Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 870 Promise (Part 2)

Kingdom of Faith, a certain area

Yinan County is a very poor and remote place. Although it has a large area, its population is very small. There are only 103,000 people in the entire county. ~~dream~~

What is there in Yinan County is only a stretch of dense forest. This forest is in line with the mountains and stretches for several miles.

At this time, a narrow forest road, looking down from a high altitude, can see a team of horses galloping in embarrassment.

Master Yasoke, we have already driven for a day, and we haven't even drank the saliva. If we continue like this, we will go to see God before we reach the place. Besides, even if we can bear it, the horses will also bear it. No. A man's voice with a slightly hoarse charm resounded amidst the rush of horseshoes.

This group of people who were galloping horses heard someone in the team propose to take a break, and with someone's sound, the sound of horseshoes gradually slowed down.

Another man's voice sounded immediately: Okay, then let's rest for a while, but this place is not available now, if we want to rest, we must choose a place with a high slope, and there must be some places for us to cover up. A tree with a body shape, so that we can observe the surrounding situation during the rest. Master Yasoke, you are really thoughtful.

Your Excellency is absolutely right.

A sound of praise was very clear amidst the chaotic sound of horseshoes, and it spread quite far.

Look, in front of us, there is a high slope, that's it! There is a small forest on that slope, let's rest there for a while. However, we can't rest for too long, the other side of the territory , we still need to come to rescue the soldiers to break the siege, just rest for a while. Lord Yasoke just now spoke again.

As the large expanse of dust continued to spread, a group of vague figures rushed out from the center of the dust.

As they got closer to the high slope, their figures gradually became clearer.

After the group of people rode their horses and quickly passed through the encirclement of dust, the dusty figures of these knights finally appeared on the avenue.

These are a few knights in armor, with the unique symbol of a certain local earldom on the position of their armor heart guards.

The location of this earldom is in the direction they came from, about a hundred kilometers away from here. At this moment, the territory they were in before has been surrounded by the royal army.

By one force alone,

It was very difficult to successfully break out of the siege. The knights, who had been fighting guerrillas outside and not surrounded by the territory, decided to bring the promise that the Earl had said before to a secret friend of the Earl, and asked him to help out. dream

Because of the urgency of the mission, these few people were speeding all the way on the avenue, not to mention the wind and frost on their faces and the dust all over their bodies, and their bodies were really exhausted to the limit. Even the war horses they were riding showed signs of going limp.

In addition, all of them are strong and strong men, and they are wearing extremely heavy armor. It is already difficult for those war horses to bear such a weight after running for a whole day without any rest. .

Although these knights have very urgent matters, they must take a rest at this time, otherwise, when the man and the horse are exhausted to the limit, there may be some accidents, which will become very troublesome matter.

Hurry up, everyone, get to Gaopo, and rest well. The leader of the knights named Yasoke saw that his companions were exhausted, and he couldn't hold on anymore, so he specially encouraged his companions. With all his strength, he said: We are all heroic knights. When we reach the 7th day, in addition to taking a good rest, we must also revive our military power and fight back! Rescue the lord! In order to rescue the lord, we Don't be discouraged! As soon as his words came out, it really played a certain role, and the condition of the knights improved a little.

At the same time, just as the Yasok knight encouraged his companions to whip their horses, the dozens of people lying on their stomachs in a large grass at their resting destination became a little impatient. Fortunately, the person they were waiting for finally arrived. Look, those guys are coming over.

They are getting closer and closer, remember to leave a life alive when you shoot the arrow later, you know? In this way, the person who rushes first is not allowed to hit the vital point, and all the others will be killed! When the knights were getting closer, a slight voice came from the grass.

But, the person who reported to us... What's the use of keeping such a traitor? If he can betray them, he will betray us. Don't worry about him. Except for the first person, everyone will be killed! Yes . As ordered. A dozen equally slight responses were repeated in the grass.

The people lying on the grass and hiding their bodies are also knights, the only difference is that these men are wearing extremely light armor, and each of them is holding a delicate curved 50

On their backs hung a large number of long arrows obliquely, and on their waists, each of them hung a long sword. They are both knights and archers, combined, they are riding and shooting.

This kind of person is rare in ordinary aristocratic territories, but in the royal army of the Kingdom of Faith, there is such a team that specializes in cultivating this kind of talent. This kind of knight is known as the elite of the knights, whether on horseback or off the horse they all have superb fighting power. They are almost here, ready to... Among the ambush people, someone's voice suddenly Mention: ... Let it go!

Following his sound, the knight archers around him shot and shot arrows extremely quickly, and long arrows flew out of the grass... Be careful! There is an ambush! The first The Lord Yasoke who rushed over blocked two arrows and shouted loudly.

Hearing the sound of 噗 and 噗, the exhausted knights, who didn't even have time to defend, screamed and fell to the ground.

Yasoke rushed out for a certain distance, looked back, and found that, except for himself, several other fellow knights had been shot off their horses by random arrows, and fell to the ground as dead bodies. Damn it! Knight Yasoke couldn't help cursing, turned his horse's head around sharply, and planned to ride away!

Unexpectedly, at the moment when he rode his horse and was about to leave, an arrow suddenly shot from a distance. With the sound of the wind, the arrow hit his shoulder at once, because the arrow penetrated deep into the bone. , the Yasoke knight swayed, and the moment the horse jumped forward, he fell off the horse. Haha, I caught a living! When a group of people came up and saw their costumes clearly, Knight Yasoke had a little bit of luck in his heart, and all of them disappeared immediately!

Go away! He struggled to stand up from the ground, but someone sneered and kicked him hard behind him, so he fell to the ground again. Are you a knight from Estherland? Why, the territory is besieged, do you want to go out to rescue soldiers? Or, want to find your young master?

Just when Knight Yasoke was full of resentment, the knights in front of him scattered to both sides, and a middle-aged man walked in from the crowd, with a slight sarcasm on his face, Look at him in distress.

When did members of your royal family learn to stab people in the back? Anyway, knowing that he would not survive, the Yasoke knight simply sneered, and spit on the ground with the same ironic expression. He replied in a tone: Except for stabbing people in the back and daring to be sympathetic, the knights in your royal army can't do anything else, can they?

Death is imminent, pay back! A few knights of the royal army stepped forward and kicked him viciously, cursing.

The middle-aged man hurriedly stopped their atrocities, and said: Slow down, first search the bodies of those people to see if there is any letterhead or anything like that, and tie him up first. If there is no letterhead, it may be The message sent, the people above said, it is necessary to find out, which territory they want to report to! Earl Este's son and daughter are now missing, and they may be able to track down the territory they reported to. Find out the whereabouts of these two remnants! Yes, my lord! Several knights ran to search for the corpses, while others hurriedly tied up the Yasoke knights.

During the process of tying him up, Knight Yasok tried to commit suicide several times, but because he was restrained by others, these actions were unsuccessful.

Report, sir, no letter paper was found!

The knights who searched for the letter returned and said they found nothing.

The eyes of the middle-aged man fell on Knight Yasoke again, and the cold smile on his face made people like Knight Yasoke feel chills in his body: You don't want to start from here? What did I get in my mouth! I don't know anything! Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you!

Your clothes are the best among these people. We also heard your conversation just now. You are their captain, aren't you? You don't know, who would know? The middle-aged man sneered, looking at the detained A few members of the Yasoke knights said, Keep an eye on him, and we'll talk about it when we go back.

Yes! My lord!

The group of knights obediently pushed the Yasoke knight and walked forward.

Others, the division of labor is very detailed, and some followed the middle-aged man and left here as well.

And some people stay here until the traces of the battlefield are cleaned up...

Few. The border area of ​​the Earl of Meander. Quick! Let the carriage go faster! They are about to catch up!

A woman, with two children, and under the protection of more than a dozen attendants, was riding a carriage and was on the run. What's the matter? Have they caught up? A woman raised the curtain of the car and asked the attendants who were riding horses outside. Ma'am, they are right behind, and they haven't completely shaken off yet! The attendant replied.

While they were talking, the driver who was driving the car stopped suddenly, and the woman who was talking couldn't sit still, and bumped her head against the window, her head buzzing.

However, no one cared about her life, because these fleeing people found that there was a large number of cavalry in front of them, all of them sneered and looked at them. The royal army has wiped out the Esteja rebels! Listen, those who surrender will not be killed. Those who can take the initiative to kill the remnants of the rebellion are innocent! The knights on the opposite side suddenly opened their mouths and shouted this sentence.

Those attendants who were originally protecting the carriage, look at me, I look at you, I don't know how long it has been, and I don't know who started it first, the fratricide-like killing of each other, began... Suddenly, the miserable cow Ping - again and again.

The palace knight looked down from the horse with a sneer.

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