extinction quickly spread throughout the continent.

For a time, the wind was surging. (!)

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