Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 877 Raising Troops (Part 1)

Apu New Town. Dream http://shrine of the Lord of Radiance.

What, this Romon, dare to beat you in public? The archbishop stood up abruptly, staring at the pastor in front of him. The five fingerprints of this pastor had swollen a lot and were clearly visible.

Yes, Archbishop, this is simply blasphemy against the Lord! Bishop Suzim said emphatically, Strict action must be taken against him, otherwise, the glory of our Lord will be lost!

The archbishop took a deep breath, curled his fingers slightly, tapped the table lightly, and narrowed his eyes. The sun after noon was scorching hot, drawing a thick black shadow in the room. A strong breath of anger filled his umbrella. Say what Romon said again, and don't change a single word! the archbishop said lightly. Obey!

5,000 years ago, the gods signed a sacred covenant.

The Seventeenth Table of the Sacred Covenant-Rules: Even if they are hostile gods, their messengers represent the glory and majesty of the gods, and they cannot be humiliated or killed. protocol.

According to the Continental Convention, even if it is a hostile kingdom, its envoy represents the glory and majesty of the country where it is located. It cannot be humiliated or killed. This law is endorsed by the gods and enforced by the great God of Order. Now the elves are fully in line The identity of the messenger, are you not awake, or are you out of your mind, and you actually made such a stupid request to me?

Let me tell you one more thing. I am the patron of Isidis. As long as the goddess does not withdraw my mind, if you dare to call me a sinner, you have already blasphemed the goddess... According to the divine law, if you say one more word, I will immediately Kill you on the spot. Article 11 of the Sacred Covenant stipulates: Any god has the right to establish a kingdom, and the day the kingdom is established, it will automatically be recognized by all gods and kingdoms. Sacred Covenant Twenty-ninth Article, since the signing of the sacred covenant, the gods have previously spoken, and anyone who violates this will automatically become invalid! Now, do you understand your brain?

The pastor slapped his hands and spoke one by one, without any change.

Hearing this, Bishop Suxim couldn't help but change his face. Even he didn't know these words. He frowned and asked, Is this true? Archbishop, maybe we need to ask the higher authorities to prove it.

Certification? the Archbishop chuckled.

The laughter was sharp, calm, and full of murderous intent. dream http://

Archbishop, do you know the truth? Bishop Su Sim asked in surprise.

Authenticity? Are you still thinking about authenticity? The archbishop laughed again,

Seeing that the people present didn't understand, he sneered and said, There's no need to check.

I really don't know the information, maybe only the cardinal knows it.

However, I don't need to ask for proof, and I don't need to know the authenticity. I only know that someone openly slapped the servant of our glorious Lord... any trace of glory cannot be desecrated. How can we tell the truth?

Bishop Suzim, don't you want to punish this heretic? I order you now, all the temple armed forces in the entire diocese, all mobilize, all priests above level five, all mobilize, one by one! If it is indeed a sacred covenant? Bishop Su Sim asked hesitantly.

... Huh, no wonder you stay here and have not been promoted. There is something wrong with your piety! The archbishop said angrily, The master humiliated his ministers to death (there are similar words in this world), this sentence sounds like a Have you said that? Raise your troops immediately and fight Romon with all your strength. Even if all my testicles die in battle, it is still my duty as a glorious servant! If we win, and indeed violate the sacred covenant, I would rather accept it. God entrusts or the church's judgment to die, and there is no complaint or regret! The majesty and iron rules of the Lord of Radiance for thousands of years must not be shaken or desecrated. The Lord can be silent. As the servants of the Lord, we have no regret Yes, I understand! After being shouted at, Bishop Su Sim's eyes were fixed first, and then he showed a look of surprise, and he immediately lowered his horn and responded. By the way, how many people are there in our Holy Sword Knights, and how many are priests above level five?

There are 19 priests above the fifth level. After the disaster, the Knights of the Holy Sword have expanded from 20 at the beginning to 300 now, but the quality has not been fully completed. Archbishop, do you want to ask for help from other dioceses? ?”

You're confused again, we can't ask for help from above, we can't even ask for proof, my lord didn't violate the covenant, all this is my order, I don't know the content of the covenant, so I sent troops Understood? Understood, I I am willing to swear to follow you to the death! Bishop Su Sim was full of admiration.

The archbishop is usually amiable and tactful. At the beginning, Bishop Suxim, who was the trial court, secretly despised him. Only now did he realize that when it comes to critical moments and principled positions, the archbishop is more decisive than himself.

Well, the order to call up the troops is issued today, and the troops will be dispatched at noon tomorrow without any cover! the Archbishop said solemnly, the Lord of Glory's 100,000-year hegemony was not due to benevolence alone, but iron and blood. Yes! Bishop Su Sim agreed. And you, Xiu Fei, you are a fourth-level priest, will you go? The archbishop looked at the beaten priest with a half-smile, staring at his slap print, and asked.

...I was humiliated at that time, so I should die to thank my lord, so that the shame I brought can be washed away. Now, please allow me to join the army and die for the Lord. The pastor immediately responded, not daring to neglect in the slightest. But my heart is full of despair, I understand. At that time, if he continued to swear and was killed by Romon, the matter would not be very troublesome

Kill yourself to be benevolent,! . Lu protected the glory of the Lord of Radiance. Even though he died, his blood would not be shed in vain. According to the church, his deeds will add an even more dazzling brilliance to the glory and truth of the Lord of Radiance!

Even to the outside world, he may say something else and give him a cold treatment, but inside, he is a holy martyr.

Secondly, if I concealed this slap, I might be stagnant and unable to improve because of this, but the higher-ups would pretend not to know.

But now that he is being smart, he doesn't remove the slap, and reports to the church with a swollen face, which forces the church to take action.

The glory of the Lord cannot be desecrated. Maybe you meet a weaker archbishop and endure it, and the result is that the archbishop is likely to retire or death in serious cases!

Now, the archbishop actually knows in his heart whether Romon's words are true, or he should take decisive action, which puts everyone in a very dangerous situation.

If Romon could be made to kneel down in public and beg for peace, this would be the best result, and the archbishop would be praised by the church for his decisiveness.

If they die together, or step on the Pinter Tashaw Territory, then the archbishop can reduce some of the responsibilities on the grounds of not knowing the content of the agreement, but the best result is to deprive all priests of rank and retire.

If things get serious, even if the archbishop wins, he will be executed—even though he will go to the Kingdom of God after death, the grace he received will actually increase.

All of the above are related to the archbishop, so how can I choose my little pastor at this time?

If you don't go, you will be executed immediately for the crime of blasphemy, and your soul will even be burned by divine fire!

Xiu Fei was only at level four, but he immediately figured it out, and he immediately responded and set off together.

After hearing this, the archbishop's face became slightly better, and he said, Okay, go down and get ready!

Yes! The two retreated respectfully and left the temple.

Seeing the two retreat, the archbishop sat down on the chair and sighed. In fact, this matter is not that simple.

The timing of this matter is too sensitive. The coalition army led by the Lord of Radiance suffered a disastrous defeat, and the elves achieved their first great victory. At this time, they should counterattack immediately. The elves proposed a peace agreement, which undoubtedly violated the will of the Lord of Radiance.

However, the signing of the sacred covenant is based on the oath of divine fire and divine personality. If the Lord of Radiance dares to violate it, even if he does not fall, he will have to pay a very heavy price. According to the sacred covenant, the Lord of Radiance cannot stop it. The two dilemmas broke out in this trivial matter, which forced him to do so. The archbishop slammed the document down heavily and let out a roar.

When he got outside, Bishop Su Sim didn't even look at the pastor, sneered, turned around and left, leaving only the pastor named Xiu Fei standing there alone, sweating profusely.

A moment later, Bishop Su Sim mobilized a Holy Sword Knights around the temple first. Thirty cavalry, led by three knights, slowly gathered around the temple. Their condensed eyes, Their straight postures and resolute expressions all show that they are the sharp swords of the Lord. My lord, my lord, you are above all above all things in the world, whoever can challenge you should protect, spread and honor with the sword of the past, present and future We will stand together forever Through the spear of the victim, hold high the banner of heroic glory, let us fight for this goal together

The hymn of the Holy Sword Knights floated in the sky again. Hearing these words, Pastor Xiu Fei couldn't help but turn pale. His low rank does not mean that he is not smart, otherwise how would he be appreciated by the archbishop. But because of his cleverness, now he is more aware of the current desperate situation.

Judging from Romon's tone and the archbishop's gaffe, this so-called sacred covenant may be true, that is to say, even if Tetashaw is really leveled, those who send troops will be punished for it! Things can be big or small, and the best thing is to strip one's job.

But according to Romon's status as the patron of the goddess, I am afraid that the demotion alone may not be able to solve the problem. Maybe all the people who participated in the battle will be executed! But it failed, and it was even worse! Thinking of this, Pastor Xiu Fei's body trembled.

The only hope now is that Luo Meng knows the news and takes the initiative to apologize, so that everyone can step down, otherwise, no matter the victory or defeat, it will be a catastrophe.

Of course, according to the mobilization, the archbishop can send troops overnight and wait till noon tomorrow. He also hopes that Romon will get the news and come to apologize.

But can this be done?

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