Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 863: Shadow Falls (Part 1)

Santo's Mansion

The coalition army. Has the entire army really perished? Is the source of this news reliable? Alini, who received the news, showed a rare shocked expression, and asked.

Nick, who rushed over to report the news, nodded and said, Ma'am, the source of the news is absolutely reliable. This news was sent by members of our own trade union before, and it was confirmed by many parties before it was reported. I think, It shouldn't be a problem.

Although some of the druids who left school and started traveling are not in the guild, they will pass the news of the guild.

The coalition coastal kingdoms also have their people.

Since they found out that the headquarters of the coalition forces had withdrawn to the coastal kingdom, and now they are temporarily staying in Yibi City. After receiving the news, our druids began to seek confirmation from various sources, and also encountered a small fleet transporting supplies. , They also brought the same news, and after verification, they reported the news to the trade union.

Although the headquarters has not publicly admitted it, I think this news should not be false. Seeing that Alini still had a hard-to-believe expression, Nick sighed softly: Actually, it's not just Madam, you I find it hard to believe this fact, even I think this thing is too absurd.

But facts are facts. The human coalition forces have really perished. I think there should be follow-up news coming soon!

It's really shocking. After exhaling lightly, Alini murmured.

It was really hard for her to convince herself of such a fact. You must know that according to her previous estimation, even if the war came to the end and the elves resisted desperately, they would only keep one team to continue the voyage.

Even if the elves win, the elves will suffer a lot.

Moreover, before the news of the demise of the coalition army, people have been hearing news of victory.

Either there will be a small victory today, or there will be a big victory tomorrow. After hearing too much news about the victory, people will naturally think that the human side will definitely win a final victory.

At this time, someone said to them: The human coalition army has perished!

This news is really hard to believe!

All perished...meaning that the Fifth Fleet led by our Church, and the Third and Fourth Fleets led by His Royal Highness Xiu Senya also all perished? Alini soon thought of this question.

She tried her best to calm down and continued to ask.

...In theory, yes! Nick's voice became smaller and smaller seeing the pain on Alini's face.

Fifth Fleet... Sigh! When she thought of the church leader, this fleet, which her husband had worked so hard for, and which had many people from Tetashaw, had perished, Alini's mood suddenly became painful. stand up.

Also, colleagues from countless churches may never be seen again.

Well, now that things have happened, we have to face the reality. Regarding the life and death of His Royal Highness Xiu Senya, we need to confirm as soon as possible. This matter should be investigated through the trade union. Remember, don't startle the snake. I hope to get it as soon as possible. An accurate message.

If we say that the demise of the Fifth Fleet made Alini feel heartache.

The unknown life and death of His Royal Highness Xiu Senya made her feel a kind of political tension.

No matter how you look at it, the Tertashaw leader belongs to the faction of His Royal Highness Xiu Senya. Although there are some internal gaps, outsiders really see it that way.

If His Royal Highness Xiu Senya really died in this war, then he would have to think carefully about his attitude towards the royal family.

Madam Hui, don't worry. I've already asked people to pay close attention to this matter. As soon as there is any news, I will report it to Madam immediately. Nick said quickly, and he was very happy to see that Alini calmed down quickly.

If the coalition fails and the navy is completely wiped out, the coastal areas will be exposed to the elves, and our trade will also collapse. You have to prepare for this. Alini turned around and said. .

By now, she had completely calmed down. She returned to the desk and began to write. Soon, she wrote a letter with the news she received.

Send this letter to the princess mansion.

I understand. I will personally deliver it to the princess' mansion. Nick nodded to express his understanding. Although the princess knew the news, she might not be slower than them, but this was a political attitude.

Also, pass on my order. All officials above the supervisory level in the territory will gather in the conference hall of the government affairs building in one hour. I will hold a conference.

Yes, ma'am! Nick replied, and he turned and went out.

After a while, the order was issued.

What happened?

I don't know, do you know? Did something happen in the territory?

I'm not too sure, just ask Mr. Nick later!

Well, that's the only way to go.

Look, Lord Nick and Lord Farfell have also arrived. It seems that something really happened.

After a group of officials walked into the hall, there was a lot of discussion.

At this time, Nick and Farfell walked in side by side from the outside.

Nick, do you know what happened? After sitting down, Farfer turned his head and asked Nick beside him.

I know. But, it's almost time now. Look, Mrs. Alini is here, we just need to listen to what she has to say! Nick was very busy, and he was still racing against time to approve the document. When he heard it, he pouted and said. .

Sure enough, Alini walked in from the outside with a serious expression.

The table used for meetings is a long conference table. The people sitting on one side are all personnel from the internal affairs system, and those sitting on the other side are all personnel from the military system. Nick and Farfer are located very close to each other, in the position of left and right hands.

Originally, the first place was Romon's position, but now that Romon is not here, Alini naturally took the first place.

Now, I want to announce something. This matter is very serious. Please express your opinions after listening to it. Alini said after she sat down in that position.

Everyone immediately pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what Alini had to say.

Just a few days ago, a major event happened at sea. I think you may not have imagined this major event. That is, the human coalition forces have all perished...

What? Everyone present turned pale.

Ma'am, is your information correct? Lu Lun was a veteran and a lord, and he stood up and asked at this moment.

I have obtained information from many sources, and this matter is basically correct.

Ah! Everyone's expressions changed even more, and some even trembled.

This news is really shocking.

Everyone, you don't need to consider the truth of the matter now. The key is how we should deal with this situation...Mr. Lu Lun, please tell me first.

Yes, I think, first of all, the direct impact is the collapse of coastal trade, at least the military orders from us. It is completely gone. I think we should report this news quickly and stop the production of relevant parties. Lu Lun is true The direct answer of thinking: Also, we have to deal with a series of changes after the collapse of ocean trade, and deal with the economic cold current!

Mr. Lu Lun is right. The internal affairs system must also strengthen its response, and take some necessary measures for the workers who crowded into the city.

I think martial law is the first thing! Farfell said simply.

The meeting suddenly became busy, and the meeting time held by Alini and the officials lasted for a long time.

From morning to noon, everyone chose to dine in the conference hall and still did not leave. After the meal, someone served refreshments, and everyone continued to discuss the issue just now.

At this time, a mage walked in from the outside and handed an unopened magic letter to Alini.

Generally, it is extremely important news that is transmitted by magic letter.

After unfolding the letter and reading it only once, Alini's face instantly became ugly.

I just got the news that an island country not far from our territory, the Kingdom of Delanya, has seen a coalition of pirates and elves. Their next target will definitely be the Kingdom of Delanya. If the Kingdom of Delanya is breached , it will directly threaten our nearby territories, and we must respond urgently!

Boom! The entire conference hall was about to explode.

The Kingdom of Delanya is only a few hundred nautical miles away from us. Once it falls, it will pose a considerable threat to us. We must form a navy immediately!

The Fifth Fleet has already been dispatched. How can there be a navy now?

There are three more in the shipyard... Your lord is really wise! This news is not a secret, many people know it and immediately remembered it.

That's right, I ordered the three warships to leave the factory immediately, Commander Shakat, you must take responsibility immediately. Alini ordered urgently.

Madam, don't worry, I can form a navy within three days, but three warships are not enough!

I ordered the shipyard to step up construction immediately, and the navy should not go too far away, and it must intersect with the mage's tower. Alini ordered unequivocally.

Obey! Commander Shakat responded immediately.

Fafel, Sukar, Haiwawei, Shabid, Warwick, Owenna, as the knight representatives of the territory, you immediately summon the knights, the city defense army, and even the militia and put them on alert.

Obey! All the knights responded awe-inspiringly, now is the time when the territory is in crisis.

Also, the church and the kingdom must be notified. Although not necessary, this is also a necessary political attitude.

...What about the Druids? Someone asked.

The meeting was silent. Without Romon, it would be impossible to mobilize the druids.

After a while, Alini forced a smile and said, I will negotiate with them, and there should be some results.

Having said that, she couldn't help but sighed, and thoughts appeared in her heart.

Romon, where the hell are you? (!)

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